HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-07-18, Page 2Carry and use correct lights at night. Don't overload your boat. Use a motor with recommended horsepower for your size of boat. Don't smoke while refueling. .Check- and heed weather reports before starting out.... Wear life jackets in choppy water and at night. If your boat upsets, hang on until help reaches you unless you are drifting into danger or the water is extremely cold. The tragedy of accidental death is absolute. There are • no degrees in complete loss. And complete loss can be • avoided by practicing safety measures around water. opTomarty J. Ef _LONGSTAFF opTomETF118T sond•y$ and Vif•dnesderg 20 ISAAC STREET For appointment phone 452-7010 3EAFORTH OFFICE 527-1240 RONALD L, McDONALD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St. .Goderich 5.244253 INSURANCE K, W, COLQUHOL! INSURANCE it SEAL EliT Phones: Office 410-974 RN. 412, HAL HARTLEY PhStle 4824693 LAWSON AND WIS INSURANCE — REAL EST INVESTMENTS Clinton Officer 482.9644 H. C. Lawson, Res.: 462. J. T. Wise, Res.: 482. ror Air.lgaster •Al " PO,* aRatiV/Indi*8 .Rockwell Power boo* JERVIS SALES R. L. J01,02,-011 Albert. clIntee."4824380 Attend Your Chum This Sunday NOTE — ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Clinton News-Record THE CLINTON NEW ERA Amalgamated Established 1885, 1924 THE HURON NEWS-RECORD Established 1841 Published Every Thursday At The Heart Of Huron County Clinton, Ontario, Canada Population 3,475 fl DO DB Skated COntribotlotts 40 this babileation its the *pintoes of fee eolotts *rely, *id ilo Fait iteemettly express the violins of the heetiPaPic Authorized ai Second Cleat MAO, Office Deaarthient• Ottawa, eteil ter Palmeri' of Postage to Cate 14,111141111110t4 RAM: reliable la ageism — Canada Oil *mat WO a veer: thettael,Sfatee Aid iforittlit..4.110,-flooki Coplont 41-Cosh,4”--4, THE CLINTON NEWS- .RECORD July 19,1928 Miss Mary Dewar and Miss K. Urquhart of Kincardine are the guests of the former's brother, Mr, David Dewar, Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Potter left for Napanee yesterday to attend the 1.micriding of their son Dr. Harvey Potter. Misses Florence Ctiningharne, Hattie Baker and ,Isobel Straughan have been eaniping at Sark's during the past week. Mr, and Mrs. H. 'Zapfe and family returned to their home in Brucefield last week after residing for a year and a half in Detroit. Their many friends welcome them back. From Our Early Files 75 years ago 25 years ago THE CLINTON NEW ERA "July 14, 1893 CLINTON FISH AND GAME FARM SUGA1R. AND SPICE 'by Bill Smiley THE CLINTON NEWS-RECOR July 15, 1943 Mrs. B. Hearn and Miss R. V. Irwin are spending two weeks at Owen Sound. Miss Ena McEwan and Miss Edna Archambault spent last week at the home of the former's aunt in Port Stanley. , Miss Wm. Ball and small son Nelson, left London last Thursday by plane • to join her husband, Pte. WM." Ball of the Ambulance Corps, C'emadlan Army at Victoria B. c. Miss E. Webber of Kitchener is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Percy Weston, Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. M. Nediger and Miss Clara visited cousins in Owen Sound over the weekend. 15 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Roger Garon, St. Hyacinthe, Que. are spending a vacation with the former's parents in town. aliss Wilma Shepherd has returned from her holidays spent in Sidney N.S. with•Mr. and Mrs. David Longland. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haughton and sons Terry and Wayne returned home after spending a week at Burks Falls, lake Bernard Lodge. Miss Maxine Smith, London spent the weekend with her grandmother Mrs. Charles W. Parker, Bayfield, Clinton News-Record July 2, 1953. Mrs. W. M. Aiken accompanied by Mrs. T. J. Aiken, Allenford left last Thursday for an extended trip through Western Canada. Cadet Eugene (Butch) NIcLaren left on Tuesday for a six week stay at the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Camp at Camp Borden. Miss Doreen Wood, Yorkshire and Miss Jean Mortimer, Lancashire exchange teachers from England, on the Toronto teaching staff, spent the Weekend at the home of Miss Lois Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ewan Ross and John left on Tuesday for a trip to Glengarry and Nova Scotia where they Will spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Collier and Sandra. They were accompanied by Miss Gertrude Wilkes, Goderich. 