HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-11-07, Page 11ongratu Serving Clinton and District for over twenty years with top quality Bu ilding Materials at fair prices. PLUMBING It HEATING • In The NEW SEAM FARM Servici Centre. BY HAItOLD' WISE The new facilities at the tOrner of PrinteSt and Albert 'tteets enhances the appearance Of the Clinton Business district We are pleased that We were chosen to dO the PLUMBING arid H E ATING for this progressive firth, No job is too large or Silted. ici( usl daft ti the next tine you have a pliithlair4 of heating job to:driir LiMITEI .011)100 N.vvys-Fiocord, Thursdoy, NQvpmbor 7, 19.013.11. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Best of Luck Beatty Farm.. Service ''Centro Clinton News-Record BEATTY FARM Service Centre It was our pleasuly to have converted our former premises to eetty's use and we wish them every success in their new location. J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS SUPPLIES a lyroimpor, Aoroffiv 50741A mrttitt, ----441Pik-gr thAP Corn industry study „started Beatty service center grand opening Nov. 15 The Honourable William A, Stewart, Ontario's minister of agriculture and food has announced the commissioning of a special study of the province's corn industry. "/kithough we hay.e been pleaged with the development of this industry in Ontario, and we are convinced that it has great potential, nevertheless the returns from this year's crop have .been very discouraging" said Mr. Stewart in making this announcement. "We feel that this crop has even greater possibilities in many areas of this province, providing We can resolve some of the problems that beset the industry. The Special committee, on Farm Income has been asked to give this commodity special attention, to study its every phase from production through Representatives of all the animal breeding associations in Ontario gathered at Guelph last week and !bade good-by to the Central Ontario, Waterloo and Lambto'n Cattle Breeding Assoeiations which merged into United Breeders, Inc. Ken Lantz, assistant deputy minister of agriculture, presented,- a' charter to United Breed6rs and said technological change is the reason all agriculture is consolidating into larger units:- • Farm capital investment in Ontario has tripled since 1941, he said, and now totals over $4. billion. The' number of f arms are decreasing, while the size of farms increase. fn 1961 only 15 percent of farms grossed over $10,000 annually. Two years ago, the percentage was 26, he Said. The merger- forming United Breeders reduces the number of, artificial insemination co-ops in Ontario to five, All have a close working relationship, with any unit's sires availi'lble for service through any of the others, An estimated 25,000 farmers will use United Breeders' services in 15 counties " of southern Ontario and parts of northern Ontario. Among '• the counties ilarvestin,g, marketing, storage, .transportation, and .the eventual end usiis," • The committee will undertake this special study almost immediately and they conduet .-publie hearings in corn growing areas to which persons and organizations involved in the production, marketing, handling, storing and proceSsing of corn will be invited. The corn study report will be presented separately from the committee's main report, which is expected-shortly, although the Minister ' of Agriculture and Food made it-clear that he wants the corn. recommendations to be presented in plenty ,of time to allow' for consideration prior to the planting dates for the 1969 crop. Al unit tot involved are Lambton, Huron, Bruce, Perth, and Grey. • The new organization will inseminate 122,000 animals this year. It will employ 101 technicians, and maintain 24 branch offices. Beatty Farm Service Centre, a growing Clinton business which serves Huron County, is getting ready for a grand Opening in its new building at Albert aiid Princess Streets on November 5. Workmen are still putting the finishing touches on the new centre which has. double the showroom and storage space of the former site on Rim ten bury Street, Beatty Farm Equipment Company of Fergus; which owns the centre ,here, is a. division of Genera' Steelwares, To ro n to, and menu l'actu ros, sells, installs and services stabling, manure handling and automatic feed haridling systems, silo unloader's and all tr0.1MV.71ite r O'roisti rp m ;f. ""Clinton had a Beatty dealership owned by Howard Brunson until Mr. Brunson 's• retirement three years ago and the subsequent- opening Or company store which outgrew its old quarters. Russ Archer, manager hero for two years, has two I1101 ()V1 his Cull-time stair: Elgin Dale, store salesman and assistant to the manager, and George Carburt, service manager. A number of part-time staffers are called in to help with installation and ,service jobs, The expanded centre now has 2,000 square re'et, of store space and 1,200 sq. feet of covered storage, according to Mr. Archer. A smaller building on ail, same site formerly housed Counter Building Materials which is now situated across Princess Street Mr, Archer, in his two years here, has been active in the Kinsmen Club and the Seaforth 60-ling club. Ile is president. of .1 he d erich and pistrict Associiition for Ri‘tarded Chi Idren and t•iiirch es hockey players,. Ile and his wife, Evelyn, live tit fit) Ontario shred with their I hri,e children, Fair "opens next Friday 110 FALL ill -MOGEN There is • some confusion about the correct time to apply ni on C01711 crops. Fall applied nitrogen on • isoil intendo`d Cor• corn is still not recom 111 011(10d in Ontario. Breeders in 1.5 counties '110? ')fia TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT NOTICE of FIRST POSTING VOTERS' LIST 1968 • Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act, and that 1 have ,posted up in my Office at Lot 27, Concession 10, in the Township of Hullett, on the 30th Day of October, 1968, the list of all persons• entitled to vote in the Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection ' I hereby call on all Voters to take immediate proce6dings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to Law; the last day for appeal being the 13th day of November ; 1968. CLARE VINCENT, CLERK TREASURER, Box 293, Londesboro, Ontario, 45b' Since the pioneer days when the annual fair provided the sole opportunity r 0 , the' farmer-settler to barter and, on rare occasions, sell his product, the "country fair" has shed its pioneer aspects, Today it plays an important, and often on roai ixed, part. in our agricultural and industrial economy. Never has this transition been so strikingly illustrated as it has been with the growth and development of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair which opens ' on, November 15 to November 23. .1-lere, at the Royal, from that humble .beginning of that early fair :1-., has' sprung an exhibition I that, has won world-wide renown throughout the agricultural and commercial .world; FALL SPECIALS STABLING iv lOtInA'ENT 11ANLME. HANDLING ' SILO UNLOADE118 AND* AUToMMIC PEEDING SYSTaitS HAS A DOGGONE NICE NEW LOCATION woommoomom-swoomwomommoommommwm OPENING DAY REG. 8.85 MP CATTLE BOWL 7.50. REG. 12.15 FLOAT OPERATED PIG BOWL 10.35 REG. 79.95 FROST PROOF BOWL REG, 6.50 — THE NEW LITTLE PIG BOWL 5.50 REG, 12100 is BU. FEED CARTS 105.00 DOZ. 28.50 SPECIALS 11" and 13" Ch n Harrows Priced Low •owt100004,000mtloixwoorw0000wommotw0000po. COFFE1 AND DONUTS CORNER ALBERT & PRINCESS STS. CLINTON SERVING HURON COUNTY FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1:00 9; .M. FARM SERVICE CENTRE Its a Fad! BEATH FARM SERVICES WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE INSTALLED THE LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES trier e A,,into one