HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-04-17, Page 11ferviews held Anglican. !opium speaks hire leathers at United (huta:here eiignations of 16 teachers considered by Huron ty Board of Education ing in Clinton last Week. brings to 21 the lumber of ing positions in finron Is which are vacant. tarting on the task of inting replacements, board Ws sat Saturday at .a central g depot _established at ton Public School. In the Wing teachers wishing to sfer between schools in on were interviewed, In the moon officials met teachers ying from outside the nty, he lack of secondary school hers prompted the board to ove a letter to Ontario cation Minister Wm. Davis, ing his attention to the iculties the shortage was ting. The letter will hasize particularly the rtage of English teachers. enders for alterations to tral Huron Secondary School rovide accommodation for board and staff are being d and close on Monday until new accommodation is ready staff will continue to occupy porary offices in Huron nty Court House at erich. he board named a budget w committee to consider a t of a budget presented by ials. Members of the mittee are Trustees Hicks, and Henderson. A financial rt prepared by board itor A. M. Harper and ring the first three months rations was accepted. uron will be represented at nference of school business icials by business inistrator Roy Dunlop. The rd approved his attendance the Ottawa meeting April 0. .Herhert. Angus .MOWatla well-known Anglican layman, is to be the. peat preacher at angiYerSarY services Sunday at Wesley -Willis :United .QhUrelltClinton. • A Man with wealth experience in the field of human relations,. as national chairman of the .Canarle4Sree1 Acsociation, he seeks to promote' understanding between the two Aations, . At this time of crisis in the Middle East, his opinions are of particular interest here. A former member of the national executive of the United Nations Assoeiation, Mr, Mowat travelled widely- in North America. Europe and the Mid -East and speaks frequently on the ideal and .realization of peace in the world,. Easter thanheffering . in Helmesville . held . . The Elaster Thankoffering meeting of Holmesvitle United Church Women was held April 8, with Bayfield and Porter's Hill ladies as guests, along with friends and neighbours of the members. The president, Mrs. Bond, led a devotional service during which Mrs. Helen Westbrook sang two solos, The Easter Bible message in dialogue was presented by nine ladies. Two Easter poems were read by Mrs. John Grigg. 'The Thankoffering was received by Mrs. Walter and Mrs. Gliddon and the dedication made by Mrs. Ginn. Dr, Mowatt showed slides of China, present and past, and gave an interesting commentary with sound effects. A novel feature was the lunch which consisted mainly of Chinese food. This was prepared by Mrs, Norman, Mrs. E. Grigg, Mrs. I. Tebbutt and Mrs. Porter. Used clothing is to be brought to the May meeting for an overseas relief bale, NOW /70 ON ONE YEAR TERM DEPOSITS SAVE at your CREDIT UNION It Is Owned And Controlled By You — The Members. Tinton Community Credit Union 0 Ontario St. 482-3467 SEED GRAIN and GRASS SEED ORDER NOW for EARLY DELIVERY and DISCOUNTS OPNOTC11.7r TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED hone 52749i0 Seaiorth He is chairman Of both the national advisory council and the national administrative committee of the U.N. Association of Canada and a member of the Panel of apeakers, Association of „Canadian Club. The Canada -Israel Association is a non-Jewish organization for the promotion of goodwill and understanding between Canada and the State of Israel. Mr, Mowat is a layman who has carved out for himself a real ministry of reconciliation. Thus it is no surprise to find him active in the long struggle for deeper understanding and unity among the many denominations of Christendom, He was present at a recent session of the World Council of Churches and uses his own time and energy to promote the concept of Christian unity. Sunday at 11 a.m, he will preach on "The Christian Church in the Structure of World Peace," At 7:30 p.m, his sermon will be "The Christian Significance of Places in Israel: The Synagogue at Capernaum, the Home of the Holy Family, the Mount of Transfiguration and the Mount of Beatitudes," a powerful exposition of the necessity for a revitalized faith in the world today. 