HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-11-07, Page 4M CINTE E tax.. .ruLa- 4 Clinton. News-Record, Thursday, November 7, 1968 10. EMPLOYMENT 11 WANTED S 5, WANTED 4. ARTICLES FOR .SALE- 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE 14. y EFtVICES. 19, AUCTION SALES. 2 NOTICES CLASSIFIED ADV, •:RATES I - ^ CHOICE Spring beef by half or quarter. Phone 482-7578. 45,48 CASH in on buried treasure. We buy old gold and estate jewellery. •N, T, OrmaillY Jewellery, 94 The ,Scoare, Goderich.-- 6tf New idea manure spreader; De Laval cream separator; Surge milking machine; sap pan; 2 .water troughs; Smalley grain blower, pipes and drive belt; land roller; set spring tooth ehlaerertor icfeSureaenrd; ,used bull bu dozer, d e fencer, shovels, forks, chains. mOntehnetriunar.ticles too numerous to Some household effects. (Antiques). rr, V172 MQ Cl.„.1- Tin aria Trvrn-n TERMS Cash PROPRIETOR Ross CLERK Mel Graham No reserve as farm is sold 200Gallon pill tank, filter and gauge, $30, High riser bed springs, 72" x 48", heavy gauge; 4 steel legs for above, $15; Phone 482-9627. — 4513 MOVING MUST SELL complete house furnishings. May be seen at 177 Princess Street East on November 9 and 10. —45b CUSTOM EULT,POZiNG Basements Dug Fence Bottoms Land Clearing CLARK BALL 482-9816 tin LIGHT sewing and alterations. Phone 482-9478, — 31eow GRADE, 13 girl wishes to baby kit wee nights, Call 482-9782, —45p. Notice .0f Nominations (REVISED May 1, 19e6) CASH RATE 3c Per Word BROADLOOM RETIRED man or a couple to share my home, Ed Wendorf, 231 Ratteribury Street, a East. Phone 482,7089. T 45b WILL BUY used pianos in any condition. State size and make. Write to box .441 Clinton News-Record. — 44-48P. ' For the area comprising the municipalities of McKilliPP, I-Iullett and Clinton, Nominations for a trustee • to serve on the Roman Catholic Huron-Perth Combined Separate School Board to represent the above municipalities will be received on Monday, November 18, 1968, between the hours of 1 p.m, and 2 p.m, at the Winthrop Hall, Winthrop. PersonS entitled to participate are those indicated as being separate school supporters. Persons intending to place names in nomination should npte that if the nominee is not present at the place of nomination the written consent of such nominee mast• he 'made available before such nomination can be accepted. Should an election be necessary it shall be held on December 2, 1968 between the .hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. at such places as will be announced. WILSON LITTLE CLINTON'S CELANESE .CARPET CENTRE 11. CUSTOM WORK Minimum 74 25c Extra Will be add to each insert ion if ed not paid Within 10 ctay4 of the last insertion, REPEAT ADVS.. 2c Per Word. Minimum 50e DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE, DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3441 PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other insects regularly.. appreciate the continued privilege pf servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox. Phone 482-3870 33tfb GIRL'S coat and hat, dark green with fur trim, size 6 — 6x, new condition, Phone 482-7576. 45b * Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets, * Samples shown in your home, Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations There's, a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home, CUSTOM BACKHOE WORK MOUTON fur coat size 18, Phone 527-0666. — 45b 6. AUTOS FOR SALE Digging for waterlines, foundations. Septic tanks, BEFORE YOU consider any drainage etc. ' type of security or investment, investigate• the advantages (including tax savings) offered by ownership of Canada's most ONE Harding Airilan carpet size 9 x 12, green, with underlay. also one cedar chest. Phone 482-7604. — 45b AUCTION SALES At Orange Hall, Albert Street, Clinton, next to Kingswell Welding on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9 at 1;30 p.m. Consisting oli-donated articles also articles may be consigned to this sale with '10% commission rate with minimum of $1, Donated baking, vegetables, used furniture, clothing, miscellaneous items, more donations and consignments needed. For pick-up of donated articles on sale day phone one of the Committee: Tom Deeves, Bob Glen, John Henderson, Harry Watkins. TERMS — CASH RICHARD H. LOBB Auctioneer FRANK FALCONER Clerk Phone 482-9128. — 45b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery and Household , Effects at lot 23 Concession 1 Goderich township, six miles south of Goderich, on Highway 21. 