HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-06-20, Page 9pSeerfoeye'srelsereiesf."
\SPONSORED by a group of "MALTS" fellow citizens, who feel ,a man with his record is worthy of your support JUNE 25TH
I U A P,P'E $
Residents Of Hensel' and
mmunitY Were saddened •t0
rn of the sudden Passing of
ProMinent bilsinessman Roy ion Campbell who died
denly in Sudbury Wednes,
evening Jtine 12 while on
business trip. He was 48!
The lateMr. Campbell was
Member and. Past Master
Buren Lodge A.F.& A.M.
4; member of Hensall Legion
anch 468; President of Hen,
I Motor SAWS; a Member of
London Lodge of Perfection
the Ancient and Accepted
ottish Rites, member of
Mel Presbyterian Church.
in municipal life he served
the Exeter Cowl" while a
He• came, to. Hensall, in 1952.
rviving are MS wife the
mer Edith Wurm, two sons,
yin and Eric, parents Mr. and
s. Earl Campbell, seven
others, Homer, Hensall;
rold, R.R. 1 Exeter; Gerald,
oyd and Joseph A., Exeter;
n, Centralia, Robert, Sarnia;
o sisters Mrs. Larry (Mary)
onin, Centralia, Mrs.
onard (Doreen) Smith, Lucan
one grandson.
Members of the Masonic
rder conducted a service Fri,
evening at the Funeral
hapel, and Hensel' Legion
ranch 468 attended the funeral
me in a body accompanied
members of the Exeter
Public funeral services
rgely attended were held at
armel Presbyterian Church
turday conducted by Rev, J.C.
oyne who paid fitting tribute
his life. Interment was in
xeter cemetery.
Bearers were Glenn Bell,
omer' Russell, Hugh McEwen,
ill Smith, Ernest Willard, Bob
aker Jr.
A pioneer of Usborne Town-
ip passed away in the per-
n of Miss J. Maude Glenn,
ose death occurred at Exeter
rsing Home Sunday June 16
her 89th year: She has been
patient in Nursing Homes
the past eight years, last
in Exeter. Nursing Home.
3 two brothers John and
orge predeceased her.
urviving a .sister-in-law,
Mrs. 49).10 1*. ,clean, Exeter;.
nieces and two nephews,
Mrs, Morley ,(Helen) .sanders,
Mrs,. .13414" (Mona) Finch Mrs,
Mervyn (MArgarot) 'Barter,
Mrs, W. P. .(PhYllts), le
Gerald and Ae4 Plow),
Funarai services, were held
Tuesday from Poo01001,Nueral
Pomo with Rey., liereld 'Perri*
officiating. -WO -in Mem
Teggarta CenIeter.Y.? 049v/••••10g cremation 'at" Woodland
Crematorium. • • ,
Following interment
ladies of chtsollmrst PrOtoci
ctmrch served lunek tO friencla.
Anniversary services largely
attended. were held in Hensel'
United Chnrch Sunday, June 16.
Guest speaker for the *periling
service was. Dr. Andrew J.
Mowatt, of Wesley Willis United
Clierch, Clinton, Wbo based his
thoughts On the subject "Is
Anybody There?". Guest soloist
Mr. Robert Davidson, WindPor
sang trio splendid soles "The
Earth is the Lord'S" and "God
Answers , Prayer". For their
selection, the choir sang
"Praise My' soul, the King of
Heaven". In the evening Rev. Currie
Winlaw, of Central United
Church, Stratford, - a former
minister for his Sermon topic
spqke on the subject "What's
The Word"?
Guest soloist Mrs. Robert
Hoffman sang tiro inspiring
solos. The choir anthem, was
"Let us go into the house of the
Lord", with Mrs. John Turk-
helm at the, organ console. The
:evening service closed with a
coffee hour for everyone,
served by the UCW.
Floral arrangements were in
charge of the UCW and
memorial flowers in the sanc-
tuary were in memory of Roy
G. Campbell, placed by his
Mrs. Klass Van Wieren, ac-
companied by her father-in-law
Mr. Dirk ' Van Wieren and
sister-in-law Miss Irene Van
Wieren, leave June 25 by jet
, from Toronto Airport to spend
a month with relatives in Hol-
land.' Mrs. Van Wieren and her
sister-in-law will take in atour
of Germany, Austria, Yugo-
slavia and Italy. This will be
Mrs. Van Wieren's first visit
to her native homeland since
' coming to Canada 17 ,and a
half years ago. . ,
Thursday evening June g.9.
at 7139 :inPoalfaco
$cheel. Zurich,. the new Gym,
PorioM. and classroom of St..
