HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-03-13, Page 44 Clinton News -Record, Thursday, March. 13, 1969. CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (REVISED Mia7' 1, 1666) CASH . RATE 3c Per Word Minimum. 75c 25c Exfra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per ,Word Minimum 509 DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ I.40 Per Inch Repeat :Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 1. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 1. ACCOMMODATIION FOR RENT NEW town house, now renting. Phone Fink Plumbing Heating and Electrical, 262.2114. -- 11,12,13b MODERN farm home, new oil furnace. Phone 262-5402. — 11b TWO bedroona wartime cottage, centrally located. Phone 482-9567 after 6 p.m. —11p ONE bedroom, self-contained furnished apartment, electrically heated. Available March 15. Ray Tyndall, Phone 482.7865. — lltfn MODERN two-bedroom apartments, 65 Princess West. Frig., stove, heat and water supplied. J. W. Counter 482-9612 • days, 482-6687 evenings. — 11p 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE CARPET SALE — 501 nylons, orlons, polyesters, ozite, twists, carved, plush, etc. Lowest prices for best value. "Shop -in -your - home -service", no obligation., A complete carpet service. Sales, installation, repairs, cleaning. SUPERIOR CARPET CARE. Phone Exeter 235-1413. — 4tfn WALNUT bowls and other TWO bedroom apartment, 1.30 hand turned articles. Make nice King Street, Clinton. Call gifts. At rear of 8 Albert Street, John Plumtree, 527-0504 Seaforth after 5. Clinton,— mtree, phone 48tfn 482-9695.— 48tfn UPSTAIRS Apartment with kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath_ Gas heated. Stove and frig. Available now. Phone 482-6694 — tfn ' WINCHESTER Automatic .22 with scope and clip mag; 3 mitcheil reels; power • lawn mowe'r; Encyclopedia Britannica; stroller, playpen, oil ' space •heater, LP stereo records, • science fiction books; muskrat LARGE 6-roolartment,. jacket; outdoor Christmas lights ; centrally is loce ed" Available and decorations. Phone immediately. Phone 482-3475 482-7416 after 6 p.m. — 10,11b before 5:30 p.m. - 8tfn TWO bedroom, heated, self-contained, ground floor apartment, stove, refrigerator and dryer supplied. Available . April 1. Apply to 482-9744. ' ; 10tfn TWO bedroom. apartment, ,:,available April 1st. ,,Frig . and ••. reaVallablefsA-deltsen•eferred..es,aY APartmen �01 ng Is .• St; Phone 482-9227.' ' 37' x -8 General Trailer, one bedroom, medium sized kitchen and living room. Phone 482-3327. — 10,11 • TWO bedroom modern , apartment, large living room, , equipped. with electric stove, refrigerator; air conditioner, drapes, oil ' 'furnace. Available xrow. Lawson ..& Wise, , phone 482-9644. — 9tfn ,THREE bedroom house in 'Bayfield. Phone 565-2570. 10,11b MOBILE homes for rent, • laundromat facilities available. Morgan's Trailer Court, 343 )Victoria St., Clinton. Phone 482-7066 — 11b BROADLOOM' • CLINTON'S CELANESE CARPET CENTRE *Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. • *Samples shown in your home,...se esee,essess ess, IF,MiEEtimates. *Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room .in the home. Quality you can trust' From • BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482-9505 Clinton —5tfn FOR SALE HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT. • Geloso 222 Transmitter, 209 Receiver,' 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metre bands. Complete with manuals, =orse key and phones. $350. CallMi•`." Price at 524-8331 between 9 a.tn„' and 5 p.m. weekdays. VagammgmOs - Bedroom Apartment UNFURNISHED Stove and Refrigerator Supplied NORTHVIEW APARTMENTS North Street — Clinton PHONE 482-9514 11 tfn WINTER S BACK JACKETS, CAR COATS PiLE OR QUILTED LININGS " Our Complete Stock of Winter Lines Reduced To Clear 1 �. 