Clinton News-Record, 1968-06-13, Page 9edified SEED BEANS SANILAC SEAWAY I DON'T TAKE A CHANCE WITH YOUR CASH CROP . . . START THE CROP RIGHT WITH THE BEST SEED. AVAILABLE THIS SEED IS CARE- FULLY SIZED FOR TROUBL.E-FREE USE IN PLANT,. ERS . . . CERTIFIED SEED DOESN'T COST . IT PAYS IN BETTER. STANDS, FASTER GROWTH, Also No. 1 Registered— First Generations Seed Treated with D,C.L. Fertilizer and Bean Contracts Available Also Eptam and Patoran at attractive prices See the People with the Seed COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. Phone 26272605 Hensall Clinton NeWS-Ileeer0,144rSday, June 13,1908; YARNA Reserve the best seat in the house for ON FATHER'S DAY... GIVE A GIFT OF COMFORT Signatures DESIGNS by KROEHLER Too expensive? Not these chairs! You can giveyour father the luxury' of his own personal chair for much less than you'd expect to pay for such high quality. A Kroehler "Signature" Chair will give him years of personalized comfort. And, you need not worry'about style ... there's a "Signature" Chair to adapt to every decorating theme from French, Provincial to Modern to Early American. Choose" from rockers,- recliners, swivel and lounge dhairs, all upholstered In the' very newest decorator fabrics* Visit u* loon. Well show you top-quality, extra comfortable chair*, for the man in your life; ; a available at economy prices. BALL & MUTCH LTD. '19 ALBERT ST., CLINTON TE 482.9565 It's Spring Clean-up Time With our. Laundry Service we can do your Bedspreads, Blankets, Curtains and Linens. MEN'S SHIRTS A SPECIALTY Phone 482-9491 HURON_ LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET -- CLINTON, ONT. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 11. 46.1. AO Quality Bakery Products Jane Parker Reg. Price each 490 — SAVE 10c PEACH' PIE Jana Parker Sliced, Daily Dated keg. Price loaf 26c ---SAVE 26o WHITE BREAD 5 24.oz loav es 99, Facelle Royale . Reg. Price pkg 37c — SAVE 11c Fancy/Quality Green , or Wax Reg. Price 2 tins 47c—SAVE 4c TOILET TISSUE: 3 _ pkgs of 2 rolls 1.00 BEANS GREEN GIANT 2 14-11-oz tins 43c • , Maxwell H ouse `, Reg. Price jar $1.89 — SAVE 20c White or Blue Powder Reg. Price box $1.19 — SAVE 10c INSTANTCO,FFEE 12 poaxc. k 13 joanru s , 1.69 DETERGENT .. SAIL king size 5-ib box 1.09 ,., ,Reg.i0rice 69c — SAVE 10c Kellogg's Cereal ,Humpty Dumpty ,' !leg., Price pkg 53c„— SAVE 4c p ,, !. ,t , ic I P , ,,,,,,,,,,.0,.,,b,,,,,,. „.,59,„ 14 ,os pEciAlruK.Far ay .2„:„, fl twin pac 11-oz pkg 4q, Instant Chocolate Drink,),,. Reg. Price ctn 97c — SAVE 8o Del Monte ;., Reg. Price tin 37c — SAVE 11e NESTLE'S QUIK 24b ctn 89, PINEAPPLE Juice 3 48-fi-oz tins 1 000 .100) SUPER-RIGHT BRAND CANADA GRADE °A' EVISCERATED VAC PAC YOUNG IMPORTED FROZEN WHOLE OR HALF BONELESS SOLID MEAT PORK UTT ROAST 1b69/1 CORNED BEEF a79¢ COOKED PICNICS.394 Georgia, Yellow Flesh, tSweet, Full of Flavour, No. I Grade PEAcHES Coffeelele . 01(4R 8, O'CLOCK :COC COFFEE L.B. 1 BAG •.. 813A9C4 SAVE 6o 'SAVE 18o SAVE So • SAVE 24O Florida New *Crop, Whitt Table Stock, No. 1 Grade POTATOES 1°4 bag 75? NONE- PRICED HIGHER AT A&P SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 1968 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH Regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held the evening of June 5th with Noble Grand Mrs. John Corbett in charge. Members reported en. joying the initiation and meet. ing at Goderich Tuesday June 4th when two new members from this lodge were initiated along iwith five new mtembers of „ erich Lodge. , Second nomin. ations were held with all mem. hers nominated by acclamation. It was decided to make plans and date for IOOF and Rebekah picnic at the next meeting. Final plans were arranged for Mrs. Leona Clifton and Mrs. Pearl Eyre to attend the Re. bpkah Assembly in Toronto the week of June 16th, An invitation was accepted to attend Monkton Rebekah Lodge June 28th. and two car loads are expected to attend. A Vacation Bible School will e held in the United Church eginning on Monday July 8th. The annual Decoration and emorial Service. will be held t Bairds' Cemetery on Sun. y, June 16 at 2 Am.. The softball team won an. ther game last Saturday even. ng by defeating the Blyth team, q let's all get out and cheer em on. Mr. and Mrs,, Arthur_ Bishop f IVS14440kAre 5a4"' e hoine of Mr. and Mrs. ob aylor The United Church Women held their June meeting on Thursday evening last with twenty-six members and four- teen visitors present. The pre. sidenti Mrs. Chas. Reid opened the meeting wth prayer and took charge of the business period. A church