HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-10-30, Page 10insINTEE .o.t.inn c 42.41htle 0 Clinton New$-IIPporcl. Thilredy, Octo4pr 3% 1909 Mercilants 4. ARTICLES spit SALE 4, ARTICLES PPR SALE 10. TENDERS 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 9, HELP WANTED FEMALE' 14, SERVICES • 1, ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT STERWEB - WOOD for sfove or fireplac com ' pressor 1./s lisp. motor, also Also choice beef by quarter of air lines and PAW; gun, $3.5.00, halt 482,380. 40ffn Reg Smith 482-9793. — 44,45b FOR -$A1-0 BY TENDER Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned ontil 6;00 p.m, on. Friday, November 14, 1969 for the pus-04,W of the building and property known as the VICTOR LAURISTON PUBLIC SCHOOL, Britannia, Rd., at Waterloo St., Goderich, Ontario. This is a 3 storey, brick (designed originally as a high school) located in a residential Area on a corner lot approximately 330 feet by 120 feet. Open for inspection from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday, November 1st, 1969. Certified cheque for 10 percent or bid, payable to The Huron County Board of Education, to be included with tender. Balance payable on closing. Cheques of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. Highest or- any other bid not necessarily accepted. R. B. Dunlop, Business Administrator, The Huron County Board of Education, P.O. Box 370, Clinton, Ontario. OLD ENGLISH RUSTIC ARTS Bayfield Ontario Phone 565-281/ 43-464 ADV., RATES CASH RATE, c Per Word- .$4000.„„ 75, 4ACIQ$ FnMitere Re Pair -se u rniture repaired, wood turtling a specialtY. At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton, Phone, • 482-9695,, —49tfb ORTHOPEDIC ,and general Slim-- Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Ainsing's Store, Henk's Shoe Repair, 62 Hamilton Street, Goderich. — 38eow. LADY for pleasant part-time work, 15 hours weekly. Must have references. Setter than average pay. Apply to Box 430, Clinton News-Record, 48,44,45b ONg ,pM)110(:)M, furnished, heated downstairs apartment. Apply to Q, VAPParil.PIP 462-6666.. 44tfn SPORTING GOODS & HUNTING SUPPLIES CONTINENTAL bed, 30" wide with red plaid mattress. Spotless condition, 0.5.00. Bayfield 565.2807, --- 44p ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact: Herman's Men Wear, 482-9351. —2etfn 5,, WANTED REQUIRED instnerliately, .a companion-honselseeper for .MrA,. Geirdnex..Comfortable home on Main Street, Bayfield, Call 565-2646 or 565-2864. We specialize in these lines and ,are willing to help one and all if at all possible, Our equipment, both new and used, is guaranteed fully against faulty material or workmanship. Farmers wearing sporting clothing find it more satisfactory in the ease of movement and the quality. With the hunting season well on its way we offer the hunters the use of our indoor range to check sight. We also offer .22 Long rifle ammo ,Reg. $1.17 per box at 95c ,22 Long rifle mushroom Reg. $1.28 per box at $1.05 20% discount on all other rifle and shotgun ammo AT rt r' Clinton, Ontario APPLES FOR SALE. Macintosh, Courtlands, Spys, Yellow Delicious and Dings. Bargain in small apples and cookers. Bring own containers. Fresh supply of apple cider just in. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, Follow No, 8 Hwy. to Holtnesville, turn in to store, follow signs, — 44.45b_ TWO girl's one-piece snowsuits, sizes 8 and 10. Good condition. Phone 482-9206. — 44b QUEBEC. condition, 44b heater in pod Phone 482-3248, — 25c Extre will be added to each insertion if not paid within 30 days of the lest hohertion. CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Form ties stocked. Phone 236-4954 evenings or Saturdays. —22ffn ALUMINIMI AWNINGS AND SIDING 10 Years In The Area Workmanship Guaranteed - Can Withers Home Improvement Clinton 482.7372 —18tfn CASH in on buried treasure, We. buy old gold and estate jewellery. N. T. OrmandY Jewellery, 94 The Square, Goderich, —6tf OCCASIONAL' HELP. REQUIRED DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch ENGAGEMENTS — $1.50' DEATHS — 5c per word Minimum $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS CARD OF THANKS 4c per word, COMING EVENTS ‘;.'. per word OLDER FURNITURE, crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and end. Phone 482-7878 evenings. 38tfn FORMAL RENTALS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Agents for Freemans Formal Rentals PICKETT & CA/BELL • LTD. CLINTON GODERICH • BENNY BJERG General Contracting 202 Queen St., Clinton, Phone 482-9372 —25tfn HANDY TRAILER with Box 7'x4'x2' high, side opening. Built on Volkswagen front end; new tires. Apply to 482-9721 or 482-9542. — 44p suitable for married woman or high school girl. Selling experience preferred. Reply , to Box 440, Clinton News-Record. 