HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-10-24, Page 8enjoy Toronto imore... 1 . stay at the Lord Simcoe Hotel where the service is warm and friendly . . • where the prices are sensible . . . where you're close to everything downtown ... where you can relax in modern refurbished rooms . . where you can enjoy fine foods and intimate lounges. Singles start at $9.00 and end at $13.50 Doubles start at $14.00 and end at. $18.50 Luxury Suites Available Lord Simcoe Hotel University & King St. (at the subway) - Tel: 362-1848 BEiAUT.rptl',BREEZY 1„ By .BEW,CtIAMBER F1 PERSONAL ITEMS e •;MACH NEWS CLUE ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENIlka Correspondent; AUDREY BELLCHAMBER-----r Phone 565-2864. :Ileyfield Subscriptions, Classified. Advs. and Displciy Advs, all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. ettttroi4 iti Vitroat fir. 481.7pi [HERE'S A 19" COLOR TV • IN A PRICE & STYLE THAT MAY, MAKE COLOR PRACTICAL FOR YOU CALL OS TODAY FOR THE bETAILS wa4' 40011,126,WW20,Z0,""'"A4Vi'afd f.. MERRILI V SERVICE Mr, and. Arthni .Peters.or Detroit were guests .P11$.1.t4c14,Y andof Mr, WA. ligP14 •Wv49.11, Mr, and Mrs, Howard $cotch,m4rt, Chatham, were weeicend pests of his, ,parents, Mr. and Mra142,ycl..,492telPPPr• Dr. and Mrs E, L. Cpoper, Detroit, „volt .the weekend. at their villace borne. Mr. Leon' 'Duggan of Stratford ,SPPPt Sunday at the cottne, Mr. and Mrs, Bob' 'Gruff and 49; Rob, returned to London Sunday evening after tieing. at the Ttilmatm cottage for the weekend. Mr,_,and M. .Paul London, were- WPMCPIci .visitors with Mr. 4140 Mrs, .Fred L01044, Bayfield Scouts'' and Cubs' recent Apt* Puy realized the grand total of $67.31. Pat Owens, group committee chairman, would like to e4prop,s the committee and ;Scouts : and pubs appreciation to Fred Middleton,. Warner Payne and Ross Middleton for their donation of apples, .and also to • the village residents for, their generous response. Mr. Andmrs, giforson Harper of New Dundee,, visited Mr, and .Mrs. Leroy Path on Sunday, , "Enough driving," says Epps at 93 ERNEST EPPS A Clinton man who says the greatest change he has seen in his 93 years is the shift from horses to scars;, decided last, Week Ahat he had done enough driving. Ernest Epps, who lives at 38 Maria Street, drove his car until his 93rd birthday a week ago, according to his son, Ellwood, owner of a sporting goods store at 80 King Street, "bdt figured he better be smart and stop." Despite his retirement as a motorist, Mr. Epps plans to go on working each day in the shop where he handles shipping. I&Mackarnith in,; :Varna 4,8 z years , when he started a' transport business in 1918, Mr. Epps later spent summers running speedboats at Port Elgin. He moved to Clinton in '33. Besides his son in Clinton, Mr. Epps has a son, Lorne, in London, and a daughter, Mrs. M. E. Clark, who lives in Seaforth, Teen town Clinton Teen Towners will elect officers tomorrow night at a dance to be held in the Community Centre from nine o'clock to midnight. F. J. and The Impressions will play at the dance. Admission will be $1.- Ballots will be distributed to all who pay admission. The cards will be. collected and the votes tallied at 11 p.m. • Nominated at a meeting Monday night were: for president--Robert Byers, Bob Cooper, Bonnie McLean and Sue Smith; for vice president--Rick Zablocki, 'Steve MCDonald, Ruth Murphy and Clare Proctor; for treasurer-Bob Paquet and Ken Slade; and for secretary--Barb . Ball, Paul Swan and Sharon Carter. ATTENTION LL CURLERS Enjoy the game, fun and fellowship by sending your entry for the 1968-69 season in now to the CLINTON-SEAFORTH CURLING CLUB YOU CAN CURL FOR LESS THAN _ $1.00 PER NIGHT RATES ARE with Deposit First Year MEN'S 40.00 30.00 30.00 LADIES' - 20.00 20.00 20.00 COUPLES' 60.00 50.00 50.00 STUDENTS' . . 5.00 5.00 5.00 NEW MEMBERS NOTE REDUCED RATES FOR FIRST- YEAR MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO SEAFORTH_ CURLING CLUB SEAFORTH, ONTARIO DUE ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 15, MS CUT OUT AND RETURN 1W OCTOBER 31, 1968 NAME(S) I i , ADDRESS I PHONE IF ANY TIME OR DAY IS SATISFACTORY PLEASE INDICATE This greatly assists your draw committee* In making draws. If Not, CIrtiii Prehtenct of Tim. and Petition Below MEN'S: MONDAY 7-9 or 9-11 TUESDAY 7.9 or 9-11 LADIES': TUESDAY, 2-4 pan. MIXED: THURSDAY 7-9 or 9-11 FRIDAY 7-9 or 9-11 POSITION: SKIP: VICE: SECOND: LEAD PLEASE RETURN OR MAIL TO: JOE and MARY MtYRPHY I CLINTON, PHONE 462401 1 PHONE tN41.1Httr..