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Clinton News-Record, 1969-11-06, Page 12
Chief Warrant Officer S. W. McCleave, who was stationed at CFB Esquimalt prior to his recent posting as an instructor at the new warrant officer school here, receives $50 cheque from Col. E. W. Ryan, commander of Canadian Forces Base Clinton, for suggesting a way to modify electrical control circuits on three-inch naval guns to prevent them from firing in case of failure of turret drive system. A Victoria, B.C. native who served on HMCS Athabaska in the Far East during the Korean War, CWO McCleave lives in Clinton with his wife, the former Gloria Westbrook of Elgin, III. — Canadian Forces Photo. Report from Parliament Hill Back to the "30's" with Caravellex "Mod's" by Bulova A. ,,Alf Caravelle turns back the clock for the new look in time . . . a rebirth of the 1930's. long, lean-faced watches with evident ebony numerals, stark white dials and slender Corfam straps. A new fashion flair in precision jeweled watches by Caravelle. A. #46213y B. #46214y only $29.95 STE JEWELLERS LTD. ALBERT ST.—CLINTON—PHONE 482-9525 RAINBOW WEBBING LINEg INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ANSTETTI JEWELLERS LTD., Clinton Walkerton And Seaforth CLI NTON DON'T TEL.L. ME YOU HAD ANOTHER ACCIDENT IN ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUi.- USED CARE BROWN MOTORS NO 512 STEVE BROWN presents SPEEDY 0 LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Inc. ITS LIKE 7415 BOSS, A BIG Guy WAS L. RUNNING ALONG BESIDE THE HIGHWAY AND I DROVE ALONG NEEDI-ING HIM AEsour BEING TOO CHEAP TO 13UY A CAR HOW WAS I — TO KNOW HE WAS A 'BOXER OUT DOING. ROADWORK? 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, many other delux features, balance of G.M. warranty remains. 1967 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88, two-door hardtop, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, black vinyl top. A delux car driven locally by one owner. 1964 CHEVROLET Impala four-door sedan, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, driven only 39,000 miles by one local owner. • • 2 -1966 CHEVROLET F4eetside pick-ups, heavy-duty equipment. 1961 CHEVROLET Stepside pick-up, safety checked, good low cost utility vehicle. °It"' BROWN MOT ORS 'LTD. YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE DEALER 41124321 0 USED CARS and TRUCKS • CLINTON, ONTARIO TRUCKS / • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • • • • OIL BURNER SERVICE No Waiting On Cleanouts Pick Your Date Now Ask For a SPRING AIR HUMIDIFIER FOR YOUR SAFETY OUR DELIVERY 'TRUCK CARRIES FUEL OIL ONLY Gordon Grigg Ltd. PHONE 412-9411 CLINTON Contact Us For All Your Petroleum Needs • •••• \..... •••• • •••. • • \ ••••• • • 1\ \ ••• 89th Anniversary FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. — MORNING WORSHIP. Guest Speaker: REV. ARCHIBALD R. GOLDIE Secretary of Canadian Missions of the Convention of Ontario and Quebec. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION MEMBERS AS' SPECIAL GUESTS 7:00 p.m. — Speaker: MR. PAT FERRER Special Music Everyone Welcome 45b Colts top Beavers in exhibition. FRIDAY, November 7, Cash Bingo, Legion Hall, Seaforth, 8:15 p.m, 15 regular games for $10,00; 3-$25.00 specials. $75.00 jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admi.s.sion $1.00. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian Legion. Proceeds for Welfare Work. — 21tfn TUESDAY, November 11, Bingo at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $58.00 in 58 numbers. Six door prizes, 8:30 p.m. THURSDAY November 6, Bingo at Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $59.00 in 59 numbers. THIS FRIDAY, November 7. Pancake Supper, Calvin Christian School, Clinton. 6-9 p.m. Adults $1.00 children 50c Family bargain tickets $5.00. Everyone welcome. — 45b SUNDAY, November 9. Marathon walk. Junior Boys' Conservation Club leaving at 9.30 from Agricultural Office in Clinton. Anyone with a sponsor welcome to participate. — 45b BENEFIT DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne flunking in the Londesboro Hall on Friday evening, November 7. Jim Scott's orchestra. Everyone welcome. — 45b RESERVE MONDAY, November 24 for the Fashion Show at Wesley-Willis church. Sponsors: Starlight Circle. -- 45b FRIDAY, November 7, 8 p.m. Share-the-wealth Bingo. Proceeds for Bayfield Community Centre. — 45b Fresh meat wrapped in vacuum packs and fresh frozen