HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-10-30, Page 1120.0 NOTICES NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING NOTICE IS HER,ERY GIVEN THAT pursuant to. The Metucipal Act and other powers thereunto enabling, the Corporation of the Village of Bayfield Proposes to stop up and close that portion of the River Road situated on Part of Lot 3, Bayfield Concession, Township of Goderich, County of Heron and Province of Ontario now in the Village of Bayfield as per the Plan of Survey attached to the enabling By-Law of the Village of Bayfield and being a small portion of the said River Road lying between the properties of one Alfred F. Septchmer a copy of which By-Law and Plan of Survey is available for inspection in the Office of • the Village Clerk. The 'lands comprising the portion of the said road allowance to be stopped up and closed are to be conveyed to the abutting property owner in accordance • with the terms established by the Municipal Council of the Village of Bayfield. . The Municipal Council of the said Corporation will hear, in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims his land will be ,prejudicially affected by the closing of a part of the said street and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held in the Municipal Corporation's Hall in the Village of Bayfield on Friday the 14th day of November, 1969 at the hour of 7 o'clock in the evening or so soon thereafter as the said meeting may be held. DATED at Bayfield, Ontario, this 6th day of October, 1969. G. J. Graham, Village of Bayfield, Clerk. —41-44b 23. DEATHS PRICE: Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, October 25, 1969, Mrs. Elizabeth Christine Price, formerly Elizabeth Christine Reichert of Holmesville, Ont. in her 84th year. Funeral from the Beattie Funeral Home on Monday, October 27, with interment in Bayfield Cemetery. 24. MARRIAGES Mr, and Mrs. Harry Williams, Holmesville, wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Sandra Anne to J. Alfred Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Adams, London. The ceremony took place in Wellington Square United Church, Burlington on October 24, 1969..— 44b For The Home Handyman 6" FURNACE PIPE 5 Ft. , . 1.05 6" FURNACE PIPE 5 Ft. 1.20 Heating Duct 5 FT. LENGTHS 12" x 8" 3 75 16" x'8" 5 05 20" x 8" .4 5 95 FLAT ELBOWS, 2.65, 3.29 and 3,89 COLD AIR RETURN FACES — 4.49 STAINLESS STEEL • SINKS NOW ONLY.., 13 99 Single Bowl 20" x 1 8 ' ' x 7" self-rimming, complete With stainless steel basket. WALL & CEILING STRAPPING 1/ 112 • LN. 1 > t 1 X 3 ,• • 3 2 ft. MILL BEAMS Lightweight, Just glue on the calling, So reel looking,. , It's amazingl OStober Sale only .., • Reg, Per • . Ft, 2'10"x 61 8" Exterior 95 BEAVER Main St. EXOter Phone 3/4$ 14 Ft Candy apple treats Cl intgrl Nelda-ROCCtrci. Thursday. October A 19P 11 Menu of the week 19, AUCTION SALES , AKTIQN.-$4.E Of fr9PPrtY And Household Effects of the p#ate of Mrs,. Elva Jenkins, from the corner of Orange and Wellington *rept, on. Saturday, Nov, 1st at 1:30 p.m. the following: Property The speeious corner property situated at the corner of -Orange and 'Wellington Streets, Clinton on which is situated a VA storey, 7 room frame dwelling with '4 bedrooms, living room, den, kitchen, utility room, sun porch, a 3 piece bath, a fell basement and nearly new oil furnace. Also on -this .property is a garage and a work shop. Household Effects; Early Victorian walnut Duncan Phyfe table; 4 Victorian walnut upholstered parlor chairs; 8 Victorian walnut side chairs .