Clinton News-Record, 1968-07-18, Page 5CUSTOM WORK ECTROLUX Canada Ltd. les and Service. Alvin Riley, 514. 153 Lighthense Ste derich. 18tfb • OCKWORK, Bripkwork and newel*, Experienced trades- n. Phone London 439,9944 ninge. 28, 29p PET STOCK ME wanted for 7 part husky ps, about 6 weeks old., Phone 2-7230. " 29b REAL ESTATE NERAL STORE, LONG ES- lished prosperous business, ,090 down plus stock at in- ice, • easy terms arranged on lance. .To see this propels- laIVIIOCI "a1-40eluoa ,i4 N, 526-7226. 24tfn 500-2 bedroom cottage on 4 highway, 1 mile east of nton. Suitable for VLA. 300-3 bedroom solid brick, heat, double garage on Gib. ngs street, close to schools. o piece bath up, three piece wn. 500-4 bedroom solid brick Orange street, new gis fur- ce, double garage, 2baths: n be purchased with $1,000 wn and take over existing ortgage of approx. 18,500. 2,000-4 bedroom house on o. 4 highway, %mile north of nton, on 11% acres. bednoom, new, all electric ome on No. 8 highway 1 mile est of Clinton on 11 acres. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. Real Estate Broker Hal Hartley—Salesman 4 Isaac St. Clinton, Ont. Phone 482.9747 ARMS FOR. SALE-s-,200-acre m in Stanley Township, 180 cres workable, good buildings, acres clear land in Trefiaall rein in Apply Harold Jackson, ealcnith, Real Estate Broker. hone 5Z7-064b: 29, 30 ,000-11/2 -storey frame; 3 bed- ooms up, living room, dining oom, kitchen, 3-piece bath own; hardwood floors, oil fur, ace, aluminum storms. Lot ap. roximately 50' x 132'. Early ossession. 000-1%-storey, 3 bedrooms; piece bath up, living room, en, dining room, kitchen own; oil furnace, garsage. Lot pproxirnately 73' x 90'. Good ondition, within 1 block of ost office. Possession Sept. 1. $4,500-1%-storey, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath; living room, kit- chen with dining area; gas fur- nace, garage. Lot 84' x 165'. $8,500-1%-storey, 4 bedroom, 3-piece bath, living room, dining room, kitchen and laundny room, gas furnace. Lot 82' x 132'• Early possession. Situated on High. St., close to schools. Down payment $2,500, balance on 7%% mortgage H. C. LAWSON REAL ESTATE BROKER Salesman—J. T. (John) Wise Phone Office, 482.9644 29b ATTENTION FARMERS! I would like to thank those who Visited me, sent cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient ie Clinton Public Hoe. eitel and since returning home. —JUNE WEBSTEll. 29b TRUCK FOR SALE l964 DODGE 1.TON STAKE In Excellent Condition, Co bual Wheels, Steel Plat hack ntact Ted • McCuikugh CLINTON 4824318 ALwAYs s,D,ELICIPI/S 441-‘1WPOARgSA:' Bartliffs Bakery LIMITED BAKERY and RESTAURANT 482.9727 Clinton THE NEW ar'XYA 1117 PATIO nn RtstpRA Afr. TAVERN , HIGHWAY 21 S. GODERICH SOPHISTICATED SUPPER CLUB DINING AND DANCING' FEATURING THE MUSIC OF TFIE BLUE TONES 'I3EdINNING FRL JULY 119TH at SAT. JULY 20TH PRESENTS ti REAL ESTATE WANTED LARGE building lot wanted for private residence in or near Clinton, accessible to town water. Phone Seaforth 527.0134. 29b MISCELLANEOUS MAITLAND TELESERVICES LTD. I am interested in purchasing shares of the company and any- one wishing to Sell them can contact me, Douglas A. Farr at Box 518, Walkerton, Ontario. 25, 26, 27, 28b LtT US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellee:y like new. Diamond ritigs renewed arid stones safely secured don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satis- faction. Watch nepaire and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter, DAILY CAR RENTAL, reason- able rates, McGEE'S, Goderich, Phone 524-839L 3tfb NOTICES CANADA'S most dynamic Mutual rund—ekinericen GroWth Fund-e-20% interne tat credit on dividends, Inneetigete befote yott invest, Financial planning; Fred (Iced) Sevange, area rep' resentative, 17Jelin St e Sea, forth, Phone 527.1522, 4/tfb AUCTION SALE EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE of the Estate of John Perdue from his former residence, 146 Huron Street, Clinton, on Sat- urday, July 20th at 1:30 p.m. Household Effects: 2-piece chesterfield suite; upholstered platform rocking chair; uphol- stered rocking chair; coffee table; 2 step tables; walnut gate- leg table; combination telephone table; end table; 2 hassocks; 2 folding docking chairs wicker arm chair; sideboard; 2 tri. lights; brass floor lamp; several table lamps; metal bed springs and inner spring mattress; roll, a-way bed; 3 drawer dresser; 3 drawee chest; 2 clothes hamp- ers; Singer drop head sewing machine; card table; wall mir- ror; scatter rugs peddetal ash tray; RCA Victor double door