'Quality you can trust' From 1964 CHEVROLET, two-door Black sedan, Chrome wheels.'V8 automatic. Phone 482-7685. — 45p 1963 COMET, 289 motor, floor shift, mag, wheels, $800 or best offer. Phone 565-5282. — 45b BULLDOZING BALL & MUTCH LTD. - CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITUK Phone 482 9505 Clinton -- 5tfri • — STUDENTS — Re-inforced 3 ring binder, paper, lined or plain; bond typing paper; bristol in colours or white are available at Clinton Commercial Printei s Limited, 56 Albert Street, phone .182-3444, — 43t1'n PICK your own big Northern Spys, right oft' the tree. $.150 bushel in your own containers, 482-7525 Stewart Middleton. — 45b 'dynamic mutual funtl. Contact Fred (Ted) Savauge, 527-1522 Seaforth for further details. (no GRAVEL FOR. SALE obligation). — 40tin MUST SELL 1964 Chevrolet Impala, two-door hardtop A-1 condition, call after 5 p.m. Grand Bend 238-2418. — 45b PAIR snow tires; first line 4-ply polyester, size 8.25 x 14, used 3 months; $30, half price, F. Powell, 482-3265. -- 45p Delivered Fine or coarse, for lanes yards etc. Prices Reasonable. Lyle Montgomery, phone 482-7644' after 6 p.m. — 40tin For all your carpentry needs call A. SHEPPARD 16tin CARPENTRY 482-7461 19Gxt-C ORVAIR, automatic good working condition, $300. Contact Joe Palsa, RR 2 Hensall. — 45p 6,000 feet, 2" spruce lumber various widths, Also some square timber. Phone 262-5275 Hensel] after 6 p.m. or Saturdays. — 45b MIMINO DOLL clothes for sale again this year. Custom made. Phone 482-7567. 44-50b CUSTOM BULLDOZING Chas. Bruinsma Phone 565-2846 Bayfield 37t1 1.. ACCOMMODATDON FOR RENT 1965 VOLKSWAGEN, station wagon, one owner, low mileage, very clean $1,495, Lie. 920.15x 20 20 HOOVER rasher and spinner, nearly new; baby bath, sitter, diaper bag, Apply to 482-9850. — 45b • GIRL'S Golden Nugget black and white checked winter coat with fur collar; also reversible all-weather coat with hood; size 10. Phone 482-7806. — 45b EXTRA GARBAGE • & JUNK PICK-UP SERVICE Phone 482-9134 Or 482-7318 USED wooden steps, two sections, each approximately four feet rise, Make offer. Phone 482-7744. —'45b WOULD the party who was seen removing the spot lights off premises of 138 Victoria Street please return them and save further embarrassment and trouble. — 45p UPSTAIRS Apartment with kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath. Gas heated. Stove and frig. Available September 1. Phone 482-6694. — tin 1 965 VOLKSWAGEN, red, radio. Lie. H51617. $995. 13. MISCELLANEOUS ' 19 66 VOLKSWAGEN, 1600 wagon Lie. 98225X. $1795 1966/RAMBLER 220, trip-door, while with blue in tivior Lie. 6$718J. $1095 WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's -Oldest Established Jewellery StOre. tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE 'your rings and jewellery like Diamond rings renewed and srtones safely secured :don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. • • tfb TWO Goodyear suburbanite stitdded snow tires, 6,95 x 14 inch having 2000 mile's, Aslo one 14 inch American motors rim, $35 complete. Phone 482-7111. 45b 37tfn WILL the person who stole the bulb and glass glove and broke bracket on front door please replace by November 20th so it will save further trouble. I can put on the door if replaced in full„ Thanks. Ernie Vanderburgh, 148 Albert Street, Clinton. -- 45p ONE BEDROOM furnished heated apartment. Phone 482-6685. C. Van Damme. 4Otfn GARDENS PLOWED, Phone A. L. Shanahan. Phone 182-3802 after 5 p.m. —43,4,5,6p LIQUID embroidery classes, at Brucefield commencing November for 10 lessons. Paints acquired as needed. 482-7591, — 45b shading School 1.4. $10 may be Phone SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 at 1 p.m, 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, white with ,red leatherette interior; one owner, low mileeg Lic. 6332891. $1,295. TWO-BEDROOM furnished apartment, 63 Albert Street. Available now. Apply to Coin-Op, -• 63 Albert Street, Clinton. — 37tfn International C tractor in good condition; 2 furrow hydraulic plow and pulley; Ford tractor, 2 furrow plow and pulley; Massey Harris tractor; manure spreader, two steel water troughs, rubber tired steel wheel barrow. Surge milking machine for 18 cows, two pails, International electric cream separator; electric pail; pails and other . equipment, Freeman manure loader. 