HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-05-01, Page 3A. '4T 4 1 From. Afty, Window r It • 4 better, t • Le ter to gwe • ' Shirley Keller I 11, t I YQ11. know the old saying.* u 'can , Please some of °the ple alt of 'the 'time but you 't please a,, of tie people en Someo the, time. *Tls trne. My'husband and adyiyid proof of thls not too ng')ago when we had an niversary party, We got married 15 years ago a wet April, day. I 'really don't Ow what made it the dampest the,• constant rushing rain Utdoors or -the incessant wiling tears indoors. You See, awled all through our wedding. couldn't see the minister or yen the Weof my worried oom, for salty iyater. The tears ere in rnY throat, too, for nerythne I • tried to whisper ;hose romantic words "I do", very muscle in my voice box eized and I could only mouth be syllables. Sometimes I stay awake • — lights wondering if I am realty aid truly Married. Anyway, that Was 15 years go and -I haven't had cause to veep since. , I joke a good deal about my iusband; but actually he's the patest fellow on the face of the earth as far as I'm :oncerned...and that's all that eally matters I guess. We didn't have a big wedding. was just the immediate of the mmediate families, like his mom aid dad and my dad and one of ifs brothers who crashed the warty. After a few years we thought t• wai high time our families got ,ogether for a Wing -ding,. the Ad -fashioned kind where there s jots of food, froth and fun. We sat down one evening bout five years ago to figure ut the cost of this venture. The ea was 'shelved until this spring hen we finally got the bash nderway. • - His family and my family ere the nth to be invited. His Pow workers and lily fellow orkers were the next item of Usiness. Then • •our mutual 'ends were summoned to artake of our evening of ospitality. „ The event went off without a itch, or so we think. Most folks med to enjoy themselves anl they didn't, at least we bad 'ed to entertain them as yally as our pocketbook ouldallew. The • beef most guests had ow OR YOUR NJOYMENT ha CLOUD "9" ROOM HOTEL CLINTON Featuring !NG ALONG WITH EAR r THE ORGAN • CLOUD "9" ROOM BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at LIM p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK FRI.-- SAT. -- SUN. May 2-3-4 DOUBLE FEATURE — "WILD IN THE STREETS" Showing at W.30 p.m. Only (Adult Entertainment) — Starring Shelley Winters CHRIStOPHER JONES And DIANE VARSI -- In Color !.House OF A 1,.000 (Adult Entertaininent) Starring Vititent Price, 'Mtitthdl-ty6e, Geo. Nader Showing ar,B.Be p.M. Only dolor daimon wwwwwwwWwwWwwWWWwwwiwiswionlwawi Lartiirig Next Weekohd "WAIT UNTIL DARK" (Aikit tritertantnent) "THE VISCOUNT" aiodo thfIrtatorildno didn't concern the 7 /AO itgeit so much as why weha4;1 chosen to spend our • nestegg in, :this liMmer. • • , One uncle suggested we could have had a fortnight in -Florida for about the same amount of dollars, Another 'thought we might better have invested our boodle in a good stock, Someone else, even " hinted we should have used that money to buy a bigger car than the Yolks we have driven for so long. How do you show people your gratitude for the pleaillie they have brought you for years and years? My husband and I figure our relatives and our friends are priceless treasures We WI. installs Mrs. C. Holland has, heel?, installed as president of the Clinton Women's ' Institute, succeeding Mrs. W. Colclough. Other officers installed; at a recent meeting held in the Dept. of Agriculture and • Food Building include Mrs, A. Popp, first vice president; Mrs. C. Elliott, second vice president; Mrs. Mervyn .Batkin, treasurer and Mrs. H. Murch, secretary. Also, Mrs. • C. Lockhart, district director; .Mrs N. Tyndall, alternate director; Mrs. W. Colclough, public relations officer and Mrs, Batkin, curator. Social convenors are Mrs. F. Cummins, Mrs. H. Perry, and Mrs. C. Nelson. Flower convenors are Mrs. , Mary Gibbings and Mrs. May Gibson. Branch convenors of standing. committee are Mrs. C. Elliott, agriculture; Mrs. E. Trick, Canadian Industries; Mrs. ,Art Groves, citizenship; Mrs. '•$. Whittington, education; Mrs. H. Managhan, historical research; Mrs. M. Wiltse, current even* ' Mrs. L. Langford, home economics; Mrs. C. Nelson, want tQ treat kindly. What better way to spend a few dollars than by hosting a party for their enjoyment, ' And do YOu know what? I'm willing to wager that my husband and got more pure pleasure out of planning and giving that party than any holiday in Florida could ever produce. It warmed our hearts to see the faces of so many dear ones all assembled under one roof. There are no words to express the joy we felt. So what the heck! Maybe we won't get to clip the coupons on our bonds but we'll sure have a brim -full fund of happy