$ FOR FURTHER liviroaMATioi4 WELCOMED grows to $250 for each V& That's what you can get with this year's Canada Savings Bonds. Here's how. The new Bonds have fourteen regular annual interest coupons which can be cased each year as they come due. The fitst_pays 5.75%; the second,r6.50%; the next three, 6.75% each, and the last nine a big 7.00/0 each. Teal regular annual interest amounts to $95.50 on each $100 Bon& Tryon choose yOulnay hold all these regular annual- interest Coupons uneashed Until your Bond matures. If you do, you Will then get interest oh Our interest totalling an additional $54.50 On each $100 Bond. At Maturity, therefore, you can get back_ total interest of $150 plus your original $100 investment. This way each $100 Canada Savings Bond becomes worth $29). Other denominations can grow at the same exciting tate. Adults, children, businesses and institutions-all may buy Canada Savings Bonds. They are avail- able in convenient amounts a $50 up to $50,000. for cash or on instalments, Wherevet you work, bank or invest. And, as always, Canada Savings Bonds ate cashable any time at full fate value plus earned interest. few investments are so profitable. None builds More surely for the future, Buy Canada Savings Bonds and make your savings really grow. clint96. Newq-,Fiecptst. 'TI)g.t'00y„ ..Qcol?er ..:44, 1068 Boy Seouta of Cdriada, Huron District annual general _meeting was held on. October 16 at the Albion Hotel, Bayfield. Thirty five district officers, group committee members and leaders were present and after an excellent dinner, listened to reports front the district president, Glen Lodge of Goderich and the District commissioner, Jack Gallant, Clinton. The secretary's report was read by Lorne Hyde, Goderich, on behalf IA J. A. Coulter, Goderich, Mr. Coulter, secretary-treasurer; had another meeting that evening and still managed to get to Bayfield before the Scout meeting ended to give his own financial report, The District Commissioner presented the Wood Badge to leader William Thomson, Clinton,• and congratulated him on behalf of the National Council. ' At the close of his report, Mr. Gallant said that he would be unable to continue as district commissioner due to other committments. The meeting discussed the increase of fees demanded by National and Provincial councils and following the suggestion of Glen Lodge agreed to cut the district fee to 25 cents for one year. This will result in a total payment of $3.50 per person in respect of Scouts, Cubs, Venturers and leaders while Rovers will pay $3.00 each. The president made it clear that these sums are composed of a national headquarters levy of 75 cents, insurance, 13 cents; provincial headquarter levy of $1.87; a district fee of 25 cents and 50 cents per year for the Canadian Boy magazine, which is mailed to every Scout, Cub, Venturer and leader. Only Rovers are excused from subscribing to the Canadian Boy as it does not relate to their field of activity. J. Gallant acted as chairman Curing the ,election of officers ,Phr '1908.9, Ron Bushell, Ooderich, was :nominated- for the office of Huron District president by Lome Hyde and Maaon_Rehley of -Gnderich, Harold Sisaona, EXeter, and Pat Owens, Bayfield r.oyed that nominations cease carried, J, A. Coulter, Goderich. wa s re-elected as secretary- treasurer on a motion of George Benchamber, seconded by Pat Owens, Lorne Hyde again consented to be badge secretary following .4 motion by Len Lovell, seconded by J, .11offineyer. G. Bellchainber was re-elected Vice-president. He was nominated by P. Owens, seconded by H: Sissons. This • year's meeting was the first occasion on which, Scout Leaders have been allowed to vote -due to up-'dating of the national and provincial constitutions, As a result there was keen interest in the nomination of a Scouter as district Cominiasioner. NOrninees were Lt. Comander Maundcote-Carter, Clinton; Glen Lodge, Goderich; Les Preistly, Adastral Park; Harold Sissons, Exeter, and Gary Tweddle, Ailsa Craig. Mr. Maundcote-Carter asked that his name be withdrawn as he wishes to devote his energies to the Clinton Cub pack during the forthcoming year. Glen Lodge, who has held office on many past occasions as president, secretary, district scoutmaster, scouter, and Rover leader, was elected . District Commissioner by a majority vote on the first ballot. In-Coming president, Ron Bushell thanked all present and assumed the chair for the adjournment. 