meat in retail stores will soon become more widespread in Canada, says a specialist in meat science at the University of Guelph. Dr. W. R. Usborne, Department of Animal Science, told a recent meeting of the Ontario Food and Sanitarians' Association that vacuum- packaged meat of various cuts will maintain freshness for a longer period than normal. He explained that generally meat can be kept in the dark at 30 deg. F. for 10 days. However, cut surfaces tend to discolor and deteriorate with refrigeration. Vacuum-sealed packs will preserve meat up to 21 days at the same 30 deg. F. Vacuum-sealed meats prevent outside contamination and dehydration or moisture loss. When these vacuum packs are frozen, shelf life is extended greatly and meat quality is preserved. Dr. Usborne pointed out that most meat is shipped in carcass form. He suggested that if carcasses were broken down into various cuts by the packer, and these cuts were sealed in a SPECIAL BUS to Grand Ole Opry Nashville, Tenn, leaves Friday evening, Nov. 14, 8 p.m. returning Sunday evening, Nov. 16. Reserve your seat now, Habkirk Transit Service Ltd, Box 700 Seaforth, Phone 527-1222. — 41-45incl. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 12, 2:30 p.m. Bazaar at Holmesville. Sewing, knitting and Christmas booths and afternoon tea at Holmesville United Church. Baking, produce and candy booths at the Township Hall. Under the auspices of the U.C.W. — 45b SATURDAY, November 15, Bazaar & Tea at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church — homemade baking and miscellaneous articles — 3-5 p.m. Auspices — Madeleine Lane Auxiliary. — 40, 45,46b A FEW SEATS available on bus for Royal Winter Fair, November 19. Call 482-7627 for further information. — 45b "CALENDAR HANDY? , Got December? Mark Thursday the 4th. Coming is the , best. TURKEY BINGO in the area. Seaforth Legion Hall, 8:30 p.m. 15 regular games; five share-the-wealth; two door prizes. Admission $1.00. Extra cards 25c each; 3 for 50 cents; 7 for $1.00. Sponsored by the Seaforth and District Knights of Columbus." — 45,48b ESCAPE the cold during Christmas Vacation. 15 day bus tour to Florida. For itinerary phone 527.1222 or write Habkirk Transit Service, Box 700, Seaforth. — 45tfn meat vacuum, the shelf life of the meat would increase. Shipping costs would be lowered considerably because of the elimination of unnecessary fat and bone usually shipped with the carcass. "We're back in the dark ages in some areas of the meat packing industry," said Dr. Usborne. "Only in the last few years have there been any real technological advances." He listed several of these advances. Freeze drying has been used to package meat. However, Dr. Usborne• said that it is four times more costly than the usual methods, and the meat loses some quality, texture, and flavor. Radiation or cold sterilization has also proved costly. Too much flavor change has been a drawback. Certain economic problems are associated with meat preservation, according to Dr. Usborne. Cooling and heating meats takes both energy and money.. Also, shrinkage of meat may occur.' He said, "If one pounds of meat comes to a plant, and it shrinks to 8/10 of a pound, who pays for the loss?" BY R. E. McKINLEY HURON MP The Parliament of Canada met on Oct. 22 to close off the first session of the 28th Parliament which began in Sept. 1968. After a lively question period because of many problems built up over the summer recess, Parliament prorogued that session. The official opening of the second session took place the following day, Oct. 23, and the Members of the House of Commons were summoned to the Senate to listen to the Speech from the Throne, opening the second session of the 28th Parliament. The speech from the throne was surprisingly short and as usual did not spell out in very much detail as to any particular legislation that the Government expects to be presenting but rather mentioned some of the problems facing Canada and proposed directions that the Government feels are necessary to overcome some of these problems. It was mentioned specifically that the Government intends to lower the voting age to eighteen and would recommend to the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections that they consider this measure. This measure was considered by this Committee during the last session and these recommendations were presented to the Government. Also it was proposed that legislation for the