HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-09-26, Page 17The. Clinton District Collegiate
Institute Board
Instructors for Night Classes
to be held at
Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton
as advertised in this issue
Applications to be forwarded to the undersigned
not later than October 7, 1968
Mr. G. 0. Phillips, B.A.,
Acting Principal, Night Classes
Central Huron Secondary School,
Clinton, Ontario
The Clinton District Collegiate
Institute Board
And Its
Advisory Vocational Committee
Offers Adult
Each week, commencing 8t00 p.m., 15 October, for a
period of twenty evenings in Business, Recreational and
Technical subjects and thirty evenings in Academic subjects.
Academic subjects will be at the five-year course level. An
enrolment of fifteen (15) is required for any course and an
instructor must be available.
* Registration will be by coupon below and fees collected
on the first evening of each class.
Fees shall be $5.00 for each Business and Recreational
course; $10.00 for each Academic course, and $15.00 for
each Technical course. Materials will be provided for
Business/Technical subjects. An additional $1.00 will be
charged each person for insurance coverage while on Board
premises, in accordance with Board policy.
„Shorthand Monday
Typewriting Tuesday
Bookkeeping Tuesday
Sewing — basic Tuesday
Sewing — advanced Monday
Sewing — advanced Wednesday
Oil Painting — beginner Tuesday
Oil Painting — advanced Monday
Millinery Tuesday
Welding 2 Monday
Welding 1• Tuesday
Drafting,— basic Tuesday
Drafting — advanced Tuesday
General Carpentry , Tuesday
Auto Servicing Tuesday
Physics XI Tuesday
English XII Tuesday
Liquid Embroidery Tuesday
Bridge . , , Tuesday
English Xlit . ... ... . , ...... , ..... , Tuesday
Mathematics XI , , Tuesday
Mathematics XII
History XIII '
Other courses may be made available
Sufficient demand.
sewing and Technical subjects Will be limited to 20 in a
In'order that the Board may have an indication of ihterest
and that classes may be formed, interested persons are
requested to register now, using the attached coupon.
Please be sure to show your mailing addrets and phone
Central Huron secondary Scholl,
Evening Classes,
CLINTON, Ontario.
I wish to register in the following subject(s)
1st Chbice
' V Tr V- Y 5' if wit e rV ir
2nd choice . •i•ir•• .. 1.0 •411 ,11•• • .1 4
3rd choice • .. • ..019,•..1,1 ray
NAME : .., glo001'0 • 000 0 1•• •.• e • • ST
AD011'ESS; 9,V•4•1:11g
ITELE4TONE: T V • • • i
should there be
was portrayed in 'the gently
controlled A-line skirt with lace
panel overlay and the detachable
chapel train cascading from a
large Obi bow at the back waist,
A French pure silk illusion
fingertip veil was caught by a
floral cluster. She carried a
crescent of pink delight roses
with stephanotis and trailing ivy.
Mrs. Anne Sanders, London,
was maid of honour. She wore a
floor-length gown of hot ,pink
chiffon over taffeta. Empire
waistline of brocaded roses made
way for the sleeveless bodice and
sheath skirt, while the
detachable collar allowed the
soft chiffon over the shoulders
to the floor. Her headpiece was a
chiffon rose nestled in matching
Oct. 13-10. pm
net. She carried a VreScellt of
White starilnrst PPM With green
Mrs. Dianne Maguire, Clinton"
and Mrs. Rita Powell, Goderigh,
as bridearnaids, were gowned
identical to the maid of honour,
Kees VanMeer, Torente?
Steven Maguire, and Ronald
Clinton,Beadle, ushered,.
For a reception in the church
parlour, which Was decorated
With starburst poms, Mrs. Squire
chose an Mine dress of cantess
blue taffeta with a matching lace
coat with stand-up collar, white
hat with blue ostrich feathers,
white accessories and white
gardenia corsage. The doom's
mother chose an A-line blue
crepe dress with white and blue
lace coat, white accessories and
white gardenia corsage.
For a wedding trip to the
Eastern. Seaboard the bride wore
a two-piece strawberry fortrell
suit with navy accessories and a
white gardenia corsage.
Prior to her marriage the
bride was honoured with
showers given by the employees
of the Bank of Montreal,
London, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Booth, and Mrs.
