HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-12-23, Page 11CLINTON
192 Mimi ST.
Reisk fgoter wog With
To all our customers, sincerest wishes far
a Christmas that hums with complete
, joy and happiness. And 'for the
pleasure of having served you, our thanks!
2639 NOY'66 M.P. 43
A snowy scene,,. a
soaring spire , • , sym-
bols of Christmas, its
joys and aspiration.'
We greet you, and
thank you for the
pleasure of serving
Jervis Aluminum
!1'..013 ALBERT...STREET, augoN.-
Hear ye! Hear yel It's
time for peace, good
will and gaiety,
The holidays
are here!
or renewal p
spirit* values," ne said.
besides Preaching daily at the
legal Rom4n Catholic church,
the preachers will Participate in
home group discussions, Visit the
sick, speak to children, and he
avail able to fraternal
organizations :during the week of
their:stay in •Clint9h;
The preaching geneWal4Week
will be conducted in
Slirnia-LaMbton County during_
%%%%% •••11,00..1 %%%%%%%% NAN\10.00.4.N%
CBC radio slates
_Here's hoping that
Santa brings lots
of good things •
your wayl
Thank you.
.4' /45
And Thanks For Your Patronage
Clinton Dry Cleaners
o lkijsk OU
all the joys and blessings
thiL."glorions holidaY , .
:is the tradition we treasure. Merry Christmas.
• -.Sunrise Dairy
No milk delivery on Boxing Day
Delivery as usual on January 2
No Deliveries on Christmas Day
Ilcigiria Day or New Year's Dav
GQIEIE13111MGS , „ felio v .0, 3 3,01
Fitivo a most delightful holiday season . .
and Striterest,thanks for your loyal patronage, „
Lobb .Shoe Store
And to all, thanks for
your wonderful patronage!
.1311L'S TAXI 482 3436
Low-calorie tomato juice is rich in flavour and Vitamin C,
supplies some Vitamin A, yet the price favours the budget. One
6-bunce glass of tomato juice. gives almost the minimum daily
requirement of Vitamin C for an adult, but contains less than 40
- calories, say HomeRconomists at Macdonald Institute, University of
:All tomato juices contain only two ingredients — salt and
tomato juice. The difference between brands is in varieties of
tomatoes used, and the method of juice extraction.
There's a wide variety , of uses for tomato' juice in the menu.
Jellied salads are popular since .they are so colourful. Tomato juice
:may: be used in gravies and sauces:. More often, tomato juice is used
„'-asX,itri 'appetizer, either hot or. cold,,qo give the cold appetizer just a el Uirg-raddlem4'n juice, a pinch of dried basil, and •cel'ery
."silt,t6" taste. For another variation, add grated cucumber and onion,
phia fedash of Tabasco or Worcestershire sauce.
I . Try this tomato juice drink for a chilly fall or winter night,
• 14 101/4-ounce cans condensed beef bouillon, undiluted
21/4 cups tomato juice
2lemon sliees
'6 whole cloVes
pinch- dried basil
pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
In a large saucepan, ,combine bouillon, tomato juice, cloves,
and basil. Simmer 5 minutes, then strain. Stir in the salt and sugar (2
tablespoons sherry may be added at this point). Serve in warmed
mugs. Serves six.
Tasty tomato 'ince
perks up any meal
Canned baked beans are great for quick meals, but they are
even better when you give them a homemade touch as suggested in
these recipes,
Give a homemade touch
to canned baked beans
Signs like this....452 of them....have been posted along 560 miles of
four-lane limited-access highway. New maximum speed limits which
became effective on Highways 400 and 401, on November 15th, are
70 miles per hour for passenger cars and motorcycles and 60 miles
per hour for commercial vehicles other than buses.• The Ontario
Department of Transport reminds motorists that posted speeds are
the maximum for driving in good weather, road and traffic
conditions...and advises drivers to slow down when conditions are
Clinton News-record. Mon
Br 11 2(
Arrel?geillelltP have been
made to klrl»g 20 specialized
re h 0.ir preacher's to.
*Solit4Westeirn -Ontario .for ,the
:preaching phase of RellaWat'69,
The speakers will. cane from
threnghent Canada and the
They ',140.ye *Pa prepared with
post graduate training in,
theology, sociology and
psychology. The prenehers
represent - seven different
religious communities who
specialize h preaching.
Every Roman Catholic parish
in the Diocese of tnndon will be
visited by a renewal preacher
who will .conduct a concentrated
The CBC radio network
began its tradition of broacasting
Handel's Messiah 20 years ago.
"1 The first broadcast in 1948 was
irecordedy d Hu rialni,gTaoprounbtloic ertwcoitnhcsir
Ernest MacMillan conducting the
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and
the Toronto Symphony. Because
of the overwhelming response to
that first broadcast, the CBC
presented the Messiah again the
following year and 'has
continued to do so ever since.
This year the famed oratorio
will be broadcast on the
CBC-FM radio network on
"Renewal Week" for the 104
congregation. in :Sarilia-Laullbtell
40reoniint4tYip,g rolzorr f tegeennetwealhnsreghoPosa7
vexxephp:g4ienpos f pulpits, -Or tar
),Y,eeic-leng preaching
Bishop Q. Emmett Carter has
held out a welcoming hand to
people of other faiths interested
in sharing the spirit of renewal.
