HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-12-23, Page 3"A this wonderful time Of the year we wish you and your families the merriest and happiest Christmas ever, plus a special "Thanks" for being sPecial to usl GINGERICHS AND STAFF t LINTON SEAFtmeri-1 ZURICH CHRISTMAS CHEER May the light of Christmas shine on you and your loved ones. May its bright warmth fill each • day. appreciate your loyalty! a CLINTON UPHOLSTERY KEITH BRAUTIGAM ww GREETINGS FOR, )1101 To you, sincere greetings ant! thanks . . . with every good wish that the joy and delight of the Yuletide will be yours. BILL AND IRENE SMITH AND STAFF Smith's OFFICE SUPPLIES Mahe', ALBERT ST, CLINtON Aoping Christmas ;: b`lightn~s"s` lasts "all year!' w•' "rtYbur *WO. Is great!'" From DOROTHY e! 1(1 ;lit} And STAFF At; CENTURY RESTAURANTBHuRON ST .482-7391 THEATRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE First Run Movies In Air-Conditioned Comfort THURS., FRI., SAT. Dec.• 26-27-28 Ems num MICSMATRA SUNDAY, DEC. 29 MON. and TUES. Dec. 30 and 31 M G NI preseols An 1:,,,,o:11 1 rcclnan Production Doris Day-Robert Morse Terry-Thomas-Patrick O'Neal MGM presents PANAVISION• & METROCOLOR THURSDAY, DEC. 26 MATINEE -- At 2.30 'TWO LITTLE BEARS .P.isliAV1S301,1;ni MINROCOIDR (Adult Entertainment) Sun., Dec. 29-8.30 p,m. Only Mon., Doc. 30-7.30 & 9.20 p.m. Tues., Dec. 31 ,-8.00 p.m. Only, MIDNIGHT SHOW Tuesday, Dec, 31 Give a girl a Gunn and she'll shoot the works! CtitoR.A PARAMOUNT PICTURE (Adult Entertailitnent) WED., THURS.,.FRI. January 1-2-3 DEM 1V1 TIN 110NERT mrreirawf HA AWS 4, TFCHNIC,OLOW 4, A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Showing of ,Sel and 9.20 p,rri, HOTEL CLINTON Serving Up... BEST WISHES to our FRIENDS. We appreciate your patronage. CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY NOW FOR YOUR THE CLOUD "9" ROOM ANNOUNCES SING-A-LONG Featuring: ENTERTAINMENT JEAN AT THE ORGAN We Are Now Accepting Reservations for NEW YEAR'S DINNERS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 Two Sittings — 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. VICTottIA STRUT 482-3421 ENJOYMENT enjoy TOronto .rn ore , x. . . . stay at the Lord Simcpe Hotel where the service is warm 'and friendly • where the prices are sensible . .• . where you're close to everything downtown , where you can relax in modern refurbished rooms . where you can enjoy fine foods and intimate lounges, Singles start at $9.00 and end at $13,60 Doubles start at $14.00 and end at $18.50 Luxury Suites Available Lord Simcoe Hotel University & King St. (at the subway)— Tel: 362-1848 • NOTICE Re PARADE af:1 Clinton Winter Carnival Featuiing "MISS CANADA" MONDAY TO SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10-'16,194I, ; • Merchants, Clubs, Organizations or *, planning to enter floats, bands or exhibifS, huge parade are.reguested to contact • ,- HARRY CRICH — Phone 482-9061, Lit' 1, • • OR .. '^ ,;10011 GEORGE WONCH — Phone 482-7028 '‘,14 ' 3 FLOAT PRIZES - / • .•' • -00.'10"QV Hof';,;, • h Pi Parade at 1:00 p.m. - SATURDAY, FERAS.?H'i - Please contact these men before Saturday, January • " 11, 1969. 52. 1 ,IL:411.1.• *u.drey and Elwood. Mitch.--71171 taucators attend. type.setting seminor held ot wish. to thank the people ,of the. nomrnurtity for Their ipatrO..n490 jr1 -19,00, Wishing everyone the •oorno/linen*s of the season. I CFB Clinton school Clint911 News-:Record, Monday, December 23, 1968 3 MITCHELL'S GENERAL STORE SAy..F1 EID ...GUNTON,. RETAIL. MERCHANTS ,COMMITTEE STORE HOURS Friday, Dec. 24 , Open to 6;00 p.m. Closed Christmas Day Closed Boxing Day Friday, Dec. 27 . . — . . Open to 9:00 p.m, Saturday, Dec.28 . , Open to 6:00 p,m, Closed Wednesday Jan, 1 All Day aliere's wishing you the fulfillment of all your dreams for Christmas. Thank you for your