School w01, be
blessed by the Cbancellor -of
the Dioceeepf London 14,
F. J. Lavorty of London,
inetnnere of the Parish
are invited to be present in tne
gymporium for the ceremony.
It will be quite, brief, and will
be fullowOcl by the 'enenal•
Treaniltatlen of awards. to
-awe* who have .oxcollOd. in
various years and types ef work,
The rest .of 'the . evening will
be spent in an informal "Owl
House", Please notice that
friends of the district who are
not members of the parish will
be invited to join in with them
at 8:30, an hour later, in order
to sec these latest impreve,
inents in the building.
A successful Penny Sale Draw
was held Friday evening in
the Legion Hall sponsored by
Legion• Ladies Auxiliary.
Tickets were drawn by Reeve
Minnie Noakes, Prizes went
to Brampton, Seaforth, Zurich,
Clinton, Exeter, Kippen,
Cromarty and Hensall.
places not designated are
from Hensall.
Beatons Bakery — $3.00'
Voucher — Bruce Austin, Sea:-
forth; Bonthron & Sons —Vanity'
Bench Bob 1111axwell: W. J:
Cameron (Doc)—Fishing Tackle
Box — David Amale; W. J.
Clement — one gallon oil —
Hilda Austin, Seaforth; Cook
Brothers Milling — one bag
fertilizer — Bill Faircairn;
Crest Hardware — Battery
Clock — Raye Schwalm; Ferg's
Service Station — one can oil —
Sylvia Merner, Zurich; Fink's
Plumbing — $5.00 voucher —
Mrs. John Sangster; Freeze
King — two chicken dinners.
Don Hanley, Clinton; Fuss
Electric — Ceramic lighter and
ash tray — Mrs. Grant Mc-
Clinchey; General Coach —
Vanity Chair — Margaret Ing-
ram; Dr. Goddard — $10.00
Bill — Barb O'Dell; Hay's
garage — change of oil — Mrs,
John Corbett, Exeter; Hensall
District Co-op — one case of
grease, Mrs. Ed Corbett, EX-
eter; Hensall Motors — Car
polish Sylvia Merner, Zurich;
Poosall $PloS Para — two
western records A. mo0
QiincbeYfr Heaforth; Hensel
Hetet Two steak dinners
Mrs. Harry Melr; Bert Horton,-
Fishing Rod Hen Chalinera,
Kippen; Huron:Holy Shen 4--
mad flaps -r Edwin Taylor. iCiP
pen; 'ffureedale Dairy — 20
quarts • , Mrs. John Skea;
Hyde Bros. -- two cans band
cleaner Den Manley, Clinton;
Irwires • ladies Wear tanle-
cloth ,r Mrs, Rose Harris.
Cromarty; Jim's Machine
Shop — one core hroorn—Sharon
O'Neil;' JOY* .and Son's — One luggage,- Carey Norry,
Exeter; DaVe Kyle — one change
of oil — Mrs. Dave Ingram;
P, L. McNaughton one vase
and two side bowls — Hilda
Austin, Seaforth; Raye Pater-
son — five cups and saucers
Hilda. Smale; Public Utilities
one year's supply light bulbs —,
Jerry Hartman, Exeter;
Queensway Nursing Home —
towels and tea towels — Bar-
bara Schwalm; Regal Grill -
one, oil Painting — Harry Page;
Clarence Reid-Trucker — one
lavi,n chair — Mrs. Dave Ingram;
John Reid Snack Bar — one box
groceries — Teresa O'Neil;
Richardsons Garage—two cases
pop — Cecil Maxwell; School's
Meat. Market — $10.00 voucher—
Danny 'Reid; Ball and McCauley,
one picnic table cover, Mrs.
Norman Cook; Tayler's Ready
to Wear, •Diaper Bag, Mrs.