(.5 .cane seated and 3 with slip seats`); console table; hall seat and mirror; telephone table and chair; .2 wall mirrors; ball runner; Axminster rug 9' x 12'; small oak round table; other small tables; hall tree; Admiral 23 inch television with twin speakers; round oak pedestal dining room table; oak sideboard; 6 oak dining room chairs; 2 round back .de chairs; walnut platform rocker; size,oak bed, springs and mattress; oak dresser; wooden wardrobe; full size tubtilar bed, springs and mattress; .2 commodes; iron bed springs and mattress; wooden bed, springs and mattress; 2 dressers; 2 blanket boxes; 2 trunks; 3 drawer chest; high boy chest; 2 trillights; table lamps; 2 foot . stools; single bed, springs and mattress; 2 piece chesterfield suite; fancy oak sideboard; dining room extension table; walnut kitchen table; metal utility table; 2 rocking chairs; Westinghouse enamel electric range; Frigidaire refrigerator; Inglis washing machine; 2 unit • laundry tub stand; copper boiler; 4 . piece silver tea service; silverware and flatware; 8. piece Austrian dinner service (rose pattern); some pieces of Limoge; antigue, hand painted and fancy dishes; a large number of oil, pastel and crayon paintings; a quantity of bedding and linens; coal and wood enamel range; cooking utensils; scatter mats; numerous other articles. Terms on household effects—Cash Terris proffrty — 10% down bri 'WAY Prste and balance in 30 days or terms can be arranged to responsible parties. The property to sell subject to reserve bid. Clifford Proctor Administrator of the Estate Edward W. Elliott Auctioneer —43,440 28. CARDS OF THANKS ORIGG: We wish to exPreSs our sincere thanks. to .our friends and neighhono of .}1Ohnesville and Community for the lovely evening PO On in our honour at Goderich Twp,'School, ''purr thoughtfulness will always be remembered. --- Edward and Norma Grigg — 44p WESTLAKE: Mr, and Mrs. Walter Westlake would like to thank all their Many friends and neighbours who, by their kindness, made their 50th Wedding anniversary Co very enjoyable. 440 ,The Auburn Community Memorial Hall Board wishes to thank all those who donated, to the Rummage sale held Oct. 25th; also everyone who helped with the work in any Way. Special thanks • to Mr, Mike Cummings for donating his time and services as auctioneer. — 44b BISBAPE.: It is not easy to express one's thoughts and feelings when it comes to saying "thank you" to Dr. Newland, Dr. Walden and the nurses for the wonderful care I received while I was a patient in hospital. Also thanks for lovely flowers, cards, visits and treats and to Mrs. Johnson and dietary staff. — Dennis Bisback. 44b COLEMAN: I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their cards, visits, flowers and gifts received during my stay in Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Goddard, Rev. Currie, Rev. Morrison and nursing staff on first floor for all their kindnesses. — Gladys Coleman. — 44p CONSITT: I would like to say a special thank you to all my relatives, friends and neighbours who remembered me with visits, cards, flowers, gifts and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. — Barbara Consitt 44b 25, cARDS OF THANKS MarlY thank4 to sveryo ne for their thoughtfulness Willie I was in Clinton hospital, especially Doctors Walden, }Jarrett and. Thapks also nursing. Staff. Mrs, Hugh Flynn.— 44p LEREAD: I wish to thank everyPne for cards, visits and treats during my Ptayin Clinton hospital, A special thanks to those who helped with Fall plowing, to Dr. Walden and First Floor nurses, and to Mrs. Johnson and dietary staff, — Robert Lebeau 44b MOWATT: My sincere thanks to all who were so very thoughtful when my Mother, the late Mrs, Nancy Huerill, passed away. A very Special word of appreciation to. The Beattie Funeral Home. — Gwen Mowatt — 44p 28, ROOM and BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for one. Apply to Mrs, A. Rumball, 482.7059, 41tfn Freeze extra fish Fisherman's luck? A good catch? Freeze that extra fish. To prepare fish for freezing, clean, fillet and wash. Cut the fish into serving-size 'Portions and freeze packages in amounts that will be used at one time. Pack