patronage. Management and Staff of McAdam .Hardware • • novel .0'0.0 *Plc place 1* :week • at IFI3 Clinton, The AdOe§so.griph-Mpitlgraph Company joined with .the Canadian 00,Promept hinting Bureau,, 1.14,CW the auspices the cap4diati. Forces ,School of Instructional Technique, in pAlttillg ,en 4.010; .5qm,414 in the use of type for instructors, armed forces, personnel and guest from district schools. Cold type is a modern •!method of setting up printed material and is the method used in producing The News-Record. Qn Introdtictory talk, was given by LCI3R L. W. Maundecote-Qarter, SIT staffer,- w who • has .e0.-ordinated instructional • communication seminars for armed forces and civilian teachers from coast to coast. LCDR MaundeCote-Carter explained and illustrated uses to which cold type can be put in instruction — not only by printed books but also through television,. • slides and, other projection equipment. Representatives of Varityper, an Addressograph-Multigraph subsidiary, showed some of their cold type machinery and a discussion of government use of cold type was given by John Douaire, head of cold typesetting services of the wedding. Pictures4 J.ERVIS ..STUDI O ... P h o ne 48000. Speakers at cold type seminar held in Clinton last week were entertained at a buffet supper in the home of Lieutenant Commander L. W. and Mrs. MaundecOte-Carter. Guests included John Douaire, head of the cold type services of the Canadian Government Printing Bureau in Hull, Quebec; his staff supervisor, Bob Gagnon; Don kliPPStein, Ontario manager of Varityper of Canada; his demonstrator, Miss Mini Schoonewelle; the. company's London area representative, Greif Vauthier; Mac Sewers, officer in chargé of the Clinton unit of the government printing bureau, and Major Irwin Stutt, representing the commanding officer of the Canadian Forces School of Instructional Technique at CFB Clinton. The cold buffet featured a. variety of Ontario wines and a selection of Canadian cheeses., Subsribers of the McKillop Municipal Telephone System soon will receive cheques representing their interest in the system. • While it is expected final details in connection with the windup of the system will be worked out this week, officials couldn't guarantee the cheques would be in time for Christmas shopping. McKillop council on Monday cleared the way for the distribution when it released to the co mmission $84,821 representing the amount plus interest, that was received a year ago from Bell Telephone when it purchased the system. The money had been held in trust by the township until such time as the commission was able to windup ifs affairs and make a Miss Mini Schoonewelle, Varityper demonstrator, explains the potential of cold type equipment during the CFB Clinton seminar for armed forces personnel and local educators. Santa to bring rebate cheques to McKillop phone subscribers distribution to the 461 subscribers effected. Telephone subscribers voted in favour of the sale to Bell rather than a merger with two other area systems, the Blyth Municipal System and the Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone System. The Blyth and Brussels systems have since become Maitland Tele-Service Limited of Blyth, Council named Reeve-elect Allan Campbell acting reeve until he is sworn to office in January. He will fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Reeve Ken Stewart who since has been appointed road superintendent. The first meeting of the 1969 council will be January 6 in the township hall at Winthrop. elladdenoi STUDIO Specializing In . . • Weddings • Children Single or Group Portraits; .and Passports $24-8787 11$ at. David Godorith Canadian ,Government Printing Bureau, Both , Mr;,Pppom Assistant,. 13,9!)ert Gagnon, travelled. fro m the' Quebec bureau to .attend the..Pnlinar, • • •.• ,•