picnic was planned for the first week in July also a donation is to be given to the Vacation Bible School. Twenty-one calls were made to sick and shut ins during the past month. Group one had charge Of De. ,votions with Mrs. Robert Still. ing leading, Mrs. Flaro read the scripture and Mrs. William Taylor giving the meditation, Mrs. Win McAsh took up the :missionary reeding re the efforts of the dedicated, PP!! TiMothy, Phee pf Korea, whose h0M11.0an efforts redneed the pepulatiPP, Of 19%000 lepers -to 19 *in ten ears A iXained evan• gelist as well, as an 1V1,D. Dr. Rhee ministered to both body and Poill. These lepers formerly led a twilight existence Wander. ing under bridges and in, peree. terieS. This ministry of a Korean ministering to Koreans took plo:ee on the Island,.` of tilTiuhrieg.reotor, the Rev. F. J. P. Harrison closed the meeting with prayer after Which all re- paired to the Sunday Schoel room for a lovely lunch, All present report a very happy time of fellowship on a perfect June day. The Western Ontario Aber. deen Angus Association annual dinner and Field Day was held on Sunday last at the home of Colo and Mrs, D. B, Weldon, R.R. 2, London. Among the dignitaries who brought greetings to the 200 persons present, were the Hon. A. Stewart, Ontario min. 'inter of Agriculture, Mr. Dane Canning. Canning Cattle and Land Co, Stanton Va., U.S.A. and Mr, Bob Brenton, of the Canadian Angus association. Mr. Wm. Watson, general manager of the Royal Winter Fair, was the special guest speaker and traced the history Of development of fairs in Canada during the past cen. tury. Among those present from this area were Mr, and Mrs. Adam Flowers and Mr. and Mrs. F. Arkell of Hayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton andMr. and Mrs. Sam DeVries of CUD. ton. Mrs. Middleton tied with Shirley Earley Miller for first place in the ladies' cattle judging competitions. offering and it was dedicated by Mrs. Stirling. Mrs. Robert Webster gave a reading entitled "Forgive o me Lord 1 had no time". Mrs. Arthur Bishop of North Bay, who recently visited several countries in Eastern Asia gave a very interesting talk on the people of Japan and other countries also showed slides of the different people of the far east, which was much enjoyed by all present . She twa th-f140 d> 1,. Reid for her'interesting talk and pictures. Mr s. R ob ert S tirl. ing closed the meeting with prayer. Afterwards, Group Two served lunch. Rev. H. F. Currie of Hensall conducted the service in the United Church on Sunday last. Three children were baptized during the service: Brent Forbes Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Taylor, K evin Dan- iel Postill and Wendy Frances Postill, children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank _Postill. The Sacra. ment of the Lord's Supper was administered at the close of the service. Rev. M. Morrison had charge of the services on the Hen. sail United Church charge, on Sunday last. stIrprisegatberingwasbed at: the .:40100 .of Ken McLean on Sunday June 9th when. members- of the family ..ef ,McLean. gathered tpoelehretethe 25 anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Ken .McLean,. An enieVable afternoon was SPent 1011,9Wed by a barbecue dinner at five o'clock. 4. puree of money was wesenteci to Mr. and Mrs. Mef Lean with Mr. liarVeY 'Hay, ter and Mr. Elmer llayter doing the honors, Tboee present. Were? Mrs, Wm' Hayter, Mr, .ancl. Mrs, Eimer Tin.yter and fancily, Mr. and MTS. Mervyn linyte.r family, Mr, and Igre; Harvey ..ifayter .and family, Mrs. Reta. Vpshp,1t', Mrs. gayter and family all of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McBieath and family of Kippen, Miss Joyce Haytor of Woodstock. William A. Lennon, Bachelor. of Science, son 'of Mr, andMrs, • Howard Lennon of Varna grad,' uated from McMaster Univer, eity Hamilton, May 31receiving his Master of Business Admin.! istration. Mr. and Mrs.Howard Lennon attended the graduation,. Anniversary services in Hen. sail United Church will be held Sunday June 16th with Rev. An. drew J. Mowatt ofWesley-Willis United Church Clinton in charge of the 11 o'clock service, and Rev._ Currie Winlaw, of Cell. tral United Church, Stratford a former Minister at '7 p.m. Special music will be provided. Plans for the annual Penny Sale draw were made for Friday June 14th at the June meeting of Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tuesday evening, with the chair taken. by president Mrs. Garnet Allan. Mrs. Allan and Mrs. W. H. Bell were appointed dele• gates to attend the Legion