HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-09-26, Page 7In Business 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Johnston LI. THE NEW '69 CARS at the Auto Show Goderich Arena GODERICH THURSDAY — FRIDAY SEPT. 26 27 BOWLING ENJOY YOURSELF IN THE PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS at the CLINTON CROWN LANES We have had inquiries from local people who would like to bowl on a team this season. Leagues are now forming and we have several openings. Young men's team 7 — 9 p.m. Couples team 7 — 9 p.p. Children's teams 10 a.rn. Saturdays For Further. Information Call CALL WARD KNOX 482 - 7791 or 7776 39, 40 CllhOlIN0w4,Recorcf,'Thurpday. 5oRtembgr 26, 196$ 7 . MOM DAYS are back again Thee's never been bigger or better value in color TV! So why wait? 25" screen. Hand wired chassis. Two- year picture tube warranty. EL E CTROLOK automatic tuning: INS7AVU, Cabi- net by Deilcraft, speeially priced for Look 'N Listen days .. „at "Your Color Service Deafer" GAL13 AITH TV Cot, Albert Rattenbuty Sts, — CLINTON Electrahoma Vista Calor tV See these and other exciting TV and stereo values. Limited time only. ELECTROHOME Great news from ELECTROHOME! PUT MORE spring INTO NEXT summer's GROWTH WITH tall APPLICATIONS OF BROCKVILLE; SHUR•GAIN fertilizers FOR FORAGE CROPS—fall-applied phosphorus and potash virtually guarantees that, next sum- mer, you'll—bale more —graze more—ensile more because you've supplied the fertility needed to get your hay and pastures off to an early spring start . . . •and 'to keep them growing strongly through a second and third cutting or summer-long grazing. BROCKVILLE SHUR GAIN fertilizer service Contact your nearby BROCKVILLE: SHUR-GAIN dealer or service centre for all your fall fertilizer requirements Clinton Feed Mill HURON ST PHONE 482-3484— CLINTON T. B. ALLEN LTD. FEED AND FARM SUPPLIES CUSTOM FEED — BULK DELIVERY Londesboro 422-3962 CANNS MILL LTD. PHONE 2354792 EXETER Start Planning Today Save Articles For CLINTON LIONS CLUB RUMMAGE SALE AUCTION and BAKE SALE IN CLINTON ' COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, Evening October 4 SAVE THESE ARTICLES: FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS . DISHES, KITCHEN UTENSILS SPORTS EQUIPMENT -GARDEN and SHOP TOOLS GOOD 'USED CLOTHING SMALL APPLIANCES (No large broken appliances please) DON COLQUHOUN 482-9516 LAURIE COLQUHOUN 482-3444 GLAD,: GRIGG 482-9650 TED DAVIES 482-7092 CONTACT THESE LIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION: WATCH FOR STARTING TIME OF LIONS BIG BAKE SALg Clinton Merchants are invited to contribute Good Used or Slow- Moving Merchandise to the Lions Rummage Sale, DON C. CQLQUHOUN President Clinton Lions dub LAURIE COLQUHOUN Chairman Liens Rummage Sale Wedding MUSTARD — Bouquets of, golden and bronze chrysanthemums made a pretty setting Saturday, September 21, in Knox. United Church Auburn, when Linda Joyce Andrews and Johrfolirian Mestard of Blake exchanged wedding vows. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr, and. Mrs. W. J. Andrews of Auburn and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard of Blake. Rev. M. R. Roberts performed the double-ring ceremony and the church organist, Mrs. Norman Wightman, played traditional wedding music. The soloist, Mrs. Gordon Tate, sang the "Wedding Prayer" and "Whither Thou Goest." Given in marriage by .he-r brother, William J. Andrews of Auburn, the bride wore a white floor-length gown of nylon taffeta featuring an empire waistline with shasta daisy trim ,neckline and bOidering the train. The three tiered scalloped nylon illusion veil was held in place by a cluster of white nylon flowers. She carried a bouquet of talisman roses with trailing ivy. Miss Jannett Dobie, cousin of the bride was maid of honour wearing a floor-length gold A-line gown of bengaline trimmed with gold guipure-type lace at neck and down back panel. A gold lace wedding hand held a veil for a headress and she carried a basket of bronze mums and shasta daisies. Miss Joanne Kinahan of Goderich, cousin of Auburn The annual Grandmother's day was held last Tuesday when the members of the Auburn Women's Institute honoured the grandmothers by inviting them to the September meeting held in the Community Hall. Mrs. Frank ltiithby, the president was in charge of the meeting which began with the Ode, the Mary-Stewart Collect and 0, Canada with Mrs. George Millian at the piano. The vitinutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig. Mrs. Raithby • welcomed the grandmothers and members and thanked all those 'who had catered to the Baptist Church centennial dinner. A letter was read re the County Rally to be held at Cranbrook on October 7. Delegates to go will be Mrs. Roy Easom and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. It was reported that the grass had been cut on the park and that it was in, use by several wishing to have a picnic lunch. The card report was given* by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and she read