refrigerator (like new); Beatty washing machine; Claoe Jewel electric range (with window oven); electric kettle; frying pan and toaster; 5 piece chrome kit- chen suite; 5 piece nickel plat- ed bread box and cannister set; dining room extension table; several small tables including antique; steamer trunk and matching suit case; blanket box; ironing board; trunk; bathroom scale; step ladden; dishes in- cluding melmac; glass ware; cut- lery; garden hose; 2 laundry tubs; lawn boy power mower; tub stand; clothes rack; numer- ous other articles. Property—At 3 p.m. the desir- able property at 146 Huron street with an approximate depth of 120 feet on which is situated a 7-room frame cot- tage with insul brick siding, an oil furtnace, 3 piece bath, built in metal kitchen cupboards and a full set of aluminum combina- tion storm and screen windows and doors. • Terms on household effects— ,Cash. Terms on property-10 per- cent down on date of sale and balance in 60 days or terms up- on arrangement, with the pro. perty offered for sale subject to reserved bid. Clarence Perdue, Raymond Perdue, Executors of the Estate Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 28. 29 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO black calves, 3 weeks old. Bob Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone 482-7453. 29b FOR SALE DRY sawdust for sale. The best bedding for cattle, horses, hogs, poultry, etc. Try a sample load. We can deliver or load your black or forage wagon. A low cost bedding. Also rotten sawdust for garden or orchard, Phone Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, 526-'7220. 28, 29, 30b THRESHING machine for sale. Robert Bell, size 28 x 34, Suit- able for forage or bale lheesh- ing, Irvine Tebbutt, 482-7474. 28, 29b INCREASE gain, production and comfort in your dairy, beef and poultry operations this summer. Complete Insect Control Pro- ducts available from your "PURINA" dealer. Clinton Farm Centre, 482-9333. 26tfn STARTED Arbor Acre Capons, 3.4 weeks old, Available April, May and June, G. L. Martin, R.R. 3, Leeknow. Phone 395- 5273. 12tin ATTENTION FARMERS: Farm- ers interested in having a silt) erected 14 ft in diameter, up to 60 ft. in height cohtatt me fork a reasonable price. Could be built immediately. Wes. Hu- gill and Son, Zurich, Ontario. Phone 236-4928. 28, 29, 30b Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY EVENING at 7:30 p.m, Governnient Inspected Scales tattle Sold by Weight TERMS: LASH JOE. COREY, Sales Manager CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock, dairy equipment and machinery at Let 26, Con, 6, Hullett Township, 3Ve miles north of Clinton or 2% miles south of Londesberp on Highway 4 on Wednesday, July 24 at 12:3(), AUCTION SALE of property and household ef- fects at the home of Mrs, Hugh McLachlan, Egmondville, Main Street on Wednesday, July 24th at 1 pan. Heintzman player piano, davenport studio couch (like new), antique walnut `gent's chair, numbed of email' tables, rocking chairs, pedestals, sec- tional oak book case, fernery, floor lamps,, table lamps, books, 2 rugs 9 x 12, 9 x 9, scatter mats, hooked and braided rugs, wardrobe, chest of drawers with mirron, 2 furnished bedrooms, beds, dressers, wash stands, mattresses, magazine rack, writ- ing desk, drop head 'sewing ma, chine, dining room suite, extern sion table, buffet, china cabinet, 6 chairs, mirrors, cherry antique writing desk, card table, vacuum cleaner, kitchen utility cup- board, 4 burner gas stove, Frigi- daire washing machine and tubs, trunks, bed linen, blankets, quilts, cushions, china, dinner set of 12, limoges pieces, large quantity other dishes, antique glass ornaments, vases, jar- dinieres, complete dresser, set of milk glass, electric kettle, heater, fan, iron, hot plate, kit- chen utensils, electrical appli- ances, sealers, garden tools, pow- er lawn mower, carpenter tools. Propedty: 6 - room cottage, modern conveniences, excellent location, half acre land with barn. Will be sold subject to reserve bid if not previously sold. Terms chattels: cash. Property 10% down, balance in 30 days. Contact Auctioneer, Harold Jackson or Mrs. Howard Curfrie, Clinton, Ont., phone 482- 3804. Clerk Mel Graham. 29b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued privi- lege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 33tfb - LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 13 FIGS, 7 weeks old Wilmer Reid, Varna. Phone 482-9286. 29b • SERVICES CUSTOM combining of grain and beans. Self propelled com- bine, Charles Brandon, 482-9275. 