HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1969-02-13, Page 9EWS OF HENSALL BY MRS. MAUDE :HFDOEN. e 1#ljnpr, Councillors vote Hensall Council met Thursday night February 6 with (key starsall members present and approved, a , 450 salar -incre se .pp � y a for utility and by-law 11ensall's fee Wees showed . enforcdment, officer E. R. Davis, cit skills as - they opened then promptly:bogged council ensall's Minor Hockey _Night salaries. st Saturday. Top stars. by dges decision were 1Vlurray Mr, Davis new salary will be: rsons and Rick Ingram. Each $4,650 a year, ceived a new hockey stick. The Squirts. were next. ockey sticks went to - Robbie avery and Richard Scarbuik, The Bntams, looking none e worse after playing a heavy urnament in Lucan earlier in e day,' were on the ice third. tars were Muarray Glanville and en Chalmers. Before the start of a novice me, the Hensall Minor Athletic ssociation presented a silver ay to John Lyndo .i and gave is wife flowers to show their ppreciation for his hard work e last two years. The lyndons re leaving Hensall next summer. The fast-moving Novice game nded in a 1-0 score. Dwight onsitt and Danny' Taylor left ith hockey sticks. The wrap-up games was etween Hensall and Zurich idgets. It ended in a 3-3 tie ith prizes going to Dough 'oxon and Brian Campbell. The athletic association oiced its thanks to the judges, eferees and all the others who elped to make the night uLccessful. egion ladies are. active Legion Ladies Auxiliary met 'uesday evening February 4 for Ls monthly meeting conducted iy the president, Mrs. Garnet Vllan. During the business session 25 was voted to the Legion wadies Auxiliary Bursary 3cholarship Fund. Members will :anvass the village in March for ;he Red Cross, will sponsor an aster Basket Draw with )roceeds for crippled children, ire sponsoring a public speaking :ontest with students from ',urich and Hensall Public ichools taking part today at the gion711all.and will"rate)' to a 30 where she underwent.surget3r-• :urging smorgasbord 7tOi 140 on•her back,,returned home last' :urlers tomorrow and a bonspiel ianquet March 1. UCW meets The February meeting of Unit 4 of Hensall U.C.W. was held in Fellowship Hall last Thursday afternoon with an attendance of 29. The highlight of the meeting was the Bible Study by Mrs. Eric Luther, who used as her theme "Man's Mission On Earth." Questions under discussion were "What is man's plan for a future life? What is your view of after life? How can Christians help spread the Gospel to today's world? and Will there always be wars and violence and Why does God allow ' people to starve?" Mrs. Luther had Bible references read by members to answer these different questions. Miss Greta Laramie favoured with a piano selection with. variations. Hostess was Mrs. Frank Harburn. In answer to the roll call for the March meeting each member is asked to bring an article about China. Mrs. E. Rowe and Mrs. R. Erratt reported on the Huron -Perth Presbyterial meeting held in Mitchell United Church. Mrs. J. McAllister presided throughout the meeting. The social committee served • light refreshments. The World Day of Prayer will be held in this church on Friday, March 7 at 3p.m. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm was the lucky winner of a hamper on C.K.S.L. Radio coffee club, London, on Thursday afternoon. Bert Coleman has been transferred to Victoria and Grey Trust Company, Whitby, where he commenced his duties Monday of this week. Miss Mary Thomson of RR 2, Kippen, who has been a patient in War Memorial Children's Hospital, London, since October Mrs. Byran Kyle was the vinner of the guessing and ttendance prizes. Mrs. Grant /IcClinchey won the mystery irize. Bingo and lunch rounded iut!the evening. Thursday. Don MacLaren, of the Bank of Montreal branch Bay and Bloor St., Toronto, has been appointed manager at the Bank of Montreal branch Ellesmere and Brimley, Scarborough. Don is the son of Mrs. Bertha McGregor of Hensall. • , to increase pay Reeve Olivet Jaques was granted an increase of $50 to. $300, plus $125 in expenses. Couriciilors Hein Rooseboom, John Baker, Leonard Erb and Harold Knight received an over-all increase of $50; from $200 to $245 in salary and from $100 to $,105 in expenses, Council !ne)nbers are not paid for special meetings. VARNA The United Church Women held a meeting in the Church last Thursday evening with 25 members present. Group Threehad charge of devotions with Mrs. John Ostrom leading. The study was on ,China. Short talks were given by Mrs, Ralph 'Stephenson, Mrs. Murvin 'Johnston and.. Mrs. Fred McClymont, Mrs. John Ostrom received the collection and Mrs. Charles Reid dedicated it. The president then conducted the business period. Reports were given from the Huron -Perth Presbyterial which