HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-04-03, Page 5_A•mlami•K
( 4 (
4,‘‘, •,)
...Sit!. • ,
ether Horne Tipprovpment,,
Tinton 482-7372. References
upplied. Free incloor-ontdoor
hermonieter with every
nstallation. Workmanship
uaranteed; 10 years in crea.
LILLY serviced building lot for
ale. Winter's subdivision. Apply
82-9654. -- 13tfn
lose to Bayfield, modern
ottage, 3 bedrooins, 3 -piece
ath, large kitchen, dining room,
ivieg room, garage, small barn,
arge lot, paved roads, full price
odern cottage in Bayfield,
arge lot, close to lake, $9,000.
istirigs wanted for farms, lots,
omes and summer cottages.
e are members of Realcare
rens- Canada _serviee which
eans we can arrange selling or
•urchasing for ;au- right across
istings wanted for farms, lots,
orries and sumnier cottages.
e are members of Realcare
rans Canada service which
eans we can arrange selling or
urchasing for you right across
anada. -
00 acre farm, 70 acres'
orkable, good drainage, good
arn with silo, drive shed,
•arage, real nice home ‘with 3
edrooms up, one down; large
odern kitchen with dining
itrea, living room, 4 -piece bath,
water in house and barn, furnace
with automatic coal feeder.
150 acres on paved -road, 120
icres workable, 35 acrea
iardwood bush, farm runs
through to river, large modern
L-shaped barn, brick house, 3
3edrootm up, one down, -3 -piece
)ath, living room, dining room.
mmediate possession.
Mice 1 mile South of Bayfield
in Highway 21
Phone 555-2813
LTD. 14tfn
tirement home. One -storey
ungalow, 2 bedrooms, modern
itcheniiving room. Full
re,re24,, with finished
reVion room, laundry tubs,
il • furnace and workshop.
ossession June 1. Reduced by
2,500. Now only $8,400. Real
u,e for your dollar!
amity room, full basement,
rge lot...plenty of space for the
owing family. If you have
tgrown your present home,
re is the answer to your
WO FOR ONE You can buy
iese two 1-bedroorii hones
cated on afi extra large lot near
Linton on_ Highway 4 for only
7,500. Live in one -and rent the
OME - in'Bayfreld. Has been
ed as a permanent_ home by
e owner who now wishes to
11. Listed right. Only $5,500.
his one -bedroom, white frame
me has new plumbing, and
u can name your own down
NNE MASTERSON, 524-6138'
ACK CUMMINGS, 5248951 -
GODERICH 524-8951
re called for the purchase. of
ill and for the purchase of
itchen By-products - from
anadian Forces BaseCliatoit,
✓ the period May l•st 1969 to
1 March 1970. Closing date for
he tenders is 15 April 1969.
"enderers for the removal of,
will are to quote a price per 1:00
lounds. The successful tenderer
vill be required to remove all
will daily and to provide
ontainers and maintain them in
sanitarireondition. Tenderers
nust hold a license from the
)epartment of Agriculture, to
eed kitchen by-prOduets - to
Penderera for the purchase of
citchen by-prodUcts are to quote
t price per 100 pounds for wish
f trimmed bones", et:reared
ioneS, rough fat, suet and
trease. The successful tenderer
vill be reeuired Ur, remove the
ry-prodnets at least Orioe a week
rod to provide all containers and
naltitain there in a Sanitary
Any Seggestiont „ regarding
tenders are to be referred to the
Bae Snpply Offiter, Canadian
Forees Bale
to be heid at the farm of Herb
Pocock, filif 2, Clinton, 6 miles
west of Clinton on Highway 8.
On Saturday, April 5, at one
Sale _includes Super 90 tractor,
65 tractor, Uni Harvest and
Sh-eller, Two' 4,900 bus. drying
bins and dryer, one 35-fcrot leg,
Semi mount 14 i., 4:frarcrie
plow, three gravity boxes and.
wagons, manure spreader, -John
Deere 4 -row planter; -4-row
,Masse" -"y scuffler, 38 -foot
elevator, r 12 -foot cultivator,
hammer Mill, new 2 -auger snow
blower, International 46 baler,
13 -foot packer, 12 -foot veAatile
swather with hay conditioner,
12 -foot kewanee disc.