Fred Beer; Thompsons Mill,
Punch bowl pet, Ken Smale;
Jean Turvey Salon, one per-
manent, Mrs. Ed Roberts, RR
2, Kippen; Don Travers, $4
voucher,. Raye Schwalm; 5 to
$1 'store, cup and saucer, Mrs.
G. Nixon; McCurdy's Barber
shop, shaving cream, Diane
Richardson; Flynn's Barber •
Shop, hair oil; Herb Turkheim,
Zurich; Wedge the Mover, one
lawn chair, Mrs. John Corbett,
Exeter; Eleanor Shields—Avon
Products (Tuck) Susan Riley;
Mrs. Leona Parke, Avon pro-
ducts (Hensall) Mrs. Grant Mc-
Clinchey; Times—Advocate one
year's subscription, Mrs, Wil-
liam Brintnell; Huron Expos-
itor, one year's suoscription
David Steele; Citizens News,
one year's subscription, Pat-
ricia Harris, RR 1, Cromarty;
Citizens News, one year's sub-
Public funeral services were
held for the late Mr. Robert
C. Spier, 76,, R.R. 1 Varna,
from the Bonthron • .Feeerat
Home, Hensall, on Monday, June
17 conducted by Rev. B. H.,
Eaton of Bayfield. Interment
was in Bairds cemetery. •
The late Mr. Spier who passed
away in- Seaforth CommunitY
Hospital on Thursday, June 13
is survived by his wife 'the -
former Jessie .Margaret Col-,'
lins, one son Robert William,.
H. R. 1 Varna and one grandson.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gittus •
celebrated their 47th wedding
anniversary on Tuesday, June
18 quietly at their home.
* * *
Chiselhurst United Church
Women held their June meeting
in the Sunday School rooms of
the church. Mrs. Thomas Brint-
nell opened with' prayer. Mrs.
Percy Harris presented the
Worship Service. Missionary
prayer offered by Mrs. Roy
MacDonald. A reading —
"Grandma's Bible" was given
by Mrs. Harold Currie. Mrs.
Richard Taylor presented
interesting facts on "Citizen-
ship and Social Action". The
group viewed a film — "The
Farthest Horizon."
110W that tbedrive,intheatres
in our area are Opening PP for
another season; familY and
1, have :been scanning the Pro-
: , -grams-: for possible, .entertain--"
'inept. Either I'M becoming
' prude or. the Mevie-going public
has gone completely diPPY. The
kind ,Of • ShoWS being viewed by
regular theatre-goers are little
More than second, rate sequels
• rOwieg ,th. wet weather the Juee •
Picnic; :meeting of ,Heesall
' • WOmee'S Institute was •held,•ie
the" ;Legion HaII, Wednesday,"
June. .12,.; Games and contests
were 'enjoyed following the
ample. meal.
It 'was decided to help in the
:Huron county Project otserving
•tea at the!Ceenty 'Mupeum,
Preliminary ' arrangements
• Were made for a. party on Sept.
•' ,24 at the . Blue Water Rest .
;: Boine. Tolirt.e0,1es were given
• ••:
by. Mrs-; :Fred, Beer..
• 'President Mfg, • • Clarence
• Reid chaired the meeting, and
' ':hostesses were Mrs. Reid and
. Mrs. Beverly Beaton.
Sports,, in .charge of Mrs,
yearl:Koehler..aul Mrs. R. A.
-.Orr;; Were enjoyed and the win.;
ners were: Guessing peanuts in
• jar,.. Mrs. Robert• Elgie; small
children 'dropping clothes pins
•• in milk 'bottle, Brian and Betty
Beer; older children dropping
clothes pins in milk bottle,
Linda Beer .and Debbie Smith;
. tearing a. man from a news-
- paper; ,Linda Beer and Debbie
Smith; 'Betty . Peer; persons
. coming farthest distance, Mrs.
"Wen HOWe, Arizona; eldest
lady present, Mrs. Grace Har-
pole; tWo • relays, transfering
;water with a straw, ,Mrs. Elgie' s
iteaPl; 'Passing orange under
•ehin, 'Mrs, 'John Corbett's team.
Ladies kicking slipper into
basket,. Mrs. E, J.. Willert;
children kicking slipper, into a
,basket, Linda . Beer; 'guessing
a 4—H Girl's measurement,
Miss AmyLanimis.. • •
to the batch of bad movies seen
iast year.
