HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-11-07, Page 6AllintOn ThorOay, November 7t19.0q,,, -‘18PROPINNIAPor=WirasTiffiefa y STO YES., WE ARE( Due to the closing of ow Aclestrel Park' ._ranch. on NovemberV We. must reduce our inventory very drastically. Effective at 9 a:rn. On Th.beclay, November 7 till 6.-p.m. on Thursday November 14 for 6 days of business we offer UP T020% DISCOUNT' Off all puTchases except tobacco and cigarettes on the following baSis Even dollar discountS only for rapid 'calculation $1,00 to •$1.99 less 20 Cents, $2.00 to $2.99 less 40 cents, etc. Discounts will not apply to phone 'orders or charge pccounts • • •' Cash'-'Only! BARGAINS GALORE , - WALL TO WALL! Many Items Suitable For Christmas Gifts! hop early for best selection! LOWEST. PRICES ANYWHERE 1250 for each $100. That's what you can get ,with this year's Canada Savings Bonds. Here's how. The new Bonds have fourteekregular annual interest coupons which can be cashed each year as they Come due. The first pays 5.75%; the seCond,,6.50%'; the next three, 6.15% each, and the last nine a big 7.00/0 each, Total regular annual interest amounts to $95.50 on each $100 Bond. if you choose you'rnay held all these regular annual interest coupons uncadied Until yew' Bond matures. If you do, yeti will then .get interest on your interest totalling an additional $54.50 on each $100 Bond, At maturity, therefore,: you c:an get' back total interest of $150 plus your original $100 investment: This way each $100 Canada Savings Bond becomes worth $250;Other denominations can grow 'at the , same exciting rate. Adults, children, businesses and institutions-all may buy Canada Savings Bonds. They are avail- able in Convenient amounts of $50 up to $50,000 for cash or on instalments, wherever you work, bank or inVest. And,' as always, Canada Savings Bonds are cashable any time at full face value plus earned interest, Few investments are so profitable. None builds more surely for the future. guy eanada Savings Bonds and'make your savings really gtow. grows to 9 1' 'Le FOOD.. MARKET 43 ALBERT ST, PHONE 482.3445 (Closed All Day, Monday, Nov. 11th) We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities • N. \ • \ 1\1.10.'4" 'VW II I klbl 0100[100►i g• NOW IS THE TIME TO ADD SILO EXIENSIONS • SILO ROOFS Call or Write Now, GEORGE WRAITH BOX 95 GODERICH PHONE 524-6511 tf / / / / / / / / I / I I I I •••••••• '.....••••••\.••••••••• ' Hum! QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED Eg .11111•10F If you can !ay out "Ready Cash" this week at Conklin Lumber Company, you'll save more on Top Quality Building Products than you ever dreamed possible! MOULDED COUNTER TOPS FOR THE KITCHEN 8 FT; Reg. $40 - NOW 26.8 --5 10 FT. - Reg $50 - NOW 32.85 DOOR MIRRORS 18" x 54 cl 85 Reg. $14n95 'NOW '4' FOLDING DOORS Vinyl Plastic, 3.85 Bamboo Type 6.85 John ManWille ROCKSPAN SIDING White- Reg. $20,05 While Stock Lasts 24.85 Per Square HURRY I - Driver DRILL KITS Reg. $62.20, 39.85 SOLDERING GUNS Fl eg• $14'95 10.85 DON'T MISS THESE VALUES YOU CAN Rely on CONKLIN'S: OVER 85 YEARS OF TRUSTED EXPERIENCE CAVALITE Plastic Laminate For Kitchen Counters, Bathroom Counters, Etc. ' 4' x 8' Sheet Normally $21.95 - NOW 11.85 SKIL POWER TOOLS 7 1 /4" SAW Reg, $79.50 39.85 JIG SAWS ` Reg. $39.90 29.85 KNOX UNITE[? KnoK United Church children will study China Awing their Meetings thiS fall, •The leaders for ,this grpup are Mrs. Clifferd Branton, Mrs. William Stiles and Mrs. Manrice'Bean. The officers .re Chief Explorer, Barbara. Erripey; 'Keeper of the Log, Carol 'Gross; Keeper of the Treasure, Doris Naylor. Plans are being made for the initiation ceremony to be held November 26. The girls enjoyed a Hallowe'en party with treats last week. * * On Sunday Knox United -Church Sunday school will hold its annual Anniversary service. The guest speaker will be Everett Smith of London, who is Director of Western. Ontario Regional Broadcasting Council assisted by Salty, vaudeville irentriloquis onondon. ' • C.G.1.T. The Auburn C.Q.I.T. •was ; held in the ,Sunday school room of, Knok United Church •Sunday School 'room with the president, Marie Plunkett, in charge. The Pianist was. Betty Moss. Marie read the scripture' lesson and the Lord's 'prayer was repeated in unison. Sherry Plaetzer received the offering. The secretary, Shelley Grange read the minutes and the roll call was answered by 15 girls. Mrs. Lloyd Walden led in a discussion on the topic - "What is wrong with the Church?" illowe'en games wereenjoyed and lunch was served. • '4;••••,•••••"t''.:;',.:'..,;'-:,%"?.?.f':.;-',i',..