HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-10-23, Page 6FORMAL RENTALS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Agents for Freemans Formal Rentals PICKETT & CANTBELL LTD. CLINTON GODERICH 5 .Q1..intQn Ne\A(5.-F3Rcord;Thuf5d4y, ()Mbar 23, 196,9 Allertha n tS Go ant Ads se Watch They When radical ACCOMMOIDATI'4?N FOR RENT 5, AUTOS FOR SALE • 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE spvcg to CREDITORS CLASSIFIED ADV., RATES REAL ESTATE 13. :MISCELLANEOUS PAYESTROVONING on hone . . or barn. Metal flashing. Root's repaired. CHIMNEYS built, Free estimates, Morrison Bros. Lucknow, Ontario, Blume 5.28-2546..-8tfo YARN CLEARANCES Spinrite Yarns. & Dyers Ltd,. FACTORY SALES STOR E. IN ,05ToygL, ONTARIO .291 ,3951 ONLY 4 1969 DEMONSTRATORS LEFT f Volkswagen 1,660 wagon, automatic transmission, radio, 1969 Volkswagen 1130, deluxe poach, with radio. 1 Volkswagen stick shift automatic, with radio, 1 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia coupe. Prices on all these models greatly reduced, lisINTEE IN TFO.;.'. ESTATE. OF ROSE FINLEY, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF DAYFIEbT) IN THE COUNTY OF 1-ILTHON, xouSEKSFpgil, DECEASED. ALL persone having claims against the Estate of the above named, who died on the 14th day of September, A.D. 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, A,D. 1969, after which date the assets will' be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the' undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, .Ontario, this 3rd day of October, A.D, 1969. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton; Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, 41,42,43b LET IJS REPAIR. AND mAIM your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances, Expert work done reasonably to your _satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing, W. 1. Counter, --tfn TWO bedroom modem apartment, large living room, equipped with electric stove, refrigerator, air conditioner, drapes, oil furnace. Available November 1st. CASH RATE 3c Per Word WOOD for stove or fireplace, Also choice beef by quarter of half, 482-3842. 40tfn HIGHWAY FARM 150 acres of production slightly rolling sandy loam' soil, located within 1.1/2 miles of Clinton. An excellent steel barn and new shed plus the modern 4 bedroom home of stone construction, featuring a 2 and 3 piece bath, roomy kitchen, dining room, large' living room and family room, make this one of the finest farms in the area. Season's hay and silage included in the reasonable asking price. 5% farm credit mortgage available. PT. ALBERT AREA 240 acres of systematically underdrained land, highly productive, suitable for corn and bean operation. Modern 2 bedroom brick home with all conveniences and a. large L-shaped steel barn included in the price of $58,000.00 PRIVACY • 55 acres of scenic river property, h:lls, hush, including many choice' building sites located close to No. 4 Highway north of Clinton having good access as property front on a township concession. Worth every nickel of the asking price of $6,000.00 GENERAL MOBILE HOME (10' x 41') 4 years ybung, having 2 bedrooms, roomy kitchen-dining ,room combination, 4-piece bath. Ideal for the smaller family or for a summer Cottage. Open for your inspection. DEL-MAC ORCHARD, Charles Burgess, Choice quality Mac, Delicious and Spy apples, Special, small MacIntosh, $1 ,a bushel, 6 miles out Bayfield Road, turn 'right I mile, Bring own container and save, 482.7289, - 43tfn Mlniihum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 30 days at the last Insertion. ONE bedroom modern apartment, self contained. Available November 1st. OLD ENGLISH RUSTIC ARTS • Bayfield Ontario Phone 565-2817 43-46b 14. SERVICES Chuter Plumbing' Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph.482-7652 -32tfn LAWSON & WISE Clinton, Ontario Phone 482-9644. AT Don Taylor Motors Limited Mein Street - Exeter DIAL 235.1100 WINDOWS for sale. 3 size 191/2 " x 36", 6 size 36" x 37". Suitable for storm windows. 