0.11.11111MMIONZIOEMIMINIMEMNIONI.111.. Agrico's new Srucefield fertilizer blending .plant t County Road 3 And the NR -tracks nears completion and .is already in operation. — Staff Photo. Making plans for June fair Huron Central Agricultural Society held its regular meeting last week to discuss plans forthe June 6-7 fair in the community park. Half the infield area at the park track is plowed, so the "floor plan" or layout of the fair will be changed somewhat this year, the society members - learned. Cattle will be at the south end of the race track near the swimming pool and sheep at the north, by the barns. Concessions in the arena will help to bring town and country VIIIIMONNOMMIIIEINIPMMOSMINIOSINk together, it was noted, and the women's division is increasing its section to fill the anditoritim. is hoped the auditorium will be open for spectators Friday evening. Elgin Thompson was put in charge of the baby show and there was quite a bit of s ussion of controlling admissions, It was revealed that inquiries about prize lists have come in from as far away as Windsor and the directors are hoping for co-operation from the whole community to make the fair big enough to soon earn a "B" class rating. ' ••••111mm, Middleton news The Meating Of St. ,Janles Middleton A,C.W. was held April .1 10 at the home of Mrs. JaeiC cOle. The President Mrs, gd Wise opened the Meeting with tinlelY poem "The Legend of the Rain prop," The Rev, E. J. IL Harrison conducted the Thankeffering service. Correspondence consisted of an invitation to the showing of Aides at Porters Sill and a thank -you note, from Mr, and Mrs. Alf Hudie for an Easter Lily. The secretary, Mrs. K. Miller, read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. A. Dutot gave the treasurers' report. Mrs, J. Smith read an interesting paper on "The Legend of the Easter Lily." It was moved that the Sunday School teachers inquire about purchasing carpet for the basement steps at the church. Mrs, D. Middleton and Mrs. Ed. Wise volunteered to canvas this area for the Cancer Society. The highlight of the afternoon was the showing of slides by Mrs. Ed Wise who enjoyed three weeks holiday down south this winter, The May meeting will be held ' at the home of Mrs. J. Smith, at which time a plant sale will take place. Rev. Mr. Harrison closed with prayer and Mrs. J. Cole and Mrs. Middleton served lunch. OW OPEN RUCEFIELD woo.. 0..inwis• • , %'•"'""' Agrico anhydrous ammonia applicators and nurse tanks are offered on a rental basis for preplant Or side dress applications. AT OinOn. News -Roma, OBITUARIES IVIF1S. AMY pgipH Mrs. Amy Yinia Vrigh, gf Clinton, litillett Township ynpflatirvse f*WhhoOr lsipreenitn athile but SX died last Thursday at Clinton Public Hospital after a lengthy illness. 4hgilteo She was .66f and years old. AMrs, WAuilgitrut .12.71/1; c1B9ri0e2n,sshh: wasborn Summerhill School and lived in Hullett until 1926, when she married Fletcher ' Benjamin giblaings and Wolfed to ICindersley, Sask. Her first husband died in 1933, She moved back to Clinton in 1.934 and three years later married Melvin Crich who died 10n111tMa9rP6i02:erSifrelletwasUnaitemdeniCbheurrcollf and belonged to the Clinton Women's Institute, She is survived by a stepdaughter, Mrs, Walter (Ivy) Scott of Seaforth; a stepsen, Harry Crich of Clinton; two sons, Harold Gibbings of Clinton and Ray Gibbings of Listowel; a sister, Mrs. Harry (Mary) Ford of Goderich; three brothers, Garnet of Detroit, Mich., W. Alfred of Saskatoon, Sask., and E. Secord of Seaforth, and Mee grandchildren. The funeral was held last Saturday at Ball Funeral Home in Clinton with the Rev. Grant Mills officiating. Burial was in Clinton Cemetery. .1.0111111MNINUNINIIMMIMMININft, Thigsay,; April '17,1969 11 .reilheeirere were, Art rost. *ewe, qvgile '1-sysvls," on gl1WOOd: and Peytoo Orom all pt .town and Viler* Merrill, H.R. 1,-014ton, Flower0earere. were Melvin Crich of Clinton, Wayne Clihhings of London, Ont„ Cedric ibbin ef Listowel and .Steven qio.omos.of ijnton. MRS. EPHRAIM SNELL Mrs, Margaret Ethel .Snell of RR 1,, Plinten, died last Thursday at Clinton Public Hospital at the age of 72. A native of Chester, England, she was born ,June .10, 1886, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moorehouse and Was married in Niagara Falls, Ont. on May 24, 1919. She lived in Clinton 50 years. • She was .a "member of St. Paul's Anglican Church and belonged to the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. Besides her husband, she is survived by four nieces and a nephew, all in England. Funeral services were held last Saturday from the Ball Funeral Horne ,with the Rev. .1. S, Sharpies officiating. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Clarence Ball, Warren Gibbings, Reg Glen, Dick Jacobs, L. G. Winter and Neville Forbes. Flowerbearers were Mrs. Ruby Hardy, Mrs.. Tom Leppington, Mrs. Jack Butler and Mrs. Gordon Scribbins. NEW AGRICO SERVICE CENTRE. D FERTILIZER BLENDER CALL US FOR HELP WITH YOUR FERTILIZER PROGRAM COMPLETE FERTILIZER SERVICE RIGHT IN YOUR AREA Crop rrOgrattis * Soil Tests * Plant Analysis * High Analysis Fertilizer B.ag or Sulk * Modern 4 -tori rental spreaders Anhydrous Ammonia I _ *,Aribydrous AffirriMia Rental * Applicators and Nurse Tanks Modern, Agrico 4 -ton rental spreaders are available to help you get your fertilizer in quickly and efficiently. Checking the Spring delivery schedule are left, Bob Taylor, local Agrico Sales Representative and Charles Walkom, Agricultural Chemicals Limited, District Manager. A BETTER WAY FROM AGRICO CRITICAL PATH COP PROGRAMS • BRUCEFIELD AGRICO SERVICE CENTRE TELEPHONE FOR SERVICE 482-7241 •