HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-06-20, Page 5FARM LINE
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(continues from. plgq
14r, S tow4rt lashed out At the "
bihe;7.0. -"tree, trade" Policy
for nrionittiro, .w14.94 said
Would ,leellartlize the capedian
farmer by .g401.40g prPeOP9TS
to tOPOrt frcm other countries
lOWTPrieed. PrOtinetS which PT
available in CattPla,
fq suggest the agrienIttire
policy of the CerlservatiVes
Prer4nt the cleS4Tetign ef'clOttle
estic Markets," the Provincial.
Among the things advocate
ed Were AP4S044,14iltieS to proe
Oct ,Ontario producers; and leg.r
islatioe to regidate inter.prog;
vincial trade In ageictiltitral
geode, te end McnOitation of
ilrotAlCer4 between
They Were the .aittne policies
outuna.0 by Conservative leader
Stanfield in Wingham two weeks
Mr. Stewart was introduced
by the Ron, Charles MacNatigh•
ton, provincial treasurer and
MPP for Huron, who assured the
Conservative audience they had
the support of the Robarts
governmeet in next Tuesday's
Mr. MacNaughton • stressed • the need of co.eperation among
all levels of government, saying
no decisions can be made by a
"government in isolation."
Mr. and' Mrs" ,Lindsay Bur.;
rows, Clinton wish to announce
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Mary Eliiabeth Cartwright,
to John Bruce Lockhart, son
Of Mr. and Mrs. dlenndon Lock-
hart, Clinton. The wedding will
take place July 13, 1968, at 2:30
p.m, in St. Pants 'Anglican
Church 25b
Mt. and Mrs, IL J. Schoenhals
wish to annoupce the engage-
ment of their eldest daughter,
Sandra Elaine to Raymond 'Law-
nence Thompson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Mac !Thompson, R.R. 1,
Varna., The wedding Will take
Place July 6th,, 1968. 25p
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deveau,
Goderich; wish toanpo nnce the
engagement of their daughter,
Lorraine Margaret, to Dennis
Robert, son 'of Mr. and Mrs, Tom.
Logan, Bayfield; The wedding
wilt take place' at St. Peter's
Catholic Church, Goderich, on
Saturklay, July 13, at 11 a.m.
Hospital, Kitchener, on Thurs-
day, June 13 to Mr, and Mrs.
Donald Contiveae (nee 'Rose-
mary, Wild), a daughter, Sheila
CARTER-In, St. Marys' Hai-
pital, Kitchener, on land iy,
June 16, to Mr. and Mrs, Ken
Carter, a son Jeffrey, a brother
for Kathy and Christopher,
1VIacDONALD - In Victoria
Hospital, London, on Saturday,
June 15; Me. and Mrs. James
MacDonald, London, are happy
to announce the birth of a
daughter, Lisa Jane, born Sat-
urday, June 15, in, Victoria Hos-
pital, London a granddaughter
for Mrs. Marg, MacDonald.
REINriT-To Mr. and Mrs,.
Larry'Reinhart (nee Linda
Switier) ill hospital at Kinders-
ley, SOIL, on Fri., June 14, a
daughter, Mary Ann Elizabeth.
I wouldn like to thank all who
were 'so kind to me during my
recent bereavement, Special
thanks 'to the organizations that
sent floWers.-MRS, RUSSELL
The family of the late Ray-
mond„Townsend wish to express
sincere. thanks and deep ap-
on to friends, neigh-
bours, relatives and staff at the
CanatliAli, Forces Base, for the
beautiful floral tnibutes and
donations and the many mos-,
sages of sympathy at this time
of bereavement. 25p
I wish to thank all those who
sent flowers, gifts, cards, and
visited me in hospital. Special
thanks to Dr, Oakes, and nurses
on seeond floor, Rev. A. J.