1 glass front door 48'2-9574. - 43b ONE Coleman space oil heater with tank. Like new 482-3368. 43b RUBBER-tired buggy, Gut doWn to pony size. 482- 7744. 43b DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per inch ENGAGEMENTS - $1°50 DEATHS - Sc per word Minimum $1J00 tN MEMORIAMS f;ARD OF THANKS 4c per word; COMING EVENTS 5c per word DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 3. ARTICLES FOR RENT PIONEER chain saws, new and used. Sabre, Oregon, Pioneer chains, sprackets, bars available for most chain saws. Call Robert Glen Saws, Clinton, 482-9292. - 43,44,45,46p FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact: Herman's Men Wear, 482-9351. -22tfn , SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482.3320 - 24tfb 1969 G.M.C. 1/2 -ton truck. V8, with radio. Excellent condition, Phone 565-2634. 43,44b FOR THE THRIFTY MINDED USED SNOWMOBILES (A-1 cond.) 1969 Moto Ski Zephyr, 20 hp,, E. 1968 Ski Doo, 13 h.p. 1968 Moto Ski Zephyr, 18 h.p. 1968 Moto Ski Capri, 18 h.p. Get your new 16 or 20 h.p, machine now while they are still available. Vincent Farm Equipment Seaforth. 527-0120. CONSTRUCTION equipment. for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Form ties stocked. Phone 236-4954 evenings or Saturdays, -22tfn 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, good body and motor, $450. 482-7744. - 43b HAND PICKED Macintosh apples, $1.50 per bushel in your own container. A real buy for the children. Stewart Middleton, 482-7525. 43b 19. AUCTION SALES WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts, Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. -tfb • • 1955 CHEV, 2-door, 283. 3-speed, bucket seats, mags, wide ovals. Phone 482-7246. 43p AUCTION SALE Of • Property and Household Effects of the Estate of Mrs. Elva Jenkins from the corner of Orange and Wellington Street, Clinton, on Saturday, Nov. 1st at 1:30 p.m. the following: Property The spacious corner property situated at the corner of Orange and Wellington Streets, Clinton on which is situated a 1'/2 storey, 7 room frame dwelling with 4 bedrooms, living room, den, kitchen, utility room, sun porch, a 3 piece bath, a full basement and nearly new oil furnace, Also on this property is a garage and a work shop. Household Effects: Early Victorian walnut Duncan Phyfe table; 4 Victorian walnut upholstered parlor chairs; 8 Victorian walnut side chairs (5 cane seated and 3 with slip seats); console table; hall seat and mirror; telephone table and chair; 2 wall mirrors; hall runner; Axminster rug 9' X 12'; small oak round table; other small tables; hall tree; Admiral 23 inch television with twin speakers; X2,14,1",41 Mlk%Rhdesta]; dining room table; oak sideboard; .6 soak dining room chairs; 2 round back 'side chairs; walnut platform rocker; 3/4 size oak bed, springs and mattress; oak dresser; wooden wardrobe; full size tubular bed, springs and' mattress; 2 commodes; iron bed springs and mattress; wooden bed, springs and mattress; 2 dressers; 2 blanket boxes; 2, trunks; 3 drawer chest; high boy chest; 2 tri-lights; table lamps; 2 foot stools; single bed, springs and mattress; 2 piece chesterfield suite; fancy oak sideboard; dining room extension table; walnut kitchen table; metal utility table; 2 rocking chairs; WestinghOuse enamel electric range; Frigidaire refrigerator; Inglis washing machine; 2 unit laundry tub stand; copper boiler; 4 piece silver tea service; silverware and flatware; 8 piece Austrian dinner service (rose pattern); some pieces of Limoge; antigue, hand painted and fancy dishes; a large number of oil, pastel and crayon paintings; a quantity of bedding and linens; coal and wood enamel range; cooking utensils; scatter mats; numerous other articles. CRISP, JUICY MaeIntosh now being picked. Buy at orchard prices. Bring own container and ° get 25 cents on a