HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-12-05, Page 4114 p The Nicest Gifts Come In A Pickett & Campbell Box Gift Boxes Gift Certificates KEN AND BOB SUGGEST SPORT SHMTS SWEATERS PYJAMAS JEWELLERY GLOVES SCARVES SLACKS DRESS SHIRTS SUITS JACKETS CO-ORDINATES In our fabulous Christmas draw. A free ticket with every purchase at either store from now until December 24. Bonus COLOR iv • tickets on all purchases over $5. Draw to be made Christmas eve. PICKETT and CAMPBELL LIMITED CLINTON The Store For Men GODERICH - WIN A 4 Clinton Newp,BecPril, T.hur4clay., PPee,m0Pr 1968 4. ARTICLES fORSALE .4. ARTICLES FOR .SALE CLASSIFIED • ADV. BATES (IREVISED May 1, INS) CASH RATE 3c Per Word ' Minimum 75c 25c Extra virtu be, added to each • insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2.c Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS i .40 Per Inch Repeat. Class Display. 90c per inch ,Birth, Marriage and -Death Notices " FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482.3443 COMFORTABLE three bedroom house, consisting of two bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen with cupboards. Available immediately. 482-9481. - 49b UPSTAIRS Apartment with kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath. Gas heated. Stove and frig. Available September 1. Phone 482-6694. tfn TWO-BEDROOM furnished apartment, 63 Albert Street. Available now. Apply to Coin-Op, 63 Albert Street, Clinton. - 37tfn ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished, apartment. StOve and frig 'supplied. All utilities paid. Phone 482-9689 After 5. - 40tfn FULLY furnished new house, suitable for one person or couple. Electric heating, 6 miles from CFB Clinton on main highway. Reasonable rent. Phone 482-9244 evenings or weekend. - 47tfn THREE room furnished apartment, redecorated; suitable for couple. For information contact: Herman's Men's Wear 482-9351. - 44tfn GROUND floor, self-contained apartment, available December 1. Call Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. 45tfn ONE BEDROOM • furnished heated apartment. Phone 482-6685. C. Van Damme. 40tfn SELF-CONTAINED, heated, one' bedroom apartment, frig and stove supplied. Recently redecorated. Phone 482-9711 or after 6 call 482-9363. - 46tfn Holiday FOR GIFTS ... FOR GOESTS I . ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO bedroom, furnished heated _apartment, available now. C. Van Damme, 482-6685. - 48thn , • ONE bedroom self-contained apartment, phone 482-7.833, 48,49p TWO bedroom• apartment, 130 King , Street, Clinton. Call 527-0504 Seaforth after 5, 48tfn THREE ROOM apartment, upstairs, furnished, heated. Apply at 93 Huron Street, side door at rear. - 49tfn 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE _APPLES for sale, Spy, King, Talman Swee, Baldwin etc. Free delivery in Clinton. Phone 482-3214 Fred McClumont, Varna. - 44tfn STUDENTS - Re-inforced 3 ring binder paper, lined or plain; bond • typing paper; bristol in colours or white are available at Clinton Commercial Printers Limited, 56 Albert Street, phone 482-3444. - 43tfn CURTAINS - Draperies - Window Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY. GOODS. - 5tfb SPRING-FILLED mattress for 3/1 bed. Excellent condition. Phone 482-9332. - 49p CHESTERFIELD and two chairs. Phone 482-3357. 49b RETIRED lady has household linens, some new and some used for sale. Box 490 Clinton News-Record. - 49b VISIT THE CLUSTER (Woollen Shop) BAYFIELD For "LANSEA" and "PARKHURST" WOOLLENS UNUSUAL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS "HAPPY HOPPER'S" and "SNUGGLE BUGS" Footwear l'''one 565-2761 49p ONE PAIR of 775 x 14 snow tires, nylon, tubeless, used one winter. Phone 482-7021 during day, 49b SCOTCH PINE trees suitable for Christmas trees. $1 each. E. Medd, RR, 1 ' Clinton. Phone 482-9836 after 5 or all day Wednesday. - 49,50,51b "TREE-IN", cut your own - $1. Turn east off Highway 