Clinton News-Record, 1969-04-17, Page 9e plebiscite •on a general organization scheduled for Jun e will give farmers (an rtunity to vete on the type mbership requirement they for the new organization. ers will be offered three rnative forms of Malcolm Davidson, field, chairman of the rio General F ArPI an z at ion Campaign mittee, announced in ntO, he committee is aigning for a single incia1 organization to speak Ontario farmers, The June t will ask voters three dons on membership: hould membership require luntary payment regardless e amount of checkoff paid he individual? (If farmers in favour of this a payment be required in addition to oney paid by checkoff to ve membership. The level of ent will be decided by the ding convention. hould • membership be atic if a farmer pays a .W4 f checkoff whether large or small? (if a majority of farmers vote in favonr of tbis alternative, individnal farmers will receive a membership automatically regardless of the amount of money Contributed by checkoff.) —Should membership reqtdre some minimum level .of contribution toward the GFO which could come from a combination of a checkoff and a voluntary payment? Of a majority of farmers vote for the third alternative the founding convention would set a minimum level of payment required for membership. A fanner who had paid in checkoff the amount set at the convention would automatically be eligible for membership without further payment. If the money paid through checkoff did not reach that level the farmer would be required to pay enough to make up the minimum in order to receive membership.) Mr. Davidson points out that regardless of the form of membership eboaen 1337 WO, every farmer who produces and Mark* one or more farm .PrOducts will be eligible to, become Mintier •Of the proposed The Ontario Farmers' Union has drafted, a proposal for one integrated provincial form organization which is circulating throughout the province. The proposal -covers Purposos, methods, structnre, finance and establishment of a single provincial farm organiZati9n, Recent moves by the Ontario Farmers' Union have been aimed at persuading the Ontario government to place this proposal or the ballot, The Ontario General Farm Organization Campaign Committee is opposed to placing the OFU proposal, caned Plan A, on the ballot. The important Writs of Plan A Can be voted on by all farmers on the ballot proposed by the GFO Campaign Committee and at the founding convention by their delegates, according to the committee. A comparison of Plan A with GFO Campaign Committee proposals, by the committee, indicates that: — Plan A calls for a plebiscite of farmers. $o doe S the GFO proposal. — Plan A calls for a checkoff on all farm products through the ,of legislatiOn, $9 .does the EQ PrOPoSal• — Plan A calls for volhntarY membership xequiring a PayMent by the individual over and •above his checkoff. This is possible Wider the GFO ProPosalt The level f volnntarY PaYment would be deckled at the Founding Convention, - Plan A says the marketing boards and co-9Perativea should not have a vote on the provincial organization. This will be decided on the ballot by all fanners. - Plan A calls for integration of the marketing boards into the GFO when a majority nf the producers of a product vote in favour of such integration. The GFO proposal does not force or „ prevent such integration, but suggests that the decision should be left to the producers of each commodity. Delmer Bennett, Foresters Falls, former OFU executive member, and a member of the ODD campaign Committee, points out that comparison makes clear that the principal parts of Plan A are already available through the .GFO proposal. The proposed ballot makes it possible for farmers to vote for an organization which is, in effect, Plan A. .Seoforth mon on executive The Outarii? Wheat Prodncers' Marketing Board held Itsinaugnral Meeting In •T9rento, Ail Owl 9, :lection of efficera for the corning year held during the Meeting -resulted in Jernes O'Shea, RR 3, Granton, re-elected as chairman of the board. Also re-elected to the board's executive committee were:: M. R. McDougall, RR 2, Blenheim, fjraderR rtvi, cRe-chairman; Malton,se i1311;Wncloianilj Brander, d vice-chairman and Ralph Davison, RR ?, Maidstone. R, T. Bolton, RR 11 $eaforth, past chairman of the board, was appointed to serve as fifth member of , the executive committee. Them are three new 4irectors on the twelve -man board this year, John Cochrane, RR 2, ,Colborne, replaced immediate past chairman, Peter MacKinnon Of Bath; Fergus Young, RR 1, EnnisMOre replaced Charles Fargey, Stirling, and Ray BellairlY, RR 2, Qllatbatn, replaced t J. McDonald, 114 3, Ridgetown. Other direetera of the board include Sam Chambers, RR 1, Burgessville; A. R, Coulter, RR 3, Campbellville; Oliver Dawson, RR 3, Sornbra and Morris Taylor; RR 8, $t, Thomas, • IN.FORMATION • MEETING On General Farm Organization (G,F.0.) WED. APR. 23rd AT HURON CENTENNIAL. SCHOOL Brtu;efield At 9:00 p.m. Speakers 4 PHIL DURAND — ELMER HUNTER 16b ..,m ,OlintonNews-Reord, Ths,trsday.-„April. 17,,1900 TRACTOR EMONSTRATIgN Test- drive the Allis-Chalmers 19QXT with traction booster drawbar, .also the new 180 and 170 pulling the whisperin9 quiet \fibre Shank cultivator. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 18 At 2;1)0 14 mile north of Hensel' on No. 4 Highway HYDE BROS. HENSALL Your Allis,Chalmers Dealer Phone 262-2718 16b THINKING a Agrealarir ' • • lag.. 4.. Vrir 4. • 11 . , • 14.94 4.1,e USEP CARS • ,,,,,A444,10(444., mal Ats., • oe, ,41F,01' " • • .4. ylt OF A EW CAR? INEGOT THENL, All Models - Immediate Delivery &4t) ci) 41) Gal vt")4fs NYit' #444‘‘6 4•4*#*<e*LN., 44`e A WE CHALLENGE YOU TO FIND A BETTER DEAL. ANYWHERE LAURENTIAN 2 -DOOR HARDTOP, 350 1, heavy duty foam seat, tUtene 3uldin§s and paint, power steering, Litt 4,101.30 lio, front and rear mats, remote Control • Discount 782.30 erbr, -Speed atitoMatic, wheel coverS, aro silver grey with blatk top. Used as iitewalls, rear aerial, vinyl interior. Uy rental- car. Only 4,000 milet. SALE l0387. i24.8391 STRATO-CHIEF 2 -DOOR HARDTOP., 250 List 3,755.30 6 -cylinder, a -speed antoniatit, whitewall, Discbunt 092.30 Chrome ditcs, radio, rear aetial, rear Speaker, vinyl interior, floor mats front giv and rear. Lk. H823774. Detnonstrator, Used only 4,000 MileS. Beautiful Warwick SALE Biud, • 1, LAURENTIAN 4 -DOOR SEDAN, 350 List 3,990.40 isedunt 80.40 Crystal turquoise with black interior, Vg engine, 3 -speed auternaticr Whitewalls, 192 chrorne discstinted windshield, radio, flobr mat, etc. Lic. H80458. Used as daily SALE - , rental Car with only 3,000 Miles. c 111 54.8391