HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-11-21, Page 410'••••• • (LASSIF1ED ADV. .RATES (REVISED May 1, moo CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 755 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the • last Insertion, REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 500 DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS . $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 99c per inch 'Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 •••••••••••••••••••• 1.6„. TENDERS 16. TENDERS Tenders.., •S For:. Stiowblowing Tenders will be- received by Hullett Township School Area13dard for removal of snow from the driveway and the parking' area of Central School in Londesboro. 'Tenders/ must state price per hour and 'type of equipment to be used. Tenders inst be received by November 23rd. :Loweit or any tender not necessarily accepted. HARRY TEBBUTT, Secretary-Treasurer, RR •1, Londesboro. • • — . ILL.T.--teneee Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY. Sales Manager DOLL clothes for sale again this King street 4$2,4622 year. Custom made, Phone 482-7567.44—sob • EVINRUQE SALES & SERVICE ATTENTION FARMERS! it e iii A. FOR SALE D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OUTER WEAR CASUAL JACKETS WINDBREAKERS CAR COATS' PARKAS Quilted or Pile Linings Sizes 36 to 46 18 95 • Up 4•MIIN .1•4•1=IMPI.MM•11•k FALL FASHION SUGGESTIONS SWEATERS — SPORT' SHIRTS CO-ORDINATES — ALL WEATHER COATS, ETC. Pickett it Campbell Liam CLINTON The Store FOrMen GCE:* mai 4 Clinton. News-Record, Thursday, November 21, 1.968 • UPSTAIRS Apartment with kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath. Gas heated, Stove and frig. Available September 1. Phone 482-6694. — tin TWO-BEDROOM furnished apartment, 63 Albert Street., Available now. Apply to Coin-Op, 63 Albert Street, Clinton, — 37t1n ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. Stove and frig supplied. All •utilities paid. Phone 482-9689 after 5. — 40tfn DUPLEX, newly decorated living room, nice bathroom and kitchen, basement with laundry tubs, gas furnace, garage, close to business section, reliable tenants desired.• Phone 524-9158, — 46x COMFORTABLE two-bedroom house. Available January 1. Phone 482-9251. -- 47,48b ONE BEDROOM • furnished heated apartment. Phone 482-6685. C. Van Damme, 40ifn THREE room furnished apartment, redecorated; suitable for couple. For information contact: Herman's Men's Wear 482-9351. - 44tfn FURNISHED one bedroom apartment. Private entrance and bath. Phone 482-3837. — 41tfn GROUND floor, self-contained apartment, available December 1. Call Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. 45tfn 2. ACCOMMODATION WANTED GENTLEMAN requires heated comfortable room with or without board. Apply Box 462, Clinton News-Record. — 46,7p 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE HOOVER blenders, regularly $59.95 plus $26.95 value in Stereo records, bbth for only $58.88. Clinton Electric Shop. -- 471, 200 GALLON oil tank, filter and gauge, $30. High riser bed springs, 72" x 48", heavy gauge; 4 stel legs for above, $15. Phone 482-9627. -- 47b HAMMOND organ, double key board, transistorized, A-1 condition, two years old, For further information call 482-9306.— 47b SNOW JETS and Trail sleds. Sales and service. Phone 482-9112. — 47, 48b COUNT DOWN SPECIALS Sewing machines, cabinet and portables, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, record players and home entertainment (TV and radios). Reduced as much as 20 to 30% for two-week period, Buy now and save, SINGER CO. OP CANADA 40 West Se, Goderich Phone 524,8431 1 '7, 48b LADY'S brown jacket, size JO. Phone 482-7603. 47b MISSES GREEN jersey laminated jacket, size 10, Worn several times, $10. Also red and black boecle flecked ooat. Size 15-16, in excellent condition, $15. Phone 482-7040, — 47b EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing material and labour, for free estimates call Morrison Bros., Lucknow, phone 528-2906, or write Box 69, Lucknow. 24tf ONE wringer type washing machine good condition. Phone 482-7604. 47b CHIMNEYS built and repaired, material and labour for free estimates, call Morrison Bros. Lucknow 528-2906 or write Box 69 Lucknow. tfn FOR SALE HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT. Geloso 222 Transmitter, 209 Receiver.' 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metre bands. Complete with manuals, morse key and phones. $350. Call Mr. Price at 524-8331 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. LITTER CARRIER, complete; 300 feet of track; steel posts for 40 feet. Also two-wheel % ton trailer. Phone 482-7223. — 47p SNOW BLOWERS, •with sealed bearings, roller shield, trouble-free feature for damp snow has been added, you will like it. Also farrowing crates with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. 