MoSt POpula r, of course, are
the wide-screen pictures of
beautiful women wrigglingfroin
bedroom to bedroom where the
occupants are bare-chested bar
. bums who live for love and love
to live. Scenes show torrid lips
and PersPiration-soaked brows
in such quantities that even the
new improved spraydeodorants
aren't up to the task of remov-
ing the stench.
The moral to these immoral
absurdities Is that the course
of true love never runs smooth.
Most people are very much
aware of that fact — especially
if they are married— and movies
like that are an insult to their
intelligence and a waste of the
grocery money.
Then there are the horror
movies which attract their own
btand of weirdos, Whether its
the ghost of somebody or the
monster from somewhere, afew
warped minds gather beforethe
' screen to hear the gurgling and
choking or to see the blood
gush forth. As some sick soul
chops up his mother and feeds
her remains in bite-size pieces
to the fish, a captivated audi-
ence shudders and shivers
through its boxes of popcorn,
frightened into believing it is
being entertained.
Spy pictures get good ratings,
too, from folks who are dazzled
by the death-dodging wizard
whose car folds up into a cigar-
ette case. Whether the hero is
making love to a witch wearing
poisoned lipstick or just play-
ing a routine game of roulette
with an agent of the opposition.
movie-goers are transplanted
to a world of make-believe as
fantastically unbelievable as the
adventures of Maggie Muggins.
These are dramas for immature
patrons who will likely never
fully emerge from the game of
"let's pretend". '
What's the matter with to-
day's movie makers who give
sex, sadism sand superficial
stupidity the top billings? It
is little wonder that People stay wawhayich ittrnrorugoVheLfrfeamuitteattars
own are finding it increasingly
difficult to make it finangially.
I'dmuch sooner put my feet
up- front of my oiyn televignm
and Alanwatch
ma orviee. rtnr off r eaenthtl
pay a couple of bucka to abiise
what small amount of intellect
I possess.
impressionableeei4l k
isibds to sPed ettertonr *an evening blowing bubbles. Cow-
boy movies at least show right
from wrong; dog dramas teach
concern; shows about other kids
may prove helpful; even 'car-
toons are harmless. But few
of these subjects are studied in
the movies listed today and
that's why the day of taking the
children to the movies is almost
passed. Thank goodness for
Disney Studios!
For my husband and I, owe
have no liking forbikini bashes,
love-ins and drum and guitar
' equipped hotrods, We'd like,to
see a movie with -a good story
.behinn it, ,maybe even a bio-
graphical type show or a
thought-provoking portrayal- of
some of today's problems. Sure
there would be some sex in-
volved and some sadism, too,
but not for the purpose of sex
and sadism alone. That's quite
And from a purely personal
point of view, I'd like to see
more good solid love affairs on
screen — pictures which are so
beautifully poignant that I have
to weep so hard my husband has
to dig for his handkerchief to
dry . my eyes. A tear-jerker I
think it used to be called, Is
still the best movie for my ,
money -,- like the academy award
nominee, "Guess Who's Coming
To Dinner", There's a movie. ,
I had started to cry evenbefore
I'd gotten all the way down to
my seat!
D • ipPY, MOVIeRgoers.
scriPtion. Raye Schwab; Re
der'S Florist. $6 voucher* Nita.
Geerge Hoe; mid-Town clean.;
era, OM voucher,, MrS, Sin '
cRhojelabos1; disLhegisr ,DoArilKiaeryip.o,
Brampton; Legion AuX111417
childs truck. Mrs. johosaaP
atoll Legion Aux- dresser sate
Dpnna Jean Allan. Legion
branch- Fishing Pole- Mrs.
Robert Bell, KiPPen; Gifear
Zurich;' AuWXiaglianryer:
haMPer, Bill __Austin, seifort4
' Car .mirror, uniesarwho7 Herb:
IlecIden; Aux Plaee set, Mrs,'
Jobn Sangster; Trevor Wilson. '
pensws pas, e tp, aRciik FLuescien;a TIraervkoer;
KosY Korner, tobacco, Rare
chargewanl. of the Preject were
Mrs. William SMale, and Mrs,
Howard Smale. Prizes were •
donated by Hensel' and Pis-
trict businessmen.