HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-10, Page 1a?3SS 60 & * 7 *’/j REGISTRATION OF REVOLVERS SNOW RAPIDLY DISAPPEARS !*♦>( 7 SI 'A♦ . * .....a. , ■ 4 ■ 'v •‘1 KINLOSS COUPLE CELEBRATE 30TH-WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Friends Make Presentations To Mr. And .Mrs. T.y Udall .Ro.binsom’Ori^ThiSi Gala Occasion ; ’ of thejr c£drs. A thorough ex- '' t^anSitoatiori of the. eyes should PRECEDE-the issuing of.a driv— I er’s license. -■ ----- ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight. Service *3 REVEALS NUMBER IN DISTRICT . |L... .. ... • • - ■ ■ ■ 7 About a two-thiyd Vote .was1 polled; a fairly representative one, consider- $2.00 I/ER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2,50 OTHERWISE ‘ ’ V • • -Gi «» —I---------- RaeCUTTERS FOR- -SALE—.Apply 01 Wm, McKrinzie, R. R. 5, Liicknow. FOR SALE—1 ^Shorthoi'n" .Roan bull calf, IO’ rfios. old:. T. .,..B..^blQod testecl?'.-^ Apply to Andrew Gaunt, R. 1; Lucknow. - - —“ J-r-7 r-^.7 77"^ W- ' NOTICE . 1 z • Our log yard -will' be open on Ja-n- ^uary 21st for receiving logs;. ' V ■' ' , ’ ' . Signed, 7 •THE LUCKNOW TABLE CO., LTD; ' . ’ o ' POSTPONED - . The annual meeting of South. Kin­ loss Cemetery^ Corporation, willAnot - be held* as advertised last week, and will. riot be called until some time in ,, June. 7 radio Tubes tested • 75% of your Radio, troubles are iri. theltubes. We’ha.ve installed an up-tq 3^®^Zt^fj5c7/Brlrig your' tubes, and have them, tested at SMITH’S 'GARAGE.^ '■ ■’. --^1 — Tenders for. 10 or 12 cords beech . arid maple body .wood~~18X.J:ong? will be received to Jap. 30th, 1935'. Wpod to be delivered any time before'/June -■---lst^t^S<S."NO'7Ylb;7Ashfieid7.7’ ' ! R. A. Grant/ Sec’y.. . '....TENDERS ' ,/; . - Teriders will be received Until Jan^- . *« uary 19th, for 20.. cords of 20-in’eh beech1 and 'maple body, wood, to bh ■ delivered; /at ,S. :S. No.' 9, Ashfield, before April'-!st. Lowest or-any ten- ,7.zAer^not--,necessabily—-aeeepted^^^ ..Milton' *’ Kilpatficlr/r : ' . 7,......’ ■ R. R.; 77’Lucknow,.’’ ■■ / '7" : . NOTICE '•*“••*■■• ' ' • . ESTATE0 QF A. K.. FINLAY ON,, Deceased. 1 / TAKE -NOTICE / that all- ’ persons, /owing accounts- to the Estate of th.? /late!.. At R.JFinlayspn. are required. to ;. pay the’ same to Duncan-Roy Fi.nlay- / '^' sqri, one of. the Administrators, on or 19.357 '.,: , .. of business iri the yillage, of Lucknow ; by the' "above date in -order to a-ssrsb . the Administrators in winding -up..the LF ’ y, / --Estafer"'~■'7 r — DATED at Wingham this 3Tst day of December^ 1934. J9' J/RA^aETHERliNGTON, WJughairi/ Ontario. Solicitor for the .Estate. ____NO-TICE -TO-XREDlTb&TT--- IN .THE MATTER OF - THE ESTATE..W;:”MARY WEBSTER, Deceased. - * . - Allil persons having claims, against the Estate of Mary Webster, late of ” the. Township* of West Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Married Woman -who died, on or about the twenty- first day of November, A.D7 1934,-. are hereby notified' to send" their ^clpims verified* by statutory declara­ tion to John "Robert Webster or the ......undermentioned 4 Solicitor,-, on or, before the/ twenty-first day of Jan- . udry, A.D. .1935, immediately ‘after „ ri-, ,.nr - | , ing regard only io those claims pro­ perly filed. ’ - DATED at .Windham, Oht.,, this ''thirty-first day of December, A.D., 71934.’ R. ^.H^THERINqTON, Wingham7 Ontario. iSolicitor for the Estate.. Gt II. LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1935 - •q f SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS New Man On The Council Boarc Douglas and Wra. MacKenzie Re-Elected:—Rev, Geoghegan De­ feated, ■ AGED LADY DIES IN KINLOSS *—-r—’ /nJ, \ As we go to press we leqrn of the death of Ann Rathwell, relict of the- jate james'TLittM7'witMp7d^6',:week“'6f her 94th birthday. The funeral will be held from her late residence on Friday at two o’clock, with interment in Greenhrll Cemetery. 7, This Issue Printed On New Lee Press ... ■ .4 ............fh. ■■ f J,. ■I! 4?# Old Campbell Press So Intimately Connected With/ “Jock” Adams, Worn Out, ■- The Bread: t y — < /i^., The Bread of Health .4 Ho VIS A of Health .. ‘ • QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTD '• /'7; . About one half the-'available voters of Lucknow exercised their franchise on Monday to elect three school trus­ tees out of four candidates for the' oflices. Robert'Rae headed the " poll with a vote of 250. George H. Doug­ las and Wm." MacKenzie, two of th‘e retiring members but eligible for re­ election, were returned to office. Mr. Douglas, a member of the Board for ;niany" years arid'"at’ preserit chairman, polTed-'21^ votes, with Mr. MacKenzie who-has seen long-^service also, re- ■ •eeived- -4^82-^-v0^es,----withJ: Rev.,- J. H; Geoghegan,, the fourth . candidate; 11 votes behind. 1 „ Mr. DAC. Taylor, secretary and veteran member of the Trustee Board who has devoted much time in the interests, of the school,! did not stand for re-election. 4 Mr. \Taylot has riot been enjoying good health, but fol­ lowing the 7nbWri$>tidiTj^e^g''4uaH- fled for election. Later-upon medical advise,’ he withdrew his name at the last minute.-last Wednesday. ’Rev. J. IL Geoghegan, learning of his’ resignation, late that 'day sought to withdraw his - name to give the trip who were ^eventually elected, an aceTamalion. .• 7 ■ '• ■ ' ' TTT^eTwbihg/by. subdivisions follows: , No. 1, at the Qrange Hall, corijprises the northern section of the town east of Outram St.-; No. 2, at Reed’s store, West of. •Outram , $t.-.; and No. 3, the Council Chamber, including all the village: south of the main street.: ' 3 TotM 9.6 250 101 218 74 182 MANY SUBSCRIPTIONS DUE 7. 7 ’ ■ 1 Robert ..-Rae .....„86: G. IT. Douglas .....72 Win. Mackenzie ..;65 ' /Re'^Gcbgh egran---*5 6^' '2 68 ■ 45 .43 ■ Total votes polied numbered 357, 41s—folioWS4/N0. 1,-128^ ^Noi-2, 95;, No..3, T34. 7 /... 7 ' Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall Robinson, esteemed/residents of con. 6, Kinloss celebrated- -their - 30th "wedding-yanni^- verSaryx on” Thursday night, when over one hundred friends/*v^ere pre-? ■sent to enjoy a gala night of daheing that continued well- bn iritd the Imorn- ing. Lunch in abundance was served apd the occasion was a thoroughly hajipy' and delightful one. FolJbwing the reading of an address . by ^Dave Carruthers, —Miv—arid—Mrs. Rqfonison weye presented with a nurse of money ,.by\their friends jn /the community and with a .carving set by a nuinber of* friends from the Mr./ and Mrs. Robinson have a family of five /children, Howard of Kinloss/Charlie, George and Eliza­ beth at home and Lena who is at present nursing ip Wingham Hospital. All. were pfe^erit for the memorable event. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In the Estate of ALICE HAYES, DECEASED. • ALL PERSONS .haying claims against the Estate Of ALICE HAYES, late, of the ToAvnship of Kinloss in the County -of. B’ruCc, Widow, cloceas- ed, who died on ’op about the Eleventh day of October, 1934, are hereby not­ ified to send in to the undersigned On or before the Eleventh day. of February,, 193^- full-. pa7tic.ujars.^.of |heir claims.* ; u !' Arid^u.rthei' take notice that .i.in7* .7 1 medfaW’*? fter the said last. .men- ' tioried date}, the assets of the said “.