HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-02-27, Page 3SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY...CANADA'S FINEST STEER BEEF RED BRAND BEEF SALE! ... From iliky Wirldiw Regrets -teasing h ubby Shirley , Keller X feel just terrible, Yes 1 do. There is much trgth in the Old . saying, "Be sure your sins will find you out." Every day now I'm paying dearly for my lack, of 'wifely concern for my husband, Even before last week's column hit the street telling about m.y husband's tonsillectomy, the poor man had. to be rushed back to hospital because of hemorrhage. You may .remember that I had a great time the previous "Window" teasing my "heroic hubby" about the fuss he made over a little thing as a tonsillectomy. Now I find out that for adults tonsillectomy is nothing to take too lightly., One nurse said disapprovingly, "Mrs. Keller, having one's tonsils out at your husband's age is not child's play. It is serious business." Now I believe her. When I saw my darling draped over the toilet bleeding and sick, I was ashamed of myself for making light of his condition,. Through it all I experienced some firsts -- and learned something about myself in the_ bargain. I had my first opportunity to discover how I would function in a real emergency with no one to lean on. I'm not calm, cool or collected. I go into a thousand pieces. I needed direction to do a simple thing like call the ambulance! And I had my first ride in an ambulance, It seemed like an eternity from our house to the hospital and still I can hardly remember what the interior of that vehicle of mercy was like. The memory of our two-year-old is much better: He watched with interest as the stretcher was rolled into the house, daddy was strapped on to it and the whole business was STUDIO Specializing in , : . • Weddings • Children a, Single or Group Portraits; • and Passports 524-8787 118 St. David Goderich loaded into the White car with the dashing red light. The next day when the crisis had passed, the little fellow showed he .had been quite impressed. He told his grandmother, ',Daddy was in the bathroom having a hernOrrhage, Daddy might have been having his teeth brushed for all the expression in our little child's voice as he recounted the story, But he hadn't missed a thing. Now his Christmas wagon has become an ambulance, the pillows off my bed are stretchers, the kitchen floor is a hospital ward and our young son is a hemorrhage victim. Such realistic hemorrhaging too -- complete with gagging and spitting and moaning. Perhaps one good thing has come of it all. Our little lad has no fear whatsoever to go to hospital- In fact, he thinks it would be quite a lark. Just. the •other night he cried as though his heart would break because we would not promise he could go right then to have his tonsils removed. He had his coat on, just in case we changed our minds. But now the mere mention of going to see the doctor brings a huge senile that would melt a stone. The child's happiest when he's complaining about an ache which travels from his big toe to his ear with alarming speed. As his mother, I can't afford to answer his every wail for a doctor's care, nor can I completely ignore his pleas because they might not all .be groundless. I admit I underestimated the suffering my husband endured while undergoing s rgefy; I'm also -ready to concede that I'm not the rock of strength I've always claimed to be; Pm even prepared to listen for .the next 100 years to my husband's stor#es about my heartless attitude toward his perilous journey to the jaws of death and back, But how can I cope with a two-year-old hypochondriac who lives to be sick? From Our Early Files .. Courtice. Miss Lediard is a friend of Miss Sybil Courtice, who is in Japan, Mr. Clifford Andrews of Toronto visited his parents, Magistrate and Mrs. Andrews over the weekend. Miss Hattie Baker of Fullarton was the guest of Miss Florence Cuninghame for a few days over the weekend '55_ years ago THE CLINTON NEW ERA February 26, 1914 Mr. J. A. Irwin and Mr. A. T. Cooper are attending the Temperance Convention • in Toronto. ALWAYS BUY YOUR DRUG NEEDS AND VITAMINS IN YOUR DRUG STORE • Aerosol Room Deodorizer Colgate Tooth Paste Desert Flower Deodorant Crest Tooth Paste Bayer Aspirin Tabs, 100's Super Plemanin Vitamins 2.88's" Super Plemanin Vitamins 144 Save 4.69 ,;Desert Flower Hand and Body, Lotion 16 oz. °- Reg. 4,00 Special 2.00 Reg. 1.59 -- Special .94 Reg. 1.25 - Special ,94 Reg. 1.50 - Special .75 Reg. 1.59 - Special 1.36 Reg. .95 - Special .75 Reg. 12.69 With 144 free -Save 7.69 Reg. 7:69 With 72 free NEWLDMBE Pharmacy p one -. PRESCRIPTIONS APPROXIMATELY 400 YDS DRAPERY ENDS Prints and Plain Shades To Match 45" Width --,Reg. 1.98 Londesboro news Clinton N+~\Ng-RenQrd, Thursd0y, Fe.bn.lary 27's X1909 • Mr. and. Mrs, .John Lawrie of with their parents. Mr. PId Mrs.. Farm1VIrs Jamgr4aw nn and M>5. alnd Kitchener spent the weekend e of Blyth. BY MRS, BgRTAI.:4EN The February meeting of the Huilett Federation of Agriculture was held in Londesboro Hall with an excellent attendance. The following were appointed: hog producer, Lloyd Stewart; poultry, George Colclough; beef, Len Archambault; cream, Charlie Scanlon; lady director, Mrs. Ed flunking and lunch committee, Mrs. Lorne Honking and Mrs. William Oibbings, Norman Alexander spoke on the 1969 crop recommenda- tions. On March 11 at 8:3Q in Londesboro Hall, Gordon Hill of Varna will be speaking on the farm incorne report, copies of which are available by writing to Mr. J. E. O'Meara, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, 1200 Bay Street, Toronto. This meeting is open to all interested people. 4-H CLUB The third meeting of the Londesboro 4-11 Club was held on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Jack Snell. The guest was Miss Susan Heard, Huron home economist.. Swiss steak and sausage were cooked. The name chosen for the group is Miracle Meat Maidens. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. l,,arry Jones, leggy and Steven of Clinton. visited on Sunday with his Parents, Mr. and :Mrs. Morgan Jones, Miss Jill Cappleman and Mr. Paul Brown started Monday morning practise teaching at the Londesboro area school, Mr, and NM Steel 'Livingstone of Dorchester spent Saturday with the former's Another, Mrs. Emma Livingstone. Miss Patsy Burns spent a weekend recently k ud rec n ly with her parents and Barbara. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Durnin visited on Sunday with her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Eckmier of Kincardine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bolton of London visited on Saturday with Mrs, Harold Livingstone. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Airdrie visited on Friday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green of Fergus, Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482.7006 Mr, and Mrs. on Consineau and infant son from Sault Ste. Marie visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Alexander last week. NOW FOR V UR EH,IOYMENT The CI,OUP At Vg,. ROOM HOTEL. CLINTON Featurinq SiNG ALONG WITH JEAN AT THE ORGAN CLOUD 119" ROOM we care No fat Added To Beef Roasts... Not AtA&P► SHORT RIB ROAST 1659? CROSS RIB ROAST lb 690 - BLADE STEAKS 69? ;8� WEST ST.' GOl)ERiCH ;� Excellent for Ib WHAT HAS A&P DONE Freshly Minced Ib GROUND CHUCK 69¢ FOR YOU LATELY ? PRIME RIB ROAST 16,89? CHANGED THE QUALITY OF OUR BEEF. ' Not at A&P! We haven't changed the quality of our beef to Red and Blue Brand, simply because A&P Policy is to offer our customers only the "Choicest of the choice," which is Canada's Finest naturally aged RED .BRAND Beef. You will not find Blue Brand Beef at A&P ... Never! And, our beef doesn't cost any more , It just tastes like it ought to! A&P FEATURE PRICE 7 -INCH CUT, FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY =-.•�...4, Bo STEAKS 16 $1.49 BRAIS!NG RIBS Lean 1649ii BRISKET POINT Centre Cuts 16ggt PORTERHOUSESTEAK or ROAST 1b $1.0 9 r WING STEAK or ROAST 161.09 Savings On Fine Groceries! SAVVG PER POUND zoo 20? 10a 10? 10m 40R 20a 20< 20m 10? Iona Brand Reg. Price 2 tins 49c -- SAVE 24c Ballet Reg. Price 59c -- SAVE 6c SWEET PEAS 5!9.f.Ozfl599? A&P Brand, Choice Quality Reg. Price. 