• BAPTIST CHURCH The annual business Meeting of the Auburn Baptist Church was held in the Sunday school room of the church., A full attendance of members was present to hear reports and take part in the business of the evening. 'Substantial credit balances were reported in all departments and an enthusiastie atmosphere was in evidence. The congregation is looking forward to tho ministry of M. Patrick Ferrer who has recently, become pastor. Bkor to the business and repots, the congregation enjoyed the fellowship of a church supper together, ANNIVERSARY Knox Presbyterian Church held it's 107th anniversary with Reverend Charles A. McCarroU .of Brussels as guest speaker.,The music was in charge of Miss Margaret Sanderson. Mr. Ed Haines of Waterloo sang a solo. .There were 99 present. Mrs. Donald Haines and .V11.8„ W. Bradnock sang a duet, "Higher Ground". The ushers were Gordon Dobie and Kenneth Scott. Mr. McCarron spoke on the purpose of the Church to remember God, to render dutiful worship toward God and to proclaim the Gospel. He stated that today's problems are no greater than in Moses' time as told in the Book of Exodus. If one seeks His guidance and protection, God will be, your guide through life. • Mrs. Edgar Lawson is. a, Patient in Clinton 1-104441. Mr, Warner AnclreWs l'e"turned on Sunday from a trip to the Western PrevinceS, Mr, and Mrs, William J. craig visited, on Saturday with their son, Mr. Robert Craig, Mrs. Craig and falnilY at fAlcarl. Mr. and Mrs. Sam MeNall of •Goderich v"ls►te IrI Friday t. his sister, Mrs, Bert Relativ,es here 'received ward last Week of the death of a former resident, Mrs, Moses Holthauer of Galt, She was the former Effie Knox and lived in this community in her early'life, Mr. and Mr,s. Albert McFarlane visited last Week one day , with Mrs, William T. Robinson at St. Marys, Mrs. June Bailey and Mrs. Edna Raithby of London visited recently with. Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. , Mr. 'and Mrs: Earl Youngblut and Mr. and Mrs: Tcqn youngblut, Pahl and Christopher' of Woodstock " spent _'the weekend with Mr.* and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Mrs. John Menheere, David and Paul of St. COlurnban visited last Thursday with her aunt, Mrs. W. Bradnock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Jewell and Heather of GoderiCh visited last Sunday with Mt. and, MIS: Robert J. Phillips. '• Mrs. Mary SttilicWoski and Mrs. Mike Strilkwoski of Daulphin, Man., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strilkwoski and, boyS of Toronto and Ed Haines of Waterloo University sPent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines.' The octgber meeting of the Clinton Junior Farmers and JarildT Institute was held in a OW meeting in the Heron County agricultural office with $Q menthe'rs answering the roll call, Jamieson RibeY uintroduced the, guest Sneaker, Reverend Olen Wright of Dungannon. He based his address on three questions, 1. Who am I? 2. Who is My neighbour? and 3. What is my purpose? After explaining all three topics he had Most of the yoOng folk ',.hinking and asking the questions of themselves. ' John Rodgers thanked Mr. Wright for his, inspiring address. Walter Mcllwain reported on the success of the Pow Wow held at Auburn and Bob. Hickey reported on the benefit dance held for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnston who recently lost their barn through fire. A committee was set up to hold a benefit dance for Mr. add Mrs. Lloyd Stewart who also Jost their barn. John Black reported on, the entries for public speaking contest and he also stated that a special accident survey was underway during the corn harvest. The meeting was adjourned and Walter McIlwain led in recreation while lunch was being prepared. The eighth meeting of the cotton carnival 4-H Club was, held in the hall on October 29th. The meeting opened with the pledge. Minutes were read by Secretary, Sharree Kennedy. 