3 OFF Reg. Price SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL GROUP ' Regular to $6.95 TO CLEAR 3,95 Pa; WASH PANTS SPECIAL GROUP Most of These Are Permanently Pressed TO CLEAR 113 OFF Reg, Price Pickett & Campbe _. mote ll Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9232 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn, Metal !lashing. Roofs repaired, CHIMNEYS bunt. Free - estimates. Morrison Bros., Luckeow, Ontario, Phone 528-2906. — 8tfn • COOKING apples. Free delivery in Clinton Phone 482-3214. ' Fred McClynnont, Varna. — 4tfn. TIMEX Watches sold and serviced through Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Clinton, Seaforth, Walkerton. —tfn CURTAINS e- Draperies - Window • Blinds — Venetian Blinds — Bamboo— Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given, IRWINS DRY GOODS. — 5tfb CARPET REMNANTS Sale Continues • at BALL & MUTCH LTD. Savings Up To 40% in Room Size Rugs 1 USED TV sale, priced from $25 to $150. Merrill TV Service, 215 Victoria St. Phone 482-7021. — llb HOME BAKING at ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN ,,--s, CHURCH, St. Patrick's' Tea, - Saturday, March 15, 3-5 p.m. " hsf9' - Tea served by the men of. the j church. — lip `1 5. WANTED USED girl's. bicycle 24", • A1's0 Bro wn'e•u if size } norm 8, Phone 565-2668. ,-110 GARAGE or, small building to rent for storage, in Clinton};, phone 462-7676. —11,12b TO BUY: Household effects of an older house. Phone 482-7358. 8 -lib WANTED TO BUY: Good one floor, two-bedroom home for cash. Apply to Box 100, Clinton News -Record. — 10,1Ip CASH in on buried treasure. We buy old gold- and • estate jewellery. N. T. Orn ::idy Jewellery, 94 The Square, Goderich. — 6tf, 6. AUTOS FOR SALE 1965, Volkswagen Deluxe completely rebuilt motor, Reconditioned. Lic. H75408, $995. 1968 Volkswagen Karmen Ghia stick shift. Automatic. AM FM radio. Lic. J42818, $2,395. 1968 Volkswagen, deluxe, Lic. , H78345. ' 1963 Ford future, Lic. H85402, $795. 1966 Karrnenn Ghia 1600, $1,795. Lic, H76547.. 1962 Chevy 11 sedan, 6 -cylinder, $595, Lie. 76964. 1966 Fiat, Lic. E14516, $695. 1962 Volkswagen, Lic. H75, 983 $695. AT Don Taylor Motors Limited Main Street -- Exeter' DiAL 235-1100 b. AUTOS FOR SALE ; 1963 Comet convertible, automatic V-8 in excellent • Condition. Phone 4$2-9638. 11424315, 1968 Cemaroi 350 super, sports convertible, power steering, power brakes, automatic, Phone' ; 482-7667. -r 4.0,11p '1965„ FORD Galaxie 500 XL tied.doo>:, hardtop, bucket ,seats; console,:'' "shift, radio, power steering, power brakes. Phone 524-91.8 i.—11,12b. r'ar 7. PET STOCK DO you want' a pup that doesn't shed hair? See our registered poodle_.pups, 3 blank, 1 brown. Phone 523-4254 after 5 p.m. •— 10,11p SKUNK, tame, housebroken and de -scented, Blyth Singer Center, phone 523.4275 -- 11b 8. HELP WANTED MALE UNION CARBIDE CANADA LTD. WALKERTON, ONT. requires an. experienced MAINTENANCE MACHINIST generous fringe benefits WRITE OR PHONE COLLECT BEFORE -3:30 P,M. TO R. EBUGD,FN 1181-3316 11,12b OVERSTOCKED SALE Sewing machines, portable and cabinet; vacuums; polishers, typewriters and TV console and portable. Big reductions on all merchandise. Up to $100' off Golden Touch and Sew, $cissors and shears 20% off. ''('Iirome Demons tratro ns`f en.1 1'✓ 'Slii t%r Con-of'Canada 40 West Street Goderich, Phone 524-8434 11,12 ELECTROHOME organ, 3 years old. Phone 523-4275; after six call 523-4591. — 11b ATTENTION FARMERS! A. FOR SALE 2,000 bales Red Clover hay; • 3,000 bales alfalfa; 25 tons mixed ed ram Phone one; Bl t h , i., 1+,1'1'523-4413 -1-'11:146 HERTA seed barley — grown from No. 1 reg'd seed and passed field inspection. Bruce Keys, Varna, phone 262-5360. 9.11p SEE'INA'S FLOWERS,123 Erie FIFTY acres, south half of Lot 26, Con. 1, Huron Road Survey, Street, Clinton, for potted plants Tuckersmith, also 50 acres east for all occasions. Phone half of Lot 9, Con. 1, Hullett. 482-9937. — 8tfn Both farms plowed. K. W. DEEP freeze, nearly new, 3' x Gibbings, RR 4, Clinton, — 10'. Phone 482-7254. — lltfn 11,12b 180 YAMAHA motorcycle, like new, $350; 75 h.p. Evinrude boat motor. Phone 482-9206. — lib 1967 Moto -ski, 15 h.p. Phone 523-4375. —11p SALE OF SURPLUS STOCK OF MOBILE HOME, TRAVEL TRAILER MATERIALS on Saturday, March 15, 1969, 9 .a.m. to 3 p.m. only. GENERAL COACHWORKS OF CANADA LTD., Hensall, Ontario. 