'George Troyer, Hensall, phone 262-5282. 45tfn B. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM ploughing with new tractor and plough. Phone 482-9133. — 46,7b C. WANTED C. WANTED WANTED: A quota of 7000 broiler chickens, Nick Droog, RR 8 Harriston, phone 338-3237. 47b TO PUT but to feed by the month, 10 yearlings. Phone 48e-9910. 47b WANTED — ApproXimately 50 head of tattle to feed for winter, by the gain. Jim Carter, Londesboro, phone 482-3339. — 47b REGISTERED Aberdeen Angus bull, 13 rhonthS, eiccelletit breeding stock, Also White Muskovy Adam Flowers, 565.2813 highway 21, one mile South of Bayfield., 47,49b Men's car coat and hydro parkas with detachable hoods, Priced $8.95, $11.95 and $13.95. Keith's Family Clothing. Clinton, 'Phone 482-773b. Boy's and girl's carcoats, snowsuits, all sizes 2 to 16. Priced $4.98 to $15,98, Keith's Family Clothing, Clinton, phone 482-7735, Ladies dresses, good selection, sizes 7 to 24% all new stock. Extra special Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 20 percent discount. Keith's Family Clothing, Clinton, phone 482-7735. irrsj A THANK YOU TO OUR CUSTOMERS SPECIAL SALE FOR CHRISTMAS Buy almost any item at regular price, you get any other item up to equal value for 1/2 price. Items - not included in the sale such as Gunk Outboard Motors, Snow Hawks, etc. being offered at 10 to 20% Discounts. At SAPtiiitg Rigat4i ecieirem IP Si HOLSTEIN HEIFERS OF CHOICE QUALITY, good size, some fresh and milking up to 50 lbs. per day; also close springing Holstein heifers. Phone 482-9808. — 47,8,9p FOURTEEN Holstein heifers,' various ages, four registered, 11 grade. Phone 482-7557. - 44tfn We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. Wei will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE WILLIAM J. DALE 527-0635 E. FARM SERVICES Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., b.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding PHONE 524.8573 Goderich, Ontario 9tfb DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. Please Phone Promptly 133 ORUSSELS LICENSE e1I0065 Mtn Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 , Fresh dead or disabled cows and horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to yote Call collect 48e-9811 After 8 p.m. 356.2404 Lic. 169-o68 45.48b APPLES for sale, Spy,, King, Talelen Sweet, Snow, Delicious, Greening, Belvieu etc. Free delivery in Clinton. Phone 482-$214 ' Fred McClymont, Verna. e- 44tfn STUDENTS — Re-inforced 3 ring binder paper, lined or plain; bond typing paper; bristol in colours or. white are available at Clip ton 'Commercial . Printers. Limited, 56 Albert Street, phone 482-3444. 43tfn CHOICE spring beef by half or quarter. Phone 482-7570. — 45,48 , CURTAINS. - Draperies Window Blinds - Venetian Blinds BanaboO - Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY .GOODS. 5tfb BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CELANESE CARPET CENTRE * Wall to' Wall Installations for Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your hone. * Free Estimates, . * Guaranteed Installations There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. `Quality you can trust' .Frorn BALL & MUTCH' CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482-9505 Clinton — 5ti'n 5. WANTED WILL BUY used. pianos, in any condition. State size and make. Write to box , 441 Clinton News-ReCord. — 44-48p: Goderich. • - 6tf GUIDE uniform, size 10 or 12. Phone 482-7695. — 6.. AUTOS FOR SALE 1960 DODGE dumptruck, 700 series, hydraulic • snowplow attachment with wing. Price $1300. W. G. Campbell, phone 527-0452. — 47b 1965 VOLKSWAGEN, station wagon ; one owner, low mileage, very clean $1,495; Lic. 92045x 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, 1600 wagon. Lic. 98225X. $1795 1965 VOLKSWAGEN, red, radio. Lic. H51617, $995. 1968 ACADIAN, four-door sedan, six 'cylinder atuomatic. $2195. Lie. H49299. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, white with red leatherette interior; one owner, low mileage. Lic. 633289J. $1,295. AT Don Taylor Motors ,Limitod Main Street — Exeter DIAL 2354100 8. HELP WANTED MALE LOCAL HOME PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTOR, male or female. Helping ' many persons make money, 2-4 hours a day. We can help you. Phone 482-7416. — 47,48p 4/10111111111.1.111•111.e 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE .LADIES HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELLING AVON? i It costs nothing • To find out the details Mail Coupon To M. MILLSON 17 HAWKSBUR'Z AVE, LONDON, ONTARIO Natne 41 .44 ilbi.rw,vvr,•.