10 years ago THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD July 10,1958 This is being written from a little place that most of you know. I visit it quite often, especially in the summer. It's called Wit's End. And that's where I'm at. Just recovering from a three-day wedding, The cere- mony took only about 15 min- utes: But there were the preli- minaries. They were bad enough: the terrifying ordeal of buying my first new suit in eight years; getting lost on the way to the church, in a strange city. However, it's not the preli- minaries of a wedding that make you arrive at Wit's End. It's the post-liminaries. One of .them is kneeling on a stool beside me, watching as peek away with those two worn-down old fingerS, He's six years old, precocious as they come, and somebody else's grandson. He's not watching because I'm a dazzling typist, He's watching to make sure that I get this done, so that I can fulfill my obligations to him. In a burst of post-wedding euphoria, I promised Mark I'd take him to the park, to the beach, to the Indian village, to the old fort and a few other local hotspots. Like all kids, he has the memory of an elephant and the persistence of a penguin, wha 4 ever that means, He arrived about his usual bedtime, so I thought I could stall him until tomorrow and then maybe get him to Watch television, No dice. He demanded to see the park, at the very least, So I took him off to see the park,. driving his Grammy's ble. Yes, grandmothers drive convertibles these days. Just as we arrived at the park, a hell of a thunderstorm bust loose; lightning; great cracRS of terror; and rain like Noah's arc. Mark was a little scared, in a delighted sort of way. I was frichtened to death, r couldn't find the windshield Wipers and was fivitig Mark said, "Hey, Bill, we better scram outa here." couldn't have agreed More. I kont tWitting knobs' tntilnisir ing buttons, trying to get the wipers working, I pushed what seemed to be the last button. Nothing hap- pened. Mark said, "Boy, you're lucky that's locked. That's the one that puts the top down." I nearly fainted. The back seat was loaded with Grammy's clothes, wedding gifts and as- sorted perishables. Well, we got home safely, as you have surmised, and it's now tomorrow. And it's pour- ing rain. And Mark has asked me 744 questions. Will the Indians let us into their vil- lage? Do they have rugs on the floor? Can we take away some bows and arrows? When are we going? The last one came about every fourth time. You know, I've secretly been looking forward to my grand- children for a few years, even though my own kids aren't married yet. Now, I'm begin- ning to wonder. Can I cope? They're so blase, I took Mark into the Wild Place, That's the corner of our "garden where there's a big, hairy bush of some kind. You can almost get lost in there, I forced our way ,through the jungle into the secret heart of the Wild Place, Mark said, "I don't see what's so wild about this. When are we going to the In- dian village?" Well, I'm going to fix that kid, As soon as I finish this column, we're going to the rud- dy Indian village and the blast. ed Old fort in the pouring rain. and we're going to tromp around Until never want to hear the phrase Indian lage again in his entire life. It'll probably be the end of me. But no Six,year-Old punk is going to push me around. We're going to see all the sights. We're going to climb and 'walk and stare until he's goggle-eyed. I don't care if he. gets eXhausted. I'm exhausted and We haven't even started yet. And if he starts to ery and wants to go home, probably buy him an lee creani cond. Any kid who 'knows what the word "satire means in this day and- age can't be all bad.- Toronto Telegram News,ervIde FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: JACK HEYNEN, B.A. SUNDAY, JULY 21st 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Church Service. — ALL ARE WELCOME HERE -- ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV, GRANT MILLS, B.A. Organist:'54ISS ,LOIS GRASBY, A.R.C.T. SUNDAY, JULY 21st 11:00 a.m. '---Morning"Woilshici: ' ' ' Wesley-Willis Church and Holmesville will - join with us. 11:00 a.m.—Nursery. 11:30 a.m.—Junior Congregation. Wesley-Willis — Holmesville United Churches REV, A. J. MOWATT, C.D,, B.A., B.D,, DD., Minister MR. LORNE DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY, JULY 21st • SERVICE AT ONTARIO STREET CHURCH LAST SUN- DAY. IN JUNE AND FOUR SUNDAYS IN JULY. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A„ Minister Mrs. B. Boyes, Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY, JULY 21st 9:30 am.—Worship Service. Sunday School Withdrawn fon July and August — EVERYONE WELCOME — CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH SUNDAY, JULY 21st Student Minister: The Rev. W. De Jong 10:00 a.m.—Morning Service—English. 2:30 p.m.—Afternoon Service—English. Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas listen to "Back to God Hour" — EVERYONE WELCOME — MAPLE ST. GOSPEL HALL Sunday, July 21,st 0:4S ii.m.--Worship Service. MR, CARL RICHBER Waterloo 11:00 cm.--Sunday School. 8:00 p.m.---Evening Service. Tuesday Prayer and Bible Study 8:00 p.ni. The Qiiirtkpa...Np.vvp,--RePPrO, Thursday, .44ly '1.?, POP Summer can mean -.sorrow As a hevvsPaperMan, summer is one season I. dread. If you have ever covered a drowning story you will know what I mean. If you have ever stood on the shore with dazed parents while a boat slowly drags for their son, you will know what I mean. it's a. tough job writing an obituary for one of the boys down the street, or seeking oufthe facts'of a young couple whose holiday ended in traaedy. There is no criterian for drowning except a careless moment. That's what 1,237 people found out too late according to last , year's Canadian Red Cross drowning statistics. Safety around boats cannot be emphasized too much. To help curb fatalities, the Red Cross has suggested a number of precautions that should be kept in mind. Know and operate your craft well. The rules of the road apply to boats as well as cars. •A drinking driver is as dangerous on water as land. Equip your boat with government approved safety equipment: life jackets for each person in the boat; two oars or paddles; a baler or water pump; red distress flares; tool kit; fire extinguisher; an anchor and 50 feet of line. Mr. D. Cantelon will start out next week to see where the stock of apples is to come from, next fall. The old skating rink has been: converted into a hay-pressing establishment and a commodious place it is; the hay is being exported to England. o rs , 'lf.:"Miss Mary Irwin is confined to the house with a sprained ankle, the result of trying to ride a bicycle. The .work on the town hall at Bayfield has been begun at last, and the New Era has the satisfaction: of seeing done what this column had advocated for the last two or three years. The hall needed the paint, not only to improve its appearance but also to preserve the wood. 55 years ago THE CLINTON NE-o ERA July-17,1913 . Miss Ida Walkinshaw is the guest of the Misses Cowan at Blyth. Mr. T. E. Pratt, wife and daughter. of Peterboro, are the guests at the home of Mr. E. G. Courtice. The gentlemen is enjoying himself on the bowling green being a lover of that game. Miss Mahaffy has left for a visit with relatives and friends in the west. Work has commenced for the addition that is to be made at St. Paul's Church., 40 years ago Rim Olivet has returned from a trip to the West COW and visited his daughter Barbara at Edm M o t nton, and Mrs, A. J. MeMtirray •---1-1.ave--retarnet1 •frorn a holiday D children, New York, arrived by plane on Wednesday to spend the next two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire, Clinton. Dr. David Graubert will motor to Clinton later this month. spent in Fenelon Falls and Toronto. Mrs. David Graubert and two THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD July 17, 1958 Mr. and Mrs.- Merton Merner of Bayfield with Garfieldrjalig, Lorne, Colleen and Kelvin' left Saturday on a motor trip to Hope B.C. to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Skov and daughters Gerda and Margaret recently returned from a two week vacation with relatives in North Dakota and Iowa. Miss Diane Deseck, Stratford, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brandon. . Mrs. Elroy Brownlee and son Barry, St. Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Little, Bayfield, last week. Chief Petty Officer Jack and Mrs. Stewart and r family, Shearwater, Nova -Scotia, are visiting at did lhome,' Of', ;the " farmer's pd r•ents, Mr-. 'arid Icifis. Clifford J. Stewart, "Stanley Township, THE CLINTON NEWS- RECORD A memorable day July 16. 1953 Pentetostai Church Victoria Street W. Werner, Pastor Sunday, July 21st 9:45 a.in.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship 7:30 p,m.,-Evening SenrIte. Friday, 8 pan.--TPU Meetihl MWMIlp"-1 IV