HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-11-06, Page 10This Week's HUNTERS SPECIAL .300 Savage 180 Gr. Ammunition Reg, $6.35 Special $3.00 Box of 20 30.06-220 Gr. Ammo Reg. $6.45 Special $3.00 Box of 20 Winchester M94 Lever Action 30/30 Cal. Reg. $114.95 Special $89.95 • FORMAL RENTALS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Agents for Freemans Formal Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD. CLINTON GODERICH Itiosow BROADLOOM "CLINTON'S CELANESE CARPP.T CENTRE *Wrli to Wall Installation or Area Carpets. *Samples shown in you home. '*Free Estimates. *Guaranteed Installations. There's a,Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. Quality you can trust' From BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482.9505 Clinton -5tfn Nati NEL D.B. Suits & Sports Coats ! DEEPTONE SHIRTS ! WIDE TIES ! TWEED COATS ! Pickett & Campbell Limited CLINiON "ERICH ASK TO SEE OUR 3 Pt. Co-ordinate Coat and 2 pants DUAL D'ARTAGNAN 13y Park Row Only $9950 FULL-TIME HELP WANTED Woman required for Clinton office, Typing a necessity, knowledge of bookkeeping asset. Apply in writing, stating age, experience and pay expected to BOX 461 -- CLINTON NEWS-RECOAO Clinton, Ontario tf 10 Clinton Newt-Fiecord, Tlyr,scloy, November 6, 1969 erChantie '17 tch ScAes When hey r - CLASSIFIED 1. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 14. SERVICES PIANO TUNING and repairing. Call Flank Van Zennlere4 482.9306- - 45,46,47,48P 17. NOTICE to CREDITOR ADV. RATES PIONEER chain saws, new and used. Sabre,' Oregon, Pioneer chains, sprackets, bars available for most chain saws. Call Robert Glen Saws, Clinton, 452-9292. 43,44,45,46p 'TM? girl's one-piece snowsuits, ,sizes 8. and 10. Good .condition, Phone 452-9208, - 45b OLDER FURNITURE, crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds _and end. Phone 482-7878 evenings. 38tfn LADY for pleasant part-time work. 15 hours weekly. Must .have references. Better than average pay, Apply to or 420, Clinton News-Record, - 48,44,45h PERSIAN JAMB coat with mink collar, size 15-16. "Almost new; grey imitation fur jacket, ear coat with pile lining. Large plant suitable for large room. Phone 482-7351. - 45,46p IN THE ESTATE 0 ELIZABETH KATHERIN SLOMAN, LATE OF TH TOWN OF CLINTON IN TH COUNTY OF HURON RETIRED NURSE, DECEASE All persons having claims agains the Estate of the above-named who died on the 16th Augus 1969, are required to file ful particulars thereof with th e undersigned on or before th • 10th day of November 1969, after Which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of October, 1969, Q NE-5 W)ROOM,, furnished, heated downstairs apartment, Apply to C, VanDamme 482-605, 44tfn AIAIMINum AWNINGS ANOMPINO 10 year$ In The Area Worl<manship Guarapteed Call Mathers Home Improvement Clinton 40.2-7372 -18t.fri CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minigium 7$o 25c, Extras will be *Added to each hillera01* -1f liOt paid Within 30 days 10 the lezft ,hilAertion» TWO bedroom modern apartment, large living room, equipped with electric stove, refrigerator, air conditioner, drapes, oil furnace, Available November 1st. WALNUT bowls and other hand-turned articles. Make nice gifts, At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton, John Plumtree, phone 482-9695. -48tfn 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED DEER HUNTERS SPECIALS CASH in on buried treasure, Wel buy old gold and estate jewellery, N, T. OrmandY Jewellery, -94 The Square,; Goderjch. -.6tf WOULD LIKE to look after child in my own home. Phone 482-9682. - 45b Leather Topped Hunting Boots $14,95 Pair Insulated Rubber Hunting Boots $8.65 Pair 15" "Jack Rabbit" 4 Eyelet Rubber Hunting Boots $12.95 Pair Jumbo "I-lot Seats" $4.95 Each Fluorescent Safety Vests Reg. $2,50 - $1.75 ea. As Above, Plastic 95c ea. VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 262-5748 48tfn EAVESTROUGHING on hou'se or barn. Metal flashing. Roofs repaired. CHIMNEYS built, Free g_st im at es. Morrison Bros: Lucknow, Ontario. Phone 528-2545, -8tfn ONE bedroom modern apartment, self contained, Available November 1st, WILL BUY household effects of older home. Call for appraisal any time. 527-1920. - 38tfn WILL BABYSIT pre-school-age child in my house. 