Heck McNeil, Auctioneer
la, 14
of household effects' in the
Town of Seaforth, sCrombia
Street in Boshart • .storage
On Saturday, April 5, at 1 p.m.
13. N.,, Farmall tractor (good):
Stihl chain saw, large quantity
tools, power lawn - mower,
-2T.wheel trailer, antique walnut, •
serving table, -4 -poster bed, spool
bed, antique chest 'drawers, oval
table, round dining room 'table,
3 -metal beds, 2 day . beds,
kitchen chairs, Victrola iyith
records and cabinet, bookcase, 2
rocking chairs,---Knmore oil
space heater, somdishes.
Terms, cash - •
Auct., Harolcrlickson
of property, 1966 Chrysler can,
household effects in Seaforth,
89 High Street, on Saturday,
April 1-2 at 12 o'clock.
1% story brick house, all modern
conveniences. - Full line
household effects.
Chattels cash.
Estate of late Edward Pryce.
Auctioneer, Harold Jackson
Clerk, Mel Graham
Executors: - Russel Balton, _
Seaforth and William Leyburn;
London, Ontario.
Extensive • '
• -•
of Valuable Tractors, •
Combine, Farm Machinery;
Cattle, Hogs, Hay, Grain
and-Misc. Items
On the premises
_First farm north of Hillsgreen
The undersigned auctioneer
received Instructions to sell by
public auction dh
at 1:00 p.m,
Complete list of this
outstandini sale in if011owing•
'ROBERT-MADGE, Proprietor'
. ALVIN WALPER, Auctionepr
of Valuable Real Estate,
Household Effects,
• Antiques & Misc. Items
On the premises
First house west of Anglican
Church, on
at.1:30 p.m.
REAL ESTATE -Parcel No. 1
consists of Lot 71 arid 72 Queen
St.', Hensatl on which is situated
a -two:storey. frame dwelling
covered with grey asphalt si4g.
I.,- Main ' floor: living: rom
'Modern kitchen, bedroom,
43-pleee bathisoom, sun porch,
summer - kitchen and utility
:Second floor: 2 large
be cirodins.-
Full size basement, newly
installed oil furnace. Also small
trl shed.
Dwellirtg cofivenientry
_situathd, ' extra building lot.
Inspection invited.
-Parcel No. 2 consists of .Lot
126 Brock St:-,-Hensall,on which
- is situated two-storey -frame
divelling covered, - with
John-Mansville siding.
-• Main floor: living roam and
dining ares, modern kitchen 8z,,
utility room, 3 -piece -bath. '
• Second floor: abedroorns.
TERMS of Real Estate: 10%
-on day -of sale, balance in 60
- days,- Sold subject to a
__reasonable reserve bid if not
-previously sold.
Alos a complete line of
hbusehbld effeets.
•Gerald Smith, Mrs, Geo, ''SETriey,
Executors for the estate of
_ the late Eminerson Stnith
-ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer-,
' 14b
• •,,,t:•,•:••
clinfPri ,N0W54-3P.PP.fcii. Tilyr§d4y, April.
Mr. and M. John G. Berry,
Goderich, take pleasurein
announcing the engagement of
their da-ughterrSuzanne . Mary
grace; to -Mr, Robert' Wayne
-170,ilden, son of Mr. ' and Mrs.
Frederick Vodden, RR 1,
Clinton, The wedding will take
place at Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich, on Saturday;
May. 10, 1..969, at 3:00 p.ni, -
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hayter
Tama, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter,
jerYce Maureen to. (bouglas
Glenn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
IVIcBeath, Kippen. The wedding
Will take place, Saturday, May,
10, 1969, at 3:.00 •p,m. in the.
