HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-05-29, Page 514. SERVICES ART'S LANDSCAPIND Seeding, Sodding, Shrubs FREE ESTIMATES 166 Bennett • St. E. 524-9126 22tf J4CK'S Furniture Repair -- Furniture repaired, wood turning a specialty, At rear.of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482.9695. — .40tfb GOLDEN Falcon, Orbit travel trailers; Tagalong tent trailers; tenting supplies; Chrysler outboards; Springbok, Crestliner boats. Sales, Service �Rentals._ Campout Trailers, Stratford 393.5938. — 17-27b B & B ANTENNA SERVICE for ANTENNA REPAIRS INSTALLATION Call GREG BRANDON 482-9275 tfn CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSMA Bayfield 565-2846 2,1tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 — 24tfb CONCRETE WORK All types of foundation's and floors, cement barnyards. Reasonable Rates — Free Estimates, MALONEY BROS. Dublin, Phone 345-2964. 16tfn ELECTRICAL, plumbing and carpentry work. New installations and repairs. H. J. Stiffen, 123 Erie St., Clinton, 482-9937.. -- tfn Cv. fixer? Rlu}nbing i.13 Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph.482-7652 -- 3tfn VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna phone Hensall 262.5350. 48tfn 15. REAL. ESTATE' Just off No, 8 Highway, east of town, we offer for your inspection an immaculate 3 -bedroom, electrically heated, one -floor home with large living room, roomy kitchen and utility room, This practically new home will meet with the approval of the most discrit»inating buyer. Priced to seli ' at only $12,0Q0.Q0, Located on Albert Street, a 2 -bedroom, 1•floor cottage with attached garage and lovely, high, well -landscaped lot. 3 -bedroom home on High ' St. with immediate possession available; $2,000 down, balance at an attractive 7% interest rate. ' Other homes available to suit your needs located on Princess St. E., Fulton, Huron and James Streets. For your boating pleasure this summer, inspect and operate a 26' pontoon houseboat with sleeping accommodation for 4 in the panelled cabin. Powered by a 40 h.p. electric started outboard motor for your pleasure and safety, This unit is worthy of your consideration. NEEDED for cash buyer, 100 -acre farm with an improved brick home and barn, well situated in the Clinton-Goderich area. If selling, please give us a call. For a good:selection of cottages, or private:, ; river • and stream acreages, give us a call. CLARKE ZINN 324 Ontario Street Clinton Phone 482-7838 ' GODERICH AGENT RUTH VAN DER MEER Phone 524-7875 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE FULLY serviced building lot for sale. Winter's subdivision. Apply. 482-9654. — 13tfn TW 0 -bedroom, cottage -style home, complete wall-to-wall floor covering; newly renovated; garae$1Imm,possession; •J,•Cash9terrzisaiiable. Appy to 378 James Street. Phon4 482.9216, —17tfn We cut window blinds, any size, to your specification. Priced from $1.89 SMITH'S OFFICE SUPPLY (formerly McEwan's) Albert St., 482-9766 Clinton CONCRETE SILOS. Farmers interested in having a silo built contact us soon. We still have a few vacancies left. Reasonable prices. Wes Hugill, Zurich, phone 236-4928. —19-22b 15. REAL ESTATE $7,800, Four-bedroom house High St. Forced hot air heat. Close to schools Large lot with fruit trees. $1,500 down balance on one mortgage. Suitable for conversion to duplex.. Phone 482.9952, — 21,22,23b GENERAL STORE, with Post Office, for sale. Ideally suited for married couple; living quarters available. Good opportunity for expansion. Ill health reason for selling. Apply to Box 192, Clinton News -Record. — 19tfn Listings wanted for farms, lots, homes and summer cottages. We are members of lealcare Trans Canada service which means we can arrange selling or purchasing for you right across Canada. Private subdivision, 3 bedrooms, 2 -piece bath, modern kitchen, living room, hot water heater, furnished. Move in for $10,500.00 Executive -type cottage in exclusive subdivision, 5 bedrooms, 4 -piece bath, utility rooms kitchen, dining room, living room with wall-to-wall stone fireplace. Floors carpeted, Electric heat, Large wooded lot, Price $24,500,00, Owner will carry first mortgage for 10 years at 8%. Brighter Varna. 