Government of the northern territories would be biought forward, which would improve the authority of their Councils. The North West Territories and the Yukon are still administrated solely by the Federal Government. It was mentioned that the Official Languages Bill passed last session would provide bilingual services in Government institutions where the population justified it and, the spirit of bilingualism will be advanced wherever possible. Reports of recent activities in Quebec seem to indicate that the province may not_ be willing to participate in this endeavor. At least they appear to show an unwillingness to accept English education in their schools to the extent that Ontario has shown a willingness to provide French education. It seems to me that in order for this program to be successful, it must be a two-way street including all parts of Canada. Many times issues such as this that involve personal feelings are often better achieved on their own accord by willingness and co-operation, than by forceful legislation. However, it remains to be seen what the Government's legislation in this regard will do for the advancement of national unity or otherwise. The Government has continued to urge that both the public and private sectors of the economy adopt special measures to combat the dangers of inflation. All sectors of the economy are asked to do this voluntarily so that further fiscal measures by the Government will not be necessary to contain inflation. The House of Commons will be called upon to study proposals for tax reform that will endeavor to distribute the tax burden in a fair manner. Although the speech from the throne did not mention it, I expect this means the initiation of some form of capital gains tax. In my opinion capital gains tax initiated in Canada must not' be so severe that it will no longer leave favorable conditions for continued growth in the national economy, and there must be special provisions for those who have spent a lifetime in building up properties or businesses intended to provide those individuals with a satisfactory income upon retirement. Any capital gains tax should not make it too difficult for the transfer of farms or businesses to other members of the family or for that matter, to anyone else wishing to carry on those farms or businesses. in any case, we will have to wait for the Government's recommendations and act accordingly. The throne speech also mentioned the richness and variety of Canada's material resources and that grain is one of the commodities of which reserves have built up causing financial hardship to a good many farmers. No specific legislation to be helpful in this situation was mentioned, other than it was of the utmost concern of the Government and they would continue the search for new outlets for Canadian grain and endeavor to improve international co-operation and The national average price to producers for Grade A Large eggs amounted to 42.3 cents per dozen for the 1968-69 support year ended Sept. 30, the Agricultural Stabilization Board announced recently. There will be no deficiency payment to producers under the 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 program which provided a floor price of 80 percent of the base price (10-year average) under the mandatory provisions of the Agricultural Stabilization Act. The previous 10-year average on a national weighted basis was 34.6 cents per dozen for Grade A Large eggs. The weighted average price for Grade A Large eggs for the entire year has only been re-establish orderly marketing. Criminal code ' amendmenis, will also be submitted to the House of Commons that would regulate wire tapping and other invasions of an individual's privacy and would reform the present law governing detention before trial. Bills will also be submitted to make Federal Tribunals more responsive and to ensure fair treatment in expropriation cases. It is expected that the Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs will present legislation dealing with consumer credit, packaging and labelling, identification of fibre content of textile products and motor vehicle safety. The House of Commons also expects to have several White Papers. This does not necessarily mean that legislation will follow, but they will cover some of the Government's ideas in these fields., - The tense feelings amongst the Members that was evident at the recessing of Parliament at the end of last