Mowatt, Wesley Willis U.C.W.
and Rebekah Lodge.-MYRTLE
Bath Crtea•Coia and Cake are registered trade marks which Identity only the product of Coca•Cola Ltd,
Don Lockhart, Collingwood, Bruce Scott, -
Stratford and Jim Schuptt,- Kitchener all -
win brand new CCM bicycles.
You could be one of next week's many winners!
Look for contest details in cartons of Coca-Cola.
Authorized bottler of Coca•Cola under contract with Coca•Cold Ltd.
4s2.9k)5 CLINTON
Miodern two-piece davenport sets PERFECT
For' The Rec-Room orCottage and Extra Accommodation Too!
6:00 P.M.
Take a tip from your friends who belong to -lit unions:
the amount isn't as important as the idea c jular 3w/-
ing, It's better to save a dollar every pay, than $50
once in a blue• moon,
Once you start (that's the hardest part), it's a great feeling
to watch your money grow,
Clinton Community Credit
Union Limited
Thirtx years of experience, J vitt build
a SOP to 'Pelt yettr .noccla 11'1 14' up •
to O. feet.
A few vacancies yet to plaPe your
order .49.9e rr.t..- by contacting
CONTRACT913. and Bull,DPI
carnbrio Rd. N., G9dorich , Phone 52479417
2.3., 261?
Clinton Kew-Record, Thursday, +TIPP 24R ,1966
The Water Will Be Off On
Tuesday, June 25 From
10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
and the following streets will be affected:
Whitehead St. from Maple to Albert.
Albert St. frm John, north to the town limits
and out to the cemetery.
Base Line Road from George to Andrews.
The reason: for necessary repairs to the water
Now, production
line haying
with one-man
Highball th(ough hay harvesting up to 8 m.p.h. -
cutting, conditioning and windrowing" 9 ft,
swaths.. keduces drying time up to 50%, Gentle.
straight-flow feeding, cam-action reel, full width
rubber-to-Steel conditioning, smooth clean ,
cutting action, simple adjustments, enclosed gear
box, positive chairs drives,
•winciromng gniods opoonar
See and try the all new 438 at .
cLINTOW 4624431
• 't
Auction sale :of property and
household effects ATM 1:10 Mary
StFeet, Clinton, on
At 1,30• PA.
tleesehold Effects-g, piece
ehesterf udleiist(e -
chesterfield suite (nearly new);
upholstered swivel, reeking
chair (i1041.1Y new); pole lamp
(Peer); step table (nearly now);
MarecaAi 21 inch television and
rotas;, Duncan Fife coffee .table;
small' table; 6 piece Modern WRNS dining doom suite( wainet fin,
ish); 3 pair fibreglass drapes; sNgtiL - In Clinton 'Public Wicker 'rocking ehalrl 't t J 15 ror; 2 bunk beds (maple); stn.. esni a on 4 ul aY, une
dio bed; high bey chest; 5 to Nr' fl.(1 /°s' Cliffern Snell'
piece chrome kitchen snite BlYth, a Son.
(nearly new; Imperial natural
gas range; electric refrigerator, Clinton Public
Washing maehine; Eureka va,,' ,i,190.13441, en Sunday, June 16,
cnum Cleaner; Berkley electric t9. hit: and Mrs, David Qverhee,
food ,mixer; electric deep 'fry, :a son., David Scott;
er; electric kettle; electric toast- BAKER-In Victoria hospital, er; electric percolator/. electric London, on Tuesday, June 11, to cloCk; electric blanket; table Mr, and Mrs. Henry Baker tnee
lamp (nearly new); television Nelly,Westerhaut), a daughter; lamp; Westminster chime Christine Allison. clock (like new); Steel utility
cabinet; bathropm scales; iron- .CRAIG In Alexandra Marine ing board; scatter mats; dishes; and General Hospital, on Friday, glassware; cooking' utensils; June 14, to Mr. and Mots. Joseph
laundry tubs; pails; garden Craig, a daughter, Sandra Jo-
tools; numerous other articles. Anne, a granddaughter for Dr.,
Property--At 3 p.m. the pno- and MiS. 'J. A. Addison.
perty. at 116 Mary Street, Clin-
ton', will be offered 'for sale, on
which is situated a 6-room frame
cottage with Asphalt siding and
fully •.insulated. he house has
a gas furnace; gas water heat-
er; a 3-piece bath; built, in kit-
chen cupboards .and newa elec-
tric wiring.
