HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-06-13, Page 5AUCTION SALE' leering auction sale 'f entire ntents of Ox-Yoko Antique hop, highway 8, Seaforth. Saturday, June 15th t 12 o'clock noon. urnitu re— ' Walnut Lincoln rocker; wal- ut sapper chair; Boston rock- r; ladder back rocker; plank nd cane seated chairs; wal- ut *arm chair; walnut side airs; Quebec hand made air; 3 drop leaf tables; wal- ut side tables; walnut sofa ble; cherry centre table; long ine harvest table; wash stands; irrors; picture frames; 2 side- all cupboatts; 2 chest of rawers; cherry dresser; beds, pe, spool and walnut; Vic- rian pine schoolmaster's desk; alnut lumber display shelves. Iassware— Large assortment pressed lass; pair Bohemian glass ases; pair Bristol vases; col- ured glass and lamps; West- ard Ho comport; Vaseline ousand eye comport. hina— Indian Tree tea set; two other ea sets; odd china; lustre delft d Ironstone bric-a-brac; sil- rware; brass; iron; granit are; old kitchen utensils; conk uron Atlas (incomplete); man- I clock, icturps; oil paintings; bottles' ooked %F?!P!, J1 Many more additional pieces f interest. TERMS—Cash. Proprietress—Ethel Beattie. uctioneer--Harold Jackson. Clerk—Mel Graham. 24b Thank You THANK YOU For making May as Freezer Month a real suc- cess. We passed all expectations. At this time I would like to say thank you to 0 our many customers who took advantage of this special. We are always striving for new attractive offers for our customer. Our deals are always just a little bit better—call us and see. Please note the new Service Centre Hours: Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tues____8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thurs. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 ptm. Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Remember also we are available' 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. VISIT YOUR FARM SERVICE CENTRE FOR COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE 17 Rattenbary — CLINTON Ph..482-9561 ost PIG A 04,4 JUNE '68 BUYthe 100 C.C. bottle of INJECTABLE IRON INJECTABLE IRON IS INDICATED 1N THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF iasimaul. IN SWINE. ALSO IN IRON DEFICIENCY IN ADULT SWINE AND IN THE PREVENTQN OF STILLBIRTHS DUE TO IRON DEFICIENCY IN SOWS, BABY P SEIG you get FR E DIAL DOR FOR THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF BABY PIG SCOURS. DESCRIPTION Et; iliallOset h.PorkAn$1.4,WftlkigIcan CONTAINS A COMBINATION 0Flinerrancie AND STREPTOMYCIN, AN ALL NEW COMBINATION OF ANTIBIOTICS PACKAGED IN A ' SPECIAL OIAL OOSER FOR ACCURATE ADMIM$TRATION WITHOUT WASTE. animal health service PHONE 482-3484 CLINTON FEED MILL ,momosammiiimamm et,iNTON' 482.3484 Ittii•on St. 100 1e" lot rid, ,hr to !Ir Injeciable„ VIWIN1,101. 4,0 some of the bargains at Hudie's Saw Fr‘ston Metal Standard Galvanized STEEL ROOFING 1,50 Squares $10.25 210 LBS. ASPHALT SHINGLES 8.95 SEAL DOWN BY DOMTAR 2 x 4 Spruce Construction Grade 90 Linear foot HUDIE S SAW MILL Clinton Phone 482-6655 BALL-MACAULAY BUILDING SUPPLIES CLINTON — 482-9514 SEAFORTH — 527-0910 HENSALL — 262-2713 0 q "SPECIAL OF THE WEEK" 210 L. B. SEAL-DOWN 3-in-1 Shingles Cash and Delivery 210 L B. Std. 3-1N-1 5.95 Per sq. Stock only, Clinton Yard Good June 13 to June 26th 8 .49 per sq. LOOKING FOR WORK!!! How would you like to say you helped pack those delicious Aylmer- Delmonte vegetables? CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED LM ER 'elate have seasonal positions available—canning peas, corn and carrots. • Work available from approximately June 24 to November 15 • Day or night shift' • Men and women required • Student applications accepted • Excellent wages APPLY TODAY AT: CANADIAN CANNERS LTD. — "A Good Place To Work" 210 Wellington St. ,W., EXETER, ONT. Phone 235-2445 OR CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE GODERICFf ONT, Phone S24-8342 Roluest stovey of traffic lights Clinton NeWer'Aecordi Tbarstin•rt June l3 I008 0 Auction sale of property and ousehold effects from 116 Mary Street, Clinton, on SATURDAY, 'JUNE 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Household Effects-2 piece hesterf 'udleiist(e hesterfield suite (nearly new); pholstered swivel rocking hair (nearly new); pole lamp new); step table (nearly new); arconi 21 inch televigion and otar; Duncan Fife coffee table; mall table; 6 ,piece modern ining rem suite( walnut fin- 'th); 3 pair fibreglass drapes; wicker rocking chair; wall mir- ror; 2 bunk beds (maple); stu- dio 'bed; high , boy chest; 5 piece chrome kitchen suite (nearly new; Imperial natural gas r,ange; electric refrigerator;, Washing machine; Eureka va- cuum