4; three_ concessions north of Clinton (Concession 6-7) Sundays, December 8, 15. Trees on right, 11/2 concessions. - 49p • • le • LIGHT OR DARK CAKE PLAIN OR ALMOND ICED CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS CHRISTMAS COOKIES • SHORTBREADS . Smiles 'n Chuckles Olin Brown Moirs ALL IN CHRISTMAS WRAP TRY OUR DELICIOUS VARIETY OF CHRISTMAS COOKIES 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE BROADLOOM CELANESE CARPET CENTRE. *• . Wall to Wall Installations Area Carpets. ,. * Samples shown in your bomn, * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. `Q'tialityyou can trust' From BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482-9505 Clinton -- 5tin EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing material and labour, for free estimates call Morrison Bros, Lucknow, phone 528-2906, or write Box 69, Lucknow. - 24tf BOILER - Viking cast iron sectional, 1,920 feet radiation with oil burner or gas burner. Phone 482-9227. Box 8 Clinton, Ontario. 48tfn FOR SALE HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT. Geloso 222 Transmitter, 209 . . Receiver. 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metre bands. Complete with manuals, morse key and phones. $350. Call Mr. Price at 524.8331 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. A. FOR SALE SNOW BLOWERS, with sealed bearings, roller shield, trouble-free feature for damp snow has been added, you will like it. Also farrowing crates with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction, 'George Troyer,. Hensall, phone . 262-5282. '- 45tfn Order your UNITED HYBRID seed corn now while varieties are available. Pick the one that has consistently topped the trials. Lawrence Beane, 482-9260. - 49,50,5 lb 70 Laying hens. Phone 482-7230. - 49b 125 ACRES cash crop raft on Highway 4, Clinton, across from airbase. 11.0 acres workable, 70 acres wheat, remainder plowed. Three bedroom house, barn, driveshed, garage, $37,000 cash. Contact Maurice Omey, RR 3 Kippen, phone 262-5020. - 49,50,1p C. WANTED Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS CASH JOE COREY. Sates Manager We are shipping cattle. every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We :will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE WILLIAM DALE 527,0635 WEDDING STATIONERY - Invitations, matches, serviettes; rubber Stamps, file folders, magic markers, adding machine Palls, Office supplies, Clinton Commercial Printers Ltd., 482-3444, 56 Albert Street, Clinton, - 41.tfri DOLE, clothes for pale again this year. Custom made, Phone 482,7567. 44-75013 TIMEX Watches sold and serviced through ' Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Clinton, Seaforth. Walkerton. - tfn SEE our full line of skiing equipment - outfits from $7.45 to $43.95 - Ski Boots too in stock. McAdam Hardware, Albert Street, Clinton. LIONEL electric train, complete with accessories and lots of track; lawn croquet set, both excellent condition. Phone 482-9244 evenings or weekend. - 49x ONE pair white drapes, 150" x 95", used only three months. Will sell for $40. Also fur stole like new. Phone 523-4254. - 49b 8 MM Brownie Movie Camera and case $15. Phone 482-7243. 49b HI FI in mahogany cabinet with record storage. Also electric train. Would like to buy portable stereo. Phone 482-3812. - 49b A. FOR SALE VIKING electric cream separator. used 21/2 years. Phone 482-9947. -'48,9b GEHL hammermill with new corn crusher head. Excellent condition, Phone 565-'5269,-'7;-. 49b FIVE Farrowing Crates; also chains for tractor tires, size 12" x 28". Phone 482-9897. - 49p D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WIGHTLAND Acres Government approved Yorkshire Boars for sale. These boars have all been backl'at probed with well under an inch average of backfat thickness, reaching 200 lbs. in under 6 months of age. For more information phtme or write Norman Wightman, RR 2 Auburn. Phone 526-7747. The farm is located 31/2 miles north and v2 mile west of Auburn. - 49b THREE calves, Holstein-cross. William Brands, Phone 482-7553. - 49p ONE milking nanny goat, one doe and buck kid. 11/2 year old filly pony, broken and good with children. Phone 523-4254. 