Auxiliary Convention in Ottawa in September. Mystery prize was won by Mrs. 3. Chalmers, guessing prize by Mrs. Wm. Smale. Mem- bers enjoyed a social evening. Next meeting will be held in Sept when a pot luck lunch will be served. Your RED CROSS serves in so many ways The June meeting. of Pen§n1.1 UPW, WAS held /n Fellowship Hall Pa TharadaY.4.40 .0th with, an attendance OfP0J.Mrs,JanleS McAllister presided andopened the~flieeting with thonghts on friendliness end ,mentioned the recent tragiC death of the Senator Robert F. kerinedy. Mrs, E. ChipCha.se had charge of a very tonching devetional on "Love" the foundation of Christian Living. Mrs. Currie in her capable manner presented the study on a .(1\2ed. ern Day Nabmi.", A duet was sung by Mrs, Sim. Roche). and. Miss Greta Lanirnie.. Visitation committee re* ported having made 62 palls. Letters of thanks were read resin Dept -or Overseas Relief, • Toronto, and Wririch Hospital Hazeiton, B.C. for clothing and quilts. For the general meeting On, June 17th every Member is re., quested to bring a. friend. .A Visit to Blue Water Rest Home is scheduled for Sept. 10th,;"F lye ladies have been p,ppointed to arrange for this affair. A , "Drop In. Centre" to re- lieve tension is;planned to-Start on Sept. 18th 10,11 a.m. Some of the Older ladies will be in charge of the nursery at that time. Arrangements were made for flowers and nursery for the month of July. The study book for next year is "Man Alive". Watch T.V. programe on Sat. 0 Pau. during .the .:mouth of June • .10 Current Affairs. Men and.boys.clothing are A490 for the A141440 Bale and blankets instead of quilts, to be bought in Toronte, This sages ' A social time was thoroughly enjoyed over the tea cups. 'The Messengprs of Hensall United Church entertained their mothers on Wednesday evening June 5th in the church. The mothers were greeted by Nancy McCurdy and Shelley, wearing Japanepp costumes, Flags were given out by Paul Wareing and pins by Debbie Veal, Mrs. Cecil Dapper g•ave wortle of wel• come. The opening number "This is God's message that we.love one another followed with a short reading • entitled Orme law of Love" by Mrs. C, Christie, folloWed With the hymn 000d sees the little ,sparrow fall, Will/ the Ten Singing the first Verse and Phoris 1OP"a12,allese•Mnrralr Armstrong read scripture pass sages and Brenda Pepper gave the prayer, KanilsWal whl0h in our language means collection of pictures was disPlayed, these having 'been collected and as. sembleCl.hy the ,children, Karen McAllister relating the story of these pictures. Dale Armstrong and Dale Slaanans took up the, offering and d,Glie Mock gave the Offer. tort'; prayer; A chtldrens song "Lets MI Clap in Japanese, with a briefing on Japan by Mr".s. Christer, was followed with a film "In the land Of Fujisan, Linda Elder gave words of thanks. Melissa Veal and Barbara McCurdy gave the Benediction. MIDDLETON 111 0 .11111 1111111.11•111111111•111• —11118111WilietraIRIS*11.11gginfillm•_ The ACW of Pt. James liCan.Church, Middleton, held Very successful and Well tided meeting On FrlaarYafterf 09; June the nineth. in St, anlea Chnr oh, Nearly forty PerSons were resent .as the APW's of Trinity hurch, Hayfield, linteno Were invited as,special esta. The. Preeident, Mrs. Ed- ard Wise, extended a warm elcome and opened the meeting l01 a poem on friendship. ollchline regular prayer, rs. Ray Wise gave the seeee. 'S report and in the absence the treasurer, 'Mrs. Dgtot ve the financial statement. hey roll-call,"my favourite ummer pat,ime", was an* ered by all Present and voked interesting answers. A a,rd of thanks was read from rs. Keith Miller. The highlight of this annual eeting has been for years the resentatioh of the report of the Annual"' held in St. Paul's athedral in May. This was done most ably by rs. Brown Higgins of Bay. ield, who was a delegate to this onvention. Mrs, Higgins also as the. distinction of being the ew president of the Deanery of uron ACW. Mrs. Higgins gave alucidand omprehensive account Of the onvention whose overall theme as, "Change and Progress," d (*Mined the new structure f the ACW. "Have the faith, ofirage and devotion to move th the times", stated Mrs, . Paterson of Windsor, the ew Diocesan President. Another special guest, Mrs. . Dumont of Clinton, who de. ighted' those present with her olos, "Open the Gates of the emple" and "I know that my edeemer • liveth", Mrs. E. ise accompanied her on the res.% Mrs. Don Middleton thanked s. Higgins and Mrs. Dumont it behalf of all present for eir efforts. Mrs. Fred Middleton gave