United ehurch, Varna, Ontario.
22. BIRTHS -
CARTER: Mr. and&s. Donald
atter, Seaforth, - (Nee Carol
.Brown) are happy to announce
the _birth of- their daughter,
Janice Faye, St. Joseph's -
Hospital, London, Thursday,
March 20, 1969.
SC(YroHMER.: To Mr., and Mi.'s.
Howard Sebtcbmer, (tee Nancy
Ovens,' R.N.) in Chgitham
General "Hospital en Tuesday,
Mareh 25, a son, Robert James.
TIEDDEN: Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hedden, of Dresden, are happy
to announce' the birth of their
twin sons Sunday March 23rd
1969, first grindchilden for Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Hedden,
Dresden, formerly of Hensall.
CHAMNEY: Passed away at her
home -in Auburn on Tuesday,
March 25, 1969, Mrs. Robert
ehamney in her year.
Funeral service was held from
William Stiles Funeral Horne,
Auburn, on Thursday, March 27,
with interment in Colborne
HULL: Passed away in Clinton
Public Hospital on Wednesday,
March 26, 1969, Mrs. Arthur
-Hull, Blyth, in her 75th_ year.
Funeral service from Tasker
Funeral Home, Blyth, pn
Saturday, March 29, with
:Iinterment,iniliarveY ,CetneSkY.r- ,
• .LoganT:ownshlin, In\ 'mu
MEDD r• •Passed away at
-Kilbarchan Nursing Home,
Seaforth, on Saturday, March
29, 1969, Mrs. F. Bruce Medd,
Seaforth, in her 86th year.
Funeral service from R. S. Box
Funeral Home on Monday,
-March .31, with entombment at
Pioneer Mausoleum. Survivors
' include two daughters and a
Aster, Mrg, Lily Jamieson,
• Clinton.
MIKKELSEN: Passed _awai in
Alexandra" Marifie. and General
Hospital, God.erich, on
Werhifisday, March 26, 1969,
Mrs. Herman Mikkelsen, RR 2,
Clinton, -in her -63rd- year.
Funeral service from-
_H -
Funeral }Tome Goderieh, on
Saturday, March 29, with
interment in Maitland Cemetery.
ROBBINS: Passed away in _
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
on Tuesday March 25, 1969,
Mrs. Milton Robbins, Exeter, in
her 57th year. Funeral service
from Hopper -Hockey 'Funeral
Ifome, Exeter, on Thursday,
March .27, with interinente,in
Exeter Cemetery.
TORRANCE: Passed away in
_Clinton Public -Hospital _ on
Monday, Mirch 24; 1969, Mi4s
Maude Torrance,• Clinton, in her
88th year. Funeral service from
BallFuneral Nome on-SptUrdav,
• March: 29, with interment in
,Bayfield Cemetery. ,
MEDD: The family OT tle fate
Mrs. Bruce Medd wish to thank
relatives, friends arid neighbours
for kihdeess and expressioni-of
sympathy, floraltribiites,
donaticiiisto the heari,fund-and
Gideon' Btbles. Special thenl-s tt
the Kilbarchab Nursing -hoine,
Box Funeral Moine, pallbearers
and flower -beare-rs. Thanks also
to Dr. Brady and Rev J. C.
- •
Britton and Canadian Order)Of
Foresters, Oonstance. 14p
COLLINS: The" family of
late. tale'-Collitis -wish to
thank all the kind friends and
neighbours Who remembered
them during theif recent sad
hereaVerrient. Special thanks to-
iFestor Werner, Dr: Moyo -arid
t all Funeral Home. - 14p
MAKINS: I wish to thank allMy
many friends or cards_ atid
flowers and get Well wishes when
I *as confined in Fbrt Pierce
Mr: and Mrs-. Roy OantelOn
cordially invite you _to attend
Open House on the occasion of
60th Wedding Anniversary
on Thursday, April 3, froin 2 to
5 P.in, No, gifts please. - 13,140
Hospital, Illorida, also the -
BaYfield United Chinch SresSiOn;
1.ICW and' the; Lions club and-
friends in Fort Pierce who gave
and pteVided
transOditatiort tea and froin
hospital, It Was all deeply
appreciated. Ll�d Ma dis:-
TASIMII; The family pi the late
John Tasger, 140 Huron
Street,'Stratforti, wish to express
sincere thanks to relatives,
neighbors and friends, the
Canadian Legion 13rarich No, •8,
also facQ- 220 I3,S.E.I.U, for
flowers, •donations, „messages of
sympathy received during their
recent loss of a beloved husband,
father• and grandfather. Special
•thanks to -Rev, F. M. Feist, Mr.
