HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-10-03, Page 9Ontario Grown, Fresh Picked Daily Sweet and Crisp, Fancy Grade 5-lb' cello bag McIntosh Red 9d APPLES Ontario Grown, Curly Leaf, No. 1 Grade SPINACH L2.4A-: 756 4 STOCK UP AT THIS LOW PRICE! GREEN BEANS YORK BRAND FANCY CUT MIX OR MATCH YORK BRAND FANCY CUT WAX BEANS YORK BRAND BEANS WITH PORK YORK BRAND CHOICE QUALITY PEAS & CARROTS A&P PEAS CHOICE QUALITY A&P CHOICE QUALITY CREAM STYLE CORN A&P BRAND WHOLE KERNEL CORN 1111011i. BAKERY SPECIALS READY TO SERVE OKED COOKED HAMS BUTT PORTION SHANK PORTION 149? CENTRE CUTS OR HAM STEAKS 1b la` 1b 5 Jane Parker Reg. Price 55c — SAVE 6c PUMPKIN PIE FULL 8-INCH SIZE Jane Parker Reg. Price each 27c Buy 4, SAVE 21c CRACKED BREAD WHEAT celloags 1O-oz 10-0Z 10-0Z 8.701 10-0Z 10.01 10-0Z, TINS 7-01 STOCK UP AT THIS LOW PRICE S 14 TO 16 POUNDS LB 59? NO ADDITIONAL PROCESSING AT THIS LOW, LOW PRICE, PLEASE! WHOLE HAM 1-16 print arl KING SIZE carton di 200 oft REGULAR SIZE cation of 200 ) 5 CHECK THESE LOW, LOW 'PRICES TOILET TISSUE wSAVE gn pkg of 4tas 53c COFFEE (lot Off Deal) SAVE A ltraTVIAH ttclseAT A&Pt 1-lb bag 79c CAKE Mixesigt:yo;°4?—Wfl:t 31371141:3 19-Oz Pic o 1.00 INSTANT COFFEE R ed 29 az far 1.19 "P $1 Brand— (SAVE 3re6aS4 1° • Captain Al Brabant (right) of CFB Clinton receives his prize and trophy from Major John Woodrow, senior Royal Canadian Air Force Association liaison officer, after winning a Clinton Officers' Mess and RCAFA golf tournament at Ausable Gold Club, Exeter. The golf tournament was held in conjunction with the RCAFA regional meeting held at CFB, Clinton, 'Canadian Forces Photo Earl Sproal, employed at CFB Centralia and CFB Clinton since September 1959, retires from the Civil Service November 15. He is shown receiving his retirement certificate from Lt-Col. 0. H. Hack, acting base commander, CFB Clinton. Mr. Sproal, a native of Exeter, lives with his wife at 545 Main Street, Exeter. (Canadian Forces Photo) Mary - Martha . unit meets • Members of the Mary and Martha Unit of Wesley-Willis Church met at the home of Mrs. Pat Bennett, Seaforth, for their September meeting. Mrs. Ted Davies, president, opened with words of welcome and conducted the business of various reports received. The programme convenor, Miss H. Stewart, reported the Fall Thankoffering to .be in Ontario Street Church Oct. 20 with Father Libby as guest speaker. Mrs. Mowatt read some interesting fan mail received regarding the Doll Festival Project to be held Oct. 26. There is to be a CKNX-TV interview Oct. 23. Mrs. C. Nelson and Miss H. ,Stewart conducted the worship and meditation. The Theme was "This , is My Father's World". The story of 'the author, Dr. Babcock of New York City, who wrote , the Hymn was very ritK.esp,in‘The singing,of,Hyrnn wrins jis MY'Fither's World" and prayer closed meditation. Mrs. Doug Andrews gave a ,splendid report of the London Conference School for Women she attended in August at Alma College. The conference theme was. "Christians Living in Our Century". Mrs. Andrews urged as many women as possible to attend these conferences. It is a verylasting and rewarding experience... A liver game "How Do You Like Your Neighbour" was much enjoyed. Mrs. Nelson gave a splendid account on the background of Japanese people, Floral arrangements, tea cult and religion am very closely woven together. Lovely floral arrangements were created with all members taking one home. The hostesses, Mm: Nelson and Miss Stewart assisted by Mrs. Bennett, served delicious refreshments. Special thanks were expressed to Mrs. 