21 foot hay' elevator and motor. New Holland baler with motor; 1'41110 rlideibd 11P side rake; steel .roller; cultivator spring drags. McCormick tractor snow blower; pump and pump jack; steel circular saw; seven loot Massey Harris power mower. Set double blocks; 125 feet hay rope (new); forks, shovels, chains, tools, Hay 300 bales, second cut hay; 1,000 bales mixed hay. ' Household Effects: Antique three piece parlour suite setee, platform rocker, corner chair, rope bed, other beds, dressers, wash stands, kitchen chairs. Octave shaped table with pedestal, high chair,. two eight day clocks, picture frames, toilet set, three cherry chest Or drawers, organ, small tables, cylinder type gramophone with horn. Coal oil lamps, Quebec heater, antique glass, cupboard, antique dishes, kitchen utensils. Frig. TERMS — Cash PROPRIETOR Orval Powell AUCTIONEER Harold Jackson CLERK Mel Graham 15: 'REAL ESTATE EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing material and labour, for free estimates call Morrison Bros., Lucknow, phone 528-2906, or write Box 69, Lutknow. 24tf • . - OPEN FOR OFFERS — 155 acre farm. 128 acres workable, 35 acres hardwood bush, rear of farm extends to river. Natural pond; Large T shaped barn., brick house with-kitchen, living room, dining room, four bedrooms, three piece TWO storey red brick seh,yol .house; 1)Qat . ; Arlileinull';' sail:Wed 'f:n c'orio acre of land, 1 1,2 miles east of Kippen. Would make good storage for grain. Priced to sell at $2500. Call .Adam Flowers, 5.65-2813, Box 4 1 Bav field. Everett Lauckner Real I;:stato Ltd. office moved to No, 21 highway, 1 CAPANS oven ready, taking orders now. Mrs. Arnold Taylor, 482-9155, — 45b MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, garbage will be picked up after midnight Sunday, November 10, — 45p AT ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. Stove and frig supplied. All utilities paid. Phone 482-9689 after 5. —40tfn Don Taylor Motors Limited Main Street — Exeiar Jewellery Repairs We d,o all types of jewellery repairs , Ri ng Sizing Oti T t. Rebuild Shanks • _; Bead RestringIng a ATTENTION FARMERS! DIAL 235.1100 19,63 „METEOR eynv,ertible, conclit`idit'' `Pho'ne' 11-c2-7'7f!i:` 4.1.451) 21. ENGAGEMENTS HEATED two-bedroom apartnaent, frigerator and stove supplied, ample cupboard space. ,Adults ` preferred, apply 201 King Street, Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. — 44tin f,:t,Mr;r , and' Mrs. Giant Tamer, .Buryf,i61,d e.!'a n nto wribe 1,th e engagement of their daughter- Barbara Ellen to Mr. David Gerald Mansfield eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, David Mansfield, St. Catharines, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday, December 7, at 4 p.m: in St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield. ti Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. tfn 7. PET STOCK k".•••' A_ FOR SALE D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE THREE room furnished apartment, redecorated; suitable for couple. For information contact: Herman's Men's Wear 482-9351. -- 44tfn Ili' YOU WANT an unusual gift for your child for Christmas we I er• have 3 registered Dachshund pups for sale. '524-8821. — 451) 4000 bushel feed turnips l'ot sale 5c a bushel„ Phone 262-5299. -- 45b FOURTEEN Holstein heifers, various ages, four registered, 11 grade. Phone 482-7557. - 44tin. mile south of Bay field; ELECTRICAL, plumbing and carpentry work. New installations and repairs. H. J. Steffen, 123 Erie St., Clinton, 482-9937.-- tfn -"• _.-_-_-• • . • _ Two bedroom bungalow with garage, available November 15, $75 Monthly. FURNISHED one bedroom apartment. Private entrance and bath. Phone 48213837. — 41tfn SNOW BLOWERS, with sealed bearings, roller shield, trouble-free feature for damp snow has been added, you will like it, Also farrowing crates with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction;' George Troyer, Hensall, phone 262-5282. 