44b WILL BUY household effects of older home. Call for appraisal any time. 527-1920. — 38tfn TIMBER WANTED Immediate cash for good standing timber of all kinds, .Write Robt. Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. — 41tfri REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd lobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken Mclslairn. —52tfb FOUR TIRES with rims, including 2 snow tires. Size 560-590, 600-13. Good condition. Phone 482-7346. — 44p 10, EMPLOYMENT WANTED DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 MIDDLE-AGED lady will do light housework in motherless home or babysitting 5 days a week. Apply to Box 441, Clinton News-Record. -- 44p PASSENGERS to share expense of trip to Fanshawe College every Tuesday evening, leaving at 6:00 p.m. Contact Reg Smith, 482-9793. — 43,44b APPLES — Spy, Greening, Snow, Delicious, cider apples. Phone 482-3214. Fred McClymont, 1 mile south of , Varna. — 43,44p -ELECTRICAL, plumbing and carpentry work. New installations and repairs. H. J. Steffen, 123 Erie St„ Clinton, 482-9937. —tfn 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE lbw 1. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT BROADLOOM J. B. Lavis, D. J. Cochrane, Chairman.Director of Education. YOUNG WOMAN requires full time employment. Call 482-9731 or 482-7138. 43,44b Spinrite Yarns & Dyers Ltd. FACTORY SALES STORE SAVINGS ON YARN CLEARANCES AND MILL ENDS Main St. Listowel Ont. 291-3951 44b . _ . TO BUY: Household effects of an older house. Phone 482-7,358; —14tfn CL1NraNP5 CELANESE CARPET CENTRE *WM to Wall Installation or Area Carpets. *Samples shown in you home. ' *Free Estimates. *Guaranteed Installations. There's a.Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, self-contained, furnished, heated, Phone Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. 43tfn SINGER repossession, straight stitch, zig-zag, and automatic sewing machines, cabinet or portable, from $25.00; also floor polishers and vacuums. Must be cleared. Singer Company of Canada, 40 West Street. Phone 524-8431. — 43,4 17. NOTICE to CREDITORS 1S, REAL ESTATE WILL babysit in my home. 482-9106. — 43,44p 6. AUTOS FOR SALE MODERN two:bedioo—mhome in Auburn. Large living-dining room. Perfect for a retired couple. For more information call 1-526-7258 after 6:00 p.m, or all day Saturday and Sunday. —37tf IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH KATHERINE SLOMAN, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED NURSE, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 16th August 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of November 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have • notice, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of October, 1969. LARGE room to rent, reasonable. Suit working girl. Light housekeeping privileges if desired. 482-7892. — 43tfn ON CY 4 1969 DEMONSTRATORS LEFT , 1 Volkswagen 1600 wagon, automatic transmission, radio. 1969 Volkswagen 1130, deluxe coach, with radio. 1 Volkswagen stick shift automatic, with radio. 1 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia coupe. Prices on all these models greatly. reduced. 13. MISCELLANEOUS GIRL'S COAT, size 6, maple leaf plaid with borg lining, like new,. 482-7222. — 44b Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair Costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd, _an. DEL-MAC ORCHARD, Charles Burgess. Choice quality Mac, Delicious and Spy apples. Special, small Macintosh, $1 a bushel. 6 miles out Bayfield Road, turn right 1 mile. Bring own container and save. 482-7289. — 43tfn TWO-BEDROOM apartment stove and frig. if desired. Free use of washer and dryer. Available Nov. 1. Adults preferred. Mackay apartments, 201 King St. Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. — 41tfn. WALNUT dining room suit — extension table, buffet, 1 arm chair, 5 chairs. Upright Sherlock-Manning piano and bench, 2 brown metal beds, springs, 2 dressers, several odd older chairs. PhOne 482-9213. 44p Quality you can trust' From BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482.9505 Clinton —5tfn LARGE 3 bedroom house, upstairs newly redecorated, fireplace, garage, one acre lot, maintenance of lawns and flower beds included in rent, $135 month. Phone 1-357-1081. — 44,45b • PIONEER chain saws, new and used. Sabre, Oregon, Pioneer chains, sprackets, bars available for most chain saws. Call Robert Glen Saws, Clinton, 482-9292. — 43,44,45,46p HIGHWAY FARM 150 acres of production slightly rolling sandy loam soil, located within 1'/2 miles of Clinton. An excellent steel barn and new shed plus the modern 4 bedroom home of stone construction, leatirifiira-2—arecr3- P leer bath, roomy kitchen, dining room, large living room and family room, make this one of the finest farms in the area. Season's hay and silage included in the reasonable asking price. 