'A supper to be held on November 6th in the hall was discussed, and also the exhibit, "Cottons Go Everywhere" for their achievement day November 23. The dresses which were completed, were displayed and marked by the members of the ClUb, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt visited on Sunday with their son, Jack and family in Stratford, • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shabbrook and family moved from the Village on Saturday to a home on the 8th Concession. They will be missed by their friends in the Village. The October meeting of Unit 1, United Church Women, Tlo: r l ediv sj ofw Ms Ieh nm was Wilson, hr: w casra t g r h Walters enladl charge ar s h at the Eighteen tthoie home Week- Mrs. R. Chapman, group UCW members attended. the devotion, gave a reading on Thanksgiving and followed with a Scro ipph offering trea14 The a received and dedicated and the treasurer's report given by Mrs, H. F. Berry. It was decided that an auction sale will be held at the home of Mrs. Haugh, with Groups 2 and 3 and some women from Seaforth to be invited. Lunch was served by Mrs. Walters and her committee, The hostess was-thanked for the use of her home, This month's meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, R. Scott on Remembrance Day. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, London; spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson. Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Stuart visited their son, William and his family in Toronto recently, readings from 18-year-old Clinton News Records were enjoyed. The hostesses served a bountiful supper. Mr, Earl Gaunt went to London Hospital on Monday. His spells are causing a great deal of anxiety to his family and friends. Mrs. William Hunking returned home from Clinton Hospital on Saturday having taken therapy treatments - she is somewhat improved. The W.I. November meeting is postponed to November 13th, Thursday, at 2 p.m. ADASTRAL PARK PERSONALS Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Pelletier happily announce the birth of Dale Joseph, 7 lbs. 6'/4 oz. at Victoria Hospital, London, on October 16. A wee brother for Jeff and Kevin, ' has a Mrs. Eldon Yeo and Mrs. John Westbrooke, club leaders of Holmesville 4-H Group I and 2 Cotton Queens are quite pleased with the excellent progress their girls are making on their cotton dresses. For many this this is their first 4-H project and their interest and ability is admirable, During recent Saturday meetings they have had lessons on making belts, sewing on buttons, hem slip stitching and posture lessons. Initial plans were made for an Open House Party for anyone interested on November 2 at 2 p.m. at Goderich Township Hall. The girls will present a fashion show of their completed dresses and display their samples made as well as their record books. Other tentative plans will be announced later. The next 4-H Meeting will be on November 2 allowing this weekend as a holiday. COLOUR AND VITAMINS Did you know that the greater the intensity of colour in green and yellow vegetables, the higher is the pro-vitamin A value? For example, the outer green leaves of lettuce contain more than the pale inner leaves, says the federal health department publication, nt LONDESBORO * * Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Haines moved into their new home recently purchased from Km)* Presbyterian Church. Mr. And Mrs. Gerritt Beirriers moved into the Asqnith house and Mr; and Mrs, Keith Meehan and family . into their new home purchased A social afternoon was spent from Mr. Clifton McDonald and at' the home of Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. John Snyders and Fairservice on Wednesday of last Mrs. Barbara Gowanlock family into the. Haines fatm week when 16 members of the ,,returned home after being home. , Cheerio Club meti.A. Oiliest and" "Patient'in Lorrlon Hospital. Brucefield . and. Mrs, De Wayne Elliot have returned home from their' wedding trip to the West Coast,,' Don Adams, Montreal, formerly of .13r4cefielcl, has been. transferred to Canadian Forces Base, Clinton. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Adams back to the community, Mr, Adams has purchased the farriihOu.S0- of Mae Wilson. Mr, and. Mrs.. Jackson .Sr, and, Mr, and Mrs. W, Jackson of Aylmer visited. on ,Sunday with the former's MI William and his wife. Miss Helen Broadfoot spent the weekend at her home, Rev. and Mrs-. H. Plant and family, Stratford, were guests 'with Mr, and Mrs, Hargreaves, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funnel; Guelph, spent the weekend with Mrs, Funnel's parents Mr- and Mrs. James,MeNaughtgn,