HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-05-01, Page 5:;fi �::b Vii'.:<LS%� �'•}k.,4\4 iSvr.v. 2.: • :•4 SERVICES 14. SERVICES SCREENED TOPSOIL - (stone, grass and root free) GRAVEL FOR .LANES OR YARDS, CEMENT GRAVEL, FILL, ETC. BACKHOE WORK LYLE -MONTGOM ERY PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS or CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE 482.7661 fi 15 Listings wanted for farms, 'lots, homes and slirnnner .cottages. We are members of Realcare Trans Canada service which. means, we can arrange selling or purchasing for you • right; across Canada, ' 100 acre farm, '70 acres workable, good drainage, good barn with silo, • drive shed, ' garage, real nice home. with 3, bedrooms up, one down, large ;modern kitchen with dining area, living room, 4 -piece bath,, water in house and barn, furnace with automatic coal feeder. 18,19,20b CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Your home in need of repair,, interior or exterior? If so, for expert workmanship and free estimates, call us, BENNY BJIRG 482-9372 18tfn • Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service i King Street Ph.482-7652 3tfn ALUMINUM AWNINGS AND SIDING 10 Years In The Area Workmanship Guaranteed all Mathers Home Improvement • Clinton 482-7372 •18tfn FINE SCREENED TOP SOIL (stone, grass and root free) flower pots, flower beds, etc. ailable in plastic bags at CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE Phone 482-7661 18,19,20b LL cut- lawns; also 'gardens rked with roto -tiller. Phone 2-7723. — 1-8,19p AU'S TREE SERVICE FULLY INSURED anting and Removal of Trees Painting and Landscaping one 236-4607, collect Zurich 17,18b UMINUM SIDING call ther Home Improvement, nton 482-7372. References plied. Free indoor -outdoor ermometer with every tallation. Workmanship aranteed; 10 years in area. — tfn BULLDOZING Excavating and Loading Sand Gravel Topsoil HUNKIN.G BROS. • 9315 482-7634 16tfn STOM chain sawing, lots ared, trees trimmed, firewood logging. Reasonable rates. 1 for appointment anytime. ne 524-6632, — 4t£ . • MODELLING, renovations, fing and floor laying, . ertly done. All odd jobs and the home. Kitchen boards a specialty. Phone 2-7676. Ken McNairn. tfb SIGN WRITER Trucks or windows lettered Signs of all kinds No tickets or posters THOMAS RILEY Phone 482-9659 15,16,17b USTOM chain sawing, tree !mining, tots cleared, fence • ttoms cleared. Fireplace ood. Puny insured. Call 27001 anytime. — 10tfn CK'S Furniture Repair -- urniture repaired, wood rning a specialty. At rear of 84 lbert Street, Clinton. Phone 2.9695. 40tfb ACUU'M cleaners; sales and ,vice for all makes.. R, K. Peck, lama phone Hensall 262-5350, 48tfn ;i gOTP.ICAt., plumbing and are entry work, New asta lations and repairs. H. J, ltaffen 123 Ere Clinton, S2.93137•. -A- tfn $t;PTtC tANKS CLtANt b Modern Equipment Work duat•a►iteed Work Guaranteed Write or phone HARVEY DALiE=,SEAFbRTH PRONE 482}33.0 24t#1i CONCRETE -WORK All types of foundations and floors, ' cement barnyards. Reasonable Rates — Free Estimates. MALONEY BROS. Dublin, Phone 345-2964. 16tfn B&B ANTENNA SERVICE for ANTENNA REPAIRS INSTALLATION CaII GREG BRANDON 482-9275 • tfn 15. REAL ESTATE FULLY serviced building lot for sale. Winter's subdivision. Apply 482-9654., —1.3tfn 'TWO -bedroom, . � f cottage -style home, complete wall-to-wall floor covering; newly renovated; garage. Immediate possession. Cash or terms available, Apply to 378 James Street. Phone 482-9216. — 17tfn IYISINTEE Located in the town of HensalI, on a well -landscaped lot, we invite your inspection of this well -kept 10' x 45', 2 -bedroom trailer home, featuring a large living room extension, wall-to-wall carpet and seamless flooring, 4 -piece bath, heavy electrical service. Luxury living at moderate cost. In Clinton, give us a call to look at the ultimate in trailer accommodation, 20' x 42', with full width living room, 2 bedrooms, built in washer, dryer, stove and frig, all included in the reasonable asking price of this unit. Live luxuriously in this beautiful 2 -storey red brick home, located on East Street in town, featuring large living room, dining room, TV room, modern roomy kitchen, plus utility room and 3 -piece bath on first floor. 