HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-07-17, Page 7By BELL9HAMSER BAYFIEL \ PERSONAL ITEMS 0 cituitql tows is CLUI ACTIVITIES . V1tr4441E 11,41111i04001401 Correspondent: AUOREY BELLCHAMBER -,Phpne 5604864. Boyfiii14 Subscriptions, Classified Advs, and Displ4 Advs, all accepted by the Oayfield correspondent, BEAUTIFUL BREEZY FOLLOW the SUN VACATION SPECIALS '64 '67 '65 '65 '64 PONTIAC Convertible, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Real sharp. Lic. H78085. Sale Price $1,395. PLYMOUTH, 4-door sedan, automatic. Lic. H86233. Sale Price $1,795. VALIANT Stationwagon, one owner, automatic. Ideal for camping. Lic. X3384; Sale Price $1,295, PLYMOUTH, V-8 sedan, automatic, radio. A real family car. Lic. E53020. Sale Price $1,375. PONTIAC, 4-door sedan, automatic, radio, one owner. Get this for that trip. Lic. 4420. Sale Price $995, CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH DEALER 64 Huron Rd. Clinton 482-9475 '62 & T MURPHY PLYMOUTH, sedan. Real sharp. Sale Price $395. These dresses are specially reduced for sidewalk days. All this seasons chandise. We have all sizes but the style and Color flange is broken. Shop early Wednesday for the best Selection. Including Vz Sizes SHOPPE SOUARE Open All Day Wednesday. dODERICH' Summer weather draws Jots of weekend visitors. Clinton News-Retard, Thwsday, July 17, 1$09 7 CIII11001 POMPOM'S I RUMMAGE SALE OneStS. at the Little Inn during the last -week were:, Mr, and MrS, Len Milestone, Mr, John Miller, APO Arbor, Mich; Mr, and Mrs. A. Gartshpre, • batnhOth; Mr, and Mrs. FroWner, Drumbo; Mr. and Mrs, B. McCormick; Dr. K. Lighttiorn of London; Mrs. Kay Walton, Mrs, S,. Grambrone, Mount- Clemens, Mich; Mrs, S. .Sager, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. E. Van Wassenhane of Cincinnati; Mr and Mrs, T. Hayashi, Mr, and. Mrs. D. J. Van Waassenharne of Kitchener; Mr,r and Mrs. Donald R. G. Bodkin, London and Messrs. R. Lennie of London. Mrs, John MacKenzie spent several days last week with her son John and family at St. Catharines, They were joined by Dr. and Mrs. Manley Thompson, Katherine, Roderick and .Clark of Chicago, They accompanied Mrs, MacKenzie on her return to. the village at the weekend. Evans .Cameron and Joan of Islington spent last week at the "Open Gate", home of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Cameron, Other visitors. during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameron and Mr. Will Cameron of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer and children were weekend visitors with Mrs. G. Knight, Bill stayed to spend this week with his grandmother. Mr. George Lindsay has received his results from his fourth term at University. He again achieved first class honors and received his second scholarship. George, who previously received a scholarship in December, 1968, will re-enter Waterloo ,University for his final year in Civil Engineering in September. He is in Woodstock for the summer months. Carolyn Tapsell spent last week with Cathie and Ainslie Willock. They all returned to Toronto on Sunday, and will spend this week at the Tapsell summer home near Bancroft. Mrs. Cliff Howell of Durham accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. William F. Buchan of Dunnville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Diehl. • Weekend visitors at the Albion Hotel were: Mrs. Margaret C. Neilson, Royal Oak, Mich.; Mrs. Ruth Wood, Rochester, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Rowley and daughter, Grace of .Bloomfield 'OBI; Mr,. and Mrs. Daniel Webb, Birmingham; Mr. and. Mrs, James McCliene, Wessley, Mass.; and Mrs. Gawain Johns and baby son,. Mount Clemens, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. .Harry Raker returned home, on Wednesday last, from a three-week tour of Japan, where they attended the LiOns International Convention, the first ever .held in Asia. Japan has the seond largest enrollment. of Lions in the world, .The opening session of the convention, at which the Emperor and Empress of Japan were present, was highlighted by a parade and presentation of the flags of the 107 member nations, a most impressive sight, said Mrs. Baker, Mrs, Pearl Shaddick has returned to her home in Henson after spending a week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons and family. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons were Mrs. James S. Smith and Mrs. Harry Bolger, Brussels, Mr, and Mrs. Otto Smale, Darlene and John, Exeter, Miss Hazel Wocks, of Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas - H. Weeks, Janet, Gordon, David and Kathy, of Harriston, Mrs. Harry Dean and Jack, and Mrs, R. L. MacMillan, London. ACVV HOLDS TEA The A.C.W. of Trinity Anglican Church hosted a tea and bake sale last Friday. Held in the Parish Hall, a mouth-watering array of home baking and other delicacies was quickly sold. The tea table, covered with a lace tablecloth, was centred with roses in a silver bowl. Pouring tea were: Mrs. F. H. Paull and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer. Mrs. F. A. Clift ;convened this annual event. p Walt Gardiner's Satter Shop CLOSED Week of July 21 July 27 The "balloon man" was a new attraction at the Pioneer Park Association Rummage Sale on Friday evening. Eric Earl, in clown garb, was besieged by dozens of youngsters eager to buy a balloon, especially as their 5 cent outlay gave them a chance to win one of nine splendid donated by Somerville Industries, London. Hundreds of people packed the Community Centre arena eager to find some item of intrinsic or utllitiarin value, Many such articles were priced at less than one-tenth of their original cost, and with a little "tender loving care" could quickly regain their former value. In any ease, one's "bargain" can always be redonated! BIBLE S The theme of the annual Vacation Bible School held at Bayfield Baptist Church was "God is Holy," The theme text was "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding." The two-week program featured a North American Indian theme with teepees set up outside the church and totem poles built by the children. Handcraft consisted of Indian hats, plaques, sewing, hand puppets, shell-craft and a scripture maze puzzle. Attending the first week were: Sharon and Larry Bunn; Mary Jean Beatles; Jeffrey and Randy Clemens; Rebekkah and David Fawcett; Kevin Faber; Jim, Paul and Jeff Hutchinson; Marion Hunt; Freda and David Hill; Lucy and Glen Martin; Cathy McFadden; Susan and Karen McCauley; David The sate, an annual event, is held to raise funds for the maintenance and improvement of Pioneer Park, that beautiful little cliff-top retreat where so many come to see the spectacular sunset over Lake Huron. Convenors of this year's sale were Mrs. William Tillrnann and Mrs. Hugh Gregory, much credit for the success of the sale must also go to the many people who yearly contribute articles; to the workers, and to Hales and Willard Dresser who once again transported. the items to the arena. Winners of the games were: David Battagello, Chris Camtrick, Heather Gregory, Jim Kurtz, Glen Martin, Karen McCauley, Joey Quigg, Robbie Siertsema and Richard Tillmann. CHOO L McGuerry; Kenneth and Jeffrey Mener; Joanne and Steven Mackie. Second-week pupils were: David Nicholls; Lori Peck; Sherry and Billy Taylor; Kathy Taylor; Debbi and Wendy Talbot; Michelle Waun; Pat Greer; Danny Zondag; Kevin Switzer; Johnny McLeod; Bev Coleman; Tom Hill; David and Elva Keyes; Nancy Fawcett; Jay and Marilyn Cleave; Patti Greer; Wendy Greer; Marlene Switzer; David Switzer; Connie Talbot; Terry Blok; Dawn McLeod; Patti, Barbara, Danny and Eric Plater and Peggy Beach. Instructing were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Nicholls, Mrs. M. Talbot, Mrs. L. Clemens, Marlene Switzer, Elva Keyes, Nancy Fawcett, Mrs. John Keyes, Mrs. W. Ferguson, Mrs. R. Kerr, Mrs. Norman Talbot and Mrs. Bert Greer. BRIDAL, SHOWERS Miss Ellen Lindsay, daughter of Mr, and MrS, John Lindsay, Bayfield, whose marriage takes Place on Saturday July 2B at St. Andrew's United Church, has been honored at several showers. Miss Lindsay is to marry James Richard Butcher, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Cyril Butcher of St. Thomas. On Wednesday evening of last week, the bride-elect was the honored guest at a surprise party at Clinton Hospital, where she has been on the -mining staff for the past year and a half. Nurses and other members of the hospital staff presented her with a de luxe barbecue and an amber glass vase. On July 2, aunts and cousins of Miss Lindsay surprised her with a miscellaneous shower, at which Mrs. Betty Hutchings was hostess. On another occasion, friends and relatives of the groom gathered in St, Thomas at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Stevenson to honor the bride-elect with a miscellaneous shower, On Friday evening July 11, ladles of St. Andrew's United Church gave Miss Lindsay a miscellaneous shower held in the Church Sunday school room, Mrs. Linda Collins escorted Ellen to the "bride's" chair, which was framed by