** ; Estate will b<.* distributed^a,mongst the parties entitled thereto, havipg regard only io the claims of which . the., '-undersigned , §bal) tficn have notice to the exclusion of all other and the’ undersigned will not be liable to atty person of whose clq.im ’’notice has not been given for the assets *§o* distributed 0y any part thereof. ; j , DATED' at .the'Town of. Walkerton ' this Eighth day. of January, 1935. • " Joseph. • Gant,. Herbert Grab a m, • Executors' of the Will of the said ■ ALfEE HAYES, 'deceased-; by their Solicitor, - . - CfiARLES^M.- McNAB,.. . 4 INMEMQRIAM < - ’ HUNTER—In loving' memory Of Doris Adelaid, Who passed away eight years ago, January 3rd," 1927. In oui’ lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are always near. We who loved you/ sadly miss you As dawns anoiheV year. Sadly* missed by Father,, Mother and 'Sister. ’ . ~ CLUB MEETING ^ 7 Tho ..re’gular meeting of Lucknow Joint Clrib .will be held in the Orange Utill you* Saturday afternbon, January* 12th, at 2.39 o’clock, * ... >■' 7 ’ :: ' Horticultural meeting The annual meeting of .the “Lucknow Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Thursdayj January! 17th at 8 o’clock. All mem­ bers ate requested tq be in attendance .. ANNUAL -MEETING : ■ Notice is hereby, given ■ that the Annual meeting of the Lucknow Ag­ ricultural Society will. be held in tbe Town Hall, Xucknow, on "Satur­ day, -the 10th day . of January,^ A. I)., .1935, at *Tw.o o’clock pan. 'J • 1 "Walkerton, Ontarioi ’ * Joseph Agnew, Secretary. This is the iponth when the maj­ ority of Sentinel subscriptions are_ due. Readers are reniirided that if their subscription expired the end of the year, a saving pf 50c can be effec- . ted by paying a year in advance this month. ....;. _,.;7 „ „ If you are in arrears kindly assist this office by paying. this ^p^untA^- a part of it, We have more than a score - of delinquent subscribers who are paying up arrears by. frequent small payrnents. In thid” manner the acctfUnt does not prove so burden­ some and as a means of settlement is>quite satisfactory to the office. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Mr.TEditor:^ I beg your permission to make a statement to the Ratepayers of the Village-in. regard to the‘much di^-» cussed raise in the School? rate; what caused it, and also what it ariiounted to/.'."' < . j / ■ •. 77 ,r-:"7 In the first place: The School Au- /thoritiesTiri- -thewDeptj-of Education decided to-• cut ' the Grants to the Schools of the Province to. the extent of *20% but gave-no notice to School Secretaries. Only whep the Grants arrived late in December qf last year, three months after we had our Re­ quisition before the Council to meet our closing year’s ?rieed, did we learn of the Jcut of. $235.47. . - In September last, year the Board placed a new teacher in the Science ’Roxrm’:WK6T r;eqfiiW'?^m^^uppfie^ ■ -tban the—former—teaehef—Jiad asked - , for; ThisTamounted tbTfH^OS’micITasv" the Board, not thinking of any short;- * age atjihat tjirie, was auxious to have 1 the High school properly equipped? ' in view of the fact that an effort was being made to Jiave our ’Cbhtjriuatiori school rqised to thev status of a High school; ^he-abdye^umv-Was-Wt' pared? down.- Two- years ago the heating system went a bit/wrong and the circulation wasunsatisfactory.-TheBoardsought- advice' (from very many quarters, .too many to mention; sufficient to say, ’they gave the contract to the lowest bidder that gave absolute guarantee that it would function. Now this re­ modeling cost $$15.00. 