3 large bedrooms plus bachelor apartment, office and 3 -piece modern bath on second floor. This prestige home is graciously situated among lovely trees on an extremely large lot. Shown by appointment only. Just off No. 8 Highway, east of town, we offer for your inspection an • immaculate 3 -bedroom, electrical)y heated, one -floor home with Parge living room, roomy kitchen and utility room. This practically new home will meet with the approval of the most discriminating buyer: Priced to sell at only $12,000.00. Located on Albert Street, a 2 -bedroom, 1•floor cottage with attached garage and lovely, high, well -landscaped lot; inspect other properties located bn Fulton, Huron and James Streets, please give ut a Call. SOLD Wm Rutiedge home on Erie Street. Jack Irwin farm, L.ueknov, CLARICE ZINN 324 Ontario Street Clinton Pinkie 482-7838 dt1DERICH At -ANT itt,l'Tf VAN 1)811 M>a1Jil •>: hoh,r 524.787 r PHOTO LISTING SBITVIOt REAS ESTATE 15b acres on paved road, 120 acres workable, 35 acres hardwood bush, farm runs through to river, large modern L-shaped barn, brick house, 3 bedrooms up, one down, 3 -piece bath, living room, dining room. Immediate possession. Modern cottage in Bayfield, ,large lot, close to lake, $9,000. ADAM FLOWERS Office 1 mile South of Bayfield on Highway 21 Phone 565.2813 LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE LTD. HOBBY OPPORTUNITY — 2 -storey . insul-brick home; 3 bedrooms; hot water heating; full basement. 2 extra lots; good garden soil with 2 greenhouses and double garage. All beautifully treed. Can be sold if desired .with another 3 lots for one of the largest town properties available. Central location. Phone 482-3445 or evenings Bayfield 565-2635. — 18p 17. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of AMY VIOLA CRICH, lot* of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 10th day of April, 1969, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 19th day of May 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then.' have ringtib-6 hn . 2'r,9rtr ,IbeJ » DATED at Clinton; °'tlrttario, this 24th day of April, 1969. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 18,19, 20 • 18. PERSONAL DO YOU HAVE SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS OR CONFLICTS? Phone Rev, W. Werner 482-9512 16,17,18,19b 19. AUCTION SALES Of trucks, backhoe arid snow plow, 21/2 miles south and 11/4 miles west of Walton On Saturday, May 10, at 1 p.m. 1959 Case 210 tractor backhoe; 1968 20' tandem trailer electric brakes; 1957 F 350 truck; 1956 full hydraulic truck snow plow, comet welder, hydraulic pumps. Winch; 1,000gal. tank, new rack. Bumper and front tow for 1957 Ford pickup. Comet septic tank; two 500 gal. tanks, 200 gal. tank; hydraulic sander; 14" flat rack; dual wheel trailer, tow hooks; electric • motors, dump box, deep freeze;' refrigerator; water pipes, 2 televisions, Homelite chain saw, propane stove and controls; piano, furniture, dishes, two collies; other articles, Terms, cash Prop. Don Wallace Auctioneers, Harold Jackson and Edward Elliott 18,19 AUCTION SALE of a full line of household effectsin the town of Goderich, 90 Elgin East, on Saturday, May 10, at 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. Proprietor: Orval Hynds, Auctioneer: I-tarold Jackson. Clerk: Mel Graham. 18,19b 21,, ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, Arvid Nordahl of Goderich wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Ann, to Mr. Tin H, Steckle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Steckle, 'RR, 3, $ayfield, wedding Will take place at St. George's . Anglican Church, Goderich, on Saturday, May 17, 1969, at 4 o'clock, 18p Mr, and Mrs Harold M, ft.ees 'wish to announce the forthebrriing marriage of their eldest daughter., Lynn Catherine, t� Cpl. d, M. Gagne, GAF', 'rhe wedding will take place at the Saered Heart Chapel, CAI'R, Cohia*, B,G,, at 2 o'ctoek, Saturday`; May 31, 1969, Miss