••.:Iilivv Address' 4.1led ..ft • • v 4.1.11,4i4 4 4, P116h6 V ., It: if t v 45,48b CUSTOM BULLDOZING Chas. Bruinsma Phone 565-2846 Bayfield 37tf TREE REMOVAL Cut down trees, remove limbs. Call 482-9275 or 524-8405 after 7 p.m. — 46.49p CUSTOM BACKHOE - WORK Digging for waterlines, foundations, septic tanks, drainage, excavating etc. LOADING, BACK-Fl LUNG GRAVEL FOR SALE delivered Fine' 'or coarse, for lanes, yards etc. Cement gravel Snow Plowing Lots, driveways etc. LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 after 6 P.I11 47.tfn 12. LOST AND FOUND. LOST: One pair child's eye glasses between Christian Reformed School and High School. Also blue car floor mat left in car wash. Finder please contact Mrs. H. Budding, 482-9784. — 47b 13. MISCELLANEOUS ,CLINTON ADD TO CLASSIFIED FORMAL RENTALS. Plan now to dress Formal for the Festive • Season. Agents for Freeman's Formal Rentals. Pickett and Campbell Limited, Clinton and Goderich. • ELECTRICAL, plumbing and carpentry work. New installations and repairs. H. J. Steffen, 123 Erie St., Clinton, 482-9937. tfn We Specialize In ... Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring CHUTER PLUMBING Heating, Electric Salet and Service 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed . Write or Phone , HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527.1466 24tfb JACK'S Furniture Repair — Furniture repaired, also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695. -- 40tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsing's Store., Henk's Shoe Repair; 71 Hamilton Street, Goderich. 38tfb CLINTON' CAB Out of Town Trips 482-7011 Gardens Worked—Weed Cutting Gall George McGee tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor teeing/ expertly done: All odd jobs around the hared, Kitchen cupboards a Specialty, Phone 482-1676, Ken McNairri. 52tfb 14. SERVICES. PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO ShoUld be tuned and checked. for Moth damage and other insects regularly. appreciate the continued , privilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area.. George W. Cox. Phone 482-387e 33tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd, Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse street. Goderich. 18tfb " CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basements Dug Fence Bottoms Land Clearing CLARK BALL 482-9816 ' tfn CARPENTRY 482...7461 For all yoUr carpentry, needs call A. SHEPPARD letfn EXTRA GARBAGE & JUNK PICK-UP SERVICE Phone 482-9134 or 482-7318 37trn BEFORE YOU consider any type of security or investment, investigate • the advantages (including tax savings) offered by ownership of Canada's' Most dynamic mutual fund•. Contact Fred (Ted) 'Savauge, 527-1522 Seaforth for further details. (no obligation). 40tfn TWELVE-PIECE dance bind' is interested in engageMents in Clinton and Goderich area. Non union. Price $85. Phone HENSALL location, in like new condition, • x 45' two-bedroom mobile home, featuring large living room addition; wall-to-wall carpeting, seamless floors, plus landscaped lot with all facilities, priced at $7500. , KIPPEN Area, 100 acre farm with good frame honk, large barns and silo, 1/3 mile off paved road. A•well kept unit for sale only because. owner has other interests, $29,900., Will consider all offers. SEAFORTH Area, on highway 8, one of the best 300-Acre dairy farms to be found in *any, area, featuring milk contract, stable cleaner, two silos, paved' yard, excellent buildings throughout. Owner retiring. Several other smaller farms open to your inspection. A good selection of homes to choose from. When buying or selling contact. CLARKE ZINN 126 Victoria Street Clinton Phone 482-7838 $11,500 --- three bedroom bungalow on Orange Street. Garage, gas furnace, new ale thimum $12,000 — three bedroom E•arne two storey on Huron Street. Garage, oil heat, lot x 132', 'Separate One bedroom apartnient, rented. $18,600 four bedroom frame, two storey oh William Street near both Schbols, news oil hot Water, fu tri'ate,• two baths, garage, K.K W. bolquhotm Ltd. ••• Real Estate Broker `Hal Hartley --Salesman 14 Isaac Street •••- Clinton Phone 4824147 16. TENDERS SNOW removal, Huron Centennial School, Brucefield. Snow blower and front end loader required. Send particulars and price per hour by November 27 to J. E. Caldwell, secretary-treasurer, Huron County School Area No., 1, .Brucefield. — 47b , • , TRUCK TENDER Tenders will be received on a new 800 Series truck, (cab and chassis) suitable for 1800 gallon petroleum truck. Those wishing to tender, write or ,phone Hensall District Co-operative for Specifications: The Board of Hensall. District , Co-operative reserves the right to reject any or all tenders. Tenders to be in not later than December 11; 1968. — 47,48b Sealed Tenders to supply Huron 19. AUCTION SALES , Auction Sale of the Household Furnishings and Effects of the Estate of John Torrance and Mies Maud Torrance from the residence at 48 ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON, ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 AT 1:30 p.m. Walnut two piece bedroom suite; walnut three piece bedroom suite'; chesterfield; upholstered arm chair; Walnut platform rocker; three walnut upholstered occasional• chairs; occasional chair; walnut desk - secretary: walnut Duncan Phyfe table; combination Tv and 'record player (like new); mahogany music cabinet: foot stool; several small tables; tri-light; table lamps; bedroom lamps; hall mirror; dresser swing mirror; open book case; numerous books; wicker rocking chair; wicker arm chair; walnut cane rocking chair; Wilton rug 9' .x12'; plush rug -12',xel5e two 21. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sharp ar happy to announce th engagement of their daughte Mary Jeanette (Janet) to M James Frederick Grimsdale, so of Mr. and Mrs: Frederic Grimsdale, Sonningciale ,Saskatchewan. The wedding wil take place on Saturday December 7, 1968 at 3:3 o'clock in St. Jospeh's Chape Edmonton, Alberta. 47p 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE. 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE 4, .ARTICLES FOR SALE 11. CUSTOM .WORK FULLY furnished new house,. suitable for one person or couple. Electric heating, 6 miles from CFB Clinton on main highway. Reasonable rent. Phone 482-9244 evenings or weekend. — 47tfn HOME, Hensall .all;--,cbin;p7,,nienceqd, furnished':'' CouPfe' onlY. • Available December 1. Phone 262-5230. — 47p TIMEX Watches sold and serviced through Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Clinton, Seaforth, Walkerton. -- WEDDING STATIONERY — Invitations, matches, serviettes; rubber stamps, file folders, , magic markers, adding machine rolls. Office supplies, Clinton Commercial Printers Ltd., 482-3444, 56 Albert Street, Clinton. — 41tfn lg. EMPLOYMENT WANTED LIGHT sewing and alterations: Phone 482-9478, — 31ebw • SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontario's largest Realtor specializing in. Rural, Town and Vacation Properties. No experience necessary, we will train you. Excellent commission arrangement. For further information call or write Robert McMinn, Rural and Summer Properties Department,' H. KEITH LIMITED REALTOR. 181 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto' 12, telephone 487-3313. — 46,7,8,9b CODERICH AGENT RUTH VAN DER MEER Phone 524-7875 'MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's JeQvellery. Huron County's • Oldest Established Jewellery Store. -- tfb - - - ----• — LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and .482-7556.— 47x stones safely secured •--- don't take chances. Expert work done POODLES clipped and groomed. .reasonably to you'r satisfaction. Phone 482-7416. — 47,48p ' CASH in, on buried treasure. We Watch , repairs and pearl •Contennial School,. Brucefield, buy old gold sand • estat • restringing'.•W. N. Counter. tfb beA cciA. Tg .+ with No 3 Light Commercial Oil- TV -tables; end table, wash- stand; jewellery. N. „ . • . Jewellery, 94 • The Squire JeWellery.Repair‘ ,191 ' ' '"4140r, the r erea1e1 beLvesdiessine: stAiideelelfest; blanket We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks HIGHEST prices paid for old Bead Restringing furniture, such as cupboards, Repair costume jewellery desks, tables, dry sinks, coal oil Anstett Jewellers Ltd. lamps, hanging lamps, parlour lamps, large coloured • leaded hanging shades,' old frnit jars, 14. SERVICES dishes, jewellery. Apply Box 4;71 Clinton News-Record, •47:48 received until • noon on "box: three trunks: Acme electric November 27, 1968 by the range; Westinghouse radio; Secretary-Treasurer, Westinghouse refrigerator; J. E. Caldwell roll-a-way bed; electric kettle; ' H.C.S.A. No. 1, electric frying pan; floor Brucefield, Ontario. polisher; vacuum cleaner; Bissell 46,47b sweeper; metal ironing board; chrome breakfast suite; step 17. NOTICE to CREDITORS • stool: curtains: drapes; linen; _ bedding; silverware; dishes including a part set of novarian NOTICE TO CREDITORS gold band dishes; glassware; cooking utensils; garden tools. In the Estate of JOHN OLIVER If weather is unfavourable the AND OTHERS TERMS — Cash TYNDALL, Machine Operator, sale will be held under cover. Decease*d.. All persons having The Royal Trust Company, claims against the estate of the London, Ontario , above named deceased, late of Executor of the Estate of John Clinton, County of Huron, who Torrance and Committee of Miss Adiuedgusotn or abo ut trhee 2hreb6ethoyf Maude Torrance. —46,47b AUCTIONEER Edward Elliott notified to send to the undersigned Executor on or before the 6th of December, 1968, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which • notice h.as been received. Dated November 14th, 1968, by E. B. Menzies,' solicitor for the Crown Trust Company, 200 Queens Avenue, London, herein. — 47,48,49b