'Reeve Grant Stirling of Goderich Township heads a committee formed to assess damage and apportion funds raised in respect of the tornado which struck properties adjacent to the Bayfield line on August 5. The area badly affeeted lay roughly between lots 10 and. 24 and also from lot 59 to lot 71. In this area the committee assessed structural damage approximating to $50,000. Crop damage was not considered, since. it is a normal farming hazard and may be insured against, whereas insurance against wind damage to buildings, normally only covers a' fraction of replacement cost. The fund, which was started by a dance on August 30, organized by the Bayfield Tuesday club at the community centre, has since risen to $1,823.88, and will be closed on November 1. The committee expressed the hope that all who still wished to donate, will hand their contributions to any committee member by October 31. Committee meitbers are: Reeve Grant Stirling, chairman; Walter Forbes, Ed. N. Grigg, Robert B. Taylor, Carman W. Tebbutt, and secretary-treasurer, George Bellcharnber. The Provincial Minister of Agriculture, the Hon, William A. Stewart has been contacted and will recommend to the Treasury Board that the sum raised be matched from Provincial funds. 11111111001.1011•011111111•11 At the regular meeting on Monday evening, Bayfield Council after a lengthy discussion asked the press to remind the people that there is a building and zoning bylaw, and permits to build or improve existing buildings must be obtained and approved by Council before work begins. In other business, John Lindsay was authorized to hire additional help on Halloween evening if he deems it necessary. Re eve McFadden informed Council that, as no application for the position of Clerk treasurer had been received;+Mrs. Phyllis Maloney had agreed to remain on ,an htteriln C ouncil expressed its appreciation to. Mrs, Maloney. The position of clerk-treasurer will be advertised again, The Court, of Revision meeting was set for NOV November 118.'S p,m. in the Mimicipal A motion .wa,sPasSed that Mr, Les Elliott be granted an increase of up to $50 per year for tax .collecting, The meeting adjourned at 9.30. ' 1111111•PIIIMMINVOIMIIIM A meeting of the 'Bayfield Cemetery Board was held Tuesday afternoon, October 15, in the Chapel at the cemetery, The president, Donald- McKenzie, was in the chair. The minutes of the 'last .annual meeting were read by the secretary-treastirer, Elgin Porter, and adopted on motion of Mr. Porter and Arthur Peck. Harry Baker was appointed as secretary for the meeting on motion of Wilmer Reid and Lloyd Scotchmer. In his report, Mr. Porter said there is $625 in the current account and . $1,611 in the perpetual care account. The amount in Sterling Trust, $6,298, The amount in Crown Trust, $12,092. Walter Orr is to get $700 per year for cutting grass, starting in 1969, an increase of $150 and is to use his own riding mower. It was decided to secure accident insurance on Mr, Orr and Mr, Porter while they are working at the cemetery. The Annual meeting will be held about the middle of February. A motion to adjourn was made by L. B. Smith and Lloyd Scotchmer. Personals Mr. and Mrs, John Lindsay accompanied. Mr. Leo Elliott to Mount Clemens, 'Michigan on Sunday, where they spent the day with Mr. Elliott's niece, Mrs. John Schiller and family. Township of GOO* NOTICE of .FIRST POSTING VOTERS' LIST 1968 Notice is hereby given that j have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that 1 have posted up in my Office in the Township of Goderich on the 21st Day of .October 1988, the list of all PerSons entitled to vote in the ivlanicipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. I hereby call on all Voters to take immediate Proceedings to have any oremiSsions or errors according to Law; the last day for appeal being the 9th day of November, 1968. E. Thompson Clerk, Township of Goderich 43b