5% farm credit mortgage available. PTsALBERT AREA 240 acres of systematically underdrained land, highly productive, suitable for corn and bean operation. Modern 2, bedroom brick home with all conveniences and a large L-shaped steel barn included in the price of $58,000.00 PRIVACY 55 acres of scenic river property, hills, bush, including many choice building sites located close to No. 4 Highway north of Clinton having good access as property front on, a township concession. Worth every nickel of the asking price of $6,000.00 GENERAL MOBILE HOME (10' x 41') 4 years young, having 2 bedrooms, roomy kitchen-dining room combination, 4-piece bath. Ideal for the smaller family or for a summer cottage. Open for your inspection. A good selection of Clinton homes available for sale CLARKE ZINN 324 Ontario Street Clinton Phone 482-7838 GODERICH AGENT RUTH VAN DER MEER Phone 524-7875 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take ,chances. Expert work done reasonably to your esatisfaction. ,W.atch. repairs and pearl restringing. W. NI Counter. —tfn DEER Licenses on sale. Hunters' supplies, shells, etc. Merv. Batkin, 75 Princess St. E. Phone 482-3866. — 44p AT Don Taylor Motors Limited, r Mein Street — Exeter Broken or Cracked"; Windows? iai in E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 43,44,45b QUANTITY scirclothing for boy, size 12-14, reasonable, also 3 teen age girl's coats, size 14, in excellent condition, $5 each. 482-9780. — 44b DIAL •235-1-100-,—, WALNUT '"Volfst and other hand-turned articles. Make nice gifts. At rear of 84 Albert Street,. Clinton, John Plurritree, phone 482-9695. -48tfn TWO-BEDROOM house, newly decorated. 225 Mary Street, 482-9788. — 44tfn Wood or Aluminum Sash 1969 G.M.C. 1/2-ton truck. V8, with radio. Excellent condition. Phone 565-2634, — 43,44b VI. SERVICES THREE-BEDROOM house, living room, dining room, 3-piece bath, kitchen, 2 sun porches, garage, gas furnace. One block from business section. Phone 482-9649. — 44tfn IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD CLARK LAWSON, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 31st day of August 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of November 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th , day of October, A.D. 1969. 1968 set of "World Book" Aristocrat Binding. Also set of Childcraft, ,Heritage binding. New condition. Reduced. Phone 527-1986. — 44b EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn. Metal flashing. Roofs repaired. CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates. Morrison Bros, Lucknow, Ontario. Phone 528-2546. —8tfn DEAD ELMS are dangerous! Let us remove them and other trees safely. Also tree pruning and custom sawing. Call ROY'S TREE SERVICE, Teeswater 392-6069. — 32eow 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, good, tires, body and motor, $425. 482-7744. — 43,44b ALL SIZES REPAIRED,HERE 7. PET STOCK TWO bedroom modern apartment, large living room, equipped with electric stove, refrigerator, air conditioner, drapes, oil furnace. Available November 1st. OIL floor furnace in good condition. Phone 482-3248. — 44b Ball & Mutch Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 REGISTERED miniature poodle puppies. 2 dark brown males; 1 black female; 8 weeks old.' 527-1915. — 43,44b CONCRETE WORK RUBBER-tired buggy, cut down to pony size. 482-7744. — 43,44b All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Reasonable Rates — Free Estimates, MALONEY BROS. Dublin, Phone 345-2964. BARBIE DOLL clothes for sale, bride dolls, ladies' skates, size 7, men's skates, size 8, both new — never worn; boys skates, size 11. Phone 482-7833 or 482-9675. — 44tfn MALE COLLIE pup," 8 months old, partly trained, good heeler, Fred Boyce 482-7500. — 44p ONE bedroom modern apartment, self contained. Available November 1st. ATTENTION FARMERS! 8A. HELP WANTED LAWSON & WISE Clinton, Ontario Phone 482-9644. ONE PAIR 14" rims, fit Rambler. $10.00. One Equalizer trailer hitch, $50.00. 