2 tins 490 -- SAVE 9c CORN CREAM STYLE 419.fl.OZtfl5 8 PEARS IONA Macaroni,& Cheese, Catelii or Kraft Reg. Price tin 35c - SAVE 5c 3 28 -FI -oz tins 1.00 DINNER 77¼0g599¢ A&P Brand FEATURE PRICE! INSTANT COFFEE 10 Bakery Buys! Jane Parker Reg. Price 55c - SAVE 10c APPLE PIE FULL 8 -INCH 24.02 PIE Jane Parker, English FRUIT CAKE Reg. Price 39e SAV!* 40 25 -oz cake 3 St SAVE tic Jahn Parker, Daily Dated, Sliced White, Cracked Wheat or 60% Whole Wheal BREA 24 -oz loaf BATHROOM TISSUE Pkg °f 4 mils 53r Kleenex FACIAL TISSUE (15c Off Deal) Reg. Price 2 pkgs 73c ---V SAVE. 1Oc 3 pkgs of 4001.00 FAB DETERGENT A&P Brand, Special Blend TEA BAGS A & P - 48 oz. giant size box 89? Reg, Price 79c - SAVE lee pkgof10069? FEATURE PRiCE For 794 Tomato Juice 3 Fruits an'd Vegetables! Ontario Grown, McIntosh, Controlled Atmbsphere, "Just Picked, Crispness and Flavour," Fancy Quality, APPLES 49i 3 -LB CELLO BAG 'ghee Edward island, White f=luffy Table Stock, No, 1 Grade POTATOES SO -LB BAG S1 .49 ALL. PFR!C:I S SHOWN IN THIS AD ARE GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1969 el. 0 THE' gt/ARE PHONE 524-7$1.1 A K GODERICH AlRCONDJTJQ14E CY THURS,, ERI., SAT, --,-, Feb. 27 to Mar. 1OS MGM ?RUM'S • . � DAVIDNIVEN I III" • "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEAPS r1 . .� co'..,:.'..SAR'. 'AR9 •.... ... �IFiROWCING. ... . ......,. ma IDEA AORIGHT • CHAD EVKIP. Q11IE NELSON, ENURE , COLOR' (Adult E•nberitlainmerst) dhows at 7.30 and 9.20 ip.zn, SATURDAY (March Kids' Showtt B 1 L L 1) MATINEE J �, 2.30 p.m. SUN. MON., TOES„ WED, --- March 2.5� "THE NICEST, NASTIEST CHIME FILM ismunvonlesWWII Max MI TO COME OUT OF HOLLYWOOD MOON III iN YEARS!" -,TIME MAGAZINE 4 b COLOR By DELUXE ra,wrww,,«K;,,,NIX w;,w1c, (Adult Entertainment) Sunday at 8.00 p.m. Only -Weekdays at 7,30 and 9.20 p.m. Coming Next: "WORLD SAFARI" we care No fat Added To Beef Roasts... Not AtA&P► SHORT RIB ROAST 1659? CROSS RIB ROAST lb 690 - BLADE STEAKS 69? ;8� WEST ST.' GOl)ERiCH ;� Excellent for Ib WHAT HAS A&P DONE Freshly Minced Ib GROUND CHUCK 69¢ FOR YOU LATELY ? PRIME RIB ROAST 16,89? CHANGED THE QUALITY OF OUR BEEF. ' Not at A&P! We haven't changed the quality of our beef to Red and Blue Brand, simply because A&P Policy is to offer our customers only the "Choicest of the choice," which is Canada's Finest naturally aged RED .BRAND Beef. You will not find Blue Brand Beef at A&P ... Never! And, our beef doesn't cost any more , It just tastes like it ought to! A&P FEATURE PRICE 7 -INCH CUT, FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY =-.•�...4, Bo STEAKS 16 $1.49 BRAIS!NG RIBS Lean 1649ii BRISKET POINT Centre Cuts 16ggt PORTERHOUSESTEAK or ROAST 1b $1.0 9 r WING STEAK or ROAST 161.09 Savings On Fine Groceries! SAVVG PER POUND zoo 20? 10a 10? 10m 40R 20a 20< 20m 10? Iona Brand Reg. Price 2 tins 49c -- SAVE 24c Ballet Reg. Price 59c -- SAVE 6c SWEET PEAS 5!9.f.Ozfl599? A&P Brand, Choice Quality Reg. Price. 2 tins 490 -- SAVE 9c CORN CREAM STYLE 419.fl.OZtfl5 8 PEARS IONA Macaroni,& Cheese, Catelii or Kraft Reg. Price tin 35c - SAVE 5c 3 28 -FI -oz tins 1.00 DINNER 77¼0g599¢ A&P Brand FEATURE PRICE! INSTANT COFFEE 10 Bakery Buys! Jane Parker Reg. Price 55c - SAVE 10c APPLE PIE FULL 8 -INCH 24.02 PIE Jane Parker, English FRUIT CAKE Reg. Price 39e SAV!* 40 25 -oz cake 3 St SAVE tic Jahn Parker, Daily Dated, Sliced White, Cracked Wheat or 60% Whole Wheal BREA 24 -oz loaf BATHROOM TISSUE Pkg °f 4 mils 53r Kleenex FACIAL TISSUE (15c Off Deal) Reg. Price 2 pkgs 73c ---V SAVE. 1Oc 3 pkgs of 4001.00 FAB DETERGENT A&P Brand, Special Blend TEA BAGS A & P - 48 oz. giant size box 89? Reg, Price 79c - SAVE lee pkgof10069? FEATURE PRiCE For 794 Tomato Juice 3 Fruits an'd Vegetables! Ontario Grown, McIntosh, Controlled Atmbsphere, "Just Picked, Crispness and Flavour," Fancy Quality, APPLES 49i 3 -LB CELLO BAG 'ghee Edward island, White f=luffy Table Stock, No, 1 Grade POTATOES SO -LB BAG S1 .49 ALL. PFR!C:I S SHOWN IN THIS AD ARE GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1969 el.