7, Now on top of these, unusual things occurred, a very cold winter; maybe the coldest in the meriiOry of the oldest citizen. Now this accounts for the'very heavy bill for fuel. Qne year we sailed through with a bill of $365.'f Or fuel, while .'this last year the cost, ran up to $855.91. No-w the Board could/not in,any way fQr&xask thesehapheniiigs.Andthef d were othef costs incurred by way of supplies which did not amount to very Tmuch. but might have been pared down if the Board had ..only known. Now notwithstanding all that heavy outlay, * $y ecOriomy and financing when theyxcame to” the New Year the carryover was* only $1157, last year, and was.still reduced in August t° $957. At this tittie we could riot see where we could reduce it any more for this year. Now the, Secretary advised strongly that We do riot ask the Council for more than one third of .the remaining debt which would have ammounted' to $319.: of ah ad­ dition to this year’s School Tax. But we were defeated in our effort to ac­ complish this, with the / resu.lt that the- whole' amount was pu|;_on. this year’s taxes. We knew x the people would, be, upTvjn-arnis against* this ihcrease in a bad y^ar, but some ttien insisted .that* it was good business to balance* the budget, and that meant at atty, cost in ta^es, ^.Now WO just finished ^ the report for thes year to . the Department of Education and we, show a’Cash bal­ ance of $524/94. Some orie will ask, why did you ask for so much money fropi the Council, The answer is simply this, it Wa§ hot in sight. There is" still much/more that we would be; glad to* consider iri cohhection with ,the. interest of ^the school, but tiirie and-Space forbids further discussion, but will- Say this: if any person wahts t.o ask ahy“questi. the School, we* This"issue of The Sentinel is print ­ ed on a I.ee Press,, which was installed ip this office the Jast of the, week by working days arid* nights. ” Following our last issue the old Campbell pfess^ a popular press three score years ago, was dismantled mostly by the use of sledge hamn^ers. The old press had served its time and ^was worn out, so much so, that recently we doubted each week if ’’if ..wpuld hold otft until our issue was run-off. v 7.;* The old Cafhpbell press fias‘ p61Tibly been in operation in the Sentinel office for 40 years, we cannot determine exactly when »it was, installed, but came . along as .a successor to the Washington hand press., - ^‘Jock” Adams and? the old press ^irere intimately associated,' for “Jock” we are often told was the man power that. operate^ the press' fot. many years. Later a gasoline engine”" re­ placed Jock and of recent year’s an electric motor has been the driving .power. *, '. The newly installed Lee is a coni^ pact press, believed amply large/for the demands of this office. It occup­ ies a flobr space of—only—about7-9- by § feet* but* has -a weight of over two and a ffhalf tons. “ /■'.- It is a bwo-rbvdlution press, cap­ able of a maximum speed of upwards to 25007copies an hour. This will b£ an experimentary issue5*this week and doubtless minor ink distribution and roller adjustments: wilt be; necessary before the.: best prittting results- will be obtained. .DOUGHNUTS ' ‘ ' LAYER CAKES'? ? CHELSKA BUNS JELLY ROLLS PINEAPPLE BUNS'r DATE SQUARES OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IS 100% WHOLE WHEAT - : DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL : ■ t..7‘ J' ■' ■ '• ' ".'7• ‘ . —.—■■■■■-.i. . . . .■ . n ---------------------xJ HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY v Phone 36 . _ • ■Luckiiow '^Dick” Elliott Elected Reeve Of Kinloss Has Majority Of 70 Over David Carruthers—Art "Graham, Youth­ ful Newcomer, Heads Poll As Councillor.' 