HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-04-17, Page 3from: My Window. w QId fashioned way best Shirley Keller Medical science , is A w er 1 thing. 9nd fu Ling. It has brquQht us insulin and penicillin and artificial hearts and plaatic tubing to anywhere. But this time medical science has gone too far, It has taken the dve out adventure . nture u of havingbabies and I'm thoroughly oposed to it, I'm not talking about the pi11. I've already- discussed- that subject and I feel it is an entirely satisfactory drug when administered under the proper circumstances. And I'm not 100 Summerhill ladies meet The April meeting of the Summerhill Ladies Club was held at the home of Phyllis Tyndall. Lorna Ellis opened the meeting with a reading. Nineteen members answered the roll call by giving a title of a song having to do with spring. Thank you notes were read from Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, Mrs. Barbara Betties and Harvey Stewart. Margaret Good gave a reading called, "Funny Old World." Lorna Ellis conducted a quiz for Rita Hummel which was won by Phyllis Tyndall. Laura Forbes • gave an interesting talk about the Annual Flower Show held in O'Keefe Centre, Toronto.. The next meeting is to be held May 14 irr the evening at Hazel Watkins'. The roll call will be the xchange of seeds, bulbs or slips. Those on the program are Mrs. Lovett, Barbara Lovett and Joanne Salverda. Lunch; Laura Forbes, Vera Gibbings and Donna Gibbings. The meeting closed with the Queen and Grace was sung. A lovely lunch was then served. VARNA BY FRED McCLY.MONT The United Church Women held their April meeting in the Church with Group one hi charge bf• devotions led by Mrs. Robert Stirling assisted by Mrs. Hal Fiero, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Joe •Postill, Mrs. Louise Taylor and Mrs. William McAsh. Mrs. Florence Elliott received the offering and the leader dedicated it. The roll call was answered with a gift for the Childrens Aid. Mrs. Charles Reid conducted the business period. There were 45 calls made to sick and shut-ins during the past month, Mrs. Ida McClinchey introduced the speaker Mrs. Ephriam Gingerich, who with her husband, visited several countries in South America last winter. Mrs. Gingerich showed many coloured slides of the various mission stations and other points of interest in South America which was much enjoyed by the many members and visitors present. Mrs. Robert Taylor thanked Mrs. Gingerich for the slides and comments. At the closer Group four served lunch. PAPER DRIVE The local Boy Scouts are holding a paper drive this Saturday April 19. CHURCH SERVICE The service in the United Church last Sunday was conducted by the young people of the congregation . who provided the entire service with Mrs. Robert Stirling at the organ. NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT The CLOUD "V' ROOM At HOTEL CLINTON Featuring SING ALONG WITH )EAN Al THE ORGAN CLOUD ""9" ROOM percent .egnvinced .the Pope has bu iness to co e e agY s nd rnn th.. use of the pill under just every condition. No, I'm thinking about medicine's claim that in the future it will be possible to control, at co cet•on, the aex of the baby that is to grow within the mother's womb, I should also imagine that witha relaxation of the abortions laws the world over, it will be entirely feasible that parents will be able to abort any "accidents" and start fresh. You're smiling, You're wondering what difference this could effect in the business of giving birth and making the world go round. Suppose everybody takes a notion in one year that girl children are the nicest. Just where does that leave those poor gats when they become of an age to marry? What a sorry mess that would be! With God having the hand in determining the sex of infants, things usually come out about right. Have you ever noticed that'! It is not just "good luck" that there are always enough girls in the world to take care of the boys. That's expert management on the part of the good Lord who knows all things, But if man gets the upper hand in such matters, there is little doubt in my mind that things will get so hopelessly unbalanced it will cause untold problems and heartaches. That's not the worst of it