Irene Tyndall and Mrs. Rita
Powell, Clinton.
Gary Buck Dance
Friday, Sept. 27, 1968
9 - 1 p.m.
Admission $1.50 per person
Blyth Lions Club
Craig Hide.A-Beds Convertible Sofa
Walnut Showwood on arm rests. Reversible
Nimbus seat cushions. Full-length, full-width
Slumber King® Mattress. In tweed with
nylon 'content or expanded vinyl
fabrics. Various colours.
t Linton News-BPg9r4„ThYM-jo.y„ .September
As Lucy writes the sunshine is bright with the hedges and trees
casting deep shadows. The garden is lovely with its rnanyhtted
flOwers, Some of the asters are over three feet in height. The roses
are covered with bloom for the second time and the humming birds
are sipping nectar from the glowing flowers, A light breeze
completes this halmy September day. It is quite typical of a 'fine
September, but of course there are the cold wet days, too, which
have kept the grass green and growing.;,
And While white "cabbage" butterflies flit over the alfalfa in
the corner lot, Monarch butterflies are feeding oe. thepurple buddleia
by the front gate. They seem to be numerous, so no doubt are
gathering to Migrate..
They took Lucy's thoughts back to school days when she'd
find the Monarchs.clustered on the milkweed flowers sipping its
sweet nectar. And the pretty green Chrysolis with gold dots hanging
underneath the leaves, on rambles on the river flatS. At '"The Hut"
in the second week of September, dozens of sparrows were feeding
on, grass seeds. "They are all English sparrows,' said Carl, but Lucy
knows there weren't so many here all summer and thinks others are
in the group. Unfortunately she cannot use glasses to identify them.
As they were sitting eating in the sunroom one evening, Lucy
observed a tiny bird preening itself on a lilac bough. It was really
going at itself with such vigor that Lucy pitied the wee bird and
wished she could have given it a dusting with Insect powder. It was
obviously immature judging by the almost fine appearance of its
plumage and its bill. Carl just got a glimpse of it, but after studying
the various bird books, they decided that it was a female orange
crowned warbler. It is a bit out of their ususal territory but Mrs. J.
E. Howard reported last spring seeing a pair of Orange-crowned
warblers so maybe this one was one of their young.
Next day was cold and damp. Carl came in from the barn and
said; "I tell you the place to watch birds is from the stable door.
There were quite a few flitting about in the cedars, Then they'd
come out and sit on the limbs of that dead peach tree. I saw six all
different. One was a,Blackbiernian warbler and one a white crowned
sparrow but the others moved off before I could note their
identification marks but they were yellow and dark green shades
amongst them:"
Lucy wanted to go out in her wheel chair immediately but was
told it was too cold and damp.
From the sun room, Lucy has been interested in a pair of
yellow-shafted flickers and two young birds, probing the lawn with,
their long beaks, every evening. Carl says they are feeding on ants.
Three female cardinals were attracted to the garden when the
males, Bluejays and Black-capped chickadees were cleaning off the
heads of sunflowers sown by the birds. "Mr" has started putting a
bit in the feeder to coax them to visit it regularly.
It seems a pity that any night Jack Frost may strike and the
glorious beauty of the garden will be gone for another year.
four tiered French
veil. in place. She carried a
cascade of deep pink Maga. and
White mpg with streamers:.
Maid. of honour Miss qayle
. Strathroy, and the-
bridesmaids Miss 'Faye Troyer,
Hensall; sister of the bride, and
Miss Ann Funk, Brampton, sister
of the groom were identical.
Sheath. floor-length gowns of
deep rose chiffon .over taffeta,
chiffon petals emphasized the
empire waistline and wore
matching headpieces of ,chiffon.
petals, They carried. white mums
with green • velvet streamers.
Flower girl Miss Cathy Troyer
niece of the bride was similar to.
the other attendants and carried
a basket of pink roses and white
baby Merns.