29, 30, 31p ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned. Gordon Grigg. Phone 482-9411. 39tfb AUCTIONEER and Appraiser' Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales- Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482:3384 7tfb DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. Please Phone Promptly 133 BRUSSELS LICENSE 390065 17tfn RID your barn of those costly diseases. Modern equipment lets us spray up to 800 pounds pressure. Ideal for caged lay- ers, broiler, hog 'and cattle barns. Harry Bakken, phone 528- 9284. If no answer 523-0202. We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-opetatives of Orit. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORtH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE WILLIAM DALE S21-0635 TENDERS WANTED .HULLETT caretaker for Lkonopshoro -Cemetery Tender's for the ,above will he. received by. the eindereigned until 04)(1.inmi, August ',Ord,, z 190, Lowest or any tender net necessarily accepted, Clare Vincent, p.e.x, 293, lentleeleert!, .Clerk-Treaeurer, Hullett Township, 29. 30b. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT DRAIN TENDER Sealed tenders will be reeeiv, ed by the undersigned 6:00 August 3rd, OK for the cOnstnuction of "THE BAKER DRAINAG E WORKS" consisting of 4,600 lineal feet of Open Ditch and 3A5 lineal feet of tiled Drain and 3 Catch Basins, under a report by Uderstadt, Drainage En- gineer. A bid deposit of /Oen of the tendered price is required. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender forms may be obtain- ed and plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's of, fice. ClaVe Vincent, Clerk-Treasurer, Hullett Township. 29, 30, 31b SEALED tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 12:00 noon, July 25, 1968, for the painting of 5 classrooms and parts of ball. Lowest or any tender not 'necessarily accepted. For further information con- tact Eugene McAdam, chairman of Property Committee, Clinton, Ont. 29b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPARE TIME INOOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high-quality coin-operated dispensers in your area, No selling. To quail. fy you must have cart, refer- ences, $600 to $2,900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal inter- view write CANAPEN DISTRI- BUTING LIMITED, 302 OUEL- LETTE AVENUE, WINDSOR, ONTARIO. Include phone number. 29p ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Leslie J. Brown of Ottawa, On- tario, announce the enagement -of their daughter, Susan Evelina to Mr. Kenneth Fenwick Ste- wart, son nf Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey A. Stewart of London, On- tario. The wedding will take place on Saturday, August 17, 1968, at 2:00 p.m. in St. Mathias Anglican Church, Ottawa. 29b CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my relatives, nenighbours and 'many friends for cards, flowers, treats, and for the many visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and since returning hoine Special thanks to Pastor Blackwell, Lutheran Church Wo- men, Dr. Newland and staff of the second floor, 29p I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives and friends for flowers, cards and „gifts while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Walden, Rev. E. J. B. Harrison and the nurses and staff.—VIOLET STURGEON. 29b I would like to thank: mimes and staff of the Clinton Public Hospital, first floor, Dr. Addison and Supt. Miss K. Elliott; also friends and relatives for visits and treats, — RICHARD Mc- CABE. 29p The Pioneer Park Association would like to thank all those who donated articles, time and services to make the rummage sale such a success. 29b I Wish to thank everyone who remembered me with cards, flowerts and gifts and visited me while I was a patient in the Clinton Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Newald, Dr. Addison and Dr, Oakes and the nurses on the first hoer for their wonderful care 'thanks ale6 to Mrs. Howa0d McCul- lough for her kind deeds. — KEN PICKETT, ;ARP OF 'T.O.ANKS „,. May I take this opportnnttY of .saying: thank Yen- to nil .our friends, .neighbours, Trin- ity Grind, for cards and flowers while a patient in •godeeieh. hospital, AlP9- 4SPOCIP1 tha04 to Dov, Harrison, Dr. Flowens and all the nurses. for kindness shown rup. A. „TCDT44 29h We wish to express our .sin- Pere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and_ neighbour fop the act's.- of kindness .arin sympathy shown to us during PUP recent bereavement Many thanks for lovely flowers and eards. .400. aneeial thanks. to, Rev. 