HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-11-27, Page 1117. NOTICE to CREDITORS 20. NOTICE S Shown above is part of our stock of farm hardware and supplies. Also, in stock: Animal health products. Complete line of Purina livestock feed available to you in bulk delivery or bag. WE ARE BOOKING DAIRY AND BEEF CONCENTRATES NOW, AS YOUR PROTECTION AGAINST POSSIBLE INCREASE IN PRICE. CHECK OUR PRICES . Before You Buy—No Obligation CLINTON FARM CENTRE "Quality Merchandise At a Fair Price" Phone 482-9333 to Serve You Daily and Friday Evening Closed Saturday Afternoon Only Allill111111111"11111111111VIIWIIIII 22 Isaac St. Open NEXT MEETING OF CLINTON WINTER CARNIVAL COMMITTEE TO BE HELD AT CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 AT 8:00 P.M. ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS ARE REQUESTED TO ATTEND. DOUG THORNDIKE Chairman BEARD GROINING CONTEST All contestants must pick up entry forms from Jim Collins at the Clinton Community Centre by Monday, Dec mber 8, Must be clean-shaven when entering cOntest. Judging to be night of carnival dance, February 14. •••••••••••\SA ,O..\\\%\...••• OIL BURNER SERVICE No Waiting On Cleanouts Pick Your Date Now Ask For a SPRING AIR HUMIDIFIER FOR YOUR SAFETY OUR DELIVERY TRUCK CARRIES FUEL OIL ONLY Gordon Grigg Ltd. PHONE 482-9411 CLINTON Contact Us For All YoUr Petroleum Needs N••• •• % •14.N.N. % \\NA .•••. • • • ‹••• Clinton Community Credit Union 70 Ontario St. 442407 aumminumniimil qinto.n.Nip.m..Fippord, Thursday, NQvm.ebor 27, 19E9 11 Slate .nursing institute IN THE ESTATE OF JOHANNA IVIAVPR" TORRANCE, LATE, OF .THE. TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED MUSIC TEACHER, DECEASED. Ail persons haying claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 24th March 1969, are required to file full • particulars thereof with the Undersigned on or before the 8th day. of December 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 12th day of November 1969. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 47,48,49b IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH CHRISTENA PRICE, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, WIDOW, DECEASED, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 25th October 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of December 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 12th day of November 1969. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 47,48,49b IN THE ESTATE OF RETA MAY CUDMORE, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, HAIRDRESSER, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 15th October 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of December 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 12th day of November 1969. E. B. MENZAMO, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 47,48,49b 19. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Furniture in the village of Blyth. Saturday, Nov. 29th at 12.00 o'clock sharp 9-piece walnut dining room suite, one of the best (like new); 3-piece chesterfield suite; Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table; 21" television; number of parlour tables and end tables; hall tree; mirrors; table lamps; drop head singer sewing machine; dressing table; 6 dining room chairs; kitchen chairs; walnut bedroom suite — like new; 2 other bedroom suites; beds; dressers; springs and spring mattresses; bed linens; quilts; blankets; pillows; cushions and host of other bed furnishings; card table; 5 rocking chairs; large Westinghouse fridge with deep freeze (like new); Westinghouse table top stove; cherry drop leaf table; kite:hen stool; Westinghouse washing machine; electric hot water tank; glass cupboard; trunks; 2 antique 'walnut chests of drawers; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner; carpenter's tools; garden tools; large quantity of dishes; kitchen utensils and electric appliances. 1960 Rambler, 30,000 miles — new snow tires (safety checked); power lawn mower (Lawn Boy). No reserve as property sold. Colin MacDonald, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 48 20, 'NOTICES On the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, November 29, Mr. arid Mrs. R. J. Larson, Bayfield will be at home to their friends and neighbours from 2.5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. No gifts please. — 48b 22. BIRTHS BRIDLE: At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Friday November 14, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bridle, a son Jaitne Collin,, first grandchild for: Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mcainchey, 23. DEATHS EASOM: Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, November 19, 1969, Mrs. David Eason-i t the former Laura Frances Oakes. The funeral service was held at Ball Fune Illome on 8attirday, Nove t"..2, with interment, in Cl cerneteryr, MORTGAG E SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the Powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Premises 336 Victoria Street, Clinton, Ontario, on Saturday, the 20th day of December, 1969, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel of land or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron and being composed of Lot Number Three (3) Gordons New Survey, Plan Number 7 for the said Town of Clinton. On this property there is said to be a bungalow. This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance in thirty days from the date thereof. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to THE LAMBTON LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, 191 Front Street, North, Sarnia, Ontario, or to DICK LOBS, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ontario, or to MESSRS. FOWLER & ROWCLIFFE, 1891/2 Front Street, North, Sarnia, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. — 48,49,50b 23. DEATHS GRAHAM: Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, November 19, 1969, Elizabeth Jane Dale, beloved wife of the late John Graham, in her 92nd year. The funeral service was held at Beattie Funeral Home, Friday, November 21 with interment in Clinton Cemetery. SMITH: Passed away in Bayfield, on Wednesday, November 19, 1969, Leonard Benjamin Smith in his 74th year. Funeral service was held at Trinity Anglican Church Saturday, November 22 with interment in Bayfield Cemetery. , DOUGLAS: Passed away in Kilbarchan Nursing Home, Seaforth, on Tuesday, Novemb?v 25, 1969, Elizabeth Jane Hudson, wife of the late William Douglas, Brucefield, in her 95 year. Surviving is her daughter Mrs. Lindsay (Anna Pearl) Eyre, granddaughters Mrs. Arnold (Nora) Keys, Varna and Mrs. David (Verna), Reid, Clinton and eight great grandchildren. Funeral service will be from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Thursday November 27, at 2.00 p.m. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery. 25. CARDS OF THANKS NOTT: I would like to say thanks to all who remembered me with flowers, cards and treats while I was a patient in Stratford General Hospital. — Jim Nott Sr. —48p BRAND: We would like to thank everyone who was so kind to Marie during her stay in_ Clinton Hospital, especially Dr. Harrett and Dr. Newland, nurses and staff. — Mr. and Mrs. John Brand. — 48p PATERSON: A sincere thank you to Dr. Moyo, Dr. Quad, Dr. Malkus, the nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital and all the friends and neighbors for their cards and treats while I was a patient there and since my return home. It was all greatly appreciated. — Mrs. Edna Paterson. — 48p BIGGIN; Sincere thanks to relatives and friends for their thoughfulness while I was in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Kelly and Harrett and nursing staff. — Murray Biggin. — 48p PICKETT: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pickett, Mrs. Pickett Sr. (and family) deeply appreciate the kindness shown them after their house burned. Thanks to Clinton firemen, neighbors and all who helped in so many ways. Special thanks to those who organized the fund raising and who helped restore water and hydro. — 48p 26, IN MEMORIAM HOY; In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. William Hoy who passed away twelve years ago November 28, 1957, Wishing today as we wished before. That God could have spared yon many Years more, In our hearts, your memories are kept, To love, to cherish and never forget, You fell asleep without goodbye, But our love for you will never die. L ovingly remembered by husband and family.— 48p DALE; In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Theodore A. Dale, who went to be with the Lord. one year ago November 27, 1968. "A sad and lonely year has passed Since our great sorrow fell. The shock that we received that day No one can ever tell. And God gave us strength to meet it And courage to bear the blow But what it meant to lose you No one will ever know. It's lonely here without you, We miss you more each day For life is not the same to us Since you were called away. You bade no one a last farewell„ Nor even said goodbye, You were gone before we realized And only God knows why." Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Eva, family and grandchildren. — 48p STURGEON: In loving memory of a dear Mother, Mrs. Jessie Sturgeon, who passed away December 1, 1958 and a dear brother, George Sturgeon who passed away December 25, 1966. "Each time we see their pictures They seem to smile and say, `Don't cry, we're only sleeping' We'll meet again one day." Ever remembered by their family. — 48b HATTIN: In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Robert Y. Hattin, who passed away one year ago, November 28, 1968. "The depths of sorrow, we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep." Always remembered by daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren. — 48p 28. ROOM and BOARD ACCOMMODATION for one, Mrs. Jim Cox, 127 Princess Street