HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-07-17, Page 4FORMAL RENTALS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Agents for Freemans Formal Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD. CLINTON GODERICH 1. I 4 ,clint.pn 19P Yv.S:fieccfsie.Thprsclayf,,Iply 17, 1969 1 tit • 1. ACCOMMODATIal 1. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT Minimum 7Se, 254 Extre will hq added',• to each insertion if "nOt paid within 10 days of the last Insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word MiniMum 509 4. A • RTICLES FOR SALE 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 41. ARTICLES FOR SALE 6. AUTOS FOR SALE 8, HELP WANTED MALE gAygFi;Rovp$ii[N.ci nn house WANTED; Used tarpoonpp. 1997 FORD Custom 500, V-8 automatic, radio, snow tires with rims, tinted glass, 2-toned; white-walls with wheel discs, Valid warranty. Excellent condition. Phone 482-7363, -29. FOUR ROOM apartment, furnished, upstsirs. Also four bedroom hntise. Phone 482-7391. - 29tfn SMALL _apartment, furnished or unfurnished, bested. Phone 482-6692. 21tfn MARRIED MAN for farm work, full time, Good reference. Phone 262-5417. -29,30p BROADLOOM Phone 482-7006. -29 SEE INA'S FLOWERS, 123 Erie Street, Clinton, for potted plants for all occasions, Phone or barn, Metal flashing, Roofs repaired- CHIMNEYS built. estimates, Morrison Bros., Lucknow, Ontario. Phone 52$- 2 5 4 6 . 8tfn CEINTON fS CELANESE CARPFT CENTRE *WO to Wall Installations .or Area Carpets. *Samples shown in your home. :*Free Estimates. *Guaranteed Installations.„ There's a Celanese Carpet for every. room in the' home. TWO BEDROOM furnished, modern apartment, Phone 262-5047 in Brucefield. 27 tfn LAKESIDE family cottage, miles north of Bayfield, with all, conveniences. Will rent by week or month. Phone 482-3393. - 20tfn 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE 482.-9937, -- 8tfn -BEAMS suitable for barn Various lengths. 482-3245. - 28,29,30p ,HEATED, ground floor, 2-bedroom apartment, centrally located; stove, frig, and dryer supplied. Available August 1. Apply 482-9744. - 28tfn floors. Phone 1962 FORD GALAXIE 352, WAITRESS for full time four door sedan, standard employment. Apply in person to transmission, in excellent Bartliff's Restaurant, 28b condition. Phone 482-9324,-29 DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat, Class Display. 90; per inch t irth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 tale riaPs, los] RENTALS MODERN, self-contained, furnished suite, Also . air-conditioner. Choice location. Available August 1. Call 482-7309 or 482-9333. - 28tfn MEDIUM size Chesterfield, suitable for summer cottage or recreation room, $20.00. Apply to 272 AlbertStreet...-. 29p Wanted Immediately An Experienced HAIRDRESSER At The Canadian Forces Base Clinton Good Wages Plus Commission ' Reply to P. O. Box 781 Clinton, Ont. 1965 METEOR, white with black convertible top and black leather interior. Power steering, radio with back speaker, two new tires, with white walls, V-8 engine. A-1 condition. Phone 482-7772. -29 FURNISHED apartment, available now for one month. Phone 482-3837. -29 3. ARTICLES FOR RENT Try Before You Buy SWEET CHERRIES ARE NOW READY. Come pick your own 'in your container. Montmorencies ready July 20. Apply ELMER WELLS, 3 miles south of Camp .'Ipperwash on gravel road. - 29,30p Quality you can trust' From 1 , BALL 84 MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton -5tfn 1 I ONE used refrigerator. Call 482-9153. 29p HOUSE-two bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, modern kitchen, living room with wall to wall broadloom; sunporch. Apply Wilford Freeman, phone 881-0183 Walkerton. - 29,30 TENTS, TOURIST, 8t CAR TOP STOVES, LIGHTS, UTENSILS AIR MATTRESSES, EVERYTHING FOR THE CAMPER 1964 CHEV IMPALA V-8 automatic, Phone 482-7352 after 6 -29b TWO bedroom ;'inoderit apartment, large living room, equipped with electric stove, refrigerator, air conditioner, drapes, oil furnace. Available now. Lawson , & Wise, phone 482-9644. - 9tfn - `ONE baroom . centra1fy located, unfurnished apartment, newly decorated, stove and fridge supplied. All utilities paid. Reasonable. Phone 482-9689 after 5. - 12tfn BUGGY, high chair, play pen, baby sleigh, crib and mattress. Phone 482-7377. - 29b NEW - USED I. ACCOMMODATiON FOR RENT CARS & TRUCKS MERCURY TWO RADIOS, 1 Rogers Majestic table model; 1 Dialamatic car radio is excellent condition. Phone 482-7995. - 29,30p UNFURNISHED, heated two-bedroom, upstairs apartment. Large living