1-- 45tin a. HELP WANTED ,MALE, 22. BIRTHS E. FARM SERVICES Men or women any location on a full or part:Lime basis to .self , household cleaning products, bleaches,' soaps, shaMpbos For interview phone .182-7701 after 5 p.m. or all weekend,' ., FREEMAN: To Mr, and Mrs. Gary Freeman, Clinton, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, October 22, 1968, a. son, Rodney. Two bedroom wartime house available December 1, $68 monthly, We Specialize In ... GROUND floor, self-contained apartment, available December 1. Call Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. Huron Dead Stock Removal ApplianCe Service Plumbing Installations ' Eavestroughing Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring — 45tfn • K. W. Colquhoun Limited Phone 482-9747 CLINTON, ONTARIO SMALL apartment, furnished or unfurnished, heated L. G. Winter. Phone 482-6692 — 45tfn McGREGOR,; To Mr. and Mrs. Jack' McGregor, RR 5, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, October 31, 1968, a son. MAN wanted l'or part-time work during Christmas season. Must like children, Apply Stedman's Clinton. Phone .182.7621. — 451) • CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 . Fresh dead or disabled cows and horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 After 8 p.m. 356-2401 Lic. 169-C-68 .15-481) ESTATE SALE CORNER FARM ON HUNDRED acres, level, well drained in excellent farming area :35 miles north of London in Huron County. Large brick house, oil heat, all conveniences. Large barn, woodshed and honey house. Buildings surrounded by tall evergreen trees. $35,000„ a 44,456 CHUTER PLUMBING r. 7.* Heating, Electric . Sales and Service 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE ;.1.6 'King Street Phone 482-7652 tfn TWO BEDROOM heated unfurnished apartment at 108 Ontario Street. Phone 482-6685. Ceriel Van Demme 45tfb JOHNS: To Mr. and Mrs. Gawain Johns (nee Helen Corran) in Bonsecour Hospital, Grosse Point, Michigan, on Friday, November 1, 1968, a son, Gavin Emmerick Alexander. HOUSE with three or four bedrooms; two baths; immediate possession. May be seen November 9 and 10 at 177 Princess Street. — 45b ARE YOU LOOKING? Poi. a good-paying part-time job? Avon offers a mar velous 0 1) P 1' 1 II niIy Territories vailable in Holmesville, Benmiller, Summerhill areas. --- 13,14,15,16b — - WA ITRESS for l Ot'l, time employment. Apply in person at Bartliff's Restaurant. • 1;)1) WHEEL CHAIRS —' The C.P. & ---- T. Fund of Clinton Oddfellows 11 Al It DR ESSE R — wanted , Lodge have wheel chairs immediately, Phone 182-7065, • available for loan free. Contact Harold Wise, 482-9507 or Mrs. HOUSEKEEPER for one adult, A. G. Grigg; 482-9558. light housekeeping duties SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Apply to Box 452. --A5b Modern Equipment - rant WAITRESS and short order Work GUa Write or Phone • cook, evening shirt, full or HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH part-lime. Apply Hotel Hensall, PHONE 527.1406 262-2012. — .15b • 24tfb LADIES REMODELLING, renovations, HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT roofing and floor ABOUT SELLING AVON? " expertly done. All 'odd jobs It costs nothing around the home, Kitchen To find out the details cupboards a spetialty. Phone Mail Coupon To 482-7676. Ken McNa Jet,: • . 52tfb CLINTON CAB FARMS AUCTION SALE of Household effects in the town of Seaforth, 68 James Street on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9 at 1 p.m. Pull line of Household effects including chesterfield suite, dining' room suite, RCA Victor 21 inch television, General Electric vacuum cleaner, four burner Westingho-se stove like new, refrigerator, kitchen set, rug 10 x 20 (like taw), clocks, mirrors, rocking chairs, be (ding, china-, ornaments, kitchen utensils, sewing ma'' TERMS Cash PROPRIETOR Vis. John Cummings AUCTIONEER fia ,old Jackson CLERK Mel Gralmm 44,4513 100 acres, Mullett Township, house, barn, garage, $18,000. 100 acres, highway 8, modern house, barn, milk house. 80 acres, highway 21, north of Goderich, good buildings, Machinery included. 400 acres, Ashfield Township, good cash crop land, tile drained. ,‘ AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. 