482-9700. - 45b DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per !nab ENGAGEMENTS - $1,50 DEATHS - 5c per word Minimum $1.00 IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS ' 4c per word, COMING EVENTS 5c per word DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 LAWSON & WISE Clinton, Ontario Phone 482-9644. ELECTRICAL, plumbing and' carpentry work. New installations and repairs, H,...1, Steffen, 123 Erie St., Clinton, 482-9937. -tfn TIMBER WANTED Immediate cash for good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robt. Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, - 41tin 13. MISCELLANEOUS WEBSTER portable air compressor, 1/4 h.p. motor, also air lines and paint gun, $35.00, Reg Smith 482-9793. 44,45b '11110•111•1 E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 43,44,45b Jewellery Repair'S We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair Costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd, 3. ARTICLES FOR RENT nammoim6. 15. REAL ESTATE FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact: Herman's Men Wear, 482-9351. -22tfn TO BUY: Household effects of an older house. Phone 482-7358; -14tfn Broken or Cracked Windows? MODERN two-bedroom hoMe' in Auburn. Large living-dining room, Perfect for a retired, couple, For more information call 1-526.7258 after 6;00 p.m„ or all day Saturday and Sunday. -37tf IN'THE ESTATE OF HAROLD CLARK LAWSON, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 31st day of August 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of November 1969, -after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of October, A.D. 1969, E, B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 43,44,45b CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Form ties stocked. Phone 236-4954 evenings or Saturdays. -22tfn 6,, AUTOS FOR SALE Wood or Aluminum Sash Fluorescent Hunting Caps $2.50 Each ONLY 3 LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter; -tfn 1969 DEMONSTRATORS LEFT 1 Volkswagen 1600 wagon, automatic transmission, radio. 1 Volkswagen stick shift automatic, with radio. 1 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia coupe. Prices on all these models greatly reduced. 11~4.0.0oft IMMI1100 ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE 1. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT HIGHWAY FARM 150 acres of production slightly rolling sandy loam soil, located within 11/2 miles of Clinton. An excellent steel barn and new shed plus the modern 4 bedroom home of stone construction, featuring a 2 and 3 piece bath, roomy kitchen, dining room, large living room and family room, make this one of the finest farms in the area. Season's hay and silage included in the reasonable asking price. 5% farm credit mortgage available. Ball & Mutch Ltd. 69. ALBERT ST., CLINTON. Phone 482-9505 COTTAGE for rent, 1 block from main street. Phone 482-3247. Huron Murch, 110 Mary St. Clinton. - 45tfn 14. SERVICES BENNY BJERG' General Contracting 202 Queen St., Clinton. Phone 482-9372 -25tfn AT Don Taylor Motors Limitid Main Street - Exeter In* APARTMENT for rent, two bedrooms, unfurnished. Phone 482-6675 after 6. - 45tfn MOBILE HOMES for rent, fully furnished. Laundromat facilities available. Morgan's Trailer Court, 343 Victoria St. Clinton. 482-7066. - 45,46b WHEEL CHAIRS - The C.P.&T. Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheel chairs available for loan free. Contact Doug Howse, 482-9844 or Mrs. C. Sturdy, 482-3371. - 45 DIAL 235-1100. AT 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air, V6 automatic, to sell as is, $150. Call 482-3252. - 45b SAVINGS ON YARN CLEARANCES AND OVER-RUNS Sp in rite Yarns & Dyers Ltd. FACTORY, AND SALES STORE Main St. Listowel Ont. 291.3951 IN THE ESTATE OF ELVA LAURINE JENKINS, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, WIDOW, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 15th September 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the :tv,i,jindersigned on<1 before the PT. ALBERT AREA 240 acres of systematically underdrained land, highly productive, suitable for corn and bean operation. Modern 2 bedroom brick home with all conveniences and a' large L-shaped steel barn included in the price of $58,000.00 ; - PRI.VkcY 4"' 55 acres of scenie river property-, 15th day of 'November 1969,1 hills, bush, including many after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of October, A.D. 1969. Clinton, Ontario FOR RENT: Modern 5 room house with bath, oil furnace, town water, garage,.I/2 mile north of Clinton on Hwy. No. 4, Apply Joe Corey 482-9889. - 45 1962 DODGE, half-ton truck, with 4-speed and racks. Would sell racks separately. Reasonable price. Phone 482-3297. - 45p CONCRETE WORK INA'S FLOWERS, Mums and Potted Flowers for all occasions. 