HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-08-01, Page 2WATER, WIND AND SAND (Photo by Bob Beavers) From Our Early Files succeeds C. Bruce Symonds who has been named manager at Lindsay. The changes are effective on August 1. OPTOMETRIC J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Mondays, and Wednesdays 20 ISAAC STREET For appointment Phon. sEikFcarri OFFICE 527-1240 R. W. BE1:L. OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-78431 RONALD L. McDONALD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St. Goderich 5244253 Clinton News-Record THE CLINTON NEW ERA Amalgamated THE HURON NEWS-RECORD Established 1885 1924 established 1881 Published Every Thursday At The Heart Of Huron County Clinton, Ontario, Canada Population 3,475 tE ao Signed contributtons to this Publication, are the opinions of the writeoi only, and do not necessarily express the views of the' newspaper, Autharlitosi as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department( Ottawa, and for Payment of Postage In Cam SOSSCIIIPTION RATES: PaiyabIsi In idtaisci — Canada aid Greif Ortlain: *$.OS a yowls.; halted States 'and FOr61401 Single Coplesi II C•01. Business and P1140essional Directory Attend Your Church. This Sunday NOTE — ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Organist: MISS LOIS GRASBY, A.R.C.T. SUNDAY, AUGUST 4th Service at Wesley-Willis United Church during August and first Sunday in September. HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.-- MORNING WORSHIP. 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH' SUNDAY, AUGUST 4th Student Minister: The Rev. W. DeJong 10:00 a.m. --Morning Service-- English. 2:30 p.m. — Afternoon Service - English. Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas listen to "Back to God Hour" • • EVERYONE WELCOME -- ST. ANDREW'S ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister M rs. B. Boyes, Organist and Choir Director NO SERVICES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST Mr. Shea of Stanley township c left on Tuesday for Burk's Falls on a prospecting tour. If he likes ' the place he will remove his family. there. , „ „ -The. other evening Messrs J.. Tiplady and,..B.‘r Churchill attacked by a vicious heifer, and only escaped injury by. running away from it. Andrew Scott who is teacher of the school on the Mill Road near Brucefield had seven pupils writing at the entrance examination at Clinton and of these five passed, and the youngest of the successful ones is only ten years of age. Mr. Butler, Goderich township will shortly take up his residence in the house he has bought adjoining the Roman Catholic Church. 75 years ago Hullett the past couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Becker, who recently leased their place just THE CLINTON NEW ERA over the railway track to Mr. E. July 28, 1893 L. Mitten, are leaving this week for Detroit where the, fromer will engage in 'biTiilding onstruction work. AMMEMOMIN A story from Canadian Press gives some indication of the power a woman holds in her hands....and why some men are labelled mice and others are branded rats. Seems that some of the four-footed rodents used for laboratory testing at ' Queen's University are showing strange traits. When they are handled by male technicians they are extremely anti-social but when a certain female technician appears on the scene, the rats are like putty in her hands. Dr. Eldon Boyd, a professor of pharmacology at Queen's said that only 20 per cent of the rats who were given doses of a poisonous drug by the lady doctor had died. The same dose given by anyone else would have caused about 80 per cent to die, Dr. Boyd estimated, Several conclusions are obvious. First of all, women have the controling influence in most caSes. Down through the centuries it has been increasingly apparent that women sway the destiny or the world. Men are mere puppets who dance Willingly on the end of a string because they have not desired to otherwise, Now, at long last we have ,E, 4 ,, THE. CLINTON NEWS-RECORD July 29, 1943 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brandon spent the weekend withz,Mi. and Mrs. Thomas ,Brandon Waterloo. Miss Jean H. Swan has returned to Toronto after spending holidays at her home in town. Harold Livermore of St. Catharines is spending this week with his mother Mrs. S. G. Castle and Mr. Castle. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Ball have returned after spending two weeks at a cottage on Lake Huron. Mr. M. Elliott and children Bobby and Janet spent a few days last week in London with the former's sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Vaughan. years ago LAC and Mrs. Frank Evans, Trenton, spent their holidays at the home of , the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Will..McHardy, V,V,allacemygv prier* day,g1 with .their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Martin, last week. Miss Catherine,Plumtree and Mrs. William Marshall, Exeter, of 1::flay.e -returned from a pleasant Quebec spent in Montreal, City and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Dia Cornish had as visitor for the past week, Mrs. Geroge Thurlow of Muskeegan, Michigan. THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD July.23, 1953 Mrs. Edgar Thompson, Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ro,berton this week. Miss Gladys Boag, Buffalo, is the guest of her . cousins, Misses M. R. Kruke, Bayfield. William W. Haysom, Hamilton, has been appointed Bell Telephone manager at Goderich, with jurisdiction over the office in Clinton. He proof of a sort. Even dumb rodents who shouldn't know a busty redhead from a curvy blonde refuse to die though the odds say they must. Eighty per cent enjoyed a woman's "treatment" so much that they lived in spite of a dose of poison. How much more then, will human men deliberately dawdle under milady's thumb. While there is no distinction made in the report between rats and mice, it is common belief that mice are smaller and less bothersome than rats. Generally, that's the main difference between men, too. Hence the reference' to their remarkable resemblance to either of the rodent families. The 'man who jumps at the whim of a woman is labelled a mouse. To other men he's less than the virile forceful master he was intended to' be. He's quiet and (Mick, rather ordinary in appearance and hateful to women. What's more, he is easily manonevred into a trap and rarely escapes from it. The fellow who is the biggest and slickest with the longest list, of distasteful acts to his credit is branded a rat. lie makes a nuisance of himself by showing up in all the wrong places and Mrs. Russell Johnston, (formerly Belle Miller) from ' Mannville, Alberta, visited her brother J. B. Miller' at the home of her niece Mrs. Mervyn Batkin and Mr. Batkin after 47 years of absence from Clinton. Rev. E. R. and Mrs. McLean, Toronto with Miss Ellis, Listowel were guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston, Chatham have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steep, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Farquhar, and Mrs. Lampman, who accompanied them on their return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vincent and son Mark, have purchased the Frank Tyreman residence in Blyth and have moved there recently. THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD July 24, 1958 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flowers, Kim and Debby, Toronto, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flowers, of the Woolen Shop, Bayfield. proves a hog of himself with another man's goods. Ile ruins most everything he touches. He's crafty too, but no' good comes from his ability to outwit others. It is interesting to note, however, that there is no difference in how rates and mice react under the spell of a woman The logical conclusion therefore, is that either rats or mice can be dominated by a female and that no woman can be blamed for the state of the rodent - mouse or rat. That comes naturally. And how was the poison fed to these rodents? I think it is significant that a stomach tube' was put into their mouths and the liquid poured through the slender hose. The lady technician did not beguile them with a disguised goodie. Nor did she use trickery some males would expect. Openly and without design she brought her gadgets to the cage, inserted the tubes and dumped the pOison. The rodents loved it, In fact the report stated "that anybody they (the rodents) like can give a larger ddes of a drug to them before they sticcuilib to it, than Others can". Man of rodent? It is hard to tell. MAINTENANCE of public order is a proper and necessary function of law enforcement agencies. And When the well-being of the public is threatened, the law must respond - however distasteful such recourse might be to civilized men. The maintenance of public order, to us, does not mean the suppression of controversial ideas or the rounding up of people who dress differently ,or the arrest of persons whose private behaviour is of no public concern. Nor should its greatest concern be, as it has too often been, the protectjon of personal property. What is most important, rather, is the physical safety of human beings. We had such a case in Montreal during the St. Jean Baptiste Day disorders. Fortunately, Montreal, unlike meny other cities on this continent, has been spared too many incidents of this kind. Yet the police felt compelled to act, and it is the manner of their response that raises serious questions about the best way to treat a threatening situation - whether it is premeditated disorder or a spontaneous, emotional reaction by a large gathering. In