1 Kinloss ratepayers ■ chose Richard Elliott as _• their, reeve . for. -:19.35',. the polls on Monday’when they’ gave "him“’a majority of 70 ’ votes over David Carruthers,./reeve, of the mun­ icipality for-the. past three years,. A close run for the reeveship had been anticipated as Councillor Elliott had.been a popular member, of the Board for six years and Reeve.Car-' ruthers.' had- given /three year’s effi- ■ cient service as the head of the' Board,..' Art Graham,i. a - youthful newcomer to the municipal arena, was elected to head, the poiL Angus McIntosh, an ex-councillor and former candi­ date for the reeveship7cameSecond, with the two members of last year’s council^Alex McKenzie and Mae Ross being returned to pffice to round' out the. quintet that will conduct zthe affiairs of tfie~municipaiity during the - -R0AD BE—KEPT"-0FEN--present-year. ■■■■ ' . /" 1 ; ■ “ ' at. DRESS SALE . ALL NEW STOCK Of ... r STREET, AFTERNOON and EVENING DRESSES ■ also 7. 'MILLINERY AT A GREAT REDUCTION THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY JANUARY 10, 11712? THE RUSH- READY-TO-WEAR AND WIttiNERYlsTORE^-— Wirighanr, Qnt. SEE WELR TO". ’ * DRIVE YOUR CAR Last week’s storm that/ tied up traffic/resuIted/inapeH be ci feu-; dated, that was largely signed, asked that Huron County-keep the road, be- -tweenr Lucknow, and "Wingham open this winter • for motor traffic. With' thq/. highway, from Clinton . through: Wingham te Teeswater'to ilie/Durham road 'icept open this would form an outlefzfor. a good deal of traffic from -the-~villagev-7Whether--Hnr-on-Gounty- will agree to this request is not yet Khowii^ ''T™T~ "-"-’—7777- Bruce - County is undertaking to keep open the road north to Kinloss, and if bbth these roads are open, Lucknow will not find itself so iso­ lated bytsnow as an.former years. ■ r DEATH PARTS TWO ‘ | ” LUCKNOW SISTERS Death Of Miss Margaret MacKenzie Separates Aged Sisters Who Have Lons with reference to.' areXvailable. D. C. Taylor, recent fife. " , '.. ’weV '1" ' • 7i . * r 'Residents Of This Community . After a lengthy illness, death, oh Thursday last, claimed Miss Margaret McKenzie, 78 • year-old resident of Lucknow and a lifelong resident of the community. The tragedy of her1 passing, is that it leaves in sorrow and lo.rieliness her sister Christena. These two . sisters for long have lived together as inseparable, companions, and for upwards to thirty year? have resided in Lucknow, east of : the' United Church. Miss McKenzie was born on the 4th concession of KinlQss, her parents Mr. and M*rs. John McKenzie of Scottish birth, being early' settlers in the Township, operating the' farm now owned by Miss McKenzie’s, nephew, -Councillor. Alex McKenzie, Dan in the West and ChYistena of Lucknow aye now the two 'Surviving members of a family of ninp children. . The McKenzie sisters-, during theiy residence here have been very faith­ ful -.members of' the . Presbyterian Church. \ The funeral. service On Sat­ urday afternoon at' the home , was conducted by Rev. C. H. MacDonald. Interment, whs in* Kinloss cemetery with J. S. McKenzie, J. W. Hender- SOU, Jafhes Smith, R. V. McKenzie, W. W. Hill and S. E. Robertson act­ ing as pallbearers. Card of Thariks « Mr. Wm. Woods and Sons Wish to express their sincere gratitude tp friends and neighbors for their val­ uable” assistance at the time of their Are you as well equipped to v see to drive ’ your car as IT IS to carry you safely? It is the conviction. . of those competent 7 To~juM^^^^ cidents-would^^ -“Tf drivers were .'as*' careful of their vision as of the, condition _ ing tlKe; ' condition of the. roads " on 'election dajt ‘ / - ■■ <?!wr,-.Uv . The vote .by. subdivisions follows:. No. 1, Kinloss; No. 2, Kinlough; No. 3, Holyrood; No. 4, 2nd Con.; No. 5, 'Langsi'de;''-No,.