HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-10-24, Page 7Kinsmen to attend Fall Council in Windsor Nine Clinton men will be Among delegates from 72 Kinamen clubs meeting ,Saturday and Sunday for the Kinsmen District NO, 1 Fall Council in Windsor, Harry Moll of Montreal, national president of the Association, of Kinsmen Clubs, will attend the session at which Stewart of Kitchener, Kinsmen governor, and Deputy .°Go \Tern r Dave Reattie .of Clinton will outline programmes for the coming year, Other delegates ty the fall • council meeting from the Clinton club include Larry Jones, president; Steve Brown, Don Hall, Bob .Mann, Ron Jewitt, Al Finch, Bert Clifford and. Bill Smith. AR the men are expected to attend with their wives. The meeting will enable Kinsmen from throughout the district to exchange service ideas and hear how other clubs raise funds for service work. District No; 1 embraces an area from Owen Sound to Oakville. The Association of Kinsmen Clubs is composed of some 13,000, members in more than 420 clubs throughout Canada, and to date has donated more than $30 million to service work. This fall a dream will be realized when construction begins on 1.5 acres of land at York University, Toronto, for the Kinsmen National Institute on Mental Retardation. Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs will haVe contributed close to $400,000.00 fOr this most important project. The institute will be C,A.R.C,'s core facility for research and programme development, within its - nation-wide series of . special projects, designed to aid Canada's half million intellectually handicapped, The research aspect of the institute is but one facet of its function. A major, role will be the training and preparation of personnel, both professional and - volilllkerantildnental Intardatica,. „ from all over the world. Hockey registration Only eight or 10 boys registered last Saturday for midget and juvenile hockey teams in Clinton, according to Doug Andrews, recreation director, Registration will he held again this Saturday at the Clinton Community Centre from 10 a.m. to noon, but Mr. Andrews says "with the older boys we can never get them to come until the first practice." For those who do want to register, there is a fee of $3. Practice will start as soon as the rink is iced,, CHRISTMAS TOYLAND . NOW OPEN AT STEDMAN'S CLINTON r SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION & PRICES EARLY SHOPPERS SPECIAL ON 88 TOYS Remember there Are 0111Y 52 Shoppinej Days Till tfirktn ,as 10% DoINN HOLDS ANY ITEM ON "LAYAWAY" TILL DEC, 24th You Can Shop By Cash, Layaway And Credit PIONEER 14-20 with `Inject-wire' fast, powerful, more production! the big difference Is total engineering! PIONEER CHAIN SAWS 986200 ROBERT GLEN SAWS Clinton TEL.; 482-9292 Ontario 441,RateauraataxitA! PUBLIC CLINTON 1 ES COMMISSION .0•*twegilieeNoe.roN4No._ '!TietiopOSO !'Sim" Clinton Memorial Shot) T. PRYDE and SON CLINTO +- EXETER SEAFOItT“ Phone 482.7211 Open Every Afternoon Lead lltervriumtetive A W. STEEP /182-6642 Thorsci4y,,,OP.,9bOr .24,1 9($ lighurr. P4l3SONALS- .Sunday „evening :guests at the home of Mr, .and Mrs, Era Kipfer of Hensall Were his brother Simon,his son 'Gary and daughter Delores,_ Bingham Lakes Minnea9t.4,.-U,S,A,..Mr, and Mrs., 'PPM K.* Sr, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs., Oingerich, Mrs. Emma Kiefer, Zurich; Mr. and MP, Lewis Beah„art, Seaforth; Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Merrier, Zurich; Mr, • and Mrs, C, D. Kipfer„ Hens* Mr., and. Mrs. .Lee Oeseb, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Hillier, London, Mr, and Mrs. Qeorge Ridgetown, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Laird Mrs, John Glenn of Exeter, formerly of Chiselhurst, was. admitted as a patient at South Huron Hospital Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Ken Christian of Napanee called on Mr. and Mrs. Laird .Mickle Tuesday of last week, Mr. Christian was a former Bank manager here, The General meeting of United Church -Women of Hensall, was held Monday evening and had as guest speaker Rev, Donald Orth. Centralia. who spent 20 years in Japan working through the Department of Agriculture. He showed slides and gave an excellent description of Japan past and present, its crops and its manufactures, its people and its 'religions. - Mrs. James McAllister, president opened with a though for October: "I see a