W. 482-7093. — 47,48b 24, ROOM and BOARD ROOM and board for one. Apply to Mrs, A. Rumba!), 364 Victoria St., 482-7059, — 47tfti 29, BUSINESS OPP. • SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money,,,, from NEW TYPE high-quality Coin-operated dispensers in your area, No selling. To qualify yog must have Car,- references, $600 $2900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal interview write CANAPENN DISTRIBUTING LTD., DEPT. A, 160 Bay St., Suite 205, Toronto 1, Ontario. Include phone number. — 48p Week's menu QUICK CHICKEN POT PIE TOSSED GREENS APPLE CRISP. Plentiful and inexpensive right now, chicken is a good main dish to serve your family or guests. However, here's a word of caution from the Ontario Food Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. Poultry is very perishable and must be stored .carefully to prevent bacterial growth. The bird or pieces should be carefully washed, freshly wrapped, and then refrigerated or frozen, as soon after purchasing as possible. Once a frozen chicken has been completely thawed, it should not be refrozen. If plans change and you can't use it, pop the bird or pieces into the oven until cooked through. Then refreeze with a clear conscience. QUICK CHICKEN POT PIE 1 cup cubed cooked or 7-oz can of chicken 1 •10-oz can condensed mushroom soup 1 15-oz can peas 1/2 cup milk 3 cooked potatoes 3 cooked onions 1/2 recipe baking powder biscuit dough Cook potatoes and onions in boiling salted water until tender. Prepare biscuit dough. Combine chicken, soup, drained peas, and milk or vegetable cooking water, and heat. Add potatoes and onions and pour mixture into casserole. Roll dough 1/2-inch thick, cut into small biscuits and arrange on top of chicken. .Sprinkle with paprika and bake in very hot oven, 425 deg F, 15 to 20 minutes or until biscuits are cooked. Makes two or three servings. PHILIPS COLOR TV Model T129 — A practical color television for any home. Here's a 25" table model with all the automatic tuning and viewing features you could ask for. It also has a choice of three complimentary bases to please any decor-conscious homemaker. Cabinet and bases are finely finished in Swedish Walnut.. 6% Dividend WITH LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED IN MOST CASES for SHARES from Oct. 1-'68 to Sept. 30 - '69 CONFIRMED BY MEMBERS AT ANNUAL MEETING ON NOV. 19, 1969 GRAHAM: We wish to thank sincerely all who were so kind to us at the time of our recent sad bereavement. Thanks to all friends, relatives and neighbors for floral tributes, donations to heart and cancer funds, cards of sympathy and other acts of kindness shown. We would especially like to thank Dr. Street and Dr. Oakes, nurses on first floor Rev. H, Wonfor, Rev. C. Britton, the Beattie Funeral Home, pallbearers and 4flowerbearelt, Mary Ross, ,ilack i Orville and Harold Dale. '4813 INVEST NOW 9% Guaranteed Investment Certificates are now paying a record interest of 9% per annum, payable half yearly. For further information contact your local financial advisor or write: STANDARD TRUST COMPANY 214 Bay Street Toronto 1, Ontario 363-5477 for the name of your nearest agent MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION An institute on respiratory disease for all nurses (occupational, public health, hospitals, etc.) will be held on Wednesday, Jan, 14 in the new Perth-Huron Regional School of Nursing, Stratford. This is being sponsored by the Huron-Perth Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association and will have morning and afternoon sessions, Tentatiye plans call for registration at 10. a.m. and adjournment at 4 p.m. with a luncheon at the school. two-door hardtop — Lovely turquoise and black finish. V-8, 3-speed automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, tinted windshield and whitewalls. Just turned 20,000 miles. Factory warranty remaining. Lic. 3461 K., 1968 CHEV. IMPALA $2695 1967 BUICK ELECTRA 225 Custom two-door hardtop — Power steering, power brakes, power windows, power vent windows, power seat, power aerial, power trunk,AM/FM radio, full automatic air conditioning, full tinted glass, trumpet horn, vinyl roof, vinyl interior with notch back front seat, cornering lamps. Excellently maintained since new. Lic. H87214. An $8,000 car for only 3295 1966 VAUXHALL SUPER VICTOR 101 four-door sedan — A lovely warm pompous green. Driven only 17,000 miles. Ideal second car, Treat your wife for Christmas. Lic. 41249. $995 1966 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF four-door sedan — Finished in beautiful Sandalwood tan. This is an economical six cylinder with standard transmission. Driven only 33,000 miles. Also features whitewalls, chrome discs and heavy duty suspension, Lic. 41229, $1195 McGEE'S PONTIAC - BUICK Huron County's 'Volume and Service' Car Dealer Est. 1929 GODERICH 524-8391 MERRILL TV SERVICE CLINTON, ONT. 482-7021 CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. DECLARED