Rees,- a former stildent of Central ilurnri Secondary' 86661, now attends UuiVergity Of British 1Sb AUC7 ON SALES. "•' ':Important AUCTlON SALE o▪ f valuable real , estate, trucks; floats; . dozer, shovel§, cranes, construction " me t and uC] equipment, tr n t n. �q W,� q tp by mt�c. iter, •� On the ' premises y corder of Pen0PA .and -Mary Street,, Giiderich. First' street east of Conklin Lumber off Highway The ' 'urtcleraigtied auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on ,Saturday, May 10, at 1,30 p,tn. al}arp, i:teaI E"state; :consists, of Lot 20 and 21, corral, of Bennett and. Mary St. on which is situated a cement block building with. extra building lot. This is an ideal residential area. Inspection invited. Terms of real estate; 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Trucks and construction equipment: 1963 Chevrolet 60 series 7 yd. dump truck with Class F, PCV license. 1960 BC -18Q International tandem dump truck with 12 yd. aluminum box. 1956 International tractor trailer with 10 -ton float. John Deere 1962 standard rubber tire tractor equipped with hydraulic loader and backhoe. Bulldozers: International TD -92 dozer shovel equipped with 11/2 yd bucket completely overhauled in A-1 condition. International TD -9 dozer shovel equipped with 11/4 yd bucket, new head, sleeves, pistons and bearings, good condition. International TD -6 crawler; construction equipment, air compressor on trailer with 4 -cylinder Wisconsin motor 125 CFM with sand blaster. D-4 caterpillar power plant with pulley and clutch; 1959 GMC truck with snow plow and hydraulic • boom; 2 -cylinder air' compressor with Wisconsin motor; dragline belt loader with winch and motor. 30 -foot conveyor with belt. 1 -cylinder air compressor equipped with Briggs and Statton motor, portable electric welder; 2 sets chain falls; battery chargers; snow plough blade with A frame; drill press; battery booster cables; hydraulic pumps and cylinders; air tank; steel welder's bench; double end grinder; hydraulic jacks; set Saddle tanks 5th wheel. Assortment hydraulic hose and fittings; 2 -truck axles with tires; new set taps and dies; 4 -way truck wheel wrench; air grease guns; chain binders; logging chains; 7/8 yd bucket, GMC 5 -speed truck transmission; new Sabre saw; assorted brass fittings; truck mirrors, clamps, electric. .hand drills; .magnetos,` tank, extention cards; 2,new pony carts;-, tarp; ; heavy-duty' vice; quantity new coils and point sets, pipe wrenches; floor jack, tires; tubes; 2 heavy pulleys; sledge hammers; garage tools; etc., etc. Terms - Cash Plan to attend this opportunity sale owner selling without reserve due to other interests. Mervin McAllister Proprietor Goderich, 524-9218 • Alvin Waiper Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 18,19 21. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank van Altena, Clinton, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Maryke Margaretha Carla, to Mr. Kenneth Lloyd Osborn, Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Osborn, Windsor, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 21, 1969, at 2 o'clock in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton. — 18b 22. BIRTHS SPARLING: In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, April 26, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs, Grant' Sperling, Blyth, a son. BLACK: In Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, on Sunday, April 20, 1969 to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black ' (nee Mary Macaulay) 30 Lockton Crese. Brampton, a darlghter, a sister for Susan, and second granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Royce Macaulay, HALLAHAN: To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hallahan, R.R. 3, Walkerton, Ont, a daughter, Patti -Jo, a sister for Christopher. 23. DEATHS JERVIS: Died on April 115, 1969, in Lander, Wyoming, Rev. Clifford W. Jervis, sbh of the late Albert Jervis of. Nappanee, Indiana. Beloved cousin of Dorothy Marquis and Mussell Jervis of Clinton. 