bushel off on apples. Also Courtlands, excellent cookers. Also Bartlett pears for sale. Open 7 days a week. Art Bell's Farm. Follov No. 8 to Holmesville,, turn in to stor Follow signs. - 38tfn BULLDOZING dennormormiwoof NEW - USED CARS & TRUCKS ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT Excavating and Loading Sand Gravel Topsoil HUNKING BROS 482-9315 .82-7634 16tfn -4 Rib MERCURY 5., WANTED ONE-BEDROOM apartment, self-contained, furnished, heated. Phone Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. - 43tfn CASH in on buried treasure. We buy old gold arid estatc, jewellery. N. T. Ormandy Jewellery, 94 The Square, ,Goderich. -6tf OLDER FURNITURE, crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and end. Phone 482-7878 evenings. 38tfn your transportation headquarters Huron Automotive & Supply 263 Huron Rd. Goderich, Ont., Phone 524-6271 Clinton Representative GEO. CUTLER 482.9782 WALNUT bowls and other hand-turned articles. Make nice gifts. At, rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton, John Plumtree, phone 482-9695. -48tfn CONCRETE WORK LARGE room to rent, reasonable. Suit working girl. Light housekeeping privileges if desired. 482-7892. - 43tfn 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE All types of foundations and loors, cement barnyards. Reasonable • Rates - Free Estimates. MALONEY BROS. A good selection of Clinton homes available for sale CLARKE ZINN 324 Ontario Street Clinton Phone 482-7838 GODERICH AGENT RUTH VAN DER A4EER, Phone 524-7875 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE ONE brown shampoo basin, taps and spray. Good condition. Phone 482-9829. - 43b Broken or Cracked Windows? THREE-BEDROOM house, close to schools. Available November 1. Call 482-9507. 43tfn 30" ADMIRAL electric range. Will sell reasonably. 482-7201. - 43b WILL BUY household effects of older home. Call for appraisal any time. 527-1920. - 38tfn • Dublin, Phone 345-2964. 13tfn Wood or Aluminum Sash 7, PET STOCK DUPLEX, close to Post Office, sun porch, gas furnace, nice kitchen and bathroom, garage, basement with laundry tubs, nice location. Phone 524-9158. -43p FOR RENT or Sale - two 'bedroom, furnished house trailer, Phole'524:771'5'betiveeti - 6 and 7:30 p.m. - 43 Call Bill Fink for fast service. Estimates for new installations and remodelling. Fink Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Wiring, 84 Wellington St., Clinton. Phone 482-7682. -38tfn TIMBER WANTED Immediate cash for good standing timber of all kinds. Write Rob t. Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. - 41 tfn • REGISTERED miniature poodle puppies. 2 dark brown males; 1 black female; 8 weeks old. 527-1915. - 43,44b LARGE SIZE blond crib; sterilizer; baby lounge; spring horse; young man's grey sports coat, grey suburban coat, size 40. Girl's brown winter coat, 12-14. Call 482-9240. - 43h HOUSE FOR SALE - Upstairs 4 bedrooms and bathroom. Downstairs large living room, kitchen, washroom, family room and den or bedroom. Wall to Walt caii3eting;-° two" eneleised sung arches. Completely redecorated. New roof, full basement, new furnace, new aluminum siding, garage on 1/4 acre lot. Immediate possession. Phone Red Garon 482-9216. - 43,44,45b ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE ONE MEXICAN Chihuahua pup, 3 months old..482-7,536. - 43b TO BUY: Household effects of an older house. Phone 482;3358. -14tfn CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS. B13UINSIVIA Bayfield 565.2846 21tfn ;Y1-133J-!S `Snow, De cclems cider app. es.J. Phone 482-3214. - Fred McClymont, 1 mile south of Varna. - 43,44p ;.. • AN ADORABLE black miniature poodle puppy, 2 months old. Female. Will make lovely pet. Phone 482-7924. - 43b Ltd'. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON - Phone 482-9505 STROMBECKER road facing track sections and accessories; cars, controls, etc. Phone 482-7483. - 43b PASSENGERS to share expense of trip to Fanshawe College every Tuesday evening, leaving at 6:00 p.m. Contact. Reg Smith, 482-9793. - 43,44b ONE-BEDROOM or one room apartment, self-contained, • heated and furnished. Mrs, M. Zablocka, 482-7227. - 25tfn SCREENED TOP SOIL LANDSCAPING SAND & GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone 482-7644 Evenings 482-7661 Daytime. 37tfn EL ECTROHOME stereo, transistorized A.M. F.M. radio, 10 months old. Call 482-7352. - 43b air BROADLOOM 8. HELP WANTED MALE ONE-BEDROOM, upstairs unfurnished apartment with stove and fridge supplied. All utilities paid. Very reasonable. Phone 482-9689. - 39tfn CLINrovs CELANESE CARPO7T CENTRE *WF.I1 to Wall Installation or Area Carpets. *Samples. shown in you home. '*Free Estimates. *Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet for every room, in the home. FULLY serviced building lot for saleaWinter's subdivision. Apply 482-9654. -13tfn. CARPENTER'S HELPER required for several months. Ken McNairn 482-7676. 43p GIRL'S 26" wheel bicycle. Good condition $25. Phone 482-7870. 43b TRANSPORTATION wanted. Occasional return weekend ride from Toronto to Clinton. Phone in Toronto 489-8831 days, 698-6037 evenings. -- 42,43b 17. NOTICE to CREDITORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS AND SIDING 10 Years In The Area Workmanship Guaranteed Call planers Home Improvement Clinton 482-7372 -18tfn FOR SALE - Several wool. dresses, pink, red, blue, 3 pc. gold suit, size 15-16, good condition. Phone 482-9492 between 5-7 p.m, - 43p HANDYMAN ,for cement and carpentry work. Good wages. Reply as soon as possible to Box 431, Clinton News-Record. - 43b TWO-BEDROOM apartment stove and frig. if desired. Free use of washer and dryer. Available Nov. 1. Adults preferred. Mackay apartments, 201 King St. Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. - 41tin IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH KATHERINE SLOMAN, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED NURSE, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 16th August 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th, day of November 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of October, 19A9. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 43,44,456 6. AUTOS FOR SALE SINGER repossession, straight stitch, zig-zag, and automatic sewing machines, cabinet or Portable, from $25.00; also floor polishers and vacuums. Must be cleared. Singer Company of Canada, 40 West Street. Phone 524.8431. - 43,4 • HELP WANTED: Experienced gas station attendant -- also a mechanic with A License for G.M. cars. Write A. E. Srigley, Ridgetown, Ontario. - 43b 1966 VOLKSWAGEN 1200 A, less than 14,000 miles. Royal blue. Good reason for selling. Phone'482-7259, 42tfn Quality you can trust' From VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes. R. K, Peck, Varna, phone Hensel! 262-5748 48tfn FARM HOUSE for rent. One mile west of Clinton on No, 8 Highway. 482-7152.. Lorne Tyndall. - 41tfn BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone-482-950S Clinton -Ufa 1965 International, 1/4 -ton truck; 4-speed transmission, V8 motor, 8-ply tires. Phone 523:4220. - 43b 9,. HELP WANTED FEMALE BENNY BJERG General Contracting 202 Queen St., Clinton. Phone 482-9372 -25tfn HOUSEKEEPER-companion required on or before November 1, for lady living in Bayfield. Phone 565-2646. - 43b Seasonal Coverage... FALL. ATTENTION FARMERS! REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the borne. Kitchen cupboards a specialty Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. -52tfb LADY for pleasant part-time work. 15 hours weekly, Must have references. Better than average pay. Apply to Box 430, Clinton News-Record. 43,44,45b Terms on household effects-Cash Terms on property - 10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days or terms can be arranged to responsible parties. The property to sell subject to reserve bid. Clifford Proctor Administrator of the Estate Edward W. Elliott Auctioneer -43,44b I IS IN THE AIR FRANK'S Roofing and Eavestroughing, Chimney Repairs. All work guaranteed. Free estimates, Phone 482-7254. 