"We would be pleased and
honoured to work in any way
possible with our brothers of all
churches and would rejoice in
their efforts along parallel lines
of their own choosing, to brihg
home to all of our community
the eternal importance of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willer
of Dorchester were the
godparents. Mrs. Molinar is the
twin sister of Mrs. James Storey.
Present also at the baptism of
their first grandchild were Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Storey of the
,Bayfield line,
Sunday, December 22, at 2:00
p.m. EST and on the CBC AM
network's CBC Tuesday Night,
December 24, at 8:03 p.m. EST,
Elmer Iseler conducts the
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and
the Toronto Symphony in this
performance. The soloists are
soprano Pierrette Alarie;
contralto Nancy Greenwood;
tenor Leopold Simoneau; and
bass Donald Bell.
Thee 1968 production of
Messiah was recorded at a public
concert in Massey Hall and
produced in Toronto by James
Did you know that, cheaper
cuts of meat are as nutritious as
expensive cuts? Cooked with
imagination, they can become
family favourites,
day, 'Deem* 23., •1968 11 rogromme
the week of .February 23 in
014thalli-Kent .County,, Mareh
•Thger$911,N9rMic, Oxford.
Counties, March March 9-13;
:Stratford-heron. Pctonty, Mareh
16.20; and .L900911'14ititlieW
County, week 9f March %),
The i4911,00,11 Renewal Centre
is downtown do York ONO aped
it is from_ there that Father J.
.1"firinieen .and Father W. Anthony
.co-ordinate activities,
Review in -which they will recap
, the major event of 1968 •and
;.discuss the Outlook for 1969.
The special CBC-TV , 'news
colourcast will be seen Tuesday,
December 31, at 10 p.m., with
'veteran CBC reporter Norman
DePoe as host,
CBC newsmen who will take
part are: Washington
correspondent, Knowlton* Nash
and reporter, Gordon
Donaldson, who was stationed in
the -U.S. capital most of 1968;
United Nations correspondent,
Tom Leach; correspondent,
David. Halton from Moscow; Far
East - • correspondent, Bill
Cunningham from Hong Kong
and Saigon; Michael Maclear and
.,Ron Chester from CBC's
:London • bureau; and national
affairs repoiter, Ron Collister
.from Ottawa. i.
Christmas Day
The -annual Christmas Eve Storey, Clinton, on
service of Holy Communion will December 9.
be held An St, James' Church,
Middleton, at 8:30 p.m,
The rector of St. James'
Church, the Reverend E. J. B.
Harrison officiated at the
baptism of Lisa Marie, infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
CBC-tv correspondents
plan year-end special
CBC correspOndents and • Among the news stories
reporters from the newsfronts of they'll cover: the Vietnam war'
the' worlkwill gather in Toronto andl Paris peace talks; thelederal
on! NeIvIloY,ear'et*4 fer Itf‘at a*deA ktd- Olt
done-hour "CBC-TV" Year " Erld United States; the Nigeria-Biafra,
civil war; the Soviet bloc
invasion of Czechoslovakia;
violence in ' the U.S., and the
assassination of Robert Kennedy
and Martin Luther King; and the
spring riots and subsequent
election in France.
0 0
482-3851 .
t0e, as everyone' else, rejoice ill the
gIoriou,s spirit that holiday
days bring and in your thou4htiul
patronage. Appreciated thanks to you!
1 (28-ounce) can baked beans in tomato sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar or molasses
2 tablespoons catsup
1 tablespoon prepared mustard
1/4 cup water
Salt and pepper
4 or 5 slices side bacon, halved
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Pour beans into a shallow casserole. Add the brown sugar or
molasses, catsup, mustard, water and a few grains each of salt and
pepper. Combine well. Top with bacon slices.
Bake, uncovered, in preheated 350 degree oven for about 40 *
minutes. Makes 4 or 5 servings.
1 (28.ounce) can baked beans in tomato ,Sauce
1/4 cup catsup
2 tablespoons molasses
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 pound wieners
Combine beans, catsup, molasses and mustard in a saucepan,
Cut wieners into 1-inch pieces and add them to the bean rnixtUre.
Heat slowly, simmering gently for a few minutes to blend the
flavours.and cook the wieners.
Makes 4 or 5 servings,
28 ALBERT St. ttiN-roN-
Is Christmas really the date of
Christ's birth?
Scholars don'to know. For
more than 300 years Christians
observed His birthday on varying
dates. Around the middle of the
'fourth century A.D. Bishop
Liberius and the Christians of
Rome began to celebrate His
birthday on December 25.
World Book Encyclopedia
says Liberius probably adopted
this date because people already
Observed it as the Feast of
Saturn, celebrating the birthday
of the sun. Christians honoured
Christ, instead of Saturn, as the
Light of the World.
The Christians of Egypt
celebrated Christmas on January
6, and many members of the
Eastern Orthodox Church still
observe this date.
Horbanuik Family
PHONE 482.3323
Please accept these
best wishes for
a Merry Christmas.
We attach our thanss!
Joy and Biii
FINK Plumbing, Heating and
Elect* Limited
et us pray: we thank thee Lord for this
bountiful year and wish all of our friends
and patrons a special Christmas blessing,