was held at Mitchell last Wednesday. Mrs. Florence Elliott reported on the morning session and Mrs. Watson Webster on the afternoon session. A donation was made to the Auxiliary of the Clinton Hospital. There were 51 calls made to' the sick and shut-ins during the' past, month. It was decided to hold a pancake supper next Tuesday. The meeting was closed by Mrs. John Ostrom and Group Two served lunch. ; , • Londesboro .4-H studying meat The ' first meeting of the Londesboro 4-H girls was held Monday to start the spring programme, "Meat in the Menu".: Margie Whyte was elected president. Other officers include Donna Buchanan, vice. president; Betty MacGregor, secretary and Joan Howatt, press reporter. • Among the topics discussed were dishwashing, measuring ingredients in recipes and new facts on meat. • The'. hostess, Mrs. Eric e'Andersoii, served4lutic ti-)trot)the 10x girls; THROUGH YOUR RED CROSS THOSE YOU HELP <>' WILL ALWAYS )::....REMEMBER IONDESBORO McKillop sets splaries, tikes '69 appo ntmetnt I'fie W.1. held its monthly meeting last Thursday with a good attendance, The president opened with a reading The Ten Commandments". Due to inclement weather, the January meeting was cancelled. McKillop Township Council at its meeting this month in the township hall at Winthrop, Mrs, Tom Allen Mrs. E, appointed councillors. William Leeming and Arthur Anderson Wood and Mrs. Glen Carter were as representatives to the MODA nominated for the banquet board and to the Regional committee. Tourist Council. The W.I. presented each ,of Council approved payment of the following 441 elub leaders with a gift: Mrs. Langille, Mrs. H. Snell, Mrs. Don Buchanan and Mrs, Eric Anderson. Mrs. Jack Snell will replace Mrs. Langille for 1969. ]Zoll call was answered by naming "Things money won't buy". Mrs. Tom Allen, Mrs, Josling and Mrs. Armstrong were appointed to look into the piano situation, Mrs, Fairservice gave two readings. Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Mrs. Buchanan gave an interesting resume o special events of 1968. Accordion selections, which_ are always enjoyed, were given by Mrs. Tom Allen and little Miss Karen IVliddegaal. Mrs. Durnin also gave two readings. Londesboro Explorers elected their new officers recently. The slate includes: Chief Explorer, Audrey Peel; pianist, Kathy Hunking; secretary, Gloria Adams and treasurer, Jo Ann Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Livingstone and family, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Livingstone, Exeter, were recent visitors with their mother, Mrs. Harold Livingstone. The Cheerio Club met in January at the home of Mrs. Morgan Jones with 21 present. Roll call was on current events. Readings from various members were enjoyed and a few games of cards followed. The hostesses served a tasty lunch. Miss Lou Bright of Toronto is at present spending a few days with her friends, Mrs. Mary Robinson and Mrs. Cowan. We welcome Harold Wallace who has taken up residence in the home vacated by Mr, and Mrs. Ernie McVittie. We hope he will like our village. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Thos. Knox and family in the recent passing of Mr. Knox on Friday in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. Knox suffered failing health for some time past and will be missed by his•, it' neighbours and his many i'riend,s•.;, Mr. and Mrs. 13ert Shobbrook •, spent the weekend in Woodstock with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross M•illson. general accounts amounting to .$4,150 and road accounts amounting to $10,945.. Salary schedules for the year are: Wilson Little, clerk4reasurer, $4,000 plus a car allowance of $200; reeve's remuneration set at $525 and councillors at $400 each. Jury selectors will receive $5 each and the reeve in his capacity as welfare officer will receive $100 plus 10 cents a mile, Clarence Regele was appointed drain, trench .and tile inspector at $1.75 an hour plus 10 cents a mile. Auditors will be Monteith and Monteith, Stratford. • Council agreed that the rate for the use of the township road maintainer would be $8 per hour during the summer and $12 per hour for snowplowing. The service will be limited to ratepayers of the township and only on occasions when road work is up to date. . James McQuaid was appointed as the township representative on the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority and councillor Ralph McNichol will represent the council on the KIPPEN By Mrs, Norman Long Mr. and Mrs. Alec McGregor motored to ]Florida on Saturday for three weeks' vacation. • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Faber and • family returned home Monday after spending a month in Florida. Mary Thomson returned hone last Thursday from Children's Memorial Hospital, London, where