HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-10-31, Page 4THE WHAT'S IT SHOP 84 Wellington St- Clinton — 482-7682 ANTIQUES and Gifts We buy old Glass, China, Books and ISinall furnittire . 44tfn 4 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, October 31,, 1968 f CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES 4 AR171ClES FOR ALE BROADLOOM 1, ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE. 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE 14, SERVICES' 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 6, AUTOS FOR SALE WAITRESS for part-time emPloYMent. Apply in person at Rartliff's Restadrildt. 44b DOLL clothes for sale again this year. Custom made. Phone 482.7567. 44-504 FOR SALE HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT. Geloso 222 Transmitter, 209 Receiver. 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metre bands. Complete with manuals, morse key and phones. $350. Call. Mr. Price at 524-8331 between 9 a.m. and 5 P.m. EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing material and labour, for free estimates call Morrison Bros., Lucknow, phone 528-2906,' or write Box 69, Lucknow. 24tf REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home, Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482.7676., Ken McNairn. • 62tfb JACK'S Furniture Repair - Furniture repaired, also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695. - 40tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsing's Store. Henk's Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton Street,. Goderich. 38tfb FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, Private entrance and bath, Phone 482-383.7. -- 41an MERCURY (REVISED May 1, 1966) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c, Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 HAIRD'RESSE3 wanted immediately, Phone 482-7065. — 44,456 CLINTON'S CELCELANESE.ANE. CARPT CENTRE GIRL'S red wool winter coat, black fur collar, good condition, size 6x; $7. Phone 482-9777. 44b ONE baby buggy; 1 stroller; in good condition. Phone 482-9193. — 44b GIRL Guide two-piece uniform, size 14, hat and tie included; good condition, '482-3331 after 5 p.m — 44b ONE bedroom apartment self-contained; heat and water included, Available November 1. Phone 482-9711 or 48-2-9065 after 43,44b HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, 2 miles north of Clinton; modern conveniences, oil heated, Available November 1, phone 482-9186, — 44b Huron Automotiye & Suponv 263 Huron Rd. Goderich,'Ont., Phone 524427! Clinton Representative GEO. CUTLER 182.9702 241,ow * Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets, * Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates, * Guaranteed Installations There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL MIND one or two children in my home. Phone 482-9755. — 44b 'Quality you can trust' 11. CUSTOM WORK STUDENTS — Re-in forced 3 ring binder paper, lined or plain; bond typing paper; bristol in colours or white are available at Clinton Commercial Printers Limited, 56 Albert Street, phone 482-3444.:-- .- 4.3tfn TWO bedroom house in Clinton, couple preferred; available November 1. Phone 482-3221. — 44tfn From BOYS gray 'winter coat, size 12 and girls brown winter coat, size 10 in excellent condition. Phone 482-9526, —'44I3 DEER , HUNTERS SPECIAL' BALL &11/11.1TCH LTD. CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482-9505 Clinton --5trn CUSTOM BACKHOE WORK THREE bed.room, self-contained, apartment in Londesboro. Phone 523-9506, — 44tfn ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse street. Goderich. 18tfb APPLES for sale, SPY, King, Talman Sweet, Snow, Delicious, Greening, Baldwin etc. Free delivery in Clinton. Phone 4 8 2- 3 214 Fred McClymont, Varna. — 44b BUYING A SCOPE? -- • • CURTAINS - Draperies - Window Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free' Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS. -- 5tfb We Have A Sighting With Free Installation With The Purchase Of Any Scope and Mount. REPOSSESSED SALE Several cabinet models and portables. Must go, Prices slashed. Also one vacuum cleaner and floor polishers must be moved out. Good used machines from $39.95 up, Singer Company of Canada, 40 West Street, Goderich. — 43,44 Digging for waterlines, foundations. Septic tanks, drainage etc. HEATED two-bedroom apartment, frigerator and stove supplied, ample t upboard space. Adults preferred, apply 201 King Street, Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. — 44tfn CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basements Dug Fence Bottoms Land Clearing CLARK BALL 482-9816 ONE HUNDRED and twenty bass accordian Camerano with case. Phone 482-7054. — 44b BULLDOZING GRAVEL FOR SALE $1 DISCOUNT ON 2130XES OF RIFLE AMMUNITION HUNTERS SAFTEY FLOURESCENT VESTS $2.50 EACH FLOURESCENT GLOVES $3.45 PER PAIR VESTS - BOOTS - PARKERS ,SHIRTS - HATS - ETC. Hundreds of Other Bargains WEDDING STATIONERY .