The groomsman was Roy
Bell, Neilsen, and ushers were
William Tinney, Mensal', and
Gordon pelt; London,
The mother of the bride
chose an A-line blue dress of
French pearl de soie, featuring
blue beaded trim on the rounded
neckline and sleeves with which
she wore matching accessories
and a corsage of white mums
and pink sweetheart roses. The
groom's mother chose a
turquoise brocade dress and
jacket ensemble. with which she
wore navy accessories and a
corsage of white mums and pink
sweetheart roses. Following the
reception in the church parlor
and later at the bride's home the
bride and, groom left on a
honeymoon to points in the
United States. For travelling the
bride chose a flamingo wool
boucle dress and jacket
ensemble. Black hat and gloves,
black patent accessories and a.
white orchid corsage. On their
return the couple will reside in
The bride was feted at several
showers prior to marriage.
Miscelleanous showers - were
given by Mrs. Roy Bell, Hensall;
Miss Eleanor Rae, London was
hostess for the bride's associates
from Clarkson, Gordon and Co.
also the firm held a presentation
when they presented the bride
With a gift of money. A
community shower was held in
the Legion Hall, Hensall,
attended by ninety neighbours,
relatives and friends. The
groom's mother entertained the
bridal party following rehearsal.
Lighted candelebra and
baskets of deep pink gladioli
and white mums formed the
setting in Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Mensal' on Saturday,
September 7 at 3:30 o'clock for
the wedding of Sandra Isobel
Troyer and Fred Edward Funk.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Troyer,
Hensall, and the groom is the
son of Mrs. Mary Funk, Mensal'
and the late Edward Dunk.
The Rev. J. C. Boyne
officiated at the double ring
ceremony. Mrs. Malcolm
‘11-imirait11111111111111111111•41 114411•141.4.1.
Dougall, Exeter provided
traditional wedding music and
accompanied the soloist James
Dougall, Harriston, who sang
"The Wedding Prayer" and "0
Perfect Love."
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose , a
floor-length gown fashioned
from lagoda crepe with
re-embroidered alineon lace
forming the bodice in empire
line and long lily point sleeves.
The detachable train of same
lace sweeping to chapel length.
A pearl petalled cluster held a
312 Adjusto-Rest* coils and
luxurious 'bonded to foam,'
Rayon Micro-Quilt' cover.
Reg.$14400 Now $8995
TEL„ 482.9505
White gladiolus and white
Starburst poms decorated
Ontario Street United Church,
Clinton, on Saturday, August
31, at 3 o'clock for the wedding
of Mary Jean Squire, London
and Gerald Wayne Beadle,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Squire,
RR 3 Clinton are the parents of
the bride; and Mr. arid Mrs.
Christopher G. Beadle RR 2
Ilderton, are the groom's
Itdv. Grant L. Mills officiated
at the double ring ceremony,
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a
floor-length gown of white
organza over bridal taffeta. The
bodice was highlighted by a
bateau ncekline, empire , waist
and long lily-point sleeves.
Delicate chantilly lace was inset
in the sides of the sleeves which
match the appliques at the
empire waist, touched with seed
pearls and rhinestones. Elegance
You should hold a book at
least 15 to 20 inches from your
eyes. Holding work 'closer
indicates either a poor visual
habit or a need for glasses. A
visit to an eye specialist may
solve the problem.
And Seaforth .
;...,,cpNTON 482.9525
When .. you're reaolY to hang
the cloy . . tee the beautiful
You are cordially invited
to attend our
Premiere Showing
of the
wonderfully new
Nineteen Sixty-Nine
Chevrolets and Oldsmobiles
General Motors
Lorne Brown Motors Limited
Clinton, Ont.
See 1469's Finest
In our showroom
starting Thursday
September 26
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
Your Friendly Chevrolet* Oldsmobile Doak*
Open each evening Until # for your convenient..
As illustrated, with 312 Simon* construction, reinforced
centre section and blue floral Rayon Damask Micro-Quilt•
cover, bonded to foam. Felt-backed border is crush-proof.
Simco-Pedic Mattress
312 Simcoil' construction with pre-built, felt-backed
border. Floral print cover smooth-top or tufted.
Reg. $7950 Now $5455
Matching Box Spring — extra, in each case.
Sizes: 3' 3', 4' 0", 4' V.
Garland Quilt* Continental Bed
Park Place Deluxe Quilt Top Continental Bed
Illustrated with floral Micro-Quilt' cover mint green.
Features exclusive Adjusto-Rest* coils.
Both beds come with Matching Borg
Spring and Legs. Size: 3' 3" only.
Choice of headboards— extra.