memories. That's just as important to us. ' officers health; and Mrs, W. Colclough, resolutions, Serving 'as branch directors are Mrs. Tyndall, Mrs. E. Radford and Mrs. R. Shaddock. Receptionists are Mrs. J. Wise and Mrs. Radford. Auditors are Mrs. A. Groves and Mrs. Roy Connell, The meeting opened with a two -minute silence in memory of Mrs. Amy Crich and Mrs. H. Sloman. Reports were heard and it was noted that the W.I. is responsible for the hospital cart this month. Mrs. Popp Showed color slides taken on a recent bus trip to Florida and others who went on the trip added comments on its highlights, " • Mrs. Holland, the new president, presented her predecessor with a gift from the members in recognition of six years as leader of the organization. • At the close of the business meeting, the women were served a banquet prepared by the Girls' Club of the Presbyterian Church. • UWO choir coming Tuesday • • • itilittOrtittr i'MC;tt Harry Cumming, vice-president of the Univers of Western Ontario Choir, will sing bass with the choir at their concert at the Central Huron Secondary School on May 6. The 21 -year-old student is in third year honours geography at the university. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, 129 Mary Street, Clinton. Mr. Cummings is a graduate of Central Huron Secondary School whose student council is sponsoring the choir concert here. Mr. Cummings sang in the Centennial _Huron Youth ChOir under the direction of George Cull. He alto played trombone for the Marching Royals. The 20 -year-old choir is directed by Professor Gordon K. Greene. Its program includes such varied works as excerpts Taf,.14.", fvonre4ithe-A,M'ass, . 'English and TStottisluballads, Negro spirituals and nonsensical songs — a program designed to appeal to everyone. The choir consists of students who are enthusiastic about singing --from every college and faculty on the UWO campus. The choir is on its second annual six-day spring tour of south western Ontario. It has performed various concerts during the year. In January the choir sang the Lord Nelson Mass with the London Symphony Orchestra. The choir performed a varied program with the university orchestra, a Christmas concert and a spring concert. This' year the choir also hosted the annual Inter -Varsity Choral Festival with choirs from three other universities visiting UWO. GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 Al RCONDITIONED NEW STARTING TIMES FOR SUMMER MONTHS—One Show a night, Sunday through Thursday; Two Shows Friday and Saturday Nights. Chetk starting times below. Saturday Matinees will start at 2.00. CHILDREN'S ADMISSION PRICES kr Friday and Saturday Evening shows have been raised to 75c. Remaining evenings and the Saturday Matinee prices will remain thesome. THURSDAY-FRIDAY.r— May 1-2 George Peppard and' Mary. Tyler Moore starring in "WHAT'S SO BAD ABOUT FEELING .00D?" IN TECHNICOLOR — Thursday at 8.00 p.m, Only — Friday, 7.30 & 9,20 SATURDAY (May 1) MATINEE "TARZAN and tha'GREAT RIVER" WW SATURDAY, SUNDAY MONDAY May 3-0 ELIZABETH TAYLOR 4,- MIA FARROW More haunted than in "Rotemary's Baby" 'SECRET CEREMONY" In Technicolor ---- and Starring .R08ERT MITCHUM to -starring PEGGY ASI -!CROFT and PAMELA DROWN Saturday at 7.36 find OS p.M tiSunclay and Mbnday at 8.00 p.m. only TUES. - WED. ;THURS. - PRI. May 6-9 WALtri DISNEY presents Glenn Ford as IMITHri Alsci on the All Col -o. Disney's "THE INCREDIBLE'JOURNEY" ONE SHOW EACH, MORT 1,!'r O'CLOCK (:)NLY t domINO I'THE CHAICGt tiF'4r, He LIGI4T IIRIGADE's o (Adult, Entortainmeht) • Wedding KENNEDY Easter lilies and shasta mums decorated lCilOk United 13elgrave, for the wedding ni Renbena Jean Leishman and Christopher Bradley Kennedy on Saturday, March :49, At 4 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Leisinnan, Brussels while the groom is the son of Mr. and 1VIrs, Chris Kennedy, Lendeshorg. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Roberts. The soloist, Miss Marjorie proctor, accompanied by Mrs. Elaine Nixon, organist, sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love." GiVen in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor -length empire -style gown of bridat rose embroidered peau de soie with lily -point sleeyes. A train of soft net fell froth the shoulders and a tiara held her shoulder -length veil. She carried a white bible crested with yellow roses. • The matron of honour, Mrs. Ann Bauer, Goderich, sister of the bride, wore a floor -length gown of yellow satin peau de soie styled with an empire waist and her flowers were white shasta mums. The gowns of the. bridesmaids, Miss Lois Leishman, sister of the bride and Miss Bonnie Townsend, Seaforth, were of green satin peau de soie and indentical in ' design with that of the matron of honour. Kathy Maloney of