TERMS on Household Effects
TERMS on Property-10 per=
cent down on date of sale and
balance in 30 days, with rale-
perty being offered for sale
Subject to reserve bid.
of Household Furniture, etc.,
from Flower's Gift Shop, Bay-
field, on Saturday, June 29th at
1 p.m,, the following:
Two living room cotiehes
(turquoise); p osthre ' chair
(grey); occasional upholstered
cnair; sway Peek chair (tang&-
fine); upholstered bedroom chair; CARD OF THANKS
chair (plastic covered) small
rocking chair; arm chair; numer-
ous kitchen chairs; chesteroed
(grey); set of„twin, beds with
box springs and' inner spring
mattress; set of twin beds with
inner spring mattresses; set of
bunk beds, springs, mattresses
and ladder; 3 dressers; 'Chest of
drawers; dining table and, 4
chairs; coffee table (glass top);
step table; end table; writing 25b
L.sk; small, desk; TV stand; TV I wish to thank all those who chimney .mount; TV rabbit ears;' sent flowers, cards and visited
Hoover floor" polisher; 2 carpet me while a patient in Victoria sweepers; shower,:eempiete with Hespital„London, Special thanks UL' faucet,; =SIIRWOri; cxeovitelDnoterfMcAllinelt and,,Wyatt, .nthead .A1 KarYtt :PTPgteVir.1.1iSii 1 aridt,Staff •enesixtb,floer; -7 toaster; Toastmaster toaster,. also also to,Rev. A. E. Silver, Lon= Sunoeem iron; Philco 40-inch' ' don, and Pastor Jack Heynen of
electric range (with window Clinton Baptist Church.-WIL. oven top condition); 5 pair of LIAM. PICKETT 25p drapes; 3 bamboo curtains; 2
chaisettes„, lawn chairs picnic
table; hassock; hall mirror;
medieinie chest; tablet lamps;
metal top table oil burner; elec-
I wish to thank all who visited
ENGAGEMENT , me and sent cards and gifts
Take notice that the township dump has
been fenced and padlocked,, jt will be open
to all township res,identS,0 ,0,0ch Wednesday
afternoon and Saturdays frorN'9 5.
Any person wishing 'to use if ,on other
oCcasicIns '\;‘,/ilr'firit contact the caretaker, Wm,
R. E. 'Thompson, Clerk
111.0 family of tho late, Oye
i,tntyigaon.44ii to thank *very-
one for ail acts of kipcino$s,,
cars and. flow.orA received iii
their sad ,bereavement,
wife, Florence Isobel and Jpe
..'PlOSe11,.iieV .and Bill
. f'71",ett.Ift
PERDUE - Passed away at
Clinton Public Hosital, on Mon.,
day, June 10, 1968,, Jahn Perdne,
Clinton, in his 86th year. Service
from 13eattis. Funeral Home on
Thursday at 2 p.rn.
DAYMAN -- At Huronyiew,
Clinton, on Monday, June 10,
Mrs, Henry DaYMan, Widow,.
former Christeea Kelly, Sur-
vived by sister, Mrs, William
H. (Helen) Rounds, 'Hot Springs,
Ark, Service was at 0;30 p.m.