either. When it becomes common practise to produce only the sex of offspring pleasing to parents, it will also become a simple matter to allow only the strong a the perfect°bo and .to ke , rn• Once this race of superhuman beings gets rolling, it wouldn't surprise me in .the least if the older and weaker links in the population would be wiped Put one' s o r another, he er by ne a o , And. brother, that's you and me! Once we get to the point only where n y the fittest are permitted to grew up and mature, it should follow naturally that this new breed of humanity won't have the sympathy to cope with anyone who is less than 100 percent able. It would be like picking over a barrel of apples — the choice fruit is retained, the bruised is discarded onto a heap. It worries me. It isn't natural.` I guess I'm old-fashioned, but I prefer to take my chances with such things as having babies. Sure it is disappointing to give birth to a daughter when you have five more at home but I like to think that God knows what's best for me and my family. Besides, what thrill would there be in pregnancy and delivery if you knew before you started that the child you carried was a blonde, blue-eyed girl with absolutely perfect features and abilities. And with a woman's frequent changes of whim, what would happen if the order had to be changed mid-term to a brown -eyed, red-headed boy with a particular talent to play the cello. I can't make up my mind about what to cook for supper. How could I make a decision like what kind of a baby I want without running into difficulty? A "MUSTANG" THEATRE UNET DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 LARGEST SCREEN IN HURON COUNTY — ALWAYS A DOUBLE BILL Children Under 12 In Cars Free OPENING FRIDAY NIGHT BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 7.30 P.M. — FIRST SHOW AT DUSK TWO BIG HITS TO OPEN THE SEASON friday" Saturday. Sunday—April 18-19=20 "THE YOUNG RUNAWAYS" (Adult Entertainment) — —'PLDs — "THE STRANGER RETURNS" (Adult Entertainment) Coming Next Weekend—April 25-26-27 "Bonnie and Clyde" "Cool Hand Luke" • (Adult Entertainment) (Adult Entertainment) 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7811 NDiTIONED IMAMOUNT METRES PRESENTS - JlL" 1 &BO*. The moat titillating comely o(the oar um litsiMbOlEk A hilAMOuNtPICTURE THURS. and FRI. April 17 and 1$ Shows at 7,30 & 9.15 p.m. SATURDAY (APRIL 19) MATINEE "THE TRUE STORY OF JESSE JAMES" Showing at 2.$0 p.m, Coming Soon: "BUONA SERA, MRS. CAMPBELL" SAT., SUN,, MON., TUES. — April 19-22 4 HI 'I 'ORO N NORMAN 1 AR PkOrijr 110N .COi.ORbvDehixe nniledArilsta (RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Showing Saturday at 7,30 R ,.15 p.M.-,Showing Sunday at 8,00 p.m. Only Showing Monday A Tuesday at 7,30 8 9.15 p.nu WED., THURS., FRISAT. ANOYS AN EX.MARINE TORWEO PNEAOHER,.,IN THE WACKIEST` £WTERTAINMNt EYERI April 23-26 Ads n5eIm>�k M il1111I45AtPlktii"i*TCCNNiEOteAv. _:•1 Skewing Each EVmninb at 7.30 A 9,1S Saturday Matinee at 7,30 TuckersmitIF. telephone system plana to install 10 miles of new cable Plans to install 101/4 miles of new telephone cable were revealed recently at the annual meeting of the Tuckers,nith Municipal Telephone System held in the TOOK Hall, Brucefield. Fourmiles of new cable will be installed south of Bayfield eld to meet the 1 -lay Municipal Telephone System connections. Once connected the operation will provide free calling between the two townships. $ix and ,a quarter miles of cable will be installed beginning at lot 10, concession 2-3 and will run south crossing the Iiensall-Zurich highway. The purpose of this new cable is to reduce the 'overload on the cable running along Highway 4. Further plans for the extension of the system are under consideration. The Tuckersmith Telephone System extended its operations in 1968 to include 1,523 phones, an increase over the previous year of 53. The net revenue for last year increased over $4,000 to $81,439 while expenditures during the same period increased nearly $8,000. The system realized a net surplus for the year, of $3,010.27. Albert Shim)/ was named chairman of the company and. Harvey Coleman was reelected toserve another three-year term. Arthur Nicholson is. the other commissioner, The annual