7tfb _ Out of Town Trips 482-7011 Gardens Worked- -Weed Cutting Call George McGee tfb GROENVELD: To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Groenveld, RR 2, Brussels, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, November 2, 1968, a daughter. 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE B. CUSTOM WORK TIMEX Watch.es , sold and serviced through Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Clinton, Seaforth, Walkerton, M. tin Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding PHONE 524.8573 Goderich, Ontario HAVING. ,TROUBLE ploughing down yotir. cornstalks? Call 4 8 2-9 8 5 - and have then' ploughed with high clearance Cockshutt plough. 44,45b DENOMME: To Mr. and Mis. Matthew Denomme, RR 2 Zurich, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, November 2, 1968, a daughter. One Leland :3 h.p, ' electric motor; one Leland 1 h.p. 'electric motor; one 96,000 B.T.U.' space heater. Call 565-2652 Bayfield. — 45,46b ERICKSON: To Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter Erickson, Bayfield, in Alexandra and Marine General Hospital, Goderich, on Saturday, November 2, 1968, a. datighter. HOUSES C, WANTED DEAD STOCK Seven unit apartment building. WEDDING STATIONERY — Invitations, matches, serviettes; rubber stamps, file folders, magic markers, adding machine rolls. Office supplies, Clinton Commercial Printers Ltd., 482-3444, 56 Albert Street, Clinton. — 41tfn Phone WANTED weigh scale. 482-3310. — 45b MARLATT BROS. Please Phone remnptly 133 BRUSSELS 1.ICF,X8F, 3901,;65 Min A frame duplex, Ontario Street, rented. A profitable investment, Five room frame home on County Highway Ashfield Township, 8 miles from Lucknow, $20001 BALED straw wanted. Phone Lloyd Stewart, 482.9910, — 45b IN RESPECTFUL REMEMBRANCE • OF OUR FRIENDS AND BUDDIES WHO PAID THE SUPREME SACRIFICE CHIMNEYS built and repaired, material and labour for free estimates, call Morrison Bros. Luckriow 528-2906 or write Box 69 Lucknow. tfn _ Three beclrooin, one floor brick house, new furnace, Goderich. 45tfn MRS. M. MIELSON 17 HAWKSBURY AVE, LONDON, ONTARIO •I•••• JACK'S Furniture Repair .— Furniture repaired, also general Name ..,.. , ...,. ........ ,,,, . at REAR of 84 Albert Street, .. woOdworking and wood turning Address . .. ,... ‘.... , Clinton. Phone 482-9695. - Phone .... '' • ' ' • •' ."'":- .'1,`..• -1,..t .1`2. aotta ' 4"5,48b CURTAINS - Draperies - Window Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo . Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given, IRWINS DRY GOODS. 5tfb 19. AUCTION SALES Clinton COrnrnunity Auction Sales (11,EARINC.3 AUCTION SALE Of Farm stook and Machinery; lot '00, concession 10 Hullett lth Miles Oast of Londesboro On We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm, Phone collect not later than Saturday night, SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE WILLIAM J. DALE 527-0615 LEST WE FORGET ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair, Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsirig's Store. Henk's Shoe Repair; 71 Hamilton Street, Goderich. — 38tfb 10. EMPLOYMENT • WANTED EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON t': MORNING child care Service, Monday to Friday, 50e per hour, Children age 3 1,0 6. Planned, activities d'elu'de dames ti eLtcrftoLUX Canada Ltd: crayoning, paper construction; Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, e°Ihige 81`°r"inie ' 1‘411.8* nut* '524.6514. 153 Lighthouse Street, Goderich. 18tfb .182-9324, 45b BOB KEN PICKETT and CAMPBELL FOR SALE HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT. Geloso 222 Transmitter, 209 Receiver, 10, 15,, 20, 40 and 80 metre bands, Complete with Manuals, rnorse key and phohes. $850. Call Mr, Price at 624.8381 between 9 a,m, and 5 p,m. weekdays. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 at 1 p.m, CATTLE' 10 milking Holstein cows. 7 yearlings, 4 spring calves, MACHINERY MeCOrmiek Deering i?armall IL tractor; Massey Harris hay rake; 1:30 po m Limited Pickett 81 Campbell Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732 Governnient Inspected scalds Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS:- CASH JOE COREY. Stttv8 Manager 144 'High Street, Phone