25. CARDS', OF THANKS f▪ 3UC1iIANAN: My Sincere thanks to friends' and neighbours who ht eI ed make p , . b my Iorig stay so pleasant while a patient in Clinton Public t-lospitai, with visits, treats, .cards end letters. - ['hanks also to Mr, Mills for his Weekly visits, and to D. Oakes end DrAddisol#,. the nursing on staff firs ft a , t Dor, also kltClien staff who helped us celebrate our anniversary and hay birthday'. Ahoy thanks to all, Mrs.* A)£. L3ucheniti, -• 18b 25, CARDS Of THANKS MOCONNELL; $Fecial thanks, tp .4 Mr, and Mrs. C. Stewart, Mr, and 144, C, Dixon and, John who cared for our home in Our absence, J. Lee anda nn A .. McConnell. —13p 26. IN MEMORIAM MacMILLEN : In loving memory •of a dear husband, " Lesley MacMillen, who went to be with his Lord, one year ago " today, May 5, 1968. You never failed to do your best, Your heart was true and tender, You labored hard for those you loved, And left me to remember. In tears I saw you sinking, And watched you fade away, My heart was almost broken, For I wanted you to stay. And then I saw you sleeping, So peaceful, free from pain, I could not wish you back with me, To suffer so again. My heart still aches with sadness, Secret tears still flow. What it meant to part with you "Les" No one will ever know. — So sadly missed by wife, Edith. —18b MANN: In loving memory of a dear father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, who passed away April 28, 1944 and May 6, 1944, and dear sister, Lulu (Mann) Crittenden, who passed away August 14, 1948. Memory's lane is a lovely lane, Where thoughts are ever true, Along this way we always stray Because it leads to you. — Lovingly remembered by the family, — 18p LAWSON: In loving memory of Andrew A. Lawson who passed away May 2, 1967. Sadly missed by sisters, Mrs. Florence Miller and Mrs. Annie Medd. — 18b 28. ROOM and BOARD SEPARATE rooms for 2 boarders. Would pack lunches. Phone 482-9540 after 5 p.m. , 18b OPEN HOUSE You are invited to attend an open house to see an alt -electric starter pullet building. Plan to come on MAY 8 THURSDAY 1:00 - 9:00 P.M. AT HARRY BAKKER'S, 114 Miles South of Blyth SEE a fail safe electrical system. a low insurance rate building, two tier stairstep cage brooding. hot water heating. Bring Your Friends FREE COFFEE DONUTS YOUR HOSTS Harry Bakker witzer COMM' Ction Howson and Howson Neuhauser Hatchery Ontario Hydro Qlinton Novvs Record Thur$d y, May 1,1969 ,a' • TIME IS GROWING SHORT CUPS & SAUCERS .- $1.50 to $3.25 LIMQGE FIGURINES TILLEY LEATHER GOODS WALLETS --CLUTCH PURSES—FRENCH PURSES $4.50 to $12.00, Srnfth's OFFICE SUPPLIES 1Fx.rmerly Mai F''an's) AL8 RT ST _ 4829766 _ CLINTON, P.$, We have a fine selection of graduagpn cards too , ,SUMMER TOYS K1D5 - It's kite time. We have RAY RATS --• SKYRAIDER -- STI NG -A -REE -- FRISfrEES Reg. $1,19 — Pro $1.49-- Indoor $1.98 SKIPITS . - - . , , . 69c' PLASTIC GOLF SETS . 98c SKIPPING ROPES 15c, 25c, 39c MARBLES — assorted sizes SILLY PUTTY 98,c Complete Range of PAINT -BY -NUMBER SETS 79c to $7.00 HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE OFFERS BEAN CONTRACTS GRAIN CONTRACTS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SEED, FERTILIZER AND CHEMICALS FOR YOUR SPRING NEEDS GRASS SEED,... SEED GRAIN.... SEED BEANS CO-OP SEED CORN FERTILIZER... . BULK BLEND'` and BAGGED ANHYDROUS AMMONIA . LIQUID NITROGEN ATRAZINE EPTAM - 2,4-D PATORAN BUY AT YOUR CO-OPERATIVE HENSALL ZURICH BRUCEFIELD HERMAN'S MONTH END CLEARANCE 9 DAYS APR. 24 TO MAY 3 • MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SWEATSHIRTS Gold, Green, Blue, Black S -M -L NOW $1 98 ONLY • Reg. 2.79 BOY'S SPRING JACKETS Sizes 10 to 16 Balance of Range $11 98 Reg, to 13,95 y� MEN'S WHITE "t'SHIRTS ' Name Brand — Reg. 1.25 RUY YOUR SUMMER SUPPLY NOW! P I L S ECA et. 984(Limit 1 to a Customer) MEN'S ALLWEATHER COATS Just Arrived For Spring Beige - Navy - Black • New Short Length PRICED TO CLEAR Reg. to 29.50 17.95 YOUNG MEN'S PERMANENT PRESS DRESS PANTS Sizes 28 to 36 Reg. 12.95 - 14.95 TO $0 98 Pr. CLEAR MEN'S SPRING JACKETS Be ld, INV O o � ... / See These Reg. to 15,95 HERMAN'S Men's Wear 404351 ctLiNTON-