room, kitchen, utility room. Private entrance. Recently redecorated, Central at 88 Albert Street. Call 482-6646 or 482-9723. - 28tfn 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL ITEMS ABOUT IF YOU DECIDE TO BUY CHERRYWOOD typewriter table, excellent condition. When not in ' use, typewriter slides down inside to make attractive end table. Cost over $100, Sell for $50. Also plastic garment bag $2., bathroom scales $4.50, Wellington's size 9 $3., tripod jack. Phone 482-7812. -29 your transportation headquarters Huron Automotive & Supply 263 Huron Rd. Goderich, Ont., Phone 524-6271 Clinton Representative GEO. CUTLER 482-9782 WANTED: any type of part time or summertime employment. Call 482-9153 and ask for Mrs. Milloy. - 29p TOOL RENTALS For rent: hand and power tools, 40' aluminum extension ladder; floor sander and edger, industrial type vacuum cleaner. TWO new 12" fans, 1 new bench grinder, priced for quick sale; also new and used welders. Murray Reid, phone 623-4527 Blyth. - 29,30p SLEEPING BAGS (NOT RENTED) PRICED AT 25% OFF FROM 7.95 UP ONE BEDROOM apartment, self-contained, heated and furnished. Phone Mrs. M. Zablocka, 482-7227. -25tfn. UPSTAIRS Apartment with kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath. Gas heated. Stove and frig. Available now. Phone. 482:6694 - tfn LARGE 2-bedroom apartment; stove and refrigerator if desired. Free use of washer and dryer., Adults preferred. Apply to Mackay Apartments, 201 King Street, Apartment 1 or phone' 482-9227. -19tfn 11. CUSTOM WORK We will install window glass at your home or at our shop. BALL & MUTCH LTD. TE 4,i, 482.9505 CLINTON: tfn CHERRIES Pick your own choice quality cherries at Murray Bros. Orchard, five 'miles. southwest of Thedford on the. Ridge Road - low trees and easy picking. Black sweets ready July 14th; Montmorencies ready July 16th. - 28,29p MONTMORENCY CHERRIES. Top quality. Pick your own at $1.50 a six-quart basket this weekend. Low trees. Ross Middleton's orchard. RR 2, Bayfield. - 29b WEED CUTTING Call George McGee CLINTON CAB • Out of Town Trips a Specialty 482-7011 17tfn ONE BEDROOM apartment; electric ,heat, newly re-decorated, centrally located. Available now, Phone 482-7935. -26 tfn ' THIS WEEKS SPECIAL LURESALLFR2A INS SLTEOCK 3O At• 4.°144 SPC46 4 4agie* •CINT • fi • E rrs 1968 Volkswagen, Deluxe, Lic. H78345, $1,695. 1962 Volkswagen De Luxe, $595, in good condition. 1969 Mustang convertible, 351, automatic, $3295. 1965 Studebaker sedan, radio, overdrive, 1 owner, Lie. H76506, $845. 1964 Pontiac Tempest, LeMans sports model, 6 automatic, power steering, black with white interior, Lic. E97022, $1,295. 1963 Falcon Futura sedan, only 35,000 miles, ready for road, Lie. H85402, $795. 1961 Volkswagen, coach, safety checked, $395, Lie. H81655. FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact: H -rman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. - 22tfn TWO-BEDROOM furnished • apartment, also a one-bedroom furnished apartment. Central location. •46 Princess St. West, Phone 482-9005. - 24tfd TAKING ORDERS - . for aluminum storm windows. 100" for $20. Installation and tax included, C. Van pamme, 482-6685. - 29tfn NEW and USED girls' clothing for winter and summer, sizes 6-8, including coats, bathing suits etc. Also TEEN winter coat, 2 summer suits and 1-piebe bathing suit. Phone 482-3156. -29b CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms, and wedges. Form ties stocked. Phone 236-4954 evenings or Saturdays. - 22tfn 13. MISCELLANEOUS • If 1/.1 • ONE bedroom, self-contained furnished apartment, electrically heated. Roy ;Tyndall, ,phone 482-7865, - Mtn Map Skeet ' • , 4124622 EVINRUDE SALES & SERVICE Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. tfn THREE-BEDROOM house at 115 Mary • street. Phone 482-7144. -29 BOAT - 17 ft. Chris Craft outboard, 60 H.P. Elgin, cover, trailer, $800,00: See, ,Bill, Bayfield Boat Club, or 12 Jowett's Cottages. - 28tf. 5. WANTED emee'srzimrMtnnAgge, • CASH in on buried treasure. We buy old gold and estate jewellery. N. T. Ormandy Jewellery, 94 The Square, Goderich. - 6tf 6' X 10' utility trailer; completely equipped, ideal for heavy hauling of up to 2 tons. 482-9274. - 28-31b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured -1 don't, take. „chances., Expert wqrk dpne fi„.,redsonaliily;'' "to: ,;Yenir; satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. - tfb AT Don Taylor Motors Limited Main Street Exeter TIMEX Watches sold and , serviced through Anitett Jewellers Ltd. Clinton,,Seaforth, WylPa8n!:-`tfil • , ' • a b TIMBER WANTED Immediate cash for good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robt, Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. - 20tfn • DIAL 134:1100 ' . MISEMEMBEEMBRM 48M,ROMPARReireimim OROaglemanit • WALNUT bowls and other' hand-turned articles. Make nice. gifts. At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton, John Plurntree, phone 482-9695. - 48tfn 7. PET STOCK Suits Sport Coats Co-ordinates a70 k.