Thursday, from Beattie Funeral
Home, Clinton
REED-LEWIS-In Metrepolt •
ton Hospital, Windsor, on Sat-
urday, June 15, 1968, Mrs. Mary
Reed-Lewis, The concelebrated
funeral mass WAS held in St,
Claire's R,C. church, Windsor,
Monday, June 17, with burial
in Heavenly Rest, Cemetery,
Windsor, Surviving are one son
and five daughters. The late
Mrs. Reed-Lewis resided in Clin-
ton from 1958-62, until the death
of her son Rev. Father 'L, E.
Reed-Lewis, former pastor of St.
Joseph's. R.C. Church, Clinton
and St. Michael's R.C. Church,
GILLESPIE .At Alexandra
Kirine and General Hospital,
Goderich, on ,Friday, June 14,
Miss Mary Agnes Gillespie, 79.
She is survived by a foster •
daughter, Mrs. Grace -Munro,
Clinton. Service was at 2 p.m.
Monday, June 17 frbrn Stiles
Funeral Herne, Goderich. Inter-
ment Maitland Bank Ceme-
tery, •Seaforth.
GLENN-At Exeter Nurising
home on Sunday, June 16, 1968,
J. Maude Glenn, in her 89th
year. Beloved daughter• of the
late William and Margaret
Glenn of Usborne Township.
Survived by her sister-in-law
Mrs. John M. Glenn, four nieces
and two nephews, Mrs. Morley
(Helen) Sanders, Mrs. Bill
(Mona) Finch, Mrs. Mervyn
(Margaret) Hayter, Mrs. W, D.
(Phyllis) Glenn, Gerald and
Bruce Glenn. Funeral service
from Bonthion Funeral Home,
Hensall, on Tuesday, June 18,
at 2 p.m. Interment in McTag-
gart's Cemetery.
MORLOCK-At his residence
ion Wednesday, June 5, 1968,
William L. Morlock, 44 Norfolk
St. S., Hamilton, in his 69th
year. Survivods include` his wife
the former Muriel Baker, and
one daughter, MiSs' Ann,. Mdr-
1,1oe,k, rat:: hiline; • O t t a;,Ibt,,bther.
Gerald F. 1ViorloC of ItoinAik
Lake, Ontario, Mr. Morlock was7
manager of the Bank of Mont- !!. •+--;
-real at Clinton, retiring in 1961:,
Funeral service took place on '
Friday, June 7, in St. Paul's
Anglican Church, Hamilton.
LUDVIGSEN, Ove-In Hospi-
tal, at Ottawa, on Se,turday,
June 8th, 1968, Ove Ludvigsen
of 174 Crocus Avenue, beloved
husband of Florence Knox,
member Temple Lodge AF and
AM N' OttaWa, *sting
at 110.A and Playfair Limited,
Central Chapel, 315 McLeod St.,
Ottawa, where private service
was held on Tuesday at 1 p.m.
Cremation. 25b
Most cars are driven sensibly
most of the time. , But it is
dangerous to rely implicitly on
the expectation that ether
drivers will behave rationally,
says the Ontario Safety League.
A psychologist who examined
10,000 problem drivers found
100 certifiably insane, 850
feeble minded, and 1,000 who
had been in mental hospitals.
Kinsey,. who introduced the Pre,
TPP9,0100 yast .disparities
Into Canadian deVe.191941.9,4
MVO.; he Added, ''"We could
the Liberals ,called, the. '1965
hetwoon proVieceS and within
change a taxation tightt5i4;70
of USi" P410,, "lt might
net look geed!, but If. t0o. 340,
the provinces,'t bo said,
election only to gain gmaigrIty,
prals win, will be 4lSaSe
IINY9;4111g together
With the. Conservatives
Heron carididate 1W-let't Mee
,c1on,t .1c4Ow Whatf.S'erhead
treasurer, ,c0nrgoct that
hosts group
Triancler. Al?angnet at St, Paul's.:
the ()PDX' of the gaatern•Rar;
was .eXeMPljfiecl, 4.4hehretherh
of HeritiOr. LocigOit AS is dene
in the Michigan
Clinton, were hosts to the :war..