3 bedroom stucco house in good condition, with large living room, dining room, kitchen, 3,niece bath, neve Oil furnace, town water, good barn, 1 acre bf land, Taxes $53,00 ADAM FLOWERS Office 1 mile Sotith of Bayfield on Highway 21 Phone 566.2618 LAUCICNER ILEAL ESTAt6 L113. $10,000 — 3 -bedroom, 11/2 -storey frame 1 block from downtown on Princess West, oil heat, garage. New 3 -bedroom brick veneer bungalow, electric heat, broadloom throughout, $4,000 down, mortgage arranged for $12,000 with monthly payments of $122. $15,000 — 4 -bedroom, 1 -storey frame, gas heat, garage, has extra lot and qualifies for VLA. $9,000 — 3 -bedroom, 11/2 -storey frame, •,,closeto downtown, oil heat, Maryi,.i'St. $16,000 —3 -bedroom, 1 -storey frame, like new. New gas furnace, completely redecorated inside and out, broadloom. A beautiful home which must be seen to be appreciated. Possession September lst. Building lots for sale. K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. Real Estate Broker Hal Hartley — Salesman 14 Isaac St. Clinton, Ont. Phone 482.9747 22b $17,000.00 — 11/2 -storey, brick, living room 15' x 25' with fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors, modern kitchen, one-piece bath down, 3 bedrooms, sunporch, 3 -piece bath up. Attached garage, aluminum Storms and doors, well landscaped. 150 rose bushes; strawberry and raspberry plants. Lot 132' x 140'. Located near schools. Immediate possession. 11/ -Storey, 4 bedrooms, with 3,piece bath up, living room, dining morn, kitchen down. Hot air oil heating. Well located, 1 block from Post Office, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 -storey asphalt on frame. 3 -piece bath down, modern kitchen with dining area, 14' x 14' living room, 1 bedroom with clothes clbset down, 2 bedrooms up. Gas H,A, furnace. LOt 66 x 132, early possession. Price including numerous extras, $7,500,00. $15,000,00 Modern kitchen, 3 -piece bath Iiving room, dining room, den, utility room, down, 5 bedrooms, 3 with Clothes. closets, 3 -piece bath up. This 2 -storey house could easily be duplexed, Located 1 block from up town do corner Of Rattenbury St. E., and William St, $8,000.00 down, remainder On 1st Mortgage at $%. H. C, LAWSON 'teal Estate Broker SaleSnian, Johi'i T. Wise Mine Office 482.9644 2213 1$, REAL ESTATE WELL maintained .3-bedroon? 11/2 -storey house for sale in town, Modern gas furnace, storage basement. Phone 482-7870. — 22,23p 16. TENDERS TENDERS RE FUEL OIL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12:00 'noon Thursday, June 5, 1969, for the supplying for the next two years of FURNACE FUEL OIL FOR, THE COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, Storage Capacity — 3,000 gals. Quantity being used per annum -- approx. J.8,000 gals. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John G. Berry, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario. 21,22b 17. NOTICE to CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of CHARLOTTE COLCLOUGH, Widow, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 1st day of July, 1968, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 14th day of June, 1969, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 15th day of May, .1969. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc,, 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. 21,22,23b IN THE • ESTATE OF ALICE MARGARET KAY STANIFORTH late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All otisi.,,*l�aving claims against the estate of 'the above named who died on the 13th day of December, A.D. 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of June, A.D. 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 13th day of May, A.D. 1969. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 21,22,23b 19. AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm Registered Hereford cattle. Machinery and household effects at Lot 12, Con. 1, Hullett Twp. 3 miles east of Clinton or 5 miles west of Seaforth on No. 8 Highway on Saturday, May 31, at 1 p.m. Cattle 26 Registered Hereford cattle; "Clinton Brook Herd"; 1 Herdsire, 2 years old, 3 young males, 21 females. Catalogues available. Machinery Ford tractor 8N — 1950; Massey Ferguson tractor mower 7 ft. (like new); 4 bar side rake on rubber scuffler; 3 section drag harrows; 16 ft. grain auger; 2,000 lb. scales; 28 ft. extension ladder. International power take off manure spreader; 13 disk Oliver fertilizer drill; 3 barn jacks; hog feeder; cattle feeders; forkes; shovels; harrows; iron posts; 2 unit International milking machine; circular saw; 2 wheel trailer and stock rack; Colony house 8 x 10; 36 ft. bale elevator; Stewart Clippers; DeHorners; markers. Hay 500 bales mixed hay. Household effects 4 burner electric stove, 8 cu. ft, Frigidaire; chrome kitchen table; extension tables; 3 furnished bedrooms; toilet set; rocking chairs; bar room chairs, Vann, 70 acres; clay loam land all in grass; 5 acres maple bush good trout stream;1 acre pond. Barn 72 x 34 good stabling cement silo. 'Hog peri 132 x 24. Storage house 45 x 36.2 garage and intplement Shed; 79roorn house, furnace, 3 -piece bath, 4 bedrooms. Buildings in good condition. Terms - , chattels—cash,' Property -10%o down balance in 30 days, Sold subject to reserve bid unless previously sold. 'perms can be arranged. Prop. Wilfred Glazier Auer, Harold Jackson Clerk Met Graham 21;22 19, AUCTION SALES AUUTION ... FURNITURE SALE for the. Estate of the late Mrs. Ida J, Petts in the Village of Blyth' on Saturday, May 31, 1:30 p.m. 3 -piece .chesterfield suite; 2 china cabinets; fern stand; toilet set; several lamps; pictures; antique chair; rocking chairs; living room rug; cherry bedroom suite, excellent condition; scatter mats; 3 -piece bedroom suite, spring and mattress; trunks; :l .bedstead; bed, spring and mattress; chest; .3 small tables; single iron bed; pine chest; filter queen" vacuum gleaner; metal clothes rack; antique cupboard; dining room table; sectional book case; Quebec heater; buffet; large quantity dishes^, bedding; lawn chairs; cooking utensels, ete.; Beatty washing machine; antique table; copper boiler; wash tubs; garden tools; lawn mower; crocks and sealers; wheel baro step w, st p ladder; numerous other articles. Terms — Cash Jackson & Jackson, Auctioneers, Listowel, 22b AUCTION SALE Herd Dispersal of High grade Holstein cows at Lot 40-41, Con. 11, Baseline, 31/2 miles west of Londesboro, 3 miles south of Auburn or 6 miles north of Clinton on Wednesday, June 4, 1969, at 1:30 p.m. consisting of 40 head of Holstein cows — 30 milking and balance due in June and July. Note: — Cows all raised by the owner and bred from unit sires. Owner forced to sell due to health. Proprietor, Arie Duizer Auctioneer, Bruce Rathwell Phone 482-3384 22b • AUCTION SALE of household articles from the Community Centre, Bayfield, on Saturday, May 31, at 1:30 p.m. consisting of — Pump organ, lamps, end tables, good 9 x 15 carpet, 4 captains chairs, drop leaf table and four matching chairs, antique wood framed mirror, oak commode, antique beds, ironstone platters, pewter, antique candle mold, desk, books, dishes, laundry tubs, Iawn chairs and numberous other items. This sale is to help in the completion of artificial ice for the Community Centre, formerly known as the Lions' Arena. Consignments to this sale will be appreciated. Contact Mrs. K.• Brandon, phone 565-2726; Mrs. R. Maloney, phone 565-2815; Mrs. R. Snell, phone 565-2544. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer, Phone 482-9676 2 2b 20. NOTICES STEVENS: Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens, Walton, will hold OPEN HOUSE on the occasion of their 40th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, June 1, from 2:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 — 9:00 p.m. at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald, who reside 1% miles north of Walton and 1/4 mile west. Relatives and friends please accept this invitation. No gifts please. — 22p 21. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy, RR 1, Clinton are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Alfreda Rose to Mr. William Raymond Hallahan, Blyth, son of Mr. William J. Hallahan and the late Mrs. Hallahan, Blyth. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 28, 1969 at 5 p.m. in St. Joseph's Church, Clinton. — 22b 22. BIRTHS LEIBOLD: In Clinton Public hospital, on Friday, May 23, 1969, to Dr. and Mrs., R. G. Leibold, Blyth, a son. LAVIS: In St. Joseph's hospital, London, on Sunday, May 18, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lavis, Arva, a sin, John Alexander. McCULLOUGH: Ted and Nancy (nee Ansell) McCullough are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Steven Edward, in Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, May 24, 1969. 2.2, GIRTHS TELFORD'; Roy and JoAnne (nee l3ulxgws)1 are . thrilled to announce the final adoption of their chpspn pan, ieffery Steven, We had a hopsp that was fainyy clean, Now we've got.a ilonae with tiny fingerprints to be seen, We've had pome tears, but lots of laughter and joy, Oause what's a home without a darling baby bay, 21x 23, DEATHS NORMAN: Passed away in Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital on Tuesday, May 20, 1969, Mrs. Frank A, Norman, formerly Margaret Dewar of New Hamburg, in her 93rd year. The late Mrs. Norman was a former resident of Holmesville, She is survived by daughters, Mrs, Chris W. (Agnes) Gerber, Toronto; Mrs, Herbert (Erdis) Hinz, New Hamburg; sons, Dewar, Goderi h; William, am H tme vi 1 •. Frank, Parkhill; Bruce, Clinton; sister, Mrs, Annie Roe, Milverton; brother, John Dewar, Kitchener. The funeral service was held in Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton on Friday, May 23, with interment in Clinton Cemetery. COOPER: Passed away in Huronview on Wednesday, May 21, 1969, William A. Cooper of Egmondville in his 80th year. He is survived by a brother, Joseph, Tuckersmith Township. The funeral service was held in G. A, Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth with interment in Clinton Cemetery. POWELL: Passed away at home on Monday, May 19, 1969, Baden Powell of Egmondville, in his 68th year, Survivors include a brother, Wallace of Clinton. The funeral service was at R. S. Box Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Thursday, May 22, with interment in Maitlandbank Cemetery. i3ROEZE: Passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, May 25, 1969, Mrs. John H. F. Broeze of Varna in her 54th year. The late Mrs. Broeze was the year.. Gerharda Bosch. She is survived by her husband; son, John, at home; daughters, Dianne, Joanne, both at home; mother, Mrs. Daatje Bosch, in Holland; five brothers, one sister, all in Holland. The funeral service was held at the Bethel Reformed Church, Exeter, Wednesday, May 28, with interment in Baird's Cemetery. CUDMORE: Passed away in Clinton Public hospital, Sunday, May 25, Alexander Fisher Cudmore, 82, of 49 Princess St., Clinton. Funeral from the Ball Funeral Home on Wednesday, May 28, interment in Clinton Cemetery. 