Montreal the answer came in the form of nightsticks, or police billies. In London, Ontario, police used Mace to quell a diSturbance. And now Arthur Wishart, Ontario's attorney general, has threatened legislation to outlaw this paralyzing gas because he is not satisfied it is safe for use on humans. Mace 'is a tear-gas-type chemical that temporarily, incapacitates its victims- and causes a burhing sensation if it comes in contact ,with the eyes. According to its . manufacturer it leaves., -tic): permanent injury,- However, ,nobOdy; yet*noyvs. whet its' long-term 'effects' Might"be 'or, as was • the case with some defendants in Ontario, whether it can be harmful if affected eyes are not 'immediately rinsed with water. More important, its acquisition by police forces, notably in the United States, has made it a negative symbol of law endorcement power. It gives police a weapon against which people, including innocent bystanders, are helpless. And it works. Mace can be abused - as it probably was when used recently to subdue a drunk. We would not endorse its general use except in the most dangerous situations when persuasion and other non-violent means have failed to check mass disorder that threatens the safety and lives of people. But we wonder whether its outlawing might not lead to a return of far more physically harmful and provocative weapons - nightsticks, guns, even cattle prods or snarling dogs - which virtually invite retaliation. To suggest, as some have, that police should not have Mace because criminals will eventually be able to obtain and utilize it, or because its use will lead to an escalation of weapons resulting ultimately in a chemical that kills, is a neat 'piece of unacceptable reasoning. Mr. Wishart is properly concerned about the indiscriminate use of this debilitating weapon; but we could hardly agree with his statement: "I personally would rather be struck with a billy than sprayed with Mace." Like the Ontario attorney general, we, too, often wish there were greater respect for law. But we also wish there were greater respect exercised by those sanctioned to carry out the law. INSURANCE K W COLQUHOUN INSURANCE L REAL ESTATE Phones: Officio 4024747 R". 442-T808 • HAL HARTLEY Phone 4824693 LAWSON AND WISE INSURANCE -- REAL ESTATE , INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482.9644 H. C. Lawson, Res.: 482-9787 J. 1.. Wise, Ras.: 482-7265 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Master Aluminum Doom and VVIndows and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R. L. Jervis— OS Albert St. Clinton-4424MM Wesley-Willis -- Holmesville United Churches REV. A.J.,MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., D.D:; Minitter MR. LORNE DOTTERER, OrganiSt arid 'Choir DireetoM10 - 'SUNDAY, AUGUST 4th 11:00 a.m.- MORNING WORSHIP. Ontario Street United Church will join with us. Sermon: "Overcoming Anxiety" 11:00 a.m. -- Nursery and Junior Congregation. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH MAPLE ST. GOSPEL HALL Victoria Street Sunday, August 4th W. Werner, Pastor 9:45 a.m. •- Worship Service.. Sunday, August 4th 11:00 a.m. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School. 8:00 p.m. -- Evening Service. Speaker: NEAL LOWEY 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service. Tuesday Prayer and Bible Study 7:30 p.m.- Evening Service. 8:00 p.m. Mothers Day Out The Goderich and District Association for Retarded Children is interested and will sponsor a pre-school for retarded children for 1/2 day per week starting sometime in September. This will be held in Goderich. For Applications, Contact RUSS ARCHER - BOX 488, CLINTON 2011ntpn News Record, thqpcioy..,.Apcikm. 11968 Police power and the public safety. 55 years ago THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD July 31, 1913, A load of young people autoed to Bayfield to attend a dance on Tuesday evening given by Mrs. G. McTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clegg of Wingham were visitors in town on Saturday, Mrs. Andrew Weatherwax and Infant son of Orillia are the guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantelon. Mrs. D. McEwen and Miss Jean Mustard have gone to Tiverton to visit relatives and acquaintances this week. 40 years ago THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD August 2, 1928 Miss Ida Walkinshaw has been visiting in London during the past week. Mi ss Harriet Hawkins, nurse-in-training Sri the Stratford General Hospital is holidaying at her home in town this week. Miss Millie Kennedy of Detroit has been visiting her aunts Mrs. Alex Sloman of Clinton and Mrs. J. K. Noble of From My Window Mice and men Shirley Keller 15 years ago '10 years ago THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORE THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD July 30, 1953 July 31, 1958 .