— Invitations, matches, serviettes; rubber stamps, file folders, magic markers, adding machine rolls. Office supplies, Clinton Commercial Printers Ltd., 482-3444, 56 Albert Street, Clinton. — 41tfn USED wooden steps, two sections, each approximately four feet rise; Make offer. Phone 482-7744, —'44b THREE room furnished apartment, redecorated; suitable for couple. For information contact: Herman's Men's Wear 482-9351. — 44tfn tfn HUNTERS, deer licences now on sale. Heavy shot :and slugs; also .5 cords wood. Apply Mervyn Batkin, Phone 482-3866- —'43,44p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other insects regularly. I, appreciate the continued privilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox. Phone 482-3870 33tfb Delivered 1. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT SHERLOCK Manning piano and bench. Phone 482-3262. —44b or coarse, for lanes yards Prices Reasonable. Lyle Montgomery, phone 482-7644 after 6 p.m. — 40tfn Fine etc. TWO Goodyear suburbanite studded snow tires, 6.95 x 14 inch having 200 miles, Also one 14 inch American motors rim, $35 complete. Phone 482-7111, 44b UPSTAIRS Apartment with kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath. Gas heated. Stove and frig. Available September 1. Phone 482-6694. — an 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, 9 cubic feet, in good condition; 40, G. E. Semi-automatic wringer-washer, almost new, $50, Phone 482-3445 — 44b CHIMNEYS built and repaired, material and labour for free estimates, call Morrison Bros. Lucknow 528-2906 or write Box 69 Lucknow. — tfn At CUSTOM BULLDOZING TIMEX Watches sold and serviced through Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Clinton, Seaforth, Walkerton. -- tfn HARDWOOD slabs for sale. 6 cord lots, $24 delivered to your door. Phone Craig's Sawmill 526-7220 Auburn, — 42,43,44b estlIte.f.""6 412E44 BEFORE YOU consider any type of security or investment, investigate the advantages (including tax savings) offered by ownership of Canada's most dynamic mutual fund. Contact Fred' (Ted) Savauge, 527-1522 Seaforth for further details. (no obligation). — 40tfn Chas. Bruinsma Phone 565-2846 Bayfield 37tf • ONE BEDROOM • furnished heated apartment. Phone 482-6685. C. Van Damme. 4 Of fn atwood IE PIPS • ..t• .r... King Street 482-9622 EVINRUDE SALES & SERVICE 1967 MODEL Snowmobile 10 h.p. new track. Phone 523-4375. —44p NORTHERN, SPY apples to be picked up, $1.50 heaping bushel, in your own containers. Phone Stewart Middleton 482-7525. — 44b ATTENTION FARMERS! . r 4 ItOy • 1,3. MISCELLANEOUS TWO-BEDROOM furnished apartment, 63 Albert Street. Available now. Apply to Coin-Op, 63 Albert Street, Clinton. — 37tfn WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County-s Oldest Established Jewellery Store. -- tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured -- don't take chanCes. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter.-- tfb I a Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. tfn • NOTICE A. FOR SALE • D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Applications for the position of Clerk-Treasurer for the Village of Bayfield will be received by the Reeve until November 1, 1968. Applicants should apply in own handwriting stating education qualifications and experience. The duties of the Clerk-Treasurer are set out in sections 215 — 224 of the Municipal Act, a copy of which is in the Clerk's office. Salary will be negotiated with. the Council. SPRINGS and mattress for 3/4 bed. Call 524-7678. — 44b ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. Stove and frig supplied. All utilities paid. Phone 482-9689 after 5. — 40tfn 125 ACRE CASH CROP FARM for sale on Highway 4, opposite CFB Clinton. Contact Morris Omey, RR 3, Kippen. — 44p THREE GRADE Holstein heifers due in about a week, bred Holstein. ALSO litter carrier, bucket and windlass, 200 feet of track with switch, 40 foot steel swing pole. For: further information call Earl: Cox,,, Phone 482-3343,, —'44p ALMOST new, teen car coats. One brown suede size 8, one orlon pile size 10. One walnut veneer buffet. Reasonable, phone 482-7766 after 6 p.m. — 44b BRICK cottage, 3 bedrooms, oil furnace, first house south east of Adastral ' Park on gravel mad'. Apply to Frank Falconer, phone 4 8 2-9 128. :Available November 15. — 43,44b THIRTY feet of corn silage in 14' silo;-Cattle can be put in barn with town water, to feed ,this corn ;put. Also One horse power electric motor and one belt pulley for an International Harvester tractor. Phone 482-7005 after 5 p.m. — 44b VILLAGE OF 'BAVFIELD" : '"46;1714.61 5. WANTED,' FOURTEEN Holstein heifers, various ages, four registered, 11 grade. Phone 482-7557. - 44tfn. CASH in on buried treasure. We buy old gold and estate jewellery. N. T. Ormandy Jewellery, 94 The Square, Goderich.-- 6tf RETIRED man or a couple to share my home. Ed Wendorf, 131 Rattenbury Street, East. Phone 482-7089. 44b WILL BUY used pianos in any condition. State size and make. Write to box 441 Clinton News-Record. — 44-48p. A REGISTERED Holstein bull ten months old, from a dam with 24,187 pounds of milk and 133 pounds of fat. Sire is Dividend Clipper, 482-9241. — 44b • House- for sale or rent, 115 High Street. 30 STEERS, approximately 800 lbs. Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, phone 527-0466. — 44b FOUR YORK sows, second litters, due in three weeks. Phone 523-4220 Blyth. — 44b 14. SERVICES Ideally located, block from uptown, quiet residential area. Available November 1, 1968. Contact Phone 482-9481 MRS. G. W, NOTT 107 High Street, Clinton ELECTRICAL, plumbing and carpentry work. New installations and repairs. H. J. Steffen, 123 Erie St., Clinton, 482-9937.— tfn E. FARM SERVICES The Clinton Dump will be open on Saturday, November 2 and Wednesday, November 6 from 1-3 in the afternoon for Citizens of the Town of Clinton only; THIRTY HEAD Western Hereford heifers, approximately 400 lbs. each, in local area since September 10, Harry Watkins, ,,Londesboro 482-3213. - 44P Huron Dead Stock Removal WOULD like to rent garage in Clinton. State price and location to Box 440, Clinton News-Record. — 44b We Specialize In Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring 44b THIRTY THREE portable concrete Riehl stalls with chain; water bowls. Phone: 524-6469. - 44b CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 . Fresh dead or disabled cows and horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 After•8 p.m. 356-2404 Lie, 169-C-68 42,43,44.b Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 44b . 6. AUTOS FOR SALE ESTATE SALE CORNER FARM ONE HUNDRED acres, level, well drained in excellent farming area 35 miles north of London in Huron County. Large brick house, oil heat, all conveniences. Large barn, woodshed and honey house. Buildings surrounded by tall evergreen trees. $35,000, - 44,45b • I EBY ...and WAITING for WINTER! CHUTER PLUMBING Heating, Electric announces 1965 VOLKSWAGEN, station wagon, one owner, low mileage, very clean $1,495. Lic. 92045x 1965 VOLKSWAGEN, red, radio. Lic. H51617. $995. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, white with red leatherette interior; one owner, low mileage. Lic. 633289J. $1,295. • our Sales and Service 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 tfn — -------- -- NEW RENTAL OWNERSHIP PLAN AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384.-- 7tfb CLINTON CAB Out of Town Trips 482-7011 Gardens Worked--Weed Cutting Call George McGee tfb B. CUSTOM WORK Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding PHONE 524.8573 Goderich, Ontario AT 'HAVING TROUBLE ploughing down your cornstalks? Call 4 8 2-9 8 5 1 and have them ploughed with high clearance Cockshutt plough. - 44,45b Don Taylor Motors Limited Main Street — Exeter DIAL 235.1100 CASUAL JACKETS & WINDBREAKERS Warm Pile Linings. Cadet or Regular Collars. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527.1406 24tfb 9tfb DEAD STOCK SMITH-CORONA PORTABLE TYPEWRITER 7965 FORD‘Mustang, V8, radio, standard transmission, white walls, phone 482-3431 or after 5, 482.7706. 43,44b D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MARLATT BROS. Please Phone Promptly 133 BRUSSELS LICENSE 340065 FIFTEEN little pigs for sale; also large roosters &essed or alive. • Aaron Fisher, RR 2 Clinton, 524-9864. - 44p 1965 METEOR convertible, Al condition, Phone 482-7713. — 44.45b 1711h 62 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent motor, tires, body, Phone 482-9390 after 6 p.m. 44b A must for the cold ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS Announce a Fall Controlled weather ahead: 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE IT S AS SIMPLE AS ABC TO BECOME AN OWNER FARM SERVICE ,CENTRE For all pressure systems and farm line needs ARE YOU LOOKING? For a good-paying part-time job? Avon offers a marvelous opportunity, Territories available in Holrnesville, Benmiller, Surrunerhill areas, .13,41,45,16h 18.95 up From HERE'S, ALL YOU DOI I. Select from our stock the type-style and color you wish, 2, Sign a rental agreement and pay the first month's rent. If you continue to rent until rental paid equals purchase price plus'small service fee ... We Give You the Typewriter! HERE ARE THE ADVANTAGES: I. No obligation to buy, 2, Service without charge during the rental period, 3, A new ELECTRIC PORTABLE typewriter in your home without upsetting your budget, PHEASANT HUNT Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY EVENING at 730 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY .'-,.tit's Mannger SEE OUR SELECTION OF SWEATERS ALL WEATHER COATS — SPORT SHIRTS ETC. at POINT FARMS PROVINCIAL PARK October 18 - December 14 Limited to 50 hunters 'per day on a "just come" basis. No reservations, Only Provineial Hunting Licenses required. Hunting 8 a.m. to 5 p.M. Limit 3 birds per hunter, 1 hen only. 1niiiiecl air op6hing Registered Nursing Assistants, also Nurse's Helpers, for full citto employment. yod have had iio training or Ocn6ri6tiCO a Nurse's helper, We will eOnsider training you. Apply in rl6riinit to Woo Water Rest. Ito e, with On Ittrio, — :W i t. lb PHONE 482-9561 Corner Princess and Albert St Pickett & Campbell timitfd For L i mited Time Only Anstett' Jewellers Ltd. CLINTON "We Service what we sell" tin "PrOUdly. Canadian" Clinton — Walkerton Seaforth The' awed For Men dobt RICH CLINTON 43, 44b