tightly and wrap in moisture-proof paper. The layers should be separated by double pieces of paper. Lean fish will keep up to six months, fat fish such as trout or whitefish Will keep about three months. Food specialists at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, advise that fish should not be thawed before cooking, but if necessary for handling, thaw the fish in the refrigerator to the point where it is flexible but still icy, It's trick or treat Season again. $9t he ready this Year with a special treat for your ghosts and goblins. These candied apples, from the Food. Department, MacdOnald InStitute, University of Guelph, will he 4 delicious hit at any Halloween party. CINNAMON APPLES 8 medium apples 2 cups granulated sugar 213 cup light corn syrup 1 cup water dash of salt drops of cinnamon oil or 2-3 tbsp. crushed cinnamon candy red food coloring wooden skewers Warm, gracious entertaining is one of the most delightful ways of practicing the Golden Rule, observes Elizabeth Bonnell McCuaig, author of the "HOSPITALITY COOKBOOK" published by Ryerson Press. She speaks from personal experience for, as the wife of the Rev. Alan Hayes McCuaig, now of Toronto, she regularly entertains their entire congregation of over 1,5,00 people in weekly groups of 50 to 100. Out of this spirit .of entertaining her husband's congregations in the past, Mrs. McCuaig has created the "Hospitality Cookbook" — a collection of the favourite recipes of Protestant ministers' wives. In addition to the hundreds of proven, delectable • recipes, Elizabeth Bonnell McCuaig has 'Wash and dry the apples; remove the stelli, $tiek the. Skewer kite the. stern and of each Witter the sides Of a heavy saucePArl, In saucepan,' combine Sirgar, corn syrup, water, salt and food Coloring. Cook, stirring constantly, until sugar reaches hard crack-300 deg. F-stage, Remove from heat; stir in cinnamon oil or well crushed Candy, • Twirl each apple in syrup to coat: tilt Pan so syrup is deep enough to cover the apples. Let excess drip off, Set apples on buttered cookie sheet or wax paper. Let cool until firm. provided fascinating background material about the history and practice of hospitality in the Christian home. Beginning with a survey of hospitable customs found in the Old and New Testaments, she goes on to give the brief history of, and menus for, specific church festival. days — including All Saints' Day, St. George's Day and St. Andrew's Day, as well as the more familiar Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Another special chapter is devoted to such occasions as a ladies' luncheon,'" a men's executive meeting, a large tea and a children's party. In each case, complete menus are given, together with full information about the number of plates and serving dishes,' and the amount of cutlery, required. APPi-g-PEKIVVNE0 PQRK PHP.PV PREAMY. POTi7s104.4 BRUSSEL SPROUTS PEACH MEW* According to the Food Connell, Ontario Department pf Agriculture and Food, apples are definitely allies of good health. For example, an apple a daY will: — clean your teeth and Stimulate your gums -'- provide bulk to pep' up your digestive system — help your body to resist infection and promote growth — aid eye health and steady your nerves — give you quick energy with only 70 calories. Why not use Ontario Macs in your menus this week? APPLE-CROWNED PORK CHOPS 6 loin pork chops 1 medium red onion 2 or 3 tart red apples t/2 cup golden raisins 1 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tsp. salt Few grains pepper 1/2 tsp. nutmeg % tsp. basil 1/8 tsp. cloves 1 cup water 2 tbsp, red currant jelly Brown pork chops on both sides in their own fat. Transfer to baking dish. Cover chops with thinly sliced onion and add unpeeled apples which have been cored and cut in sixths. Cover raisins with boiling water to plump. Drain. Scatter raisins