30" gas stoves; gas refrigerators; windows; travel trailer cushions; axles; light fixtures; ice boxes; chesterfields; davenports; chairs; plywoods; vinyl boards; hardware; range hoods; floor tile; doors; septic tanks; and many items too numerous to mention. ALL SALES FINAL No refunds or exchanges Terms: Cash —lhb KITCHEN range; several , 5 -gal. pails; 2 house doors; dog house; 5 pairs curtains. Also stationary laundry tubs. Apply to Clarence Reeves, Commercial Hotel; Seaforth. — 10,11p Carden s. Lawn Supplies Now in stock *Choice selection of flowers and garden seeds, *Specially formulated lawn and garden fertilizers. *Indoor and outdoor plant specialties. "EVERYTHING for the GARDENER" CLINTON FARM CENTRE 482.9333 11,1Z,13b See the new 1969 Inglis Washers, Dryers and Refrigerators on display at Harold Wise Ltd. 262 hayfield Rd. • Clinton 11,1211 ATTENTION FARMERS SAVE $10 — $18 on granulated, free-flowing American fertilizer. Special prices on load lots in Western Ontario. Payable in Canadian currency. Trucks arriving daily. Contact Clifford Pyke, Gorrle, telephone Wroxeter 326J. — 10,11b PIONEER and CANADIEN CHAIN SAWS, new and used. Sabre, Oregon, Pioneer Chains, Sprockets, bars available for most chain saws. Call Robert Glen Saws, Clinton, 482-9292. 9-17p FARROWING CRATES with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensall, phone 262-5282, — ltfn KONGSKILDE 13 ft. Cultivator with harrows, in good condition. Phone 482-3375. — lib WANTED: single . laying nests. John Kassies, phone 482-9957: lib D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE A. FOR SALE CONCRETE SILOS — Farmers r interested in having a silo built elll4er •ft: i diameter x :60)Lft high '11s116iiltt''ctin'tact MAO df experience. Wes Hugill & Son, Contractors, Zurich, Ont. 236-4928. — 5tfn LAND for rent — 40 acres at Bayfield, suitable for cropping, not fall ploughed. Please contact K. Morritt, 232 Atkinson Blvd London or , phone 455-3054 after 7 p.m. - 8-11p C. , WANTED WANTED: industrial herd with at least 3,500 lbs of fat quota. R. C. Collins, RR 1, Maidstone, Ont., phone 737-6589. — 10,11p 3. HELP WANTED MALE 4TH GLASS ENGINEER REQUIRE!) FOR HURONVIEW, CLINTON Salary in accordance with Union Contract. Excellent working conditions and employee benefits. . Apply in writing to the undersigned no later than March 24, 1969, giving full personal particula•rs',` previous employment. References. Duties to commence on or about May 1st, 1969.' B. G.'HANLY, SECRETARY -TREASURER, . COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT, HURONVIEW, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO 10,11b E. CHARM •SERVICES DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. Please Phone Promptly 133 BRUSSELS LICENSE 390065 — l7tfn Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON We pay 85 to $15 -. 'Fresh dead 'Or disabled cows and horses: We pick up calves and small pigs to; a' service to your, Lic. 190-C-69- • ' Call collect 482-9811 AUCTIONEER and 'Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling. all types of auction sales, Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384, - 9tfn Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 p.m. Government Inspedted Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH ,)OE COREY -- Sales Manager YOUNG hog, York and Landers crossed 'proven Don Campbell, hayfield, phone 565..5293. s• - 11b For &I pressure systems and farm line needs PHONE482.9561 17 Reittenbury Street CLINTON „Proudly Canadian" . "We SerOice" what we sell" 2b' GET iN ON SOMETHING BIG! Full or part-time, business is good! We have to expand to meet . the demand! We need honest, sincere salesmen to join us now and stay a long time. Don't worry about experience as I will train you to be successful and receive rapid promotion. Age 21 to 68. You'll earn while you learn and receive substantial commissions weekly, plus cash .bonuses for extra participation. This is -pleasant, dignified work..,.contact Ed Bauer at the Elm Haven Motel, Clinton, Tuesday, March 18, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and • Wednesday, March 19, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. . or • write • to him at Wingham. — hlb • . TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMiTH APPLICATIONS For the position of Warble Fly Inspector for the Township of Tuckersmith for 1969. The Inspector *ill be paid mileage at the rate 1of cper mile while on .0 . 