39-43b ' WE REQUIRE a woman for part-time, employment in our packaging department. Apply in person to' Bartliff's Bakery Ltd, -43b , IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD CLARK LAWSON, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named, who died on the 31st day of August 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of November 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of October, A.D. 1969. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 43,44,45b YEEMINIIIMINIMMIIINIM001.0.101•1 0111•fina.•• E. FARM SERVICES A. FOR SALE • WARM COMFORATABLE CAR COATS AND CASUAL JACKETS LEATHERS SUEDES MELTONS NYLONS, Etc. Pile or Quilted Linings ' Some Zip Out Liners from 98 95 u i, Huron Dead Stock Removal FOR FARMSTEAD PLANNING: Silo Unioaders, feeders, Chore Boy Herringbone parlours, pipelines, service, Sipko cleaners - Commercial dairy, institutions and homes, Sharpening service. Phone 262-5033, T. Munroe, Box 15, Kippen, Ont. -,36tfn JACK'S Furniture Repair - Furniture repaired, wood turning a Specialty. At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695, 40tfb 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 for Fresh dead or disabled cows and horses; We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Lic. 190-C-69 Cali collect 482-0811 20. NOTICES YOUNG WOMAN requires full time employment. Call 482-9731 or 482-7138. - 43,4 4b ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsing's Store. Henk's Shoe Repair, 62 Hamilton Street, Goderich. --- 38eow. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES will be held in My home on Wednesday and Thursday evenings 7-9 p.m. and Fridays 2-4• p.m. Courses incliule Japanese Embroidery, Crewel Embroidery and Rug Hooking (Beginners and Advanced), These will begin the first week of November. Those interested, eontAet Mrs. Don Glousher, Box 15, tlyth, or phone 523-9447. C, WANTED WILL 13ABYSIT pre-school child in my own home. Call 482-9700. 43b WANTED: A dozen good cattle chains. Phone 527-1748 about 7;00 43b D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CLINTON COLOURS Interior, exterior decorating Spray painting, sprayer rentalS 482-9654 GORDON CHARTER P.r). Box 641, Clinton, Ont. 17tfn WILL babysit in my home, 482-9106. - 43,44P CATTLE to winter; 1 to 30 head. Call 336J4 Brussels after 6 p.m. - 43,44b 11. CUSTOM WORK D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CUSTOM PLOWING. Contact Wayne Kennedy 482-9857v 43b ELECTRICAL, plumbing And carpentry work, New instailations and repairs. H. 4. &Wen, 123 Erie St., Clinton, 482.9037. -tfn INTERESTED IN CURLING? NEW MEMBERS WELCOME - The Ice Is Ready Now - Join Seaforth Curling Club And enjoy a winter't fun and fellowship, Contact One Of the committee for complete information,. Clinton 'Willard Aiken Beecher Menzies Andy Peterson SADDLE- HORSE, 2 years old, Pinto mare; 16 hands; greenbroke $225. 262-5299. - 43p FOR FALL ALL WEATHER COATS TOPCOATS SUITS CO-ORDINATES Clinton Community Auttion Salei EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 7:30 'p.m 13, MISCELLANEOUS Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs " Ring Sizing Reap Claws Rebuild Shanks Read Restringing Repa(r Costume jewellery Atistett Jewellers Ltd -I,fn 'THIRTY Weaner pigs. Phone 523-4220. °-.43b LARGE number of big, close Holstein heifers, Also some fresh, some registered Macdonald Farms, Ail 1; Strathroy, Ont, P110116 145.0164, - 42,43,44b 15. REAL ESTATE MODERN two-bedroorri home in Auburn, Large living-dining room, Perfect tor a retired couple, For more lamination call 1,526-7258 after 6 00 Or all day Saturday and Sunday. -Vitt Staforth Ted Cosford Art Wright Stuart McCall -4ab Pickett, -& Campbell Limited Goderich' TERMS: CASH JOE CORY -Said Manager CLINTON