123 Erie Street, Clinton. 482-9937. - 45tfn All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Reasonable Rates - Free Estimates. MALONEY' 'BIOS. ' Dublin, Phone 345-2964. 13tfn tl NEW - USED CARS & TRUCKS FOR RENT with option to buy, immaculate 4-bedroom, Ph storey home, completely modern throughout. Lovely bright kitchen; spacious living room and dining room. Gas heated, attached garage, This home must be seen, Ike Culligan, agent for Mann-Martel, 519-348-8355, Mitchell. - 45,46b GOOD USED propane gas stove, good condition. An apartment size chrome table and 4 chairs, good condition, Reasonably priced. Call 482-7979 after 5 p.m. - 45b DEL-MAC ORCHARD, •Charles Burgess. Choice quality Mac, Delicious and Spy apples. Special, small Macintosh, $1 a bushel, 6 miles out Bayfield Road, turn right 1 mile. Bring own container and save. 482-7289. - 43tfn MERCURY choice building sites located close to No. 4 Highway north of Clinton 'miring good access as property front on a township concession. Worth every nickel of the asking price of $6,000,00 GENERAL MO BILE HOME (10' x 41') 4 years young, having 2 bedrooms, roomy kitchen-dining room combination, 4-piece bath. Ideal for the smaller family or for a summer cottage. Open for your inspection. A good selection of Clinton homes available for sale CLARKE ZINN 324 Ontario Street Clinton Phone 482-7838 GODERICH AGENT RUTH VAN DER MEER Phone 524-7875 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE Call Bill Fink for fast service, Estimates for new installations and remodelling. Fink Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Wiring, 84 Wellington St., Clinton. Phone 482-7682. -38tfn your transportation headquarters GIRL'S winter coat, size 12, good condition. 482-9433. - 45b Huron Automotive & Supply 263 Huron Rd. Goderich, Ont., Phone 524-6271 Clinton Representative GEO. CUTLER 482.9782 APPLES FOR SALE. Macintosh, Courtlands, Spys, Yellow Delicious and Kings. Bargain in small apples and cookers. Bring own containers. Fresh supply of apple cider just in. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Follow No. 8 Hwy. to Holmesville, turn in to store, follow signs. - 44,45b E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, 44,45,46b OLD ENGLISH RUSTIC ARTS Bayfield Ontario Phone 565-2817 43-46b BOY'S Camel winter coat, size 36. Like new. After 4 p.m. Call 482-9956. - 45h ONE-BEDROOM apartment, self-contained, furnished, heated. Phone Roy Tyndall,. 482-7865. - 43tfn CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSMA Bayfield 565-2846 21tfn SPY APPLES to pick up. $1.50 in your own containers. Stewart Middleton. Phone 482-7525. - 45,46b LARGE room to rent, reasonable. Suit working girl. Light housekeeping privileges if desired. 482-7892. - 43tfn 21. ENGAGEMENTS 7. PET STOCK SCREENED TOP SOIL LANDSCAPING SAND & GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone 482-7644 Evenings 482-7661 Daytime. 37tfn BARBIE DOLL clothes for sale, bride dolls, ladies' skates, size 7, men's skates, size 8, both new - never worn; boys skates, size 11. Phone 482-7833 or 482-9675. - 44tIn Mr. and Mrs. Koop Roelof Drost of RR 3, Listowel wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Amy to William Gerrits, RR 1, Clinton, son of Mrs. Margje Gerrits and the late Herman Gerrits. The wedding will take place on Friday November 14, 1969 in the Christian Reformed Church, Drayton, Ontario. - 45b REGISTERED miniature poodle puppies. 2 dark brown males; 1 black female; 8 weeks old. 527-1915. -- 45,46b ASSORTMENT of outgrown clothing for teenager and boys, size 12.14 very cheap. Also some articles free of charge. Also kitchen cupboard reasonable. 482-9780. - 45p WOOD for stove or fireplace. Also choice beef by quarter of half, 482-3842. - 40tfn TWO-BEDROOM apartment stove and frig. if desired. Free use of washer and dryer, Available Nov. 1, Adults preferred. Mackay apartments, 201 King St. Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. - 41tfn PUREBRED Dalrnation pups for sale. 482-7149. - 45b ATTENTION FARMERS! EMKO jet-heat boiler, oil fired. Model 340E0. Package boiler, oil burner and controls and 200 gal. oil tank, Phone Bill Inkley 482-7378. 