she has been a patient for several weeks, and is reported. to be improving nicely. Y Your Heart •Fdnd . makes possible nation-wide programmes of research and education. CLINTON WINTER CARNIVAL Schedule THURSDAY, FEB. 13th, 8:00 P.M. - COMMUNITY CENTRE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH YOUNG:PEOPLE'S .SKATING PARTY FRIDAY, FEB. 14 JUDGING OF SNOW SCULPTURES AND DECORATED BUSINESS PLACES AND HOUSES Clinton Figure Skating Club presents "ICE.NICKS '69" 8:15 p,m. at Community Centre Featuring 125 Inter Club Figure Skaters CLINTON TERN TOWN DANCE 9:00 p,m. Legion Hall SATUVIAY, FEB. 15 9:00 a.rrr. PANCAKE BREAKFAST at CFB Coffee House tent at Clinton Community Park 10:30 a.m. PANCAKE EATING CONTEST 1x00 p.m. PARADE FROM LEGION HALL Down Albert St to Community Park Parade Marshal—CKCO's "Big Al" Bands * Floats * CloWns and featuring Mist boMINIbN OP CANADA (Nancy Wilsdri) y Ir SATURDAY, , FEB:' :15 Continued 2:00 p.m,' OFFICIAL OPENING DF • CARI�IIVAL By Miss Canada outside Arena • 2:15 p.m.1 • JUDGING AND CROWNING OF SNOW KING AND SNOW QUEEN 2:30 p.m. HORSE AND CUTTER RACES Between races—Tug-of-War and Log Sawing Contests: ' in front of Grandstand Also at 2:30 p.m, at Legion Hall ONTARIO HYDRO APPLIANCE SHOW 7:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS TREE BONFIRE et Community Park SUNDAY, FEB. 16 10:00 a.m. to Noon SNOWMOBILE RACE REGISTRATION Community Park SUNDAY, FEB. 1,6 Continued 1:00 p.m. KINSMEN SNOWMOBILE RACES featuring Mayors and Reeves race CFPL's Brian Leboe master of ceremonies 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. TOTS SKATING AT ARENA 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ADULT SKATING 4:30 p.m. CLINTON WINTER CARNIVAL COMMITTEE SNOWMOBILE DRAW Clinton Community Park 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. GENERAL PUBLIC SKATING D -R -A -W CLINTON WINTER CARNIVAL DRAW on 14.5 Hottep.wer 1969 MOTO•SKI SNOWMOBILE Drive of ch.., ti DkMN WIM,, 4mhnl Mon., Feb. CO to Sun., Feb. 16i 1969 sk.iin({ - 5newsi,aitng .. Wino -'Waw and Cuii.r ii.cii moblY• Wade thew., snowTIt:KETS: 50e Lack or 3n for06w 01)64,6" is ria. 4' allacideal STUDIO Specializing in . . . ! Weddings • Children :iSingle &or Group Portraits, ,. and Passports ,524-8787 118 St. David Goderich $"eaforth Community Hospital board, It was agreed that members of council, the clerk and the road superintendent could attend one convention during the year and that each would be entitled to claim expenses up to $100. Members who attend meetings outside of the township on township business will be paid $8 per meeting plus mileage. Drainage commissioners will be for drains in No. 1 division, Harvey Craig; No. 2, Ralph McNichol; No. 3, William J. Leeming; No. 4, Arthur Anderson. The road programme involving $81,780 gross was approved and the clerk was instructed to make the necessary application for subsidy from Che department of highways. Clinton eves, ecoid Thursda February 13, 1969 9' SHOP AT YOUR. "HOT SPOT" STORE CLEARANCE OF ODDS & .ENDS OF CHINA Smith's OFFICE SUPPLIE S ALBERT ST, 482.9756 CLINTON BONUS DAYS' Clinton Electric Shop SOWS 1 YEARS Stipp Iy OF 10 DISPOSABLE ,R1 BAGS FRE Here's the best friend a clean home ever had! The famous Hoover Constellation — the cleaner that walks on air — just. $49.95. Complete with tools, tool rack, long double -stretch hose and your bonus of 10 disposable dirt bags. $49•95 Model 456 — Includes upholstery nozzle, crevice tool, dusting brush and piggy -back tool rack. Clinton Electric Shop W. D. Cornish, Your Westinghouse Dealer Albert Street — CLINTON .-- 482-6646 PERK UP YOUR WINTER MENUS WEEKEND SPECIALS M EATS WING OR T-BONE STEAKS FRESH SIDE PORK FRESH CHICKEN Legs or Breasts MAC AND CHEESE, DUTCH LOAF, CHICKEN Meat By -Products Sausage Meat BOILING BEEF PCiRK CUTLETS HEAD CHEESE GROCERIES GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE — %z5 SALMON MOTHER PARKER — 2 Ib. Pkg. Ib. Ib. Ib. February 13, 14, 15, 1969 PLANTER'S — deal pack — 1 LB. JAR 9 , Peanut Butter 2 JARS 794 7 8 INGERSOLL — deal pack — 16 OZ. JAR ' 494 Cheese Spread McCORMICK'S — Salted, Plain or Saltines 534 SODA BISCUITS 2 LOAF Ib.494 Ib. 494 3 Ib. / $1 Ib. 69' 89' Per Tin Tin 58' HOT CHOCOLATE 69' HOSTESS -- 1100s TEA BAGS 694 WONDEIIFbOD MARSHMALLOWS2Ib.69' 34 OZ. TIN Regularly 53e SANIFLUSH 43' 594 69' WESTON'S CHOCOLATE — (Cookies) — 26'h oz. Graham Squares 674 ROYAL — Assorted 3 oz. pkg.(6 in poly pack) Jelly Powders 57' SUPER SAVE — 24 oz. loaves BREAD ea. 214 GIANT — deal pack DUZ 994 PRODUCE INDIAN RIVER — 48s — FANCY WHITE OR PINK Extra large, Extra sweet, Extra ju icy GRAPEFRUIT 12/89' 494 $3,49 FLORIDA NO, 1 — Size 125 Tangelos ONTARIO FANCY SPYS FROZEN FOOD BERRYLAND — 15 oz. Pkg. Bushel. Doz. STRAWBERRIES 2 Pkgs.89 MARKET] HENSALL- ONTARIO