-6, Whtteehurch.' -‘ ,____/// ', ■ ForReeve ■ ;■/■';• -1-7 • ■ . ?2 ■' 3 4 ■■ 5 fi ^jchard/ Elliott /....j...........^_„37 44 88 98 '45 29_„^ David- Carruthers ...t......./......ie .30 57 767 41 Councillors Arthur/ Graham ////7/Z Angus McIntosh ,........... Alex McKenzie .....J._____ Mac -Ross ___ _______ _ John A. McKinnon J..— Adam McQueen -------,e...... John Wad el ____... 1 First fdur elected... > . *• ■ ’ 35 ' 37 60 27 ■'* 29 11 29 Total ‘ 341 . _ “^371""".' " 319 267 ■ 239 204 * J >167 , ;• 78 : AS MILD SPELL CONTINUES The registration of. revolvers' aS? A district that- last week was in ■ . ment, has already of them in 1 this community, with a j week so far “basking” in springlike few m'ore yet to be registered that weather that is accompanied by mild he is aware of, states Constable R. J. .winds, fog, and rain * that fell on Moore, with whom registration is' Tuesday, although the. weatherman „ made locally., " jsaid “colder”. ■ ’ January 1st was the-date set’ for■*’ ;4Piies- ’of 'snow* have 'melted ' as if the reporting bf revolvers and a fine!by mdgic, leaving a sheet of ice on’., of $50. or thirty days in jail, or village -streets; Country .roadsf are both, is the penalty provided for thrise’ bare, and, wheeled: vehicles and Cprs’ caught, with unregistered revolvers are again resorted to as sleijghs.arq^- after, that .date. • j discarded. The rivers- are running'. ^The make, calibre and serial num- high, resembling the spring freshet, ber of each revolver, the owner's and some are 'bptomisfic enough to name aricT address ' is recorded in* advance the opfriion that the severest triplicate in each* case. * I of our winter is past. / ’ «> Several vahlabte revolvers have’ The mild spell commenced on Sat- been among the lot, while foy age, urday aiid Jack Nicholson at" the C. ' one which H. M. Parker, dug out °f N. R. depot sighted a flock of about *" •• the attic takes thq prize. In Mr. "a, uozOn wild geese hOverittg about Parker’s possession is a muzzle-load-„thM finally struck off. to the north trig, six-shooter, so rusted and old ' wcst. ... • ? ' . ■ that it was • impossible "io give ariy | ‘ •*, . ' ■, _ .registration : dttails . .regarding . this .pLaWERS. BLOOM IN JANUARY ancient fire-arni. • • , . I " , .... , i' Joe ^ollyejt. is still picking pansies. , AGAIN IT IS .PROVED ",0n Tuesday, Mr. Collyer brought I’^bout a dozen.‘blooms into the Office That age old slogan “It pays io '.-Which he had picked frbm his pansy advertise” was again forcefully’prOv-{P1O,trbefqt‘^ ebtti|rig down street,.-Cov-: eri'on Saturday, inj; our .last .issue we et^d with. snow, these 'plants and published a list of new books which/.flo'9’eTS were protected from, the frd’St ■ .had been | added at £be'local libfafy., ahd wheh the snow disappeared quite Half' of, these were available on Sat ufday afternbori, th§ other half that evening. No doubts to thp .surprise ot the Librarian, .when., she arrived at «the reading room on Saturday after­ noon, no toss than about twenty pa- ,trohs ’wore* awaiting, tb. get’ first*;.. - . — choice of the tibW volume^. *° , ' jec.d;to open up into bloofn a number of flowers and lSuds Were revealed, which are bursting into bloom. ■ ” - * : ■ . ■ . / Helen Hamilton, daughter' of Reeve Hamiltoti, also picked S6me outdoor caVriatiori buds -the .end of the week, ■ ’ which when taken ihdodrs,' corinhdri- < <