'duty. Applicants to' state qualifications and . hourly rated salary expected. Applications to be clearly marked "application." Applications will be received by the Clerk. until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, 1969. James I. McIntosh, Clerk -Treasurer, RR 3, Seaforth, 11 BARTENDER or waiter required. Apply to Box 80, Clinton News -Record. —11 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of temporary stenographer at Huron County Health -Unit, headquarters in Goderich, for the months April to August inclusive. Duties are mainly secretarial and clerical in the environmental hygiene section. Applications with copies of two recent references should be made to Medical Officer of Health, Court `louse, Goderich, as soon as possible. — 11 HIGH school girl to help with banquets. Phone 482-3489. lib 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED CHARLES L. CUNNINGHAM Your Rawleigh Dealer 118 Gordon St. CLINTON, ONT. Tel.: 482-7720 — 8-12p LIGHT sewing .and alterations. Phone 482-9478. — 31eow MENNONITE lady desires work in a motherless home. Call at 10 Orange St.. i4,, Clinton, upstairs Apt. 2. lib Eighteen -year-old boy would like any type Of work, after school, 'weekends and for summer; Phorie .482-9244 evenings or weekends. —11b 11. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SNOW PLOWING Lett, Driveways, etc. Also 13a6khoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 4824644 after 6 p.n'i: Oil. CLAY't'S• BA 482-7661 5litfn 12. LOST AND FOUND LOST;ll Sma female ml c a at, mostly white with grey and brown markings on back; wearing collar; spayed. Lost from P.M.Q.'s since March 5. Children's pet. Phone 482-7337. —1lb 13. MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPT IR is a jobfor experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. — tfb 14. SERVICES R .6 ANTENNA SERVICE for ANTENNA REPAIRS INSTALLATION CaII GREG BRANDON 482-9275 tfn ORTHOPEDIC and general Sho Repair, Our Clinton Depot is a 55 Albert Street at Arising' Store. Henk's Shoe Repair, 7 Hamilton Street, Goderich. —1 38tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE - -- - -- BRICKWORK, fireplaces stonework, chimneys, repairin and stucco, basement repairs Ray Squire, Port Albert Pos Office or phone Dunganno 529.7636, — 13tfn NOW AVAILABLE IN THI AREA. Harvard Growth Fun and Pension Mutual Fund',• two o Canada's top performing mutu funds. Contact Fred (Ted Savauge, 527-1522 (n obligation). — 10tfn your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter, — tfb Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. — tfn 14. SERVICES JACK'S Furniture Repair Furniture repaired, wood turning a specialty. At rear of 84 Albert . Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695. — 40tfb Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph.482-7652 — 3tfn CUSTOM chain sawing, lots cleared, trees trimmed, firewood and logging. Reasonable rates. Call for appointment anytime. Phone 524-6632, — 4tf SIGN WRITER: Trucks lettered; window Iettering, signs of all kinds, ..No. tickets or posters. Thomas Riley, phone 482-9659. — 11,12,13b REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. — 52tfb • VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, phone Hensel] 262-5350. — 48tfn ELECTRICAL, plumbing and carpentry work. New installations and repairs. H. J. Steffen, 123 Erie St., Clinton, 482-9937. — tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 — 24tfb TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE — Income Tax, T4's, complete record preparation and maintenance, Phone Lawrence Beane, 482-9260. — 49tfn CUSTOM chain sawing, trey trimming, Lots cleared, fencs bottoms cleared. Fireplace wood. Fully insured. Call 482-7007 anytime. — 10tfn 15. REAL ESTATE $21,000 — New, six-bedroon split level, electric heat, brie] veneer and cement shingle garage, broadloom throughout two baths. $11,500 — Three-bedroon bungalow with garage, Nev Alcan siding, modern kitchen gas furnace. New 2 -3 -bedroom bungalow electric heat, brick venee broadloom throughout four -piece bath. $4,000 dow and take over existing mortgag We have clients waiting for hom and summer cottage propertie Listings invited, K. W. COLQUHOUN.LTD. Real Estate Broker Hal Hartley Salesman rt y — 14 Isaac St. Clinton, On Phone 482-9747 NINE -room house, 422 Victori St. Immediate possession. Phon 482-6677. — 11,12p 16. TENDERS WANTED For.' ONiE-TON TRUCK To trade on 1964 Mercury on ton pick-up truck. Specifications available a Maitland Valley Conservatio Authority Office, Wroxeter o by writing to P.O. Box 760 Listowel. Tenders rhust be in hands o Secretary -treasurer by noon o Tuesday, March 25, 1969. Lowest or any tender no necessarily accepted. MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY — 10,11b HOT ROSS BUNS . a fresh Bail �r Limited Bakery. and Restaurant 482-9727 CLINTON