HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-10-09, Page 3News of Constance Through the week visitors with WS. W. L. Whyte Tom and Bill were Mr, and Mrs. Boyd Taylor of Londesboro, Miss Nancy Gilbert and Mrs. I3uermann of Segforth, Mrs. Sebben of Stratford, Miss Kathy Dale was _honored at a shower on Saturday evening, given by Yvonne and Maureen Hoegy at their home near Publin, Mr. andVlrs. Terrence Hunter of Colborne Township visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator, Linda, Dianne and Nancy were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill and 'Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff and family of Crediton and Mr. and Mrs. David Preszcator, Christine and Lisa. Mrs. Irene Grimoldby visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop, when they celebrated Thanksgiving. Mr, and. Mrs; ' George. *Ill/vain, Lynn and Steven of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Meliwain and Mary, M. aud Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol Anne, Judy, Danny and Billy visited. On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dunbar and family of Belgrave. M. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitchen of Bluevale. Mrs. Ella Jewitt and' `'cloys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt Of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Flynn of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mrs. Elma Jewitt, Bev and Brian and Mrs. Annie Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders and Jennifer of Brussels were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes and family. Mrs. Bill. Storey visited on Sunday with her cousin Mrs. Arnold. Westlake, a patient in Exeter Hospital. News of Londesboro A "MUSTANG" THEATRE PHONE 52419810 OPENS AT 8:00 P.M SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE NWT. 8 GIMMICK AT CONCESSION RD. 4 FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 10.& 11 "STRANGER IN TOWN" Starring Tony Anthony and Frank Wolfe A Western with plenty of action, Filmed abroad, "The Maltese BIPPY Dan Rown, Dick Martin and Carrol Lynley in a horror comedy. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 To End The Season . . . A Dusk to Dawn Show - - 5 FEATURES — — "PREMATURE BURIAL" —Starts at 8:30 p.m. "TOMB OF LIGIEV --Starts et 10:00 p.m. "THE RAVEN" —Starts of Midnight "MASK OF RED DEATH" —Starts at 1:25 a.m. "HAUNTED PALACE" —Starts at 2:53 a,m. Show Will End at 4:19 a.m. ews. o BY MRS. H. F. BERRY— Mrs. Charles Snelling and, Mrs. Murray Tyndall left on Monday to visit friends in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. William Lobb of Michigan are visiting this week with a cousin, Mrs. G. Henderson, and other relatives. Wesley Ham and son spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. A. Ham, and aunt, Mrs. M. Swan. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad foot spent a few days last week with Mrs. Broadfoot's sister at Sunridge. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith of Stratford spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Berry. Holy communion, and SPECIAL. THANKSGIVING DINNER zirbe•little inn BAYFIELD, ONTARIO,' CANADA BOX 102 , PHONE BAYFIELD 565-2611 SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 5:30 - 7:30 MONDAY OCTOBER 13 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Hot spiced cider, or Tomato juice Cocktail Assorted Hot Savories Roast Turkey with sage Dressing and Cranberry Sauce Prime Rib Boast of Beef with Yorkshire Pudding Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce Whipped Potatoes Baked Acron Squash or Turnip Green Peas Tossed salad with French Dressing or Jellied Salad Relish Trays — Hot Homemade Rolls Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream Hot Mince Pie or Apple Pie with Cheese Cherry Cheese Cake — Sundae Tray Fresh Fruit Bowl — Mints Tea, Coffee or Milk $4.50 ,431 I "41) ring menu I Exclusive • LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! District STARTING MATINEE Showings .. THURS., OCT. 16th SA2T Upir BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7811 Al RCONDIT1ONED GODER1CH COLUMBIA PICTURES iqteis k ROMULUS PRODUCTION of LIONEL BART'S hrd..45,,JOHN WOOLF De ES led bl CAROL REED alp PANAVISION'TEC,HNIO1Cfr 0 Ea • 2 for the price of 1 ... phis a penny! ALE THURSDlii SATURDAY OM: 1 6 THRU OCT. 25 DRUG STARTS NEXT WEEK for 10 GREAT DAYS MORE THAN 350 ITEMS ON SALE Vitamins Hair Needs - Stationery Chr'is'tmas Cards - Cosmetics First Aid Needs - Shaving Needs - Toiletry Sets - Christmas Gift Wrap - Dental Needs - Eta. WATCH FOR YOUR HANDBILL IN THE MAIL PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 , Clinton', Ontario e lel BEGINNING OCTOBER 1st EATON'S NEW PHONE °N fra 0 :6 9 NUMBER 482-3401 40.41b I almost hate to write this column this week because I feel obligated to share my latest discoveries with you and I just know I'm going to be swamped with letters from husbands and NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT The CLOUD "NINE" ROOM At HOTEL CLINTON Featuring Sing Along With JEAN at the Organ wives wanting to consult me in privacy. You see, I've finally learned the secret of truly planned parenthood. I'm not talking about how to space your children. I mean I can actually tell you how to go about getting' the sex of your choice. I know it sounds