Disciple." Mrs, E, Rowe gaVe the devotional, John 6, verse It "Salvage." Miss Amy Lammie offered prayer and Mrs. Eric Luther -was guest soloist. Reports . were presented by treasurer Mrs, Edison Forrest, Manse committee Mrs. Grace Peck who reported the laying of MISS DENISE SMITH NEWLY TRAINED nurse's assistant, Miss Denise Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Smith, Clinton, has completed a two-year course at the Midwestern Children's Regional Centre, Palmerston, and was graduated at ceremonies this month. Denise is continuing as a nurse's assistant and reports that working with the children is a great challenge and most rewarding. DOLL FESTIVAL APPROXIMATELY 500 HAND-MADE ITEMS FOR SALE PERIOD — NOVELTY AND NURSERY - RHYME DOLLS ON DISPLAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 26 STARTING AT 10 WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH Clinton Refreshments Available • Sponsored by Wesley -0)011s United Cluirenivome'n carpet in the living room And dining room of the Manse, Mrs. McAllister „announced a Mission Festival to be WO in Creditors NoVernber 1345, and that a bale will be Pllekect- November 5. Mrs..Wilhprt Dini ng gave courtesy remarks. Hostesses. were Mrs,. LOOP PArh and Mrs. Frank HarPerp, District Deputy President Mrs. Mary Lowe of Brussells and her installing staff installed the officers of Aniher Rebekah Lodge Wednesday evening, New officers are: past noble grand, Mrs. John Corbett; noble grand, Mrs. Earl Campbell; vice grand, Mrs. Elgin Thompson; recording secretary, Mrs. Leona Parke; financial secretary, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor; treasurer, Mrs. Ed Corbett; warden, Mrs, John Taylor; conductor, Mrs. Elizabeth Riley; Chaplain, Mrs. E. Chipchase; musician, Mrs, William Fuss and colour bearer, Mrs, Howard Lemmon. Also, • R.S.N.G. Mrs. Ines McEwen; L S.N.G., Mrs. Lindsay Eyre; R.S.V,G, Mrs. George Clifton; L.S.V.G., Mrs. Clarence Volland; I.G., Mrs. William Kyle; 0.G., Mrs. Garfield Broderick. Mrs. Crobett was presented with her past grand jewel and Mrs, Laura Williamson, Brussels, read the commission of the district, deputy president. Mrs. Lowe spoke briefly and outlined her year's work and said they hoped to carry on with the United Nations project. Mrs. Sarah Stephenson of Brussels was soloist. A gift was presented to Mrs, Lowe by Mrs. Corbett on behalf of the Lodge. A social hour, contests and lunch was enjoyed. Members of the Lodge appear on "Act Fast". CFPL TV London, early in November, Ladies of St. Pawls Anglican Church held a very successful bazaar and bake sale in the church schoolrooms on Saturday afternoon of October 19 which was well patronized with proceeds very gratifying. Convenors for the project were Mrs. Annie Reid and Mrs. Barrie Jackson. * * * Members of Hensall Kinette Club sponsored a very successful) annual fall Rummage Sale at the local Arena Friday evening October 18th, with proceeds for service work. Car tp f t elothfrig„.„ript, sold were given to" the 'Ele.W:‘"- .for their bale' to be forwarded for Overseas Relief, The Minister "Under Attack" was a lively and informative feature of the Thanksgiving meeting of Hensall United Church Hi-C - Discussion of money topics pertaining to Youth and the Church followed. The panels members were Catharine 'Christie, Sherry Travers and Carmen Currie. Focus on Japan was presented through the film strip "In the Land of ,Ftigi, $no.,"- ..A Tininksgivitig •Mecli,t4tinn. and a sing-song „concluded the meeting which was followed by a contest. and lunch, Convenors for the October. 27th meeting will ,oe Donna Forrest,. Nancy Forrest and Joyce Fergnsen- Conneillera. are Rev, .and Mrs, Harold Currie, Donna Forrest was the. representative to the "Church Vocations Event 1908" for Huron Perth and Oxford ,Presbyteries in St„ JOhn's United Church, Stratford, October .19th, * * Bill Stewart of Goderich scored 81 put of a possible 100 points to win the Huron County handicap trap shoot championship at Kippen Sunday, John Anderson, Hensall and Bob Wildfong of Exeter placed second with 90 points, Ted Morton of Goderich was third with 88 points while last year's champion George Hamm of Blyth was fourth with 87 points. immailmo Mrs. Malcolm Davidson of Brucefield was the guest speaker when Kippen East Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. M. Connolly on Wednesday October 16. She spoke' on "A Farmer's Wife's Duties in the Future" and was presented with a little gift by Mrs. D,, Triebner to express thanks for a very fine address. Mrs. William Bell chaired the Agricultural and Canadian Industries Program and gave the motto, "We are never too old to learn if we are not to stubborn to try!" Mrs. Dave Triebner gave an excellent reading on the general theme of farming for women. The roll call was answered by an advantage of farm life and seven paid fines for not wearing their Institute pin,. Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs. 4,nno Vooper Nported •thg Local Leader -Ponr* ."8eWing with a diffett ence,.1. Anyone the .commtmitY 'wishingtotake' this .course ,Shollitl.g?t in touch with ,oithprof .these ladies, • • Mm, .Joyce „Qoo.pgr reported for Citizenship nod' Education And Alpo -gave 'courtesy Tpmorick, Donation was given to the ,a.nd..aromg.eninn4 were made for wrying lunch at linron • Centennial, Mrs. V.Prn d.erdice presented the .TreaStirer's Report and Mrs, Ken, McKay and Mrs. Harry Caldwell ,reported on .the Huron CeentY Rally WO. .111 QPIP1499k, .October 7„ Mrs. Harry Caldwell was gmes,t speaker for the October !meeting of Chiselhurst United Church Women, giving a very interesting and informative talk on her trip to Japan. President Mrs, Thomas Brintnell chaired the Meeting, opening with a Thanksgiving meditation„ The worship, "God's Presence In Our Midst," was taken by Mrs. Clarence Coleman. Mrs. Alvin Cole 'offered prayer. NM Robert Boyce brought a Thanksgiving Message:. Plans were made for the annuai bazaar to• be held at the church Wednesday, November 6 at 3 o'clock,* Mrs, Russell Brock favoured with a reading "Home Missions." PERSONALS Glen Kennings of Barrie, formerly of Hensall, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs' Alfred Smith*, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds of Seaforth are enjoying a few days vacation, Mr, and Mrs. Sim Roobol of Hensall are staying at the Dodd? home with the children during their absence. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shirray were Mrs. Ethel Trernaina of Alton, Ontario, and Mt, and Mrs. Edward Johns of Chicago. OBITUARIES Mla Jo#llx Aikenhead of i3r cefield Paged away in Clinton Community Hospital, Thursday elrOning,t October 17, The former Rete Harrison, she Was in her, liPth year and is aurviVed by her husband, two sons, James, 4rtieefield; Bill, Germany; four daughters, Mrs, Stewart (glive), BrOarifoot, Prneefield; Mrs..Har9bil (Joyce) Merl, RR, 2 1-lenSall; Mrs. R, S. (Amy) London; Mrs, Stanley (Elizabeth) Collins, Clinton; three sisters, Mrs. Olive Adams, London; Mrs. Elizabeth PermYwitt, Detroit; Mrs. Irene Jones, Detroit; two brothers, Percy Harrison, Goderich; Charles Harrison, Detroit; thirty-three grandchildren and 'one great grandchild. Public funeral services .were held from Bonthron Funeral Home Monday October 21 at 1 p.m. conducted by Rev, E,, D, Stuart. Interment was in 'birds CerrieterY. Pallbearers were James Collins, James Aikephead, Harold Willbert, Richard• Hunt, Bruce. Collins, Charles Broderick, John Hunt and Jack Aikenhead, Harold Willert, Richard Hunt, Stewart 13roadfoot, Bill Aikenhead. Flower bearers, Harry Wooley, Martin Bos, Richard Willert, Richard Hunt, Bruce Collins, Charles Broderick, Johp Hunt and Jack Ailtenhead. peoNeol1a0.1,i0N"lateeseeeesoo'wease COMING SOON!! WATCH Fnfl GRAND OPENING CARTER'S WEST-END SUPERTEST (Highway 8 West) AT Joelf,-ket?., 1- 1 7.i-moomponom-Ponslr.prv-N4:03§2froviNP07q A • litii,/irrat,Woet,tf It's called the 'College' Study Lamp because students first realized 'the need for it. But anyone who does close work—reading, writing, sewing, knitting —will see more comfortably with the special kind of light the 'College' Study Lamp gives, fins year, Null find more and mere of then) in sta , lioncry and lighting stores. Table lamps and floor lamps, in a vide choice of attractive. styles, all made to the Illuminatinq Engineering Society's soetificatiOnS, No direct glarst.. No shadow, High level iliuMmation, evenly diffused. If the 'College' Study Lamp does such a good job fo'r students, think what it can do for you. Choose the lamp authorized to wear the "College" label, The "College" Study Lamp. • CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP D. W, CORNISH Albert St. 481-6646 At 0/lfign:301) CLINTON a:,144'. `041,',1% ez of4 :044040,40CfZI4f1,X.;f4. 67.404e(ig.044044 f44-0,4040 NI:1°N BALL 6c MUD C H LTD. TEL:,. 4E12,9'4';