49b HOLSTEIN HEIFERS OF CHOICE QUALITY, good size, some fresh and milking up to 50 lbs. per day; also close springing Holstein heifers. Phone 482-9808. - 47,8,9p FOURTEEN Holstein heifers,. various ages, four registered, 11 grade. Phone 482-7557. - 44tfn REGISTERED Aberdeen Angus bull, 13 months, excelldnt, breeding stock, Also White Muskovy ducks. Adam Flowers, 565-2813 highway 21, one mild south of Bay field. - 48,9b ' E. FARM SERVICES Dr. M. W. RAi THBY B.S.A., b.v .m.pv .s. VETERINARY.SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding PHONE 524.8573 GoderiCh, Ontario 9tfb DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. Please Phone ProrriPtiy 133 1312USSELS LICENSE 390065 171fa We Po $5 to $15, Fresh dead or disabled cows and holies. We pick tip calves and small pigs as service to you, Cali e011oet 482-08 11 After 8 p.m, a.%Pal 169-068 GIRL'S red winter coat, white Borg lining, Size 14. Child's tricycle, 20" wheel. Baby sleigh and stroller, Phone 482-3894. -- 49b NEWCOMBE upright piano. Phone 482-7435. -- 49b LADY'S CCM bicycle, very good condition. Lady's red coat, black, fur collar, full length, size 16. Lady's black car coat, size 18. Children's folding table and two chair set, 'red and gray. Phone 482-7348.- 49p KITCHEN SUITE, buffet, table and four chairs, $45. Beatty wringer washer, $15. Phone 482-71.65. 48,49b WALNUT bowls and other hand-turned articles. Make nice Christmas dills. At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton, John Pluintree,' phone 482-9695. - 48tfn FORMAL evening gown, size 14, green slipper satin, worn once. Call 482-9227. - 48tfn 5. WANTED CASH in on buried treasure. We buy old gold and estate jewellery. N. T. Ormandy Jewellery, 94 The Square, Goderich.- - 6tf. WOULD like to buy Guide Uniform, size 10. Phone 482-9429. 49b 6. AUTOS FOR SALE 1966 Chevy II station wagon. Well-looked after vehicle, low mileage, like new condition, priced to sell. Might consider up to $300 on older car trade-in. Garnet E. Farrier, Whitechurch, 357-2068. - 49,50p 1965 VOLKSWAGEN,, station wagon, one owner, low mileage, very clean $1,495. Lie. 92045x 1 9 66 VOLKSWAGEN, 1600 wagon,, Lic. 98225X, $1795 1 965 VOLKSWAGEN' red, radio. Lie. H51617. $995. 3.96a ACADIAN, four-door sedan,' six cylinder atuomatic. $2195, Lic. H49299. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, white with red leatherette interior; one owner, low mileage. Lic. 633289J. $1,295. AT Don Taylor Motors Limited Main Street - Exeter DIAL 235-1100 1965 AMBASSADOR hardtop, automatic, radio, reclining seats. 1967 Volkswagen, radio etc. Both in, excellent condition. Phone 482-7165. - 49b 1958 METEOR, V8, excellent running condition, body good. Best offer. 482-9618 after 5 p.m. - 48,9x 7. PET STOCK BUDGIES, cages, and accessories suitable for Christmas gills; also all kinds of accessories, food and toys for every kind of pet, Open 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. EVERY DAY. J. and B. Variel,y, Victoria Street. - 49,50,51b 8. HELP WANTED MALE GET A REAL BREAK IN EARNINGS • with an internatiorial organization noted for its generous commission rate, Plus cash bonuses and fringe benefits as yoU progress, We'll back you up with complete training materials and one of Iho industry's best, salt's aid programs. No age. limit. No experience required, Begin full or part time selling much wanted GOODYEAR MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS in the Clinton turn, Air bled J. K. Deitz, Presiden1, Consolidated Paint and Varnish Corp., 912 E. Ohio Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 1.1111, -- WANTED irrimediately, fourth Class Stationary