meeting was chaired by Stanley Township Reeve, Elmer Hayter, Mel Gra m M e _ hra is secretary -treasurer of the system. WER-MOR PAINTERS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR GLAD TO SERVE YOU PHONE 482-9512 1Gb Early files Continued from Page 10 years ago April 16,19 9 Council has Managed to whittle down totwo mills the increase in taxes, although it was at first thought that an increase of seven mills would. be necessary. The month of March has been the busiest month yet at Clinton Public Hospital. There were 205 discharges and admittances. Clinton News -Record, There Were recorded 1,353 Patient days and 198 nursery days, .a new record in any. one month Period, 15 yours, ago Thursday April 10, 1954 Fire completely gutted the feed mill operated by John and David Wilson Tuesday morning. Quivk action of the firemen prevented . the flamesfrom spreading to the nearby bowling alley. Mr. .and Mrs. George Colclough, Princess St„ visited REXALL ONE CENT SALE NOW ON More than 350 items qn sale including VITAMINS—TOILETRIES—MEDICINES—STATIONERY SHAVING NEEDS—AND MANY MORE ITEMS Sale Dates Thursday, April '17, through Saturday, April 26 See your hand bill now in the mail For complete list of items PRESCRIPTIONS P one 482- 51 Clinton, Ontario Thursday, April 17, 1969 .3 on ;aunday with the former'a uncle and aunt, Mr. vend Mrs, Robert Dmivar, Lambeth, It is estimated that the Public School is adequate to acegrn(nodate classes for the next three years, After that it is expected that two new classrooms will have to be added. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CI,NNTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.n.. FIRST SHOW at 8,30 P.M. FRI., SAT.,- SUN, April 10 -19.. -gip — DOUBLE FEATURE -- "THE SAVAGE SEVEN" AOM,TTANc, .Robert Walker ' Adam Roake V,•n a nst a Wet Joanna prank Showing at 10,15 p.m. — In Color "PSYC1 -OUT" AOM,TTANCtSusan Strasburg ,u,ws Dean Stockwell 11.1A15 a Aa, a Ov1. In color Showing at 0.30 p.m. — Cartoon Coming Next: - "Dark Of The Sun" (Adult Entertainment) — AND — "Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter" YOU CAN DEPEND ON ANY A&P BRAND PRODUCT! A&P Quality Products -- At a Saving .A&P BRAND ,. Reg. Price 89c — SAVE lOc INSTANT COFFEE ANN PAGE, TOMATO KETCHUP CHOICE QUALITY A&P PEACHES 6 -OZ JAR FEATURE PRICE! 215 -FL -OZ BTLS AN A&P QUALITY PRODUCT AT A SAYING! SWEET PEAS a°ANNAD Reg. Price tin 39c — SAVE 9c 2119 -FL - OZ TINS Reg. 2 tins 33c — SAVE 7c 414 -FL - OZ TINS A&P BRAND, FANCY QUALITY, WHOLE Reg, Price 2 tins 45c — SAVE 14c KERNEL CORN 12 -FL - OZ TINS Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! Tender, Spring, Fresh, No. 1 Grade CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS Ib Nevada, Young, Tender and Mild, No. 1 Grade GREEN ONIONS Jane Parker Reg. Price 55c — SAVE lOc APPLE PIE full 8" 5a 24' -oz size \,t 4i' 81 WEST ST. GODERICH Arizona, New Crop, A&P's Own Label, No. 1 Grade VALENCIA �„a ¢ ORANGES a°� 1:151 California, Fresh, Green, Large Firm Heads, No. 1 Grade 3BuNcHEsl9li LETTUCE Powdered 250 OFF DEAL TIDE DETERGENT $1.49 You Save an Extra 200 at A&PI king size box FRESH , PORK ROASTS SHANKLESS LEAN BUTT SHOULDER • ROAST �b3q¢ 1b4 PORK CHOPS SOR BUTT 1659¢ Value -Priced! osi Chase d, Sanborn (Seve an Extra 190 At A&PI) 200 OPI= DEAL INSTANT COFFEE 6 -oz lar 1.09 Monarch (30 off Deal) SAVE AN EXTRA 190 AT A&PI MARGARINE 116 pkg5 99c Red Rose FEATURE 'RICE! TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE pkv of 1,79 7 All Purposb Reg. Pricy 65e SAVE Gc FIVE ROSES FLOUR 5.16155g 59c Duncan Hihos (13 Var)etie) Reg. Prier pkg 494 SAVE 94, CAKE mixes . 2 i9•bxboxes 89c HEAD 29ii LWH1TE BREAD NEW FROM A&.P MASTER BAKERS Marvel Brand 24 -oz 2 1 Loaf loaf FRESH .TURKEY CUTS Ib WHOLE LEGS WHOLE BREASTS Ib 69? NECKS & BACKS Ideal for Soups arid Stews 1151` BLADE STEAKSREis Error BE16 791 Exceilertt for BraisingEF CORNED BEEF BoiLOit 5 X12.°z pkgS 89' Mial.E COOKED HAMLEAAF 6•oz vacuum pack, 59? SAUSAGESCHNEIDER'S MINi SIZZt.TRs 16 S9 ' COTTAGE ROLLS le Halves, Va 69 SWeef Pickled Halvrs, Vacuum Pack !6 BEEF BOLOGNA nURNS, SLICE) 16495i ALL PRibES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEEb 'THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 19th, 1969