Steve- Day, soloist arid Mrs.
13ailey, organist, • 1)r. H, H.
Thompson, Heinbuch Funeral
Horne, hissarn5a Unit of • St.
John's Church and those who
sent gifts of- food. Everything is
deeply "appreciated. -- 14P
ALLEN: I wish to express my
sincere •appreciation for ail the
cards, flowers), treats and visits
while I was a patient in Clinton,.
Hospital. Special thanks to staff,
on Fikst Floor,and Dr, Addison.
Tom Allen, 14b
STEPHENSQN: Sincere thanks
to my friends, neighbors and
-relatives who sent cards, gifts A
and flbwers One I was -a patient
in Clinton Hospital; also to those
who .sefit baking and treats to
my home. - Maion Stephenson-
PRICE:1 would like to thank'all
who visited me and sent cards
and gifts while 1 was in Clinton
Hospital and since returning
home,. Also thanks to nurses and
staff on first floor, Dr. Walden
and Rev. Mowatt. Glenn Price
STEVENS: In loving memory of
a dear mother, -Mrs. Mary
Stevens, who passed away three
years ago, April •3,-1966.
The golden gates stand open,
God said she needed rest.
His 'garden must be beautiful,'
He only, takes the best.
-. Sadly -missed and lovingly'
remembered by daughter,
Blariehe, and son-in-law, Jack
Carter,. and family, - 14p -
28. ROOM and BOARD
SEPARATE accommodation for
two, roomers or boarders. Mrs.
Jim Cox, 127 Princess St.,- West,
phone 482-7093. -14,15p (I
. . .
t —
serviee, 32 Wellington Street,
Stratford. For • all ,airlines,
steamships, rail; hotel
reservations, tours. Low bank
rates on time payments.-Prepaids
arranged for relatives visiting
from -overseas. Call 271-5710. -
Huron health
budget rises
4h, qr t
I •A• -
- N .
Thatlat in the centre is Paul Wettlaufar, 5; and his-otrilit-Won Min first prize for best-d,ssedboys in
. ,
costume judging at skating carnival/air ihe Clinton arena last weekend -- Staff Pholo --
•Fragrant Easter breads
have international flavor
During the Easter season
yeast breads, plump with raisins
'and nuts and beautifully shaped-
-and iced, are traditionally Served
• by many good Cooks the world
over. Although each country has
a distinctive specialty, each one
probably had a similar
As mothers in olden times
baked bread of necessity- for
their families, what could have
been more natural then to slip
raisins, nuts -and other goodies
into the dough as a special treat
for the approaching holiday
season. And it Will come as no
'-surprise that certain
combinations gradually_ became
__national favorites. Here at home,
hot cross - buns mark the
'11",dgint tIf thelLeb terelieaSon
'aid continue right .4pAii-,Easter
Sunday. In Greece, a
t hree-petaled currant loaf
heralds the holiday and in -
Sweden, a golden almond bread
is very often the treat of the
. season.