45tfn DEAD ELMS are dangerous! Let us remove them and other trees safely. Also tree pruning and custom sawing. Call ROY'S TREE SERVICE, Teeswater 392-6069. - 32eow BEAGLES, pure bred. Papers and shots; 9 weeks old. 524-8945. - 45b HOUSE FOR SALE - Upstairs 4 bedrooms and bathroom. Downstairs large living room, kitchen, washroom, family room and den or bedroom, Wall to wall carpeting, two enclosed sunp (arches. Completely redecorated. New roof, full basement, new furnace, new aluminum siding, garage on 1/4 acre lot. Immediate possession. Phone Red Garon 482-9216. - 43,44,45b LARGE 3 bedroom house, upstairs newly redecorated, fireplace, garage, one acre lot, maintenance of lawns and flower beds included in rent, $135 month. Phone 1-357-1081, - 44,45b 22. BIRTHS TWO puppies about six weeks old, free to good home. 482-7886. - 45p EIGHT FOOT plywood camper for truck. Aluminum windows, $90. Phone 482-7398. 45b Chtiteir Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph.482-7652 -32tfn FORAN In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, October 29, 1969, to Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Foran, RR 2, Blyth, a daughter. A. FOR SALE B, CUSTOM WORK 8, HELP WANTED MALE FARROWING CRATES with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensall, phone 262.5282, 45tfn CUSTOM corn drying with 550 bushel batch dryer. Bruce Roy, Londesboro, 523-4237. 45,46p BEDROOM FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS REQUIRE IMMEDIATELY BENCH ASSEMBLERS, DRAWER FITTERS and MACHINE OPERATORS for Case goods assembling and drawer fitting. Fabian Furniture Company Clinton-Phone 482-7961. 45,46b DUNN: In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, October 30, 1969, to Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Dunn, RR 3, Bayfield, a daughter. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482.3320 24tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. -tfb 16. TENDERS D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR FARMSTEAD PLANNING: Silo Unloaders, feeders, Chore Boy Herringbone parlours, pipelines, service, Sipko cleaners - Commercial dairy; institutions and homes. Sharpening service. Phone 262-5033, T. Munroe, Box 15, Kippen, Ont, -36tfn Sealed tenders will be received by the Hensall Recreation Park and Community Centre Board for a new roof for the Hensall Arena. Specifications may be obtained from Mrs. Robt. Reaburn, 90 King St., Hensall. Tenders to be submitted to the undersigned by 5 p.m. Friday, November 14, 1969. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FORTY-ONE pigs. 4 months old, Tamworth cross. Apply Gordon McGregor 523-4368, Blyth. - 45p ZONDAG : In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday November 1, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Co Zondag, RR 1, Londesboro, a daughter. FIVE two-year-old Holsteins and two heifers, due in February, Purebred and grade. Also a near service age purebred bull, priced to sell, Fred Vodden and Sons, 482-3304. - 45P THACKER: In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, November 2, 1969, to Mr, and Mrs. Gary Thacker, RR 4, Brussels, a son, ). LIVESTOCK FOR SALE • DtJROC soar y for sale, Serviceable age. Excellent for cross breeding, Phone Norman. McClinchey, RR 2, Atzbitrn, 526-7789. - 44,45b JACK'S Furniture Repair Furniture repaired, wood turning a specialty. At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Plibne 482-9695. -40tfb MANCHESTER: Ernie and Ena (nee Zondag) Manchester, are very proud and happy to announce the birth of a daughter Barbra Anne, at St. Thomas, Elgin General Hospital, October 31, 1969. A sister for Bonnie. Mrs. Robt. Reaburn, 90 King St., Hensall, Ont, Sed'y,-Treas., Hensall ilee. Park arid Community Centre Board. 44,45b READY-TO-LAY pullets available. Vaccinated, de-beaked and delivered $2.10. McKinley Farms and Hatchery, Zurieh, Ontario. Phone 262-2837. 45,46b REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home, Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-1676. Ken McNairn. -52tfb 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE E. FARM SERVICES RARYSITTER wanted in my home, five days weekly. Phone 482-9266. - 450 NOTICE NEWS-11COD LL BE CLOSED TUESDAY, NOV. 11th gAMMERMILL and Oats roller for sale, 482-7282, - 45p Huron Dead Stock Removal tlinton Community Au dill Sales EVERY FRIDAY APTE8NOON OVEVEIVIBRANCE OM') DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED & DISPLAY ADS NEXT WEEK B 6 P.M.MOND WILL E AY3 NOV. 10th CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 for Fresh dead or disabled cows and horses; We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to' you, Lie. 190-0-59 Call 482-9811 1:30 p 4 M4 TtAms:. CASH JOE COREY Sales IVfatiiger