* TO BUY; Household effects of an older house, Phone 482-7358. 14tfn , • WATCH REPAIR is' a job for expert's, Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. - tfb Knit Shirts Sport Shirts Shorts Swim Suits Dress Shirts Straw Hats Casual Jackets PUREBRED German Shepherd puppies, 7 weeks old. Apply to Zach Ryan, Dublin, phone 345-2636. - 27,8,9b ATTENTION FARMERS! REGISTERED Dachshund pups. Phone 482-7231./-29 AMIIIMMIIMMON1111.111111111EMlin -k1.4. SERVICES NEW ZEALAND white rabbits suitable for meat and ,pets. Phone 482-7423. -29 DRASTICALLY REDUCED SMART PLAIDS NEAT STRIPES Sizes 37 To 44 REGULARS & TALLS B&B ANTENNA SERVICE , A. FOR SALE A. FOR SALE 8. HELP WANTED MALE for ANTENNA REPAIRS INSTALLATION Call• GREG BRANDON 482-9275 10 ACRES alfalfa and Brome mixed standing hay. Apply to Earl Collins, 482-9948. - 28,29b FARM FOR SALE: 160 acres, with crop implements, stock, etc, good barn, nine room stone house; pressure system. Andy Palsa, RR '2, Hensall. 28,29p 3000 bushels feed barley, Howard Allan, Brucefield. 527.1325, - 29,30p. tfn FROM $1995• UP 30 TON mixed grain. Also Surge S.P. 22 pump and pipe line for 28 cows. Phone 482-7557. - 28tfn. Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph.482-7652 3tfn Caretaker Required For County of Huron Full-time employment; duties to commence at 4:00 p.m. each day. Good working conditions and excellent benefits. Apply in writing to the undersigned no later than 12 noon Friday, July 18th. JOHN G. BERRY, CLERK-TREASURER COUNTY OF HURON COURT HOUSE. GODERICH, ONTARIO. FARROWING CRATES with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensall, phone 262-5282. -sow MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT - 100-acre grass farm, good water supply. Call 482-9774 after 6 p.m. - 18tfn 35 TONS mixed grain, wheat, oats 'arid barley. Bill Ross, Londesboro. Phone 523-4259. -29,30 WASH PANTS ART'S LANDSCAPING Seeding, Sodding, Shrubs FREE ESTIMATES 166 Bennett St. E, 524-9126 22tf D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20% FARM SUPPLIES • *Farm Hardware and Fencing * Baler twine *Salt * Surge milker parts * Fly Control Products * Livestock feeds • * Animal Health Products * Insecticides. Garden Supplies See CLINTON FARM' CENTRE 22 Isaac Street open Daily and Friday evening. Closed Saturday p.m. only 482-9333. 27ffn Permanently Pressed SPECIAL GROUP FIVE HOLSTEIN heifers ready to freshen in two or three weeks! Phone 5/3-4569. -7-29tf OFF 1/3 OFF HOLSTEIN BULL calves; bred Holstein heifer due soon. Jan'de Wurd. Phone 482-9890. -29 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION WILL RECEIVE APPLICATIONS FOR A CARETAKING CONTRACT - FOR ITS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES AT 97 SHIPLEY ST. CLINTON FORMER NURSES' RESIDENCE UNTIL 4 P. M. ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1969 REG. PRICE SAVE NOW IN THE HEART Of THE SEASON 28 pigs seven weeks old. Phone 565-5248, Bert Greer, Bayfield. 29• - ALL OTHERS si" OFF EACH PR. FIVE Holstein heifers due in ' August, Phone Bill Dykstra, RR 2, Bayfield. 482-7221. - 29,30b LONG SLEEVE TEXAS RANGER MATCHED SETS DRESS PANTS TURTLE NECKS TWENTY pigs for sale. Albert Postrria, Varna, Phone 262,5235, 29b, E. FARM SERVICES . REG. TO 15.95 FINAL CLEARANCE 3 GROUPS FORTREL & WOOL BLENDS • ALL SIZES DEAD STOCK SHIRTS REG, 4.95 NOW $395 PANTS REG, 6.50 NOW $550 MARLATT BROS. Please Phone Promptly 133 BRUSSELS LICENSE 390065 1,7tfu„ $5" $8 95 10" Reduced 20% Clinton Community :Auction Sales EV ERY FRIDAY .7t30 p. n. JOg CORT:YRM-SI aeleAaSM4anager Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON 'We pay *5 Co 515 Vrcsh Iii disfibtod cows and hovsex,Wo oleic u15 calVos and small pits cis h servicC' Ci teL0oicYll:etilt"4f2:811 Alterations Extra On Clothing No Exchange All Sales Cash SpeCifications and tender forms may be obtained from the plant superintendent)11. McVean, at the above address. Lowest or any tenders' not necessarily accepted. Pickett & Combell..Ltd. John 13, Lavis Chairman 0.1 Cochrane birdctor of Education Goderich Clinton 'The Store For Men