Now that bread baking is a
labor of love, indulged in only
occasionally by many of us; it's•
more appropriate than ever to
try some extra little flourishes;
and fun to sample some -of these
national favorites at the same
. time. These Easter •bfealls are
_slightly on the sweet side -so you
can -serve them as you would- a
coffeecake, sljced end buttered -
for breakfast or between
A county health budget of ingredientsouliadh
havenchriebasicatged very
-$227,511 was presented by Dr. ' little over the years.. The best
G. P. A. Evans, medical officer ingredientsrstill give the best
of health-, and accepted • by loaves. Modern science ' has,
• Huron County Council last however, eoine up with new
methods of mixing and baking
FridLast ay.ye-ar's budget was only ;;; to lighten the chore, In the
$187,000, but salaries alone this t ' following recipes you'll find
year, with, raises which went into:, milk, butter, eggs and flour are
effect January 1, push that item used for basic goodness, btit
to $167,016 f1969:'. 2 proportions are adjusted to use
• The -Province of Ontario- the new "cool rise" method of
shares. health expenses on a mixing. This allows you to hold
50-50 basis, leaving a share for.: the dough Jill. .the refrigerator
,lie countimto.--pay crf $1141000., from 2 - to .24 hours 'before
• • • baking, and mea you no
have to stand guard over the
dough to catch it at that critical
stage :when_ it- has expanded
sufficiently but is not over risen.
ActUally, three little loaves,
Order --trees
right- :sway -
With little snore than a month
left between now and the
beginning of.planting;t me Who
hope tO establish forest trees this
earning spring would be well
ad v ised t� • order their
requjrerhents immediately.
Application forins are available
'fromelePartrnent of lands and
fore-s-ts officeS throughout
Ontario. •
species are per
thouSarid except Stotch Pine
which Is $14 -per thousand,
Most species are available at
thia- time except red pine and
black walnut which are out of •
stoela for 1969, spring planting.
• Trees are- supplied to private
lanchaWriers who have More than
tW-o kereS of land- for timber
plantalion§,, Windbreaks, shelter
belt a; erosion control and
cpVer.- Applicatioh4 are
cimSidered on a "first* come -
first Served" biass. It may take'
0110 Weekk tO priaeess, the
reserve the stock,
the Money 'by Mail and
forwardthe nuraery,Order tO the
applicant and the Initsery,
bated as a_single big orie, the
Greek loaf -originally represented
the Trinity and a slice from each
little loaf was always- given to
each, •guest. Although the
symbolism- -is not as imprtant
today, its hived is just:as great
when it's served frosted with a
siMple glaze arid '`deco_rated-Witli
almond flowers.
Makes On Three -Leaf '
-FloWer Sipped, Bread
1/2 clip Milk --
14 cup granulated sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
• 2 tablespoons Soft butter
, 1/3 elm warm water
1 teaspoon granulated sugat
1 vnvelope'dry granolas yeast •
1 egg). well beaten "
21/2 to 3 clips sifted -allpurpOse
1/4 cep currents ,
lhetrp chopped alniestids-
melted butter - - •
3/4 cup sifted itingtogati
1 tab �n Miik
Whole blanthed almonds
calidied c errieS
Racers win
at careijival
The following yotthOsters won
races at tile Clinton ice carnival
held in. the Commudity C ntre
last Friday evening. The ,n es
•are ,printed in order: - first,
second •and third for each
Boys under f3 David
•Clifford, Paul Wettlaufer, Mike
• Girls under -- Brenda Loye,
Lorena Boyce, KM') FarqUhar.
- ,B1-114tigoei
yril 15,se and
n 1,1 I a?: j eRy
under egIt.t.,.R
Ann fq,eilans, 'Patti Kay, Lori
Boys14 and under Brian
Langille, Paul Kelly, Dan
Girls 14 and under -- Joyce
Neilaris, Darlene Webb, Jill
" to' make,. delectable Gfeek EasterBread adds
a pretty touch to special breakfasts and • afternoon teas this
month. Just slice and spread generously with butter to bring out
that marvellous home -baked flavor. -Canadian Dairy . Foods
Service Bureau Photo,
Scald the 1/2 cup milk; stir in
' the ,1/2 cup granulated sugar, salt
and butter. Cool -to lukewarm.