'Bennett for an enjoyable evening. CORN GROWERS COME AND SEE OUR FUNK R.O.P. Group 1 Test Plots PLUS SOME OF THE LEADING COMPETITIVE CORNS on Friday, October 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Haugh Bros. 1 Mile East of Brumfield EVERYONE WELCOME REFRESHMENTS Funk Brim, Seed Corn Company Ltd, Huron County Funk Dealeit , Haugh Bros. ADASTRAL PARK Agriculture and Canadian industries will be the theme of the klenSall W. L meeting at the Legion Hall Wedne4laY, Peteber 9, at 9:1, p.m. when Rlimville and Staffa branches will be sp.ecial pegs. ROIL call will be "A Canadian manufactured article used in the borne." C * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert grh of Hensel'. have Purchased the Property of the late Mr. and Mrs. Minn Shepherd on Nelson and the corner of Queen Streets, and will get possession Noy, * * Members of II ensall Women's Institute entertained patients at the Bluewater Rest Home, Znrieh. Tuesday evening, Sept. 24. Highlight of the evening included toe tapping, selection on the banjo by Don McCurdy, violin, Frank Forrest, guitar and mouth organ, Bill Clement, solos in costume by Mrs. George Hess, Miss ' Greta Lammie was accompanist. Mrs. T. J. Sherritt led a sing-song and Mrs. James McAllister a fun session. President, Mrs, Clarence Reid gave, the opening remarks and Mrs. Beverly Beaton who arranged the program • presided. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Fred Beer, and • Miss Lammie accompanied at the piano for the sing-song. Lunch was served„ * * * Reverend Harold F. Currie conducted .anniversary services at.Porter Rill United Church .$.4404,y lApt, The student. minister of the ilayrield charge, Mr, Donald Seek, who -1$ 4414ellt for the United .Church Ministry at. gmr04440 ' ToroniO, conducted services in.. this Pilklreb -.SMItiny.II4PrriiI10, The. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed Pet, 6,Jnthe United churetk, APPEARING "NEXT WEEK AT Sebringvilla Motor Hotel at popular demand The Mercy Brothers OCTOBER 7 - 12 Royal Canadian Air Fero ASsociation Wings of the Border .'.Region of the Ontario Group held a regional meeting September • .22 at CFB. Clinton. Among those attending. were (from left); ...Clare Slack, president, 403 Wing, Sarnia; pick Henry, of London, ,,-firtt vice-president, .,Ontario Group; Chuck Marshall, president, Canadian. Forces Photo 427 Wing, London; Col. E. W. Ryan, base commander, CFB Clinton; Bill Carmichael, of Windsor, Ontario Group (regional) vice-president; Major John Woodrow, senior Western Ontario RCAFA liaison officer; Andy lahnicello, president, 412 Wing, Windsor, and Hugh Cummins, representing 411 Wing, Chatham. Clinton Nows.FieoOrO, Thursday, October 1.900 9 .FURNACE STOVE ,OIL. OIL BURNER SERVICE SUMMER CLEAN-OUTS Call Gordon Grigg Ltd. Independent Petroleum Dealer PHONE 482-9411 — CLINTON Your complete Paroleurn Supplier-LBrings You Quality GASOLINES DIESEL FUEL VALVOLINE MOTOR OIL GREASES AND LUBRICANTS FULL CUT HALF HAMS (SHANK OR BUTT HALF) AVAILABLE AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER RETAILS NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED CANADA FIRST GRADE BUTTER POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES POPULAR "AiirrEs ALL PRIOA 710M.1 Ab OUAlkANTEE0 THROUGH OCtOBER 6th, 1969 9 TO 11 CHOPS IN A PACKAGE FRESHLY MINCED GROUND CHUCK OR PORK LOIN QUARTERS lb ow BLADE STEAK F:BR= Ib - . ..faivoup .. Mr mu Atk st :Kiev ..etn.woorostivitair up, • u• •r 21:".:nrotut- . Awn,: futurttniXasttialnzroavisuio