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Clinton News-Record, 1969-05-29, Page 3
From My Window Hard, cold statistics Shirley Keller I've never enjoyed statistics mostly because T find them so darned depressing. You know the kind I mean. Last year one-third of all newspaper columnists died of , stomach ulcers, or something like that. Not too upsetting to the average school teacher, but if you happen to be a newspaper columnist with a bit of a belly ache, you begin to wonder. This latest batch of statistics doesn't really bother me too much personally but I find them rather insulting to the human race in general. They have to do with world-wide birth control efforts now under study by the United Nations. In their excitement to keep the world's population from reaching 7,500 million by the year 2000, a group of Americans has suggested that the UN name a commissioner for population. His main work would be to curb the natural desires men and women have for each other, or to push family planning at them whether they understand it or not. You think that is unlikely. Have you forgotten so soon how some cities are keeping the pigeon population down by slipping a birth control substance into theirfeed? But we were talking • of statistics. On the present trends of high fertility and declining morality, it has been estimated the world population will rise from the present 3,500 million to 7,500 million by the year 2000. In the event of improved economic development, some experts estimate a decline in fertility with the result that the world population could be held to 7 billion by the start of the 22nd century. NOW ,FOR YOUR 'ENJOYMENT The • CLOUD "NINE" ROOM •�^'�, •, A - 19'%• litii-tPt At HOTEL CLINTON JOE RYAN On Violin and MRS. JOE On Guitar We regret that due to illness, Jean Walker has been absent from her regular spot at the organ. We wish her a speedy recovery and look forward to her return to the Cloud "9" Room Clinton After digesting these facts and figures for a while, .One could almost conclude it is as greatan offence to world society to go on living after an expected age as it is to give birth to more than two children per family! Statistics are so hard, cold and impersonal, The report goes onto give the happy news thatt if babies are discouraged "with all possible vigor" the world population would be kept as low as 6 billion or even 5,500 million people. The world has the means, the report continues, to achieve this i1 tremendous f a a t. The pill and the intrauterine device will take the place of God in future generations. And why are too many babies worse • than no babies at all? According to the report babies grow into people and too many people cause pollution, congestion, urban sprawl, psychological ailments, widespread famine, increased illiteracy, unemployment, squalor and unrest which threatens the very foundations of public order. As a final blow the report states: "There is no reason why the political and religious objections of countries opposed to family planning should Prejudice the hopes and desires those favor. of� av . Well, 1 don't know! John D. Rockefeller III who chaired the committee which brought in the report might feel that a world-wide birth control drive is the answer to the world's problems, but frankly I disagree. I think a more charitable attitude on the part, of all mankind would do more than any old supply of birth control pills to keep the world on an even keel, But then the milk of human kindness probably isn't • as dependable as those little white or pink or yellow pills so who can really , object to Rockefeller's proposal after all, Maybe it is the ONLY thing to do. Sewage soaks clothing of Blyth schoolchildren Two Blyth housewives were one-person deputations at a meeting of the Huron County Board of Education last week. Mrs. Phyllis Street, whose children attend the $lyth Public School, made a strong plea for action to correct unsanitary conditions at the playground. The problem stems from a faulty septic system, a matter brought to the board's attention several weeks ago. "The children came home last winter, their clothes soaking with sewage," said Mrs. Street, pointing out that the trouble started only six months after the school was built. "Sometimes the odor is so bad, it goes two blocks away,". she added. John Levis of Clinton board chairman,` "sand the 1oard i$ seeking a solutio and Wber hit toueh''`wvith t7ie aYcl ft ci contractor and Dept. of Health. As a beginning, the board voted to fence off the affected Londesboro news BY MRS. BERT ALLEN ' Congratulations are in order for Barbara Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns and a CHSS grade 13 graduate. She has been accepted at St. Joseph's Hospital Nursing School where she will begin training in September. Miss Annie and Miss Lily Gray of Richmond Hill, cousins of Mrs. Airdrie, visited on Saturday with the Airdrie Family. Mrs. Thompson and Beth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Sawrie in Kitchener. The Fothergill family visited the Mr, and Mrs. Ron Stacey of Wingham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Neil of Kirkton visited on Sunday with the latter's sisters, Edith Beacom and Laura Lyon. Mr. Earl Gaunt