HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-12-05, Page 7he $500 top Prize in last WS Clinton Recreation Inittee draw was aPlit two a hall went to Stewart lor of Clinton and half.to Stephenson of Seaferth, enty others each wen $25 ZPS- The committee called the fling Stag turnout, an imated 175 persons, "quite od" and termed the event ery successful." Net proceeds expected to run about 1,200. The money will robably be used to offset some f the expense in repairs to the ornmunity Centre and revenue due to the arena's delayed pening this season. Work on the arena was rogressing well during the eek, officials said, and as of late Wednesday night the schedule still called for ice in the areha sometime this weelmed• Winners of the $25 prizes were Beth Feeney, Mrs. Frank Cook, Ray Brewn, Rill Smith* Al Welch, A. W, Steep, Harold Gihbings, Murray Johnston, Art Aiken, Stephen Brown, Cliff Parker, Mrs. Lome Brown, Larry Cook, Gerry Holmes, Eugene McAdarri and Bruce Bertliff, all of Clinton, Also, R. J. Semple, and Reg Francis of 13ayfield; Jack Lee of Londesboro, and C. W. Lebeau of Brucefiehl. Clarence Neilans, chairman of the benefit stag party, and his assistant, Mait Edgar, joined with other committee members this week in thanking all who contributed in' any wfw toward the success of the event. tag raises $1,200 for. Hinton recreation agency Aircraft again touch down on the runways at the former air force base at Centralia, now Ontario's first fly-in 'industrial park. The runways enable businessmen to taxi in their aircraft to the 'front doors of the eight companies now in produ'btion at the facility, which is being reopened by the Ontario Development Corporation. (Photo by Roy Nicholls. Story on Page 1A) December 1 - 7 is Safe-Driving Week in CaOada. As the pre-holiday season gets into full swing, traffic situations, like the one pictured above, will be testing the safe-driving tactics of drivers all over the country. Christmas lights will dazzle their eyes and the streets will be crowded with preoccupied shoppers, The Ontario Department of Transport reminds motorists to adjust speed to traffic conditions...to keep a special lookout for pedestrians...to expect this unexpected...and to be prepared to stop in a hurry if you have to. t 1 , SUN LIFE a -Progreisaivi ODPIPCIAll in a Progressive imiustry GORDON'T. WESTLAKE PHONE-565,5333-13AYFIELD SIM LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Th.P.FOOYs.PeCerlibeq. 1404. 4 AN TO TR FRAGRANCE OF 0041-(4104-7- Poinsettias Mums Cyclamen Mixed Pans Azaleas Etc. Roses-Carnations-Mums Snaps-Wads K.C.COOKE nowt OPANdt tT., CLINTON 4824012. 49, lig We now have two locations to serve you, with the opening of .a new store in Hensall located next to Bank of Commerce We Carry Admiral, Rogers Majestic and Dumont TV's and Hi Fi s , in all lines All service done by Government certified technicians Call McAdam's TV Zurich 2364094 Henson 262-283,5 THANKS II I sincerely thank all thc‘ise who supported me at the polls on December 2. W. N. Counter SAVE ON YOUR DAIRY AND BEEF FEEDS OUR DAIRY MONTH IS NOW ON THIS MEANS REAL SAVINGS ON BEEF CONCENTRATE, DAIRY RATION AND CONCENTRATE WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE A NEW SWINE PREMIX FOR THE FARMER WHO MIXES HIS OWN HOG FEEDS. TREAT -YOUR CATTLE FOR WARBLES AND LICE We have a complete line of medication in stock HOG CONTRACTS For every method of feeding TO APPROVED ACCOUNTS PHONE 527-1910 SEAFORT11 lb. lb. lb. lb. 49' lb. 89' Lb, 49' 29' 79' 69' For For 89' 89' 65' HEINZ — 48 oz. tins TOMATO JUICE 3 MONARCH (in plastic container) MARGARINE 2 lb. 55' For CLUB HOUSE RED MARASCHINO 12 oz. 6 For 494 2 794 GRAPEFRUIT NO. 1 CALIFORNIA — Size 150s TANGERINES Pk g. 59' or raspberry FR4EN FOOD FRAZERVALE — (COD) — 24 oz. FISH & CHIP DINNER GROCERIES STAFFORD—(added pectin)-24 oz. strawberry JAMS 2 Jars 9' Yo ate EILIDIP*Ortie HERE QUALITY FOOD AT LOWER PRICES WEEKEND SPECIALS Prices Effective December 5, 6, 7, 1968 MEAT PRODUCE Na 1 INDIAN RIVER — SIZE 48 MINCEMEAT McCORMICK'S 13Y2 oz. Pkg. GRAHA WAFERS --SPRAY NET 10 oz. (regularly 99c) HALO (2s) For hamburgs ROLLS bEtt MEW (deal FAR 53' M 2 For 69' 79' 99' Pk SPECIAL or hot dogs anti donuts (120 ANY .4 suPirGrV8 pack) — Reg. $1,09 value SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 95' PURE PORK SAUSAGE WIENERS FRESH SIDE PORK BEEF OR PORK LIVER CLUB STEAKS MEATY SPARE RIBS LUNCHEON MEAT — 12 oz. tins MAPLE LEAF — 28 oz. tins KAM GARDEN PATCH CHOICE — 14 oz. tins PEAS 5 CHERRIES For 9 • jars 2 STUART HOUSE — (deal pack)-18 inch width TIN FOIL Art. of Giving Grows With Gifts of Art retreat. The current mini- framt. ' prints found in many styles — impressionist or ab- stract, for instance -- might delight a young miss. tiurroundin Mirror Several could surround her mirror, or one might be placed on a+ mini easel on her dresser alongside a mini- framed mirror. The young' man on the gift list would probably enjoy prints featuring special-in- terest subject matter—boat- ing, cars or hunting. The masculine mood of father, husband and uncle is apt to favor the realistic framed prints and reproduc- tions, The laundry room and kitchen remain the personal domain of the lady of the house, Very often these rooms are void of art when an ex- 'pression of the woman who uses them would add warmth, A delicate Victorian or im- pressionist print might please her fancy. Or maybe she'd enjoy a bright splash of ab- stract art, One of the new framed mirrors both for de- cOr and for quick touch-ups when the doorbell rings could delight her, 4 A •Soaforth. woman escaped serious injury Monday evening in • pihton when her .4ito, veered opt of control And climbed a steep embankment in r an aprobatie feat which left witnesses openmouthed in 'wonder, The motorist, Mrs. Russell (gosalie) Pringle of Goderich Street, Seaforth, complained: .of whiplash injury, but refused medical attention and went home after the mishap, police said, The accident occurred shortly after 4 p.m, on Highway 4.0 the north end of the Bayfield River bridge, A witness told police that Mrs PringIe's car was travelling Cor takes to dir .freak ..accident The art of Christmas gift- ing is joyfully at hand, and gift lists are being made, in hopes of expressing love and friendship. What should be given? Something that speaks you? Something that is like them? Something they have never thought of? For an unusual and indi- vidual eXpression of caring this year, turn the art of Christmas giving into art, suggests the Picture and Frame Institute, Widely Available Inexpensive prints, repro- ductions, frames and framed pictures and mirrors are available at department, gift, and variety stores in a wide price range. Often overlooked for re- ceiving framed pictures are children and babies. Children may delight in 'receiving a cheerful print of imaginary animals or some of Dr. Doo- little's menagerie, A print of bright but un- complicated shape brings a touch of cheer to baby's room. For the teen-ager or col- • lege student, select art to complement the mood he or she has chosen for a personal Variety night Excellent diversion from a television-saturated world was provided in the form of a variety night at Wesley-Willis United Church last Saturday evening. The first "live" entertainer was Mrs. Dorothy Dumont who returned from London for the occasion. Mrs. Jouella Foulds, Becky HoWse, and the Lobb Quartette consisting of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Lobb, Jeannettte and Gordon Lobb continued the outstanding variety of musical entertainment to complete the first half of the programme. A talented cast led by Jim Roy and ' Wayne Gomall presented a three-act play called "Jurors Dilemma" during the second half of the programme. In this jury room drama, the audience was taken into a room which the general public is never allowed to enter and saw how the responsibility of carrying out democracy, justice and social obligation could bring forth the individual characteristics of each juror. The superior direction of Miss Anne Chislett contributed to the audience appeal of this drama, Capably •completing the cast were: Dr. Mowatt, Blame Christensen, Ivan Crittendon, Judy Brown, Joan Aggerhoim, Marie McDonald, Doug Palmer, Mary Helen Clifford, Becky Howse and Digby Howse. Assisting the cast were: Mrs. Pat Cook, make-up and Mrs. Marie Jefferson, prompter. Cecil Mason acted as master of ceremonies. For any who missed this programme there will be a repeat performance at Holmesville Public School on Wednesday, December 11. north, veered out of and across the roadway, jumped the curb, snapped Off a wooden. Varti pest and steel cable, travelled 90 feet acrea5 a sloping lawn end finally leaped up a sharp 15-foot bank, The car stopped with its rear wheels hanging over the edge of the emhunkmeht, The front bumper was only a few feet from a picture window at the rear of a Victoria Terraee home owned by. Frank Chapman, a Clinton barber. Mrs. Pringle reportedly told Clinton Constable Leroy Oeach that "something went wrong with the car's steering," 4