Seaforth was flower girl and wore a floor -length gown of enbroidered white satin peau de soie and carried a nosegay of white shasta mums. Wayne Kennedy of Londesboro, brother of the groom, was groomsman, and guests were ushered by Jim Leishman of Brussels and Mark Kennedy of Londesboro. For the reception which followed the ceremony, the church parlour was decorated in yellow and white. The bride's mother received in a light turquoise two-piece suit with navy accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother in navy and white with white accessories. Her corsage was also of pink roses. For the wedding trip to northern- Ontario, the bride donned .3..,1181:y dress trimmed with fine white lace .and white accessories. The YOling couple livea -en the groom'S farm at Londesbor9. Prior to her marriage, the bride .was honoured at showers held by Miss Sandra Proctor, assisted by her sister, Marjorie; by Miss Donnie Townsend, asSisted by her mother, Mrs, Thelma Townsend and sisters Lorraine and Mrs. Ken Maloney; by Miss Sherri Kennedy, assisted by Mrs. Brenda Brooks and Mrs. Gerri Kerm'edy; and also by the ladies Of Belgrave 'United Church. Early Files . Continued from Page 2 55 YEARS AGO • The Clinton New Era Mr, Morley Counter returned to his position at the Clinton Knitting Co. after six weeks' vacation with his broken knee cap. Morley can now get around without the aid of any crutch or -cane and with only a slight limp which will disappear in due tinae. time. ' 40 years ago The Clinton News -Record May 2, 1929 Mr. George Hanly is having a cover built over the gas pumps hi Connection with his garage, 'Huron street, Mr. PCs °pees Perent 44itdi4g) Omer Of May and saa Streets progressing. Mrs. F. Crane and twQ sons are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weston, Bayfield. Miss Larene Longford; accompanied by Iteritexl brother Mr, Harold Langford:, spent the Weekend with friends Lendo,n, 25 years ago The Clinton &ews-Record AOril 27, 1944 Beaman Gunner Doug F, Andrews has returned to his ship after spending leave in towti with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews.. Mr. E, E. Paterson retires next month after fourteen years as manager of the !Wye) Bank, Clinton Branch: Mr. Lawrence Stephenson of town has purchased the general store in Bayfield from Mr, George W. , Elliott and will get possession the first of September. 15 years ago Clinton News -Record April 29, 1954 Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Cook, Gail and Donna and Lucy Day visited with M. and Mrs. Cree Cook for a few hours on Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Ward, Stratford, has returned home after visiting her sister Mrs. A. Venner. Ronald Poth, Bayfield, returned to Huron College on Thursday last. SPECIAL VALUES AT 64c Maclean Toothpaste Reg. 75c — 64c Crest Toothpaste Reg. 75c 64c Corega Dental Powder Reg. 75c — 64c Wernets Dental Powder Reg. 75c — 64c Dettal Antiseptic Reg. 75c — 64c Mennen Shaving Talc Reg. 75c — 64c Tame Rinse fteg. 75c — 64c Desert Flower Cream Deodorant Reg. 75c — 64c Rexail English Soap Reg. 4/88c — 64c Roll-on Deodorant Reg. 75c 64c FOR MOTHER'S DAY We feature a complete line of Topping ointment now in Du barry, Shulton and stock for arthritis. Yardley Cosmetics. PRESCRIPTIONS Clinton News,Record, Thursday, May 1, 1969 Dean Courtice, 4, Hamilton, visited his sisters, Misses Hattie and $0.11 Poortioq list weak, Mips Conrtiee kft with. him -MI Friday to spend few - days in HanditOn, 10 years ago Clinton News Record April 30, 1,959 Several conflicting opinions have existed with regard to the status of the land known aS Clinton Library Park, Jiist for the record ClerkJohn Livermore investigated the deed to the Property and discovered that it belongs to the town with no incumbrances and has done ever since 1870. 3 HARBOURLITE INN Go ANNVAL MOTHERS DAY BUFFET DINNER • lYlay 11,5 to 7.31:1 p,rn, for Reservations Phone .524-9371 or '524-9264 *ititirswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiti.WW.tm.11oth AT THE SUNSET THEATRE,,GoDERIcH THIS WEEKEND FRI., SAT., SUN. May 2-3-4 ISMS °WHO Dig" Naafi far • "417iflirt. 7:652‘L they steal the Nashville Sound? THE GOO GUITAR starring Del Reeves • Roy Drusky with Margie Bowes' • Hugh X. Lewis and special guest stave DRIVE -1H THEATRE .HWI, 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 —A "MUSTANG" THEATRE -- LARGEST SCREEN IN HURON COUNTY — ALWAYS A DOUBLE BILL Children Under 12 In Cars Free BOX OFFICE OPEN 8.00 P.M. — — FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Coming Next Weekend: "BARBARELLA" and "CHU KA" (Adult Entertainment) INCLUDING A FEW PANT SUITS VOOL SLIMS WOOL SKIRTS PLAIN AND PLAIDS sin 00 PLAIDS AND PLAIN 906 REGULAR 16.00 to 18.00 Ale REGULAR 15.00 t6 17.00 1 The Seftialto Godericl