the thank-you notes received. The collection was taken by Mrs. Roy Easom and Mrs. W. Bradnock. A sing-song was led by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips with Mrs. Millian at the piano. A piano solo of a medley of tames was played by Mrs. Sidney McClinchey, Mrs. Bert Craig recited the poem, "Somebody's Mother." The roll call was answered by each naming a hobby Air their old age. ANDREWS the bride, , Was bridesmaid wearing a geld gown styled the same as Miss Dobie's and carried similar flowers. . The groomsman was Richard Mustard, brother of the groom, of Blake and the usher was George Taylor of Hensall. For .a wedding reception which followed in the church parlour the bride's mother chose a jade green lace dress with beige accessories and a yellow rose corsage. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a purple wool suit with leopard trim and leopard accessories and a corsage of white roses. The dinner was served by the UCW with the tables decorated with bronze mums and shasta daisies, white candles and wedding bells and the wedding cake. For travelling the bride donned a coat-dress of beige heathertone wool, brown -accessories and a yellow rose corsage. On their return they will reside at 201 King Street, Clinton. Guests were present from Toronto, London, Brucefield, Zurich, Hensall, Goderich, Owen Sound and the surrounding district. , Prior to her marriage the bride was honoured by a community shower in Knox United Church, Auburn, a shower at the home of Mrs. Doreen Browning, Crediton and fellow workers at A. M. and General Hospital, Goderich, presented a gift at the home of Mrs. Milton Willert, Goderich. W.I. accordion. kilos were played by Mrs. Gordon R., Tayloi,"Jeanie with the light brown hair" and "Annie Laurie." A reading, "Fall Housecleaning" was given by Mrs. Roy Easom. A duet, "Some of these days" was sung by Mrs. Gordon McClinchey and Mrs. George Millian. A reading, "IF" was read by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. John Daer and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell sang a duet, Beautiful Isle of- Somewhere. Mrs. WilliamAe4ong played a record of beautiful Swiss and Dutch music which is called the Feast in Tirol. Prizes were given to Mrs. William de Jong for the grandmother with the shortest dress, Mrs. James Craig for wearing the oldest piece of jewellery and Mrs. Bert Craig for having the most articles in her purse. After a short auction, lunch was served by Mrs. Arnofd Craig, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Mrs. Oliver Anderion. Mrs. Ed Davies received the prize for having the lucky cup. Horticultural Meeting The Auburn Horticultural Society will hold their meeting September 30 at 8:15 p.in. Mrs. Oliver McCharles and Mrs. Ewan McLean will demonstrate flower arrangements. Gingham 'Gals 44. -Club ' The Auburn 'Gingham Gals 4-11 club held -their three meetings last week with the leader, Mrs. W. Bradnock in charge. The girls chose Brenda Areharnbault for their President, Donna Chamney for their first vice-president and Marie Plunkett as secretary.' The requirements for the fall Project, "Cettons may be smart" were outlined: Brenda Ball and Brenda Archambault demonstrated ilia proper way to make measurements and the new sizing in patterns were explained. Patter marking and Suitable fabrics were discussed. Mrs. Frank Raithby is the assistant leader. We are pleased to report that Mrs. • William J. Craig is recovering from her illness in Goderich hospital. Miss 'Hefty Youngnlut of London 'spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Major Youngblut and Miss Margaret Youngblut. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tate are down in Georgetown getting his aunt ready to move in with them in Auburn around the end of the month. George Timm and Miss Erna Bethke of Gorrie visited last , week with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen Kenneth Haggitt and Miss Jane Skinner of Nobleton spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Stephen Haggitt, Weekend • guests with Miss Frances Houston were Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntosh, Jack and Margo of London. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brown of Royal Oak, Michigan spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott. Sunday visitors with the Scott's were Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Tabb. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton were Mrs. Reta Allison of Alsia Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Nortnatt,,Hamilt n.d on,,,4 Cathy ind Bradley ''and a Mrs. Frank, Phalen, all of Goderich. Peter Brown , of Windsor and his sister, Miss Helen Brown of Black Hall, Banchory, Kincardineshie, Scotland visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Celebrate Silver Wedding. Over forty relatives gathered last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baechler to honour them on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. A very enjoyable evening was spent and some lovely gifts presented to them. Relatives were present from Walkerton,' Brussels, Kitchener, Goderich and Riversadle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblut, Susan and Bruce of Toronto spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. Ralph Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baechler were honoured last Thursday • When Thomas S. Johnston opened his hardware store for business as usual on Wednesday morning September 18, he marked 50 years of continuous business in the same store in _Auburn. He and his father, the late James H. Johnston, purchased the business from 'the late George Denstedt. They operated the hardware business as well as electrical wiring and plumbing and heating, also coal business, general garage, gas and oil. Mrs. James H. Johnston, the former Grace Hamilton, died in 1936 and James H. Johnston passed away in 1950. In 1936 Thomas was married to Ellen Phillips who has since shared his business relationships. On Tuesday evening September 17 Mrs. Roy Farrow of Mitchell, the former Ethel Johnston, Tom's only sister, who moved with her parents to Auburn from their farm in West Wawanosh, attended a surprise party for Tom and. Ellen in the celebration of • 50 years, accompanied by her daughter and son-in-law_, Mr. and Mrs. Young of Mitchell. • g,r1 , Also present for the party were Miss Myrtle Phillips of London also Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phillips and Miss Laura Phillips who has assisted in the hardware store for the last 20 years; also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur, Robert Arthur, all of Auburn. Following congratulations, gifts of luggage,• a desk chair and flowers.were presented. The couple were highly honored by friends in receiving beautiful bouquets and cards, also personal congratulations from Mr. Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. ,of Huron North. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were guests at an anniversary dinner at the home of Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Maitland Con. The S.S. No, 4 Community Club met at. the home of Mrs. Carman Tebbutt September 4. The president, Mrs. Don Lobb opened the meeting with the creed and The Lord's Prayer. Thirteen members and one visitor answered roll tall. The secretary, Mrs. Bill Lobb read the' minutes of the July meeting. Mrs. Murray Forbes read the treasurer's report. Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt will hold the next meeting at her home in the evening October 1. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. The remainder of the 'afternoon was spent playing cards and looking at the card samples w that had come. A. "pot luck lunch was served. You should hold a book at least 15 to 20 inches from your eyes. Holding work closer indicates either a poor visual habit , or a need for glasses. A visit to an eye specialist may solve the problem. Auburn andDistrict NOCK—CorreePollikont4-41$0110 526405 ..,0; ••••• Sunday, September 29, Grace United Church, Porters Hill, Anniversary Service will be held at 11 a.m, Rev: Harold Currie, Hensall, will be the guest minister. Mr. Currie served as minister on this pastoral charge from 1940 to 1942 and we are happy that he is able to return and be with us on this occasion. The past two Sundays we have had the Reverend E. S. Lautenschlager B.A., B.D., D.D., LLD., to take the service at Grace Church. Dr. Lautenschlger is Principal of Emmanuel College in Toronto and one of the outstanding leaders of the church today and it was a privilege to have him conduct our services. The UCW of Grace Church met on Wednesday afternoon September 18 at the home of Mrs. William Cox. The president, Mrs. Elgin Cox conducted the meeting which opened with singing "Rise Up 0 Men of God." The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. Cox read the Scripture lesson and also took the Study Book chapter on the Women of Samaria. The roll call was answered by nine ladies. The secretary's • report and correspondence was given by Mrs. William Townshend. The treasurer's report by Mrs. Tom Sowerby. After a- lengthy business period the meeting closed with the Mizpah 4V,,:,:. VARNA Anniversary. Services will be held in the United Church next Sunday September 29 at 11 a.m. Rev. A. J. Mowatt of Wesley-Willis Church, Clinton will be guest minister. Special music by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Stirling. evening-we-Hee fellow employees and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Craig, the manager and his Wife of Jaines T, Craig Sawmill met at the Baechler home. Charles Johnston read an address of congratulations and gifts were presented by Fred Wagner and Arnold Carig. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baechler thanked their friends and lunch was served by the ladies. Misses Jean Houston and Jean Jamieson of Toronto spent the weekend with their sister, Miss Frances Houston and aunt, Miss Olive Young. 1)ORTER'S HILL