July has eased somewhat, but there is still a very obvious determination to give Government, proposals very severe scrutiny because no matter how quickly the Opposition Whips forced the Members to pass legislation without speaking at the last session, the Government still thought it necessary to bring in closure legislation by closure at the end of the session. exceeded once in the past 10 years and that was in 1966 when the year's weighted average price was 42.4 cents per dozen. Chick placements since Jan. 1 are up 14 percent and even with allowances for heavy replacement of old hens it is expected that the volume of egg marketings will remain high throughout 1970 with corresponding price deterioration. No substantial upturn in prices is likely until layer numbers begin to decline. A cutback of pullet placements this winter and next spring appears necessary to bring egg production in the second half of 1970 into line with market requirements. BY BERT CLIFFORD Budd Boyes' second goal of the third period gave the Clinton Colts a 7-6 win over the Seaforth. Beavers in an Intermediate "C" exhibition match at the Clinton Community Centre last Thursday evening. The Colts now have a 2-2 record with one tie hi pre-season play this fall. The regular schednle starts Sunday with an evening game away at Crediton, followed by a home game against Wiarton on the 13th, Clinton is playing in the south group with Crediton, Monkton, Mi I verton, Seaforth and Listowel. The north group includes Wiarton, Kincardine, Elora, Arthur, Shelburne and. Port Elgin. Seaforth had built up a 6-4 lead last week after two periods of play with the aid of two first-period goals by Bill McLaughlin and one by Murray Henderson, plus two in the second period by Ken Doig and a single by Tom Dick. Doig, who coached and played for Clinton in 1958-59, showed he can play, still' and has lost little of his scoring power. Derwin Carter scored in the first period at 3:13, giving Clinton an early lead. Then Don Bartliff's goal at 13:26 tied the score at 2-2. Bowling TUCKERSMITH MIXED Team standings: Carol's Canaries, 21; Winnie's Warblers, 19; Helen's Hawks, 14; Hilda's Hummingbirds, 14; Vi's Vultures, 10 and May's Magpies, 6. Ladies' high single, Winnie Van den Dool, 241; high triple, Joanne Aldwinkle, 648 and high average, 216. Men's highs, Dave Triebner, 235, 661, 220. KEEP DOORS LOCKED One of the many great benefits of seat belts is that, in a collision, they • prevent the wearer being thrown out of the car. Persons ejected are five times more likely to suffer death or injury. However, the Ontario Safety League points out that many people have been partially ejected, even when wearing a lap belt, through a door that has opened. For instance, in a sideswipe, if the door opens the driver may fall half out of the car and then have his upper body crushed if the door is forced back again in a second collision. This is one of the reasons why doors should always be locked from the inside. Doors can be sprung open in a crash simply by the act of something striking, or hooking around the outside door catch. ALWAYS DRIVE WITH DOORS LOCKED. Clinton stayed close to Seaforth in the second period on goals by Ray Brown and Harvey Dale who played his strongest game so far and checked Seaforth players everywhere on the ice. His goal was set up by defencemen Dan Colquhoun and Butch Murney. The extra skating and practice possible this year showed in thq third period with Clinton out hustling the visitors from Seaforth. Little Joe Livermore finished off a nice play by Butch Fleet and Paul Diaper early in the period, then Boyes tied the score at 7:10 and fired home the winner at 18:27, Seaforth, seven with a man short, poured on the steam in the dying minutes and a good save by Lorne Daer with only eight seconds left gave Clinton the •win. 12. ClinIgn News-..fippord, Thursday November 6, 1969. Conting:tvents See more frozen Egg prices good NORMAN'S GENERAL STORE HOLMESVILLE (Formerly Gliddon's) OFFICIAL OPENING NOVEMBER 6-7-8 OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. — COME IN AND COMPARE — WINTERIZE NOW Snow fires--Anti-Freeze—Batteries FILL LIP AT PAUL'S P SERVICE 365 Victoria St. (Hwy. 4 S.), Clinton 4 Road.Tasted Gasolines — One Just Right. Fpr Your' Car DONT MISS COLTS FIRST HOME GAME. NEXT WEEK THURSDAY • NOV.• 13th PAUL KERRIGAN 379 Victoria St., Clinton, 482.9651 We Take The Worry Out Of Home Heatin _ 111EATI G ©01,