Meanwhile measure water into a
lave warm bowl; stir_ in the 1 _
tel sugar. Sprinkle with
.yeast. Let stand 10 minutes -then
stir well. Stir in lukewarm milk
mixture and egg. Add 11/2 cups
-Z)f- the. flour and_beat for 2 to 3
:minutes with electric mixer, at
-medium speed, or until smooth.
Add- and mix in currants -and
aim ond,s. -• -
Gradually stir in sufficient
additional -flour to make a soft
2/3 cup wartn-water
2 teaspoons sugar
_ 2 envelopes dry granular yeast -
2 eggs, well beaten -
5 to 6 cups -Sifted ail -purpose
' u
hp raisins
melted la -utter
1 egg -
1 tablespoon water; • 7
14 .cup slivered almonds'
Stir saffron into rhilk: Scald
milk mixture, stirring until
saffron is dissolved. Stir in
-butter, the 1/2 cup sugar and
Cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile
measure the 2/3 cup warm water
into a large warm bowl and
dissolve the 2 teaspoon s sugar.
Sprinkle with yeast and let stand
10 minutes then stir well. Add
lukeiivarrn milk mixture and the-
2- eggs, Add 3 cups of the flour
and beat with electric mixer at
medium speed for 2 _to 3
minutes or until smooth: Add
And mix in raisins. Gradually stir
in sufficient additional flour to
make a_soft dough, 2. to 3 cupS
more:- Turn but dough onto
lightly floured board ,or canvas
and knead until smooth and
elastic ,(5 to 10 minutes). Place -
dough in 1i buttered bpwl, Cover
dough with plastic wrap and
towel and let Warm
place 30 minutes.- Punch, down
dough. Turn out- . onto' IfghtlY-
floured board or canvas. Divide
dough into two equal portions
and set one aide. • Divide
remaining -dbugh into 3% and 1/2
portions. Divide the 34 portion
into 3 equal • pieces,' ' roll each
piece into a, strip about -
12 -inches long. Place strips on a
buttered cookie sheet 1 -inch
apart ad braid-, beginning in the
middle -and VOrking toward each
end, Seal °mai well. Brush -eon
with melted butter, Oivlde the 1/4
portion into 3 -equal pikes; for
the sameway into second but
-thinner braid 11 -inches -long.
Place- on top of first braid, brush
with melted butter.• Shape
seeond pertierrof dough in seine
manner. Cbver A'tooSely with
plastic wrap. Plate braic1S
refrigeratig for" 2 to 24 homi.
'Meanwhile, preheat oven to':350
deg. F., RemOve braids- froin
refrigerator 0 mintites befpre
baking; tintover and, let tie ina
warm place, Beat the.reinairlFag-
egg *ith the 1 tablespoon water;
brush Over braids. Spritilde With
AhriOnds, Bake in preheated oven
35 tta4a,Itlin'utea.
dough, 1 to 2 cups more. Ttirn
out onto lightly -floured board or
canvas and knead until smooth
and elastic (5 to 10 minutes).
Place -dough in a buttered bowl,
Cover' with plastic wrap and
towel and letrestin a warm
place -30 miriute-s: Punch down
dottgh-. - Turn „. out . ,.onto
lightly -floured board or cativas.
Divide do -ugh _into - three equal
portions. Shape into 3 ,round
loaves. Place . loaves on a
buttered cookie sheet in the
, shape of a three -petaled ti -ower,
_i3rtiah top with melted butter.
Cover do -46 loosely with plastic
wrap„.. -Place bread in refrigerator
set -at moderately cold setting
for. to 24 hours. Remove
clPugh, 20 minutel before baking,
uncover and -let rise in a warm
pliee.. Meanwhile, -preheat oven
to 375 degi F. Bake inpreheated
oven '35 to 40 minutes. Remove
froth cookie sheet and cool on
'e"..ake Jack. Combine the 3/4. cup
icing sugar and the 1 tablespoon
milk and pour Over; -each of the
three loaves. Arrange almonds
and- cherriei in • flower thafies on
froSting„Cut into thin shoes and
Serve with butter.
s g: a ..