482-7741. — 44p PART-TIME sportswriters wanted to cover sports in Clinton. Good pay, training. Apply in writing to: The Editor, WESTERN ONTARIO SPORTS, Lucknow, OntariO. — 44b Call Bill Fink for fast service. Estimates for new installations and remodelling, Fink Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Wiring, 84 Wellington St., Clinton. Phone 482-7682. —38tfn E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 43,44,45b C. WANTED A. FOR SALE CATTLE to winter; 1 to 30 head. Call 336J4 Brussels after 6 p.m. — 43,44b FOR FARMSTEAD PLANNING: Silo Unloaders, feeders, Chore Boy Herringbone parlours, pipelines, service, Sipko cleaners — Commercial dairy, institutions and homes. Sharpening service. Phone 262-5033. T. Munroe, Box 15, Kippen, Ont. —36tfn 8. HELP WANTED MALE CUSTOM BULLDOZING .CHAS. BRUINSMA Bayfield 565-2846 21tfn IN THE ESTATE OF ELVA LAURINE JENKINS, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, WIDOW, DECEASED, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 15th September 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned' on or before the 15th day of November 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of October, A.D. 1969, E. B, MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 44,45,46b PERSON to assist in used car clean-up. Preferably full time. Apply McGee Pontiac-Buick- Cadillac, 37 Hamilton Street. — 44 D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LARGE number of big, close Holstein heifers. Also some fresh, some registered. MacDonald Farms, RR 7, Strathroy, Ont. Phone 245-0764. — 42,43',44b SCREENED TOP SOIL LANDSCAPING SAND & GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone 482-7644 Evenings 482-7661 Daytime. 3'7tfn warm -ups REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Sincere and capable salesman for the Clinton area. High earnings for the right person. Experience is helpful, but not necessary, For a confidential meeting, call S. II, BOERSMA, REAL ESTATE BROKER (Bernie) at 344-2433. Our office is located at 643 Murphy Road, Sarnia. — 44x E. FARM SERVICES Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON TEN PIGS, 8 weeks old. Also WANTED - Beatty litter carrier. Phone after 6, Bob Trick, 482-3221. — 44b Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph.482-7652 —32tfn HOUSE FOR SALE Upstairs 4 bedrooms and bathroom. Downstairs large living room, kitchen, washroom, family room and den or bedroom. Wall to wall Carpeting, two enclosed sunporehes. Completely redecorated. New roof, full basement, new furnace, new aluminum siding, garage on 1/4 acre lot. Immediate possession, Phone Red Garon 482-9216. — 43,44,45b Enjoy the outdoors , . in our autumn array of fine outerwear „ . here now! CARCOATS! CASUAL JACKETS! SUEDES - LEATHERS NYLONS - WOOLS SEE ALL THE *NEW ONES' FORTY-TWO STEERS, approximately 750-1000 lbs. 482-3288. — 44b We pay $5 to $15 for Fresh dead or disabled cows and horses; We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you, Lie, 190-C-69 Call collect 4829811 WANTED MAN POR • SOFT DRINK ROUTE DUROC Boar for sale, Serviceable age. Excellent for cross breeding. Phone Norman MeClinchey, RR 2, Auburn, 526-7789. 44,45b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 — 24tfb 22, BIRTHS 1. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE KINGSBURY:. In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, October 22, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs, Ron Kingsbury, RR 4, Brussels, daughter, 16. TENDERS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest 'Established Jewellery Store. -'-tfb Sealed tenders will be received by the 1-lensall Recreation Park and Community Centre Board for a new root for the Hensel] Arena, Specifications may be obtained from Mrs, Robt. Reaburn, 90 King St,, Rensall. Tenders to be submitted to the undersigned by 5 p.m, Friday, Novertibet 14, 1969. Lowest or VAN BEERS: In Clinton Publit Hospital, on Tuesday, October 28, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. John Van Beers, RR 1, Clinton, a Son. FALL SWEATERS This is sweater weather and we haVe the Pullovers, Cardigans, V Neeks, Crews and Mock Turtles. From $995 to $250 We are Shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We vviII pick up at your farts., Phone tolled not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE WILLIAMJ, DALE 482,9692 VACUUM cleaners; sales and service Or all makes. R. K, Peek, Varna, phone IienSall 262.5748 48tfn Clinton Community, Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY EVENING KELLY: In Stratford General Hospital on Thursday, October 23, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs, Peter Kelly (nee Elna Wonch) a son Michael James, a grandson for Mr, and Mrs. George Wonch, REMEMBER HEW %A RED' Ms TO HELP ess BULLDOZING accepted , any tender not necessarily , excellent Opportunity for advancement, better than- average earnings with good company benefits. Apply to Mr. Jack Walton', Kitchener Beverages Ltd,, 310 Pairrly Kitthener. 44b Mrs, Eobt. fteaborn, 90 King St„ Hensel', Ont, Seese-'Teas., Meissen Rees Park and Community Centre Board. 441,45b Excavating and Loading Sand Gravel Topsoil HUNKING BROS 48/-oal s • ,824684 16tf 7:30 p.m. I 'fed Pickett & Campbell L`m. CLINTON GODERIdif TERMS: CASH JOE COREY w Sales Manager