spent last week in Wingham hospital but was able to return home on Saturday. area immediately and to 'investigate the conditions. The chairman invited board members to inspect the playground themselves. Mrs. Glenyce Snell, the second woman from Blyth, told the board she believes that languages other than .English should be taught in the public school. She asked for a full-time teacher of French and said consideration should be given to teaching Russian and Chinese, languages which may be needed in the future. The requests were referred to committee. Porter's Hill MRS. DON HARRIS The United Church Women of Grace Church met on May 21 at the home of Mrs. Tom Sowerby. Mrs. William Cox conducted the devotional period. The president, Mrs. Don Harris conducted the business meeting. Roll call was answered with an exchange of plants. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. William Townshend and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Sowerby. Mrs. A. Lockhart and Mrs. Chester Sturdy were named to arrange the lunch to be served at the closing service on Sunday, June 29. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Lockhart on Wednesday, June 18. CHICKEN BARBECUE THURSDAY, JUNE 12 AT CONSTANCE Sponsored by C.O.F. Served from 5:30 - 8 p,m. Adults $1.50 Children 6.12, 75c Children under 6 Free TAKE OUT ORDERS 22, 23b Juckersmith.extends phone net At a specialfive-hour meeting on May ,20, the Tuckersmith township. Council agreed to a $50,000 debenture issue. to finance improvements and extension of the Tuckersmith, Municipal Telephone System, At the same meeting, it was reported that W. H. Venn, district engineer for the Dept. of Highways at Stratford, has. authorized the township to call for tenders for reconstruction of the Canadian Forces Base road.. James L McIntosh, clerk, was instructed to write the DHO to say that the township cannot. accept any cut in its road maintenance allotment in the supplementary bylaw because the expense is for municipal drain projects to which the council is committed already. Approval has been received for a road expenditure bylaw which includes $62,500 for maintenance at tenance and $30,000 for construction. The council gave its approval to the regional traffic engineer's recommendation that the speed limit on Highway 4 through Hensall be upped from 30 to 40 miles per hour. A stretch of 2,620 feet is affected and although Hensall council already approved the change, consent of both Tuckersmith and Hay Townships is also needed. A letter about a complaint from William Roweliffe re the Geiger Municipal Drain was received from Usborne Township and referred to the engineer. The letter asked Tuckersmith to investigate the complaint and take action. The drain serves as an outlet for 211 acres in Hibbert, 1,836 acres in Usborne and 1,674 acres in- Tuckersmith. As soon as cost estimates on fixtures are available, the council. plans a meeting with Egmondville ratepayers to. discuss street lighting. Council was told that children from Adastral Park, OSB _Clinton had broken .tile at a culvert construction site south of the base. The clerk was instructed to notify the mayor of Adastral Park and to ask him to warn parents tq keep their children away from the site,. $uiiding permits for homes were granted to Fred Tiller, 1-larpurhey, and Albert Price,. Egmondville. Total value is an estimated :$37,000. Council was informed 2,37.4 cattle had been sprayed for warble fly at 12 cents each for $282.48.. other expenses' brought total warble fly spraying toOf $528..this $430 was collected with $48 still awing. G. Pepper was present at the meeting .as one of the ratepayers affected by the Charters' Drainage Works. Court of Revision on this drain was set forne 17after a er council accepted the report. Representing Seaforth Lions Park, A. Y. McLean and Frank Kling discussed with council matters affecting the park and involving ,tidying up arrangements covering the construction of the township centennial gates at the park and the construction two years ago of a new dam. Adastral Park Her husband is retiring from the armed forces soon and our correspondent at Adastral Park, Mrs. G.A. (Sandra) Sinker, is turning over her duties to Miss Carol Warner. ' Mrs. Sinker says she enjoyed reporting Adastral Park news and asks us to convey her thanks to all who contributed news items. Anyone with news from CFB Clinton can contact Miss Warner at 482-9281. The Sunset Drive-ln — A "Mustang" Theatre -- Now Open Every Night 'SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 ' PHONE 524-9981 SUNDAY to WEDNESDAY—June 1 to 4 'w a t•••%.v ,, -.... nth e.4�v>� ii, •m : v.v " F HE HOLLERS L E tlIM Goy, AIA DAOTTOf NCove. Starring BARBARA McNAIR and RAYMOND ST. JACQUES — Plus Second Feature — "HIGH COMMISSIONER rr • (Adult Entertainment) A Spy Story Starring ROY TAYLOR and CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER SPRING FESTIVAL Seaforth Community Centre ON Saturday, June 7 FROM 9 till' ? Dancing and Prizes Refreshments Available ADMISSION: $3,00 COUPLE Restricted to over 21 Sponsored by Seaforth Agricultural Society and Seaforth Optimist Club. Tickets available from Members 21. 