Scandinavian cooks like to
'-braid their bread doughs Into
faney- shapes for feast days and
`holidays. This loaf from Sweden,
has a beautifully Olden eolOr
and - the pleasant • distinctive
old-world flavor of saffron. The
recipe yields -two loaves; try
freezing one for a SpeEial treat
„later On in the Month. —
Make2 braids,
7-1)16 teaspoon poWdered Saffroh
1 icup Milk .,, ,
1/4 elm Soft hater - —
JA et:in-agar -
11/2 teaspoons Salt
Clinton W.I.
.elects slat!
Mrs,..) Clifford Holland was
chosen last week to succeed Mrs.
Wilfred- Colclough as president
of the Clinton Women's
Institute. 1 --
Election of officers took place
at a meeting Thursday afternoon
in the Dept. of Agriculture and
Food Building.
Other members of the new
executive are: Mrs. A Popp, first
vice-president; Mrs. Cecil Elliott,
second vice-president; Mrs. H.
- Murch, secretary; Mrs. Mervyn
Batkin, treasurer; Mrs.-
Lockhart, district director and
Mrs. Norman Tyndall, alternate
distriet director.
Also, Mrs. Colclough, public
speaking director, Mrs. Batkin,
curator; Mrs, F. Cummings; Mrs.
H. Perry and Ms. C. Nelson;
Mrs. Mary Gibbings and Mrs.
May Gibson, flower convenors.
The following were named
committee chairman: Mrs.
Elliott, agriculture; Mrs. E.
Trick, Canadian industries; Mrs.
A. Groves, citizenship; Mrs. S.
Whittington, education; Mrs.- H.
Managhan, historical -research;
Mrs. L. Langford, home
economics; Mrs. C. Nelson,
• health and . Mrs. Colclough,
• Mrs. Tyndall, Mrs. E. Radford
and , Mrs. R. Shaddock were
selected as branch directors. Mrs.
J. Wise and 1Vtirs. Radford were
put in charge of reception. Mrs.
Groves and Mrs. Roy Connell
were named auditors.
The W.I. -is responsible for the
hospital cart -next month, the
members were reminded. Mrs.
Nelson _ gave a paper on
resolutions, followed by two
contests. Lunch was .served by
the hoStesses,-Mrs,Tyndall, Miss
L. Langford afid:1VPrs. Gibson,
90 attend
scout dinner
The Brucefield Cub and Scoht
annual banquet was held in the
United Church on-Monday•with
about 90 fathers, sons and'guests
• present to enjoy the beef dinner.
Stuart Wilson, • group
committee chairman, welcomed
everyone and Leonard Lovell
read a rhymed verse of thanks
- which accompanied a gift to Mr.
,and Mrs. Stuart \ Broadfoot,
former cub and Sedut leaders.
Scott and William Burdge
presented the gift, a coffee table.
• Guest speaker was Constable
Ferris of the Gdderich
,Detachment, Ontario Privincial
Police,' whb -spoke on traffic
rubs and regulations. Cub"
Master Fred McGregor thanked
the -constable.
I.odgei hold -
final par-ty
Clinton Odd ' Fellow -and
Rebekah Lodges held their Iasi -
card party for the season in the
Lodge Half last -Thursday
Winners at euchre were *5.
TOm Leppington, high ladyi.
MHO MacAdarn, high gent;
William Cox,. low gent; Mrs.
-Marl MaeDiatialti, low lady, and
Mat Nediger, lone hand.
Five -hundred winnera were
Mrs. 'Dan Gliddon, high lady; -
Clarence -Sturdy, high -gent; Mrs.
Ed Mittel], low lady and Milt
, Wilts°, low gelit.
An taster draw wat on by
JIM JOhnsorn )3e4ROWden WW1
a -bot �ichocolates and William
Holland _took hothe a dozen