25. CARDS OF THANKS FOTHERINGHAM: I wish to thank all who sent flowers, cards, treats and gifts to me and the baby while in hospital and at home. Special thanks to nurses of Clinton Public Hospital and Dr. Newland. — Mrs. Bob Fotheringham — 22b McCLINCHEY; I wish to thank our friends and neighbours for flowers, gifts and cards sent to me while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Wallace and Maynard, nursing staff and the Rev. Mr. Murdock Morrison. — Mrs. Frank MeClinchey. — 22b LEE: I want to thank all my friends and relatives for visits, cards, flowers and gifts while a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and nurses on first floor, — Helen Lee — 22b SAUNDERCOCK: I wish to express my sincere thanks to my many friends and relatives for the flowers, cards and treats While a patient in Clinton Hospital, Special thanks to doctors and nurses. -•- Mrs, Laura Saundercock. — 22p NORMAN: The family of the late Mrs. Frank Norman wish to convey their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses shown them in their recent bereavement, Floral tributes, expressions of sympathy and the thoughtfulness of the neighbours were very much appreciated. Special thanks to Rev. Dr. Mowatt and the Beattie Funeral Horne, -- 22b SCREENED TOPSOIL (stone, grass and root free) GRAVEL FOR LANES OR YARDS, CEMENT GRAVEL, FILL, ETC., BACKHOE WORK LY LE MONTGOMERY PHONE 4824644 EVENINGS or GLAYT'$ Ol1LF SERV(tE 482.7661 2.5, .CARDS PF THANKS WEESTEB: T would Bekto than�C 013' many friends .for cards,, f'lower's, treats and visits. while a patient in Victoria hospital, ta1, Lon an, wa s very much appreciated. — June Webster. --- 22b 28. ROOM and BOARD ACCOMMODATION for one alone, or two sharing. Mrs, Jim Cox, 127 Princess St., West. Phone 482-7093. — 22,23k 29. BUSINESS OPP. PARE TIME _INCOME Refilling and collecting money from , NEW 'TYPE high.quality coir: -operated dispensers in your area. No selling, To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $2,900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time For personal . interview write CANAPENN I D NA P STR IBUT LNG LIMITED, 302 OUELLETTE AVENUE, WINDSOR, ONTARIO, Include phone number, -- 22p Man assaulted, breaks 2 ribs Clarence Reeves, 48, a former Seaforth resident now living in Clinton, was knocked to the ground and injured last Sunday evening in the park adjacent to the public library and town hall, according to police who are investigating and expect to charge the man's assailant. Mr. Reeves reportedly fractured two ribs in the incident about 8:20 o'clock and was admitted to Clinton Public Hospital. Police also report the theft of one of the two flags and flag poles in the courtroom and council chamber of town hall. The theft was discovered early Saturday. No estimate of the value is yet available. John Livermore, • town clerk, says the flag is easily replaced, but not the staff because it was one of a pair. At least three parking meters were damaged by exploding firecrackers last week — one of the meters was vandalized within an hour after earlier damage was repaired. :Clinton. :News-1.3c.corO, Thursd4y.,:MAy 20, 1900 5 HURON COOP Prepaid Medical Insurance at Cost the- oWay ap HURON OO.OPERATIV MEDICAL Drca4 SERVICE$ 82 Albert St„ Clinton noon 482-9751 tfn iAMMEN'S AERIAL .wu SPRAYING SERVICE Based at Morgan Johnston's air strip OFFERS ANY KIND OF WEED CONTROL FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS AND INSECTICIDES 414104.41110.14110.411.40411P*41,1111,411,4104104110 NOW SPRAYING WINTER WHEAT PHONE LUCKNOW 5284437 r.... ....:.,..„..../...,............................,......................, AREA REPRESENTATIVES — SAM LAMMEN JERRY LOSEE AND CLAYTON PILGRIM 1. Spraying By Aircraft Pays — It Doesn't Cost GULF GOOD VALUES! 3 GREAT VALUES TO CHOOSE FROM: — SELECT ONE WiTH EVERY GASOLINE PURCHASE OF $3.00 OR MORE KLEENEX 200's GARBAGE BAGS LIGHT BULBS 26" x 36" 40-60-100 Watt GULF GOOD VALUE PRICE 2/33` with minimum purchase of $3.00 GULF GOOD 1 0 / 35` VALUE PRiCE with minimum purchase of $3.00 GU LF GOOD VALUE PRICE 2 / 29' with minimum purchase of $3.00 SPECIAL SHOCK ABSORBERS $2495 A Pair CLAYT'S GULF INSTALLED Victoria St. (Hwy. 4 South) WANTED! BIAN CONTRACTS at most attractive prices W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. HENSALL TELEPHONE 262-2527 Specializing in Registered And Certified Seed Grain Clover, Grass & Mixed Grain Seed FERTILIZER of competitive. prices 21, 22