Over Chops also. Combine brown sugar, salt, pepper, nutmeg, basil, and cloves. Sprinkle over surface. Pour water into baking dish. Cover. Bake at 350 deg. F. for 11/2 hours. Remove cover during last half hour of baking time. Arrange chops and topping MI *Wing platter. .Stir 0=4 jelly into sauce in pan; pour over, all,.Seryes.ail FISH FACT Food exPerta at Macdonald Instititte, University of OtIPIPh, say that fish is cooked when the juice is a white milky color and the Meat readily When tested wittal9Lt. Now Put your money into our guaranteed investment certificates now paying the never-before interest of eight and three quartet percent. ,1ZiAand VG GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 10130 100 KINGSTON ST., GODERICH Minister's wife *hes • recipes for entertaining Ends Sat., Nov.1 PANELLING Ilk Armstrong • VINYL RUGS* I 4 Rug size 12' x 9', cuts with scissors to fit angles, wide range of en gill Armstrong colours and patterns. i Reg. 13.99. 0012" EACH iAt 1111111011 Abitibi CEILING PANELS kV% HEATING DUCT!! .`7. EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT OUR TOP VALUE USED CARS WE WANT TO SAY ... THANKS FOR A RECORD BREAKING SALES MONTH Easy to apply, prefinished 114" x 4' panels, white or galaxy patterned — October Selo only „.. 2 99 Regular 3.29 and 3.49 per panel DON TAYLO MOT ORS EXETER 2364100 Htion dotioti'a YdiingeSt Most Awiressive bealership Never Panelled A Wall?? See Beaver For 941 BLACK 8( DECKER POWER SAW HP rotor nu alrealar blade, A ttqAt. VAitA ONLY ' When The Job le bone.. It's The Pa ceiling They Admire. See Beaver'sSeleCt. 1011 FULL SIZE 4')(8' PRIFINISHED "VALDEZ" MAHOGANY HARDBOARD Scomlio PANELS Popular delourt.., Great Savingsl two new for Old plywood pen*, beautiful 6,1k veining, hindorn grooved, your tholde dark and light ceteurille October Sale 1969 VOLKSWAGEN, notch back sedan, automatic transmission, one owner, H78344 $2295 1967 OLDSMOBILE, sedan, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear seat speaker, only $2295 40,000 miles, E84138 , .. ... . 1965 VOLKSWAGEN Stationwagon, completely reconditioned, 98983X '95 1967 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe Coach, completely 1395 reconditioned, E58001 1965 METEOR Rideau Sedan, V-8, automatic, very tow mileage $ 1963 CHEVROLET Impala, 4-door hardtop, 327 engine, 250 H.P., polder steering, power brakes, 795 automatics radio, 2-tone, new finish, H85875 . . 1963 PONTiAC Laurentian Sedan, automatic, $ safety Checked ready for the road. H78583 59.5 19G2 POW) Galaxie, 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, $495 Safety checked and ready for the road, H76269 This week end Only, new SNOW tires and new battery With every car purchased. King Size 12"x12"► Armstrong FLOOR TILE Good Colour, fine finish, random II grooved and ready to apply . softie! factory delivery of exceptional value. October Sale pride only 3,79 for a x panel. See This Onel 66 4')(8' PANEL HAVANA WHITE, -bright, clean PER TILE .tile, regularly 22%c each. October Sale only Domtar Velvetex CEILING TILE Prefinished, Washable white,e tongue and grooved, Regularly' lac per tile. October Sale price . . I . Armstrong TENOLLA EXCELON FLOOR TILE 100% vinyl; Wear layer for extra beatity. New, Sunny Spain look and colours. Reg. 300 per tile , REC ROOM LIGHT FIXTURES CIRCULAR FLUSH 99 SW' OIAMETER, thrcirtle expellent for rao raerna, Reg, s.09 NOW ONLY RECESSED 6rotrie trim 814 x 8% Crystal Oats; takeSiane 100 overt lerep, Regefer 8,78 Special Clearance 09 While They Last Seconds DOORS PLUMBING Copper or plastic handyman plumbing supplies now at Beaver. Single Bowl Ledgeback 19 98 Reg, 23.00 ONLY Double Bowl Contour Ledge 039 9 5 October Sale Price lip 8" Kitchen Faucet only 8.69 1 /2” Copper Pipe 12' Lengths 4.29 14/2 ROUX Far home Wiring, FleginCr 14,75 per 250' roll Only II.58 datina tile dabber Seta.