a' trellis work arrangement trimmed with pink and white streamers and flanked by cedar "trees" adorned with white shasta daisies and roses. The Misses Mary Jenkins of London and Wilma Bylsma of Clinton assisted in the opening of the gifts. Wendy Penhale presented Ellen with a bridal "scrapbook" portraying the past, present and future of the bride and groom elect. Witnesses lash With an emphatic ..der over 40,000 Jehovah's Witnesses assembled at Buffalo'S War Memorial Stadium, last Saturday afternoon, affirmed a declaration indicting Christendom as being in effect at war with God due to advocating human substitutes for God's Kingdom and hence in line for destruction, The Witnesses, including a group from the Clinton PPnglegation went on record as disclaiming "all connection with the professed Christian realm known as Christendom," according to Grant Sutter, secretary-treasurer of the Watch Tower Society, "Her history proves her to be a fomenter of carnal warfare between even fellow religionists," Suiter said in presenting the declaration to the delegates, "She has not Minister leaves Calvary church The Rev. Wayne Turner, pastor of Calvary Pentecostal Church in Clinton, has resigned his charge and will go into evangelistic work in the United States next month. His farewell service will be held July 27 at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. No one has been named to succeed him here. MERRILL TV Service st Christian realm Promoted the interests of God's Messianic Kingdom, notorioPAY falling in this regard wince the outbreak of World War I in 1914." "The most strenuous enemies Of Peace with God today are hypocritical followers of Jesus Christ, so-called Christians who take the lead in this hostility to Peace with God on a Proper basis," &titer charged, Reg Dook, Westml+. ate; Hospital, London, Visited ends in town for a few days • tly, Mrs. ji, Greven from 1'4 Tekela, Holland, is visiting her sister, Mrs, J, Gelling. $40 has visited several places before returning home On July 19 and is very much imPi ib i th the. country. BELL LINES by W.W.HAYSOM your telephone manager It seemed that summer would never come but now it's here and most of us are probably planning to spend at least part of it away from home. If there's ,a vacation coming up on your schedule, why not let the telephone take some of the hurry and worry out of both planning and vacationing. Before you leave, your telephone can "run errands" to the newspaper, bakery, or dairy to stop deliveries. Newspapers and milk bottles stacked up on the porch invariably invite trouble. During your trip — especially if you're going by car — it's a good idea to call ahead for reservations so you won't be left without accommodations during this peak travel season. Friends and relatives that you plan to visit along the way might also appreciate a call telling them of your time of arrival. The local Yellow Pages in the different communities you visit will help you find a mechanic, a new fishing rod, a good restaurant, a doctor or dentist. The telephone doesn't take a vacation. It's always there to help you. Clinton's new telephone directory will be going to press shortly, so please check your listing. Is your name spelled correctly? And what about your address and phone nurnber? Have you thought about additional listings? Other members of your family and relatives, roomers or boarders would benefit from having their names listed in the telephone book. If you're a businessman, you can use extra listings to show other firm names for your business — to associate with your firm name -- or to show after-hour numbers for you and your key employees, Remember, extra listings, at little cost, make it easier for people to find you. For any changes in your lisings, or any additions, call our Business Office without delay. Here's a question for you Glen Campbell fans. Is the Wichita Lineman about a telephone lineman Or a power lineman? Wichita telephones are not provided by the county; the area is served by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Telephone linemen do not o "searchin' in the sun for another overloads '. Writer-composer Jim Webb's secretary says Webb is not a technical nian and intended to write about a phone lineman but if power linemen wish to appropriate it, that's "groovy" with him too. Even. Southwestern Bell has to admit that being a lineman for the county fits a lot better in verse than being one for the Southwestern Be-e-e-eIII. LE SUMMER DRESSES $13 ® DRESSES TO REGULAR $18 00 to $70" 48.°°