'McLeen. and all the doc- tors, rinnses, and the staff of Clinton hospital. Also deep preciation to. Mr. Geo. Beattie and the Beattie funeral Home., MRS. ADA McKAY, MA AND JOHN FISHER. • ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Cecil Dawson, R.R. 1, Varna is holding a trousseau tea on Saturday, july 27, 1968, from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 P.m, in honour of her daughter Sharon, Relatives and friends are invited to attend. 29b IN MEMORIAM ARMSTRONG—In losing mem- ory of our dear son and brother, Brian Leslie Artm, strong, who passed away sud- denly three years ago July 22, 1965. It's lonesome here without you Brian We miss you more each day, • For life is not the same to us, Since you were called away; If we have all the world to give We'd give it, yes and more, To hear your voice and see your smile, And grteet yogi at, the door, To you who have a son or brother, Treasure him with care; You'll never know the heart- ache, Till you see his vacant chair. —Sadly missed by mom and dad, sisters and brother. 29p PARKER—In memory of a lov- ing father and grandfather, Thomas Christopher Parker who passed away July 18, 1957. He wouldn't wish for sorrow He wouldn't wish for tears But just to be remembered By us throughout the years. —Daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren. 29b BIRTHS HUMMELL—In Clinton Pun- lie Hospital, on Tuesday, July 9, to Mr. and Mrs. P'eter Hum- mell, R.R. 2, Hayfield, a son, POSTMA—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, July 10, to Mn and Mrs. Ralph Post- ma, of Clinton, a daughter. MARZANO—To Mr, and Mrs. Joe Marzano (nee Nancy- aald. well), in Queensway Hospital, Toronto, on July 8, a daughtee, ••••••••• DEATHS Trenton Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, July 2, 108, Mary T. Hendricks, formerly of Clinton, beloved wife of Dominic Hen. dricks, R.R. 1, Trenton and dear mother of Yvonne (Mrs. Dale McConkey) Consecone Jean (Mvs. W. J. Mattison) Trenton, Marcel of Montreal, Camiel, Brussels, Belgium. The funeral service was from Weaver Fu- neral Home, July 4, with inter- ment in Mount Evergreen Ceme- tery. LANE—In Kincardine and District Hospital, on Friday, July 12, 1968, Mrs. Andrew Lane, Thamesfond, 68, former Jessie Anderson Mitchell, She is survived by her husband, Rev. Andrew Lane, formerly minister of Wesley Willis Unit- ed Church, Clinton; ciaughters, Miss Mary, Miss Agnes, both of Toronto; son Ronald, Thames- ford; sisters Mrs. Hazel Wedge, Ottawa; Mrs. Fred G. (Helen) Gibson, Paris. Private service 2 p.m Monday, MacKenzie Me- morial Chapel, Lueknow. Inter- ment in South Kinloss Ceme- tery. PARKE—Catherine Janet, 7, on Sunday, July 14, in Victoria Hospital, London. She is sur- vived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth (Hlaeche) Parke; sister Sinsan at home; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Parike, Hensain Mrs. Janet Zapfe, Lon- don, formerly of 13rucefield. Service 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 16 from. Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich. Interment in Hayfield ernetery. 28b LAWREMPE - ROBINSON AktlYe. 104 deecarated. the Brucefleld Un itedChurch for the recent wedding i Gary Hilliard Lawrence and Bonnie 14411 Robinson, Rev, P Stuart officiated at the. douhle-sing ceremony, The bride is the ..daughter of Mr, And Mrs, Ted Robinson of KiPPen 4114 the VPQM the -P911 Of Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence, Goderich,. Given in marriage by her When the bride " chose a floor-length gown of elpijd white delt44tered satin and 'Yen* lace in empire Ape, The scalloped edge of ..the lace rounded the neckline .and followed the long line of the dress in front. The bodice featured lily point sleevea with dainty white satin. covered buttons .fastemng each sleeve A, Cathedral train fell from the neckline in 4W folds. The bride carried a white Bible crested with yellow baby sweetheart roses. Her headpiece .was a four tiered .scalloped. veil sprinkled with sequins. Mrs. Dawn Rathwell, sister of - the bride, was maid of honour and bridesmaids' were Miss Ann Lawrence, sister of the groom and Miss Gayle .Robinson sister Of the bride. • They wore identical floor-length gowns of mauve chiffon over ligoda styled in empire lines with sleeveless bodice and scalloped neckline. They carried bouquets of white daisies. The groomsman was Larry Robinson, Kippen. Larry Ducharme and Bill Noakes ushered, The 'organist was 'Mrs. Mary Moffatt, Kippen and