impossible but according to Dr, Landrum B, Shettles, it is as easy to choose .a son or a daughter as it is to pick chocolate or vanilla ice cream. And it is almost as inexpensive! Any woman who can follow a recipe can select the sex of her baby, I tell you. The system rests upon certain scientific facts and few persons will argue with science. We've all heard the theory that a woman contributes nothing to determining her baby's sex. Only the male sperm carried the,Xs and Ys we hear so much about these days. No* all that can be changed. Without going into a lengthy medical discourse (I'm perfectly capable to do so because I have the medical data right here in' front of me) simply state that baking soda will produce boys and vinegar will produce girls. What could be easier or less expensive than that? An inner washing of the woman with either a baking soda and water solution or a vinegar and water solution will alleviate all the concerns about the sex of your next baby, promises Dr. Shettles. And basically, that's all there is to it except that for boys, sexual activity should lessen and for girls it should increase. Now that I have confounded you with my wisdom, I can just imagine all kinds of questions floating around in your heads. But this seems to be something RECEPTION For Newlyweds Mr: and Mrs. Ross Jewitt (nee eonnie Snell) Friday, October 10, 1969 at Londesboro Community Hall Music By Scott's Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch like the story of {creation— you either accept it on faith or admit your great grandpappy was a big mon key. Qne fellow I know has three beautiful sons to his credit, When I presented him with my findings and a pint of vinegar he was too skeptical to give it a whirl. The price of unbelief in his household will be all-male children who will hound him incessantly until two cars just aren't enough. They lai,ghed at the Wright brothers, -too. In fact, down through the ages all the giants of history have had to face up to the ridicule of their friends and relatives. Surely I can withstand the taunts as easily as Dr. Shettles, the researcher. If you are still skeptical, there is one absolute, total, unshakable certainty. There's always adoption and some parents, even those who are quite capable to produce their own offspring, believe that adoption is the most humane answer to the population explosion. One lady was quoted as saying, "We know there are so many kids around who would make splendid citizens if only they had loving parents. Who am I to say my genes are superior? Once you've changed a baby's diapers for a few months, he's yours!" Some even go a step further than this. Some couples only adopt youngsters of interracial parentage because the "little blond blue-eyed children will be adopted in any case." It is up to the individual. I'm just the angel of mercy who brings you the information you need to round out your family circle to your own personal satisfaction. Letter to the Editor It may be of interest to you to know that occasionally we receive the paper on the Monday following publication, but more often a week or more later. I realize that the mails are not under your control, but it does seem to take, a long time for — delivery here especially when I very much look forward to 'getting the news of Clinton and Bayfield where, by the way, we go to stay quite frequently. Thanking you for the pleasure I get from your newspaper .... Helen Patricia Cooper, (Mrs. Norman F. Cooper), Mt. Clemens, Michigan. BY MRS. BERT ALLEN The community was saddened when it was learned that Mrs. Wilmer Howalt met with a serious car accident on Thursday evening.. She is in Clinton Hospital suffering from many' bruises, but it is hoped X-rays will show no serious internal injuries. We wish her 'a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thompson of Clarksburg were weekend visitors with his nephew Mr. Robert Thompson and family. The 4-H girls met for theit fourth meeting with eight,: members learning the Fly and Roman stitch for their embrOidery article. Mrs. Vira McGregor returned to Clinton Hospital last week for further care. She is not progressing as favourably as her many friends would like, but we hope a turn for the better will soon come. W. I. MEETS The Women's Institute met on Thursday evening. The grandmothers of the community were entertained. Roll call was answered by namint'a household About 50 fourth degred, officers of the Knights of Columbus from six assemblies in Southwestern Ontario were installed Sunday at a special ceremony at Canadian Forces Base, Clinton. Andrew Keaveney, of Part Credit, master of the second Ontario district, was the installing officer. Brantford, London, Kitchener, Seaforth, Walkerton and St. Thomas assemblies were represented. About 150 Knights and their wives attended the ceremony. The Monsignor D. J. Egan, General Assembly, Seaforth, was the host assembly. WO J. Lester McKenna, CFB Clinton, wai program co-ordinator. poison and its antidote. Seaforth Institute extended an invitation to meet with them on Oct.. 14. The program consisted of an accordion selection from little Karen Middegaal who delighted the audience. Mrs. Harvey Taylor gave a humourous reading taken from a medical , book of remedies. Edith Beacom showed , beautiful pictures taken this summer while on a tour through many of the European countries, A penny sale was conducted at the close. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. 25TH ANNIVERSARY A sumptious turkey dinner ,was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell when they entertained the McCall family, 15 in number, where they met to celebrate on Sept. 30th the 25th wedding anniversary of Jim and Effie McCall. A lovely wedding cake graced the table.; an enjoyable evening was spent during which an electric toaster Was presented to the couple. This community also extends congratulations. xl i111-,11N'' baptismal service was held in Brucefield United Church. The following children were baptized: Kimberly Ann, daughter ,of -Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Falconer; Lynn Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt; William Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fotheringham and Stephen Robert, son of Robert Caldwell. Mrs. George Clifton is visiting friends in Switzerland and Germany. Donald Doucette suffered a heart attack and is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Brucefield United Church holds anniversary services Oct. 26, morning and evening. Varna notes BY HIED IVIc(-LYMONT The United Church Women held its October meeting in the church last TIbirsday evening, The president, Mrs. Charles Reid, _opened the meeting with prayer, Mrs, Robert Stirling had the meditation with the theme on "Thanksgiving." Mrs. Florence Elliott. read the scripture lesson. Mrs, William McAsh read an article, "Witness of Harvest," Mrs, Louis Taylor led in prayer. The offering was taken up by Mrs, William Taylor and dedicated by Pea. Joe Postill, A story was read by Mrs, Robert Taylor. Mrs, Robert Stirling read an article on a social worker's impression of China, An invitation was received from the Bayfield, United Church Women to come to its meeting on Oct. 22. There were 21 calls made to sick and shut ins during the last month. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. R. Stirling and Group Four served lunch, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erb and family of Stratford called on friends here last Sunday. Miss Mary King of Bay City, Mich., visited with friends here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont spent a couple of days with relatives in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid were among the 180 who flew to Switzerland last week. A dastral Park ' BY CAROLE WARNER For the first time in several years, the CFB Clinton Brownies held a "Pack Holiday." The two packs, comprised of 19 girls, left Friday, Sept. 26; for the Glenmac Campsite, outside of Seaforth. The Brownies camped for the weekend in a Brownie hut and then returned home Sunday. , Box BROWNIE 'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON Office Opens at THEATRE . 8.00 p.m. FRIDAY - Showing JIM BROWN (Adult October THE at and DOUBLE' Entertainment) and 10 8:30 p,m. JULIE — PLUS FEATURE — DIAHANN HARRIS - SPLIT" SATURDAY and In — Starring 11 - CAROLL Color "HOT 'MILLIONS" Showing at 10:45 — Starring Peter Ustinov — Maggie Smith and Karl Malden Color Cartoon Special Holiday Show SUNDAY, OCT. 12 —"BIG TRIPLE BILL - -- STARTING AT DUSK - "CORRIDORS OF BLOOD" (Adult Entertainment Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee "WILD WILD PLANET" Tony Russell — In Color "BATTLE BENEATH THE EARTH" Starring Kerwin Mathews In Color And Cartoon The Management and Staff at Brownie's Drive-In wish to say "Thank You" for your patron, age during the past season, Clinton News-Rqpord4 Thursday, ,October 0 1969 3 3 MORE ACADEMY (Adult Entertainment) THARLY' Showing PARK 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 GODER1CH AWARD Showing Friday AIRCONDITIONED DAYS THURS., FRI., SAT. October 9-10-11 WINNER—CLIFF ROBERTSON Best Actor of the Year , In Technicolor Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Only and Saturday at 7:30 and 9:10 p.m. leo ..4 (/ dial IELIRrlyIATINEE at 2,41 - '"'r • , 7071WANAW Ho bent to head off .,. the West's worst It massacre! .., TRifigrafgrR SUN., MON., MARVIN , SELMUR PiCTURES IN IMAYISION° ‘ TECHNICCLCV ONE SHOW STARTING LEE HELL TOSHIRO MIFUNE TUES., WED. Oct. This is the beginning of a most unusual robbery, A.* 12 to 15 just aid I IENRYGSAFERSTENretiot 'SEIJIURPICTURES va Joh A RAYMOND In Association With MOWN FICTURE STROSS PROCUCRON PflE38NI101111.11C RUN cow ONIMIlit PACIFIC THE MIDAS Disblubri W 1 Beklidliq GIG G.Rsealinl othilriga COPT.TWAG Inals0.1 EACH NIGHT AT 8:00 O'CLOCK (Adult Entertainment Starting Thurs., Oct. 16 for 13 Days — "OLIVER!" / From My Window Secret of truly planned parenthood .Shirley Keller Knights meetiat base From the Egan Assembly, officers installed included — Charles Rau, Zurich, navigator; Cecil Tufts, Stratford, captain; Lawrence McCann, Mount Carmel, pilot; Clayton Looby, Dublin, admiral; Joe Tobin, Stratford, comptroller; WO Lester McKenna, scribe; Tom Ryan, Mount Carmel, inside sentinel; Buck Lassaline, Goderich, outside sentinel. Clinton personals Mr. and Mrs. John Mulholland of 79 Huron St., Clinton, who celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary on Oct. 1, were entertained at a family dinner at Hotel Clinton last Saturday. COMING NEXT WEEK To The ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL THE FABULOUS Mersey Brothers starting Monday For TWO Weeks 40, 41b