22b li iApatotte l5kd rea stored trade; nietk of C16M . PRODUCTS Grow beans without weeds PATORAN 0 5o W PRE -EMERGENCE WEED KILLER Kills broadleaf and grassy weeds in soybeans, white, dry or field beans, snap or bush beans Get easy, eflet:tive weed control with PATOaAN C7 apply Immedtate!y after planting beans (1tA" to 2" deep). C] spray entire field or band to reduce Cost by 2/3. © micronized for easy mixing, trouble-free spraying, No Soil Jntorporation heeded. 0 enters weeds through roots --gives 6 to 8 weeks control. 0 new low suggested price reduces cost almost one third. Ask .your Green Cross Deafer for PA7`ORAN 50 W. field -felted across Canada for four. years blrislon b/ THE SHERWiN•WILLWAMS Co. or CANAbA LTD, r , MOMratt • WoOdltdak,N.B..Toronto a WInnlpea • Caddy +Edmonton. kneouvet Clinton Netts -Record, Thursday, May 29, 1909 ,3. KIPPEN Y.MRS, NORMAN LONG The theme of Kipper) UCW worship was motherhood and what a hallowed thing it is. Mrs, Emerson Anderson presented an inspiring lesion for us all, assisted in the Scripture readings by Mrs, Keith Leve and Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Russell Consitt gave a very interesting account of life in China as seen by Prime Minister Trudeau a few years ago. The president, Mrs. Robert Elgie, brought up several business items after the reading of the ;minutes by the secretary, Mrs. H. Binnendyk. The members discussed sending the this bale t s Purchase of a projector, plans for the summer picnic in June and agreement to provide the September Blue Water at programme Rest Home, Instead of a Strawberry Supper in June, .it was decided to have a canvass of members at the June meeting. ' Mrs. Ken McLellan gave .the treasurer's report. Mrs. Leonard Lovell expressed courtesy remarks. Mrs. Jack Bell and Mrs. Wayne McBride, the hostesses, served delicious refreshments. PERSONALS Miss Sharon McBride of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., recently visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carter, Donna and Jimmie of Essex spent last weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelse Hood, Mr, and Mrs, Wayne Littleton and Charlene of Lolyden spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs, Ron Littleton and family, also Mr, and Mrs. Russell Frier and family. Mrs. N. Long has returned lime from being a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Qn. Sunday, she had Mrs. Alma Hess of l-Iensell visit :her, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Kirk, Louise and Paul, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Kirk of Port Stanley. 1 gINEET ud S U ro 4 RS SINCERELY IM T/NEE ruQNE'SAYS r l ISI �i 0.7 st1 oUp�4coed ALIKE..,. WU rINEE TUUNE ,9,L Y YOURENJOYS SINCERErY SOON APPEARING INy ME tie RUN BY 1// ART'S SUPERTEST Albert St. — Clinton 482-7903 GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED THURSDAY and FRIDAY — May 29-30 Sean Connery and Brigitte Bardof [SHALAKO (Adult Entertainment) TECHNICOLOR . . . FRANSCOPE Showing Thursday at 8.00 p,m. Only -- Friday at 7.30 and '9.20'p.m. Check at Theatre for Saturday Matinee at 2.00 p.m. SATURDAY, May 31 to FRIDAY, June 6 "Steve; McQueen as' " BULLITT" ~ ^ -'Hdrd Tough •Detective'Drama (Adult Entertainment) --- Showing Saturday at 7.30 and 9,15 p.m. Showing Sunday through Thursday at 8.00 p.m. Only Showing Friday at 7.30 and 9.15 p.m, l Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 4$2.7Q06 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box office ,Opens at 8.00 p.m. . FIRST SHOW AT DUSK iHliR$, and FRI. May 29 and 30 8E FEATURE o9U L E E — R "THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKYS" (Adult Entertainment) Starring JASON ROBARTS, BRITT EKLAND and BERT LAHR Showing at 8,50 Only — And "Salt and Pepper Showing at 10,30 Only Samie Davis Jr, & Peter Lawford Both Features In Color Cartoon SAT., MON., TUES. May 31, June 2, 3 DOUBLE FEATURE — — "HANG 'EM HIGH" Showing at 9,00 p,m. -- Starring CLINT EASTWOOD And INGER STEVENS — Plus "THE PAPER LION" With Alan Alda — At 10.30 Both Features in Color — Cartoon WED., THURS., FRI. June 4-5-6 — – DOUBLE FEATURE -- "PRUDENCE and THE PILI" Showing at 9 p,m. , AOMITTAN Cr StarringTO KM.; I. TUII O AOI c. Oh. Deborah Kerr and David. Niven In .Color — Plus Second Feature "Pretty Poison (Adult Entertainment) Showing at 10.30 — Starring Anthony Perkins & Tuesday Weld Color Cartoon to a party... it's the Lord Simcoe Hotel in Toronto. You'll find your party,. banquet or meeting more enjoyable and successful when you hold it at the Lord • Simcoe. Friendly service•that caters to your every wish at sensible prices, Call. the Simcoe ... We get in the spirit of things. . it's the aidSit izcae a/el University and King Streets, Tel. 362-1848 ENNOW PLAYING—At The Masi NG' FRI., SAT., .----May 30-31, SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE LIT It started out as a PICNIC! i But , before it was over, 37 men were dead. UN One had GUTS...one had GUNS ADAUtT • :! ...THE GAL THEY HAb BETWEEN THEM! Mal 11111 11111 111.1 ammo ail acct WAEKErK• VARSI CEARK IS t«iluew+:w. xn+.eG:9uai,.',!+w.Yiu'.�d�,rwt W.tan¢4i ti.+':.sk.+�v 5'.•M,r�ywEU!+rwz� � ri.i:: Nt PHONE 524.9901. OPENS AT 8:00 P.M; SON �flLi r T„,„,.E )IWY. 8 COOERCsO AT t0NCLSSiO$ 4.4 cower rir� wut>r4sika,:vkarrM.4a.