soloist was George Wilkie, Toronto. For a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride travelled in a baby blue Le Sabre suit with accenting blue and white flowered hat and white accessories. Her corsage was white carnations, Guests were present from Saskatchewan, Toronto and. London. About three. o'clock Wednesday afternoon flames broke out hi a 26 by 8 foot barn, on the farm owned by Wayne McBride, and formerly owned by William Kyle. It is situated on No. 4 Highway south of Kippen. The barn was totally destroyed also 1,000 bales of old hay and a tractor and scuffler. Cause of the blaze 'that destroyed the barn and contents is unkown. Hydro was not installed in the building and no one was seen around for hours before the fire. The owner was picking mustard in a field to the east of the barn at the time said his biggest loss at the moment was the tractor and scuffling equipment. The estimated total loss is about $5,000. Mr. McBride expects to rebuild in the near future. Mrs. Hugh Maclnnes of London visited on Saturday evening with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Powell, Mr. Powell and family. Auburn Mrs. Ralph Munro and her sister, Mrs. Ethel` McDougall of Seaforth, attended the Mountain reunion held at St.' Marys last Sunday, Miss Margaret Sanderson and her friend, Miss Janet Kilgour, both of London, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wildred Sandereon. Mr. and Mrs, John Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rader and family of Dashwood were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Doer. Congratulations to Mr. Courtland, Kerr of Benrniller and Mr. Ed Davies on winning first prize and being presented with trophies last Saturday at Elmwood and District centre when the Grey County Dairy Princess Day was held. They were pitching doubles in the Horseshoe pitching competition. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Davies also attended this day's program. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tate of Brantford moved into her late aunt's home Mrs. Russel King last Saturday. We welcome them to the village, (C9ntinml.fmm_pclgq.'1) the farm in the rural Horne Neat orderly farm houses Safer, more pleasant hoil•W; Have a place for everything; keep everything in its plaCe when not In.use. Practice safety while doing housework, caring for the family, during PeriQda of releXetiOn and home recreation. Check appliances, electrical wiring, Power -tools, etc, for defects, 14)0k over heating systems, chimneys, .stoves, Portable heaters, to rednce fire hazards, Clear out clutter and rubbish 'that could cause falls and fires. Work up a hole -fire escape plan,. Take extra care to protect small children and elderly persons, Chemicals are widely used in agriculture, chemical household and drug products are found in every farm home, Always read labels, use as directede take necessary precautions in ueage. Keep in original containers and store in suitable places well beyond the reach or access of small children. Never transfer potentially harmful materials to unmarked food and drink containers. Poisonous materials should be 'locked up. Dispose of empty containers and unused portions promptly. Falls Good planning reduces the need to rush; means more work done with fewer mishaps.Repair or replace broken unsafe ladders. When a ladder is needed, get o ne—d o n't use makeshifts. Provide handrails and good lighting for stairways and steps. Pick up tripping hazards from around house, stairs, porch, yard, walkways, out-buildings. Clean mud, grease, snow, etc. from boots before climbing ladders or on machinery, buildings, trees, other high places. Repair defective floors. Skid-proof small rugs. Put up handholds at bathtub. tfb The glifiton ,July 18, 1968 Joseph 11, MG9444.k.•of FARM"SAFETY WEEK fi e nsall. purchased the house • • fernaerly occupied by W, PPPPer and is 'Waning irl •09/0# Alterations, first Mrs, W. f. MelIis altMg with, some ,friends accompanied her nephew William •Gipson. to. Malton Airport Sunday when he left for :ngland, Mrs Ross carter . of Galt entertained some feiende and. relatives Saturday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Nelson. Hood, in honour of .their 2 55th. wedding Anniversary, The Robinson Reunion, was held SatnrOar July 13 at Ted Robineon'e home RR Kippen with guests from Toronto, San Francisco, Dutton, London, Chatham, Theitiesville And the surrounding area. Fifty-four 'members of the clan sat down to dinner, and supper. Sports And races were enjoyed by all present.