.conducted in the. .afternoon .,by
194ge members from the 1)40',
PARISH Hail was catered to by
courtesy -of the ease coin-'
sioN: minter ,9toorp. and
Degree work of tho evening
Clinton Ledge and A,M,
A tour .of Q.143 Clinton was
Listed below are the Rural Polling
Places throughout this area:
BaYfield -
Poll no,„1 - New Municipal Building, Bayfield.
Goderich Township -
Poll No, 1 - Harry NontOomeri, R.R, 2, Goderich.
Poll No, 2 -- Lorne Rodges, R.R. 1, Goderich,
Poll No. 3 - Albert Schilbe, R.R. 1, Bayfield,
Poll No, 4-- George Wise, R.R. 3, Clinton.
Poll No. 5 - Carman Tebbutt, R.R. 3, Clinton.
Poll No. 6 - Township Office, HolmesallIc
"UllettPo-11 No. 1 - Forrester's Hall, Kinburn.
Poll No. 2 - International Gospel Hall, R.R. 1, Clinton
Poll No. 3 Theodore Flynn, R.R. 1, Clinton,
Poll No. 4--. Community Hall, Londesboro.
Poll No. 5 -- George. Schneider, R.R. 1, Auburn.
Poll No. 1 John R. McGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton.
Poll No. 2 - Alex McBeth, RA. 3, Itippen.
Poll No. 3 - Township Hall, Varna.
Poll No, 4 - Blake School,
Poll No. 5 - James Cleave, R.R. 3, Bayfield,
This Message Is Sponsored By
Your Local Progressive Conservatice Association
ook who's won
set of wheels!
Mr. Tom Walker, Sault
Ste. Marie, Ontario won
a;isporty SST Javelin car,,..
by American Mot
R. J. A. Burke, Petawawa and Carl
Lavigne, Windsor are some of the
winners of shiny, red Honda motor-
)) bikes.
my, and jgPS, 1,1.0;3 Gray wash
io Anneetlee the engagement
daughter, -Sharon Arkpg.t.g.
Gordon. 4rucp, 4.911p4too.P,
son Pt ,Igra; .Floyd .Armitage,
Peterborough,, ,Pntario,. and, :the
Mr.. Harold .Johnatono,
weddingtake olaoe in On-.
1,itio Silt* tiniteci Chnitit in
I wish to express my sincere
thanks for visits, cards and
flowers while a patient in Clin-
ton Public Hospital. Special
thanks to 'Dr. Goddard, nurses
and staff on first floor, Clinton
Legion Branch 140 and clergy,
also to neighbours and friends
who supplied transportation for
We would like to thank our
frwrds ar.d relatives who stir-
Nus ivit,r e twenty-fifth
wedding celebration , on Satur-
tric heater .
3 large ;pictures day evening:--VI AND ARCHIE
(gold leaf frames); other pie- RILEY. • 25p
tures; hot plate; English saddle.
(new); school desks; MelamaW, The family 'of' the late John
ware; dishes; glassware; cook,' Perdue wish to express their
ing utensils. Included in this sincere thanks to . relatives,
sale will also be the balance':of ' friends and neighbours for the
the woolen shop stock, consist- lovely pone] tributes, donations
ing of men's and women's sports, to the, Cancer and Heart fund,
wear and children's clothing. ti cards .of sympathy and acts of
kindness at the time of our
Terms: Cash. „ ;
-,Bayfield hockey teams spon-,
sors of the Auction Sale. •
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer,
Please' note,: ,• unfavorable
weather the sale will he held in
the Lion's Arena
bereavement in the loss• of our
dear father. Social thanks to
Rev.JAP, J. Mowatt, the Beattie
funeral home, Dr. Oakes and 1st
floor nurses at Clinton hospital
. for• t4pjr very patient and good
while .a patient in Stratforg
General hospital. Special thanks
'to all who, helped with the work
'at home,. --- MERVYN FAL-
CONER. 25p