Shift Engineer for wood-fi red boiler. Small Woodworking plant, in Southwestern On i41 rio, Top woos and usual company paid benefits. Apply in writing giving complete par tietilarg 1.0 Box 491, Clinton News-Record, •l0,.,0b 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS for full time employment, Apply in riefkii1 Its Barth rrs Restauran t„ - .101) 9. AGENTS WANTED GET IN ON SOMETHING BIG. Full or part-time, business is good! We have to expend to meet the demand! We need honest, sincere salesmen to join us now and stay a long time. Don't worry about experience I will train you to be successful and receive rapid promotion. You'll earn while you learn and receive substantial income for weekly sales, plus cash bonuses for extra paticipation. This is a pleasant, dignified work. Contact Ed Bauer at LePines Motel, Exeter, Tuesday, December 10, Noon to 8 p.m. or Wednesday, December 11, Noon to 8 p.m. - 48,49b 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED LIGHT sewing and alterations. Phone 482-9478. - 3leow 11. CUSTOM WORK TREE REMOVAL Cut down trees, remove limbs. Call 482-9275 or t5 24.8405 after 7 p.m. - 46-49p CUSTOM BACKHOE WORK Digging for waterlines,, foundations, septic tanks, drainage, excavating etc. LOADING, BACK-TILLING GRAVEL FOR SALE delivered Fine or coarse, for lanes, yards etc. Cement, gravel Snow Plowing Lots, driveways etc. LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 after 6 p.m. 47tfn 12. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Siamese kitten, female, Phone 482-9782, - 49b LOST: Black and white dog, short tail, part hound. Anyone knowing anything, about this dog please call 4824884. Reward offered. - 49b LOST.4 from RB. 2 Clinton, 800 Pound 'Hereford steer, contact Don Lobb, phone 482-7167. 13. MISCELLANEOUS L- ET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured -- don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably, to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Cotinter.- tfb Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery nstett Jewellers Ltd. tfn WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. -- tfb 14. SERVICES 'WHEEL CHAIRS - The C.P. T: Fund of Clinton Oddrellows Lodge have wheel chairs available for loan free. Contact Doug Howse, 482-9844 or Mrs. C. Sturdy, 482-3371. • TRI-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE - Income Tax, T4's, complete record preparation and maintenance. Phone Laurence Beane,482-9260. - 4t an FORMAL rentals for men. Book now for Christmas and New Years. Contact Herman's Men's Wear. Phone 482-9351. 14, ..SERVICF$ FORMAL RENTALS, Ilan now to dress, Formal for the Festive Season. Agents for Freeman's Formal Rentals, plc ke tt and Campbell Limited, Clinton and Goderich. ELECTRICAL, Plumbing and Carpentry work. New installations and repairs. H. J. $taffen, 123 Erie St„ Clinton, 482-9937. tfn VACUUM cleaners; sales and Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 262-5350. 48tfn We Specialize In . , . Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring CHUTER PLUMBING Heating, Electric Sales and Service 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1406 24tfb JACK'S Furniture Repair -- Furniture repaired, also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Albert Street,, Clinton. Phone 482.9695. 40tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 5,5 Albert Street at Amsing's 'Store. Henk's Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton Street, Goderich. - 38tfb ELECTROLUX Canada - Ltd. 'Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524.6514. 153 Lighthouse street. Goderich. 18tfb Bartliffs Bakery Limited BAKERY an!:I RESTAURANT 4024727 CLINTON or PUREBRED Hampshire boars and sows, serviceable age. Phone 526-7789 Norman McClinchey, Auburn. - 48,49b ATTENTION FARMERS! WILL BUY used pianos in any condition. State size and make. Write to box 441 Clinton News-Record. - 52p