cleaner; Berkley electric food mixer; electric deep fry- er; electric kettle; electric toast- er; electric percolator)); electric clock; electric blanket; table lamp (nearly' new); television lamp; Westminster chime clock (like new); steel utility cabinet; bathroom scales; iron- ing hoard; scatter mats; dishes; glassware; cooking Utensils; laundry tubs; pails;_ garden tools; numerous other articles. Property—At 3 p.m. the pro- perty at 116 Mary Street, Clin- ton, will be offered fgt. sale, on which is situated a 6-room frame cottage with asphalt siding and fully insulated. he house has a gas furnace; gas water h 'at- er; a 3-piece bath; built in 't- chen cupboards and new elec- tric wiring,, TERMS on Household Effects —Cash. TERMS en Property-10 per- cent down on date of sale and balance in 30 days, with pita- perty being offered for sale subject to, reserve bid. • MRS. EDNA M, HATTEN, Proprietress. ' EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auc- tioneer, CARD OF THANKS The family 'of the late Mrs. Ernrna Cruickshank Wish to ex- press sincere thanks to rela- tiveS, friends and neighbours for floret tributes; donations to the Cancer fund, cards of apt- pathy and acts of kindness tinr-. ing Our recent said bereave, }Tient Special thanks to Rev, Harrison, Ball FOneral 116nre Dr, Oakes; Dr, Sales and nurses at Clinton and Victoria hospital, F JAMES AMILY CRUICKSH 24b ANK AND '. We would like to -thank, those who vomeinhcred us with cards and „gifts - „On ear 40th weckling .atirtiversary. we car* tautly appreciated it. Thanks MABEL .and W..441411 24b I wish to thank all who visit- ed me and .those who sent eands, gifts, flowers and. treats while .I was a patient at Vie, toria hospital, London, - A .VerY- speeial thank You to all the 'kind neighbours and friends who. Were Se good to Pill in my ab- sence, CEACILIA EDGAR 24p I would like to express .sin- cere thanks to my friends .and relatives for their ITIAPY "acts of kindness during my stay in Clinton hespital; also to the nurses on first floor and Drs, Street and Walden. FRED TOLL 241a. I wish to thank ail those who sent cards, floweds, gifts .and visited me. while I was in hos- pital. Special thanks to nurses on second floor, Drs. Walden and Newland and. Rev, Wenham, MARIE ARNSTON 24b I wish to express my appre- ciation to relatives and friends for flowers, cards and 'treats received while a patient in Clin- ton hospital; also to second floor nurses, Dr, Newland and Rev. Stuart. ALICE WEBSTER IP would like to express my sincere appreciation for cards, gifts and visits while I was in Victoria hospital, London, with special thanks to Rev. E, J. B. Harrison and the U,C.W. of St. Andrew's church. IVAN STECKLE, SR, 24b ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. Marion Define is happy to announce the engagement of her daughter Catharine Mary to Norman Gordon Eisler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eisler, R.R. 4, Mitchell, The wedding will take place June 22 at 2:30 p.m. in Ontario St. United church. 24p Mr. and Mrs. Alec Riley wish ' to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Linda Di- anne to Robert William Storey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storey, R.R. 1, Seaforth. The wedding will take place June 29, 1968 at Londesboro United church. 24b BIRTHS ROETCISOENDER — In Clin- ton Public Hospital, on Satur- day, June 8, to Mr. and -Mrs. Hielke. Roetcisoender, R.R. 2, Blyth, a son. MALTBY—In St, Joseph's Hos- May 23, to Mr, and Mrs, Mur- pital, London, on Thursday Powell) a son Brian Murray, ray Maltby (nee Catherine a brother for Jeffrey and Peggy. DEATHS STUART—Passed away at Clin- ton Public Hospital on Tues- day, June 4, 1968, Mrs. Wil- liam Stuart, Brucefield, the former Lottie Burrell, in her 86th year. Among surviv- ors is a son the Reverend E. Donald Stuart, Brucefield. The'funeral service was from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, on Friday, June '7. CUMMINGS — Passed away at Huronview on Thursday, June 6 1968, Mrs. Edward Cum- mings of Blyth, the former Elizabeth McKeffrey, in her 77th year. Survivors include a son Frank of Clinton. The funeral was from Ball Funeral Home to St.. Michaels church, Blyth on Saturday, June 8, iwth interment in St. Mi- chaels cemetery, SUMMER SPECIALS teluitatk pf,ps CANVAS SHOES CHILDREN'S and LADIES' SIZES $1 a pair Boy's and Men's Sizes $2 a pair GIFT SUGGESTION For Father's Day Socks Belts Slippers RAY'S SHOE REPAIR 35 Huron St., Clinton Eimrs--Nswo away in trgin, ton Pohlio lieSpitaL 7111-WS.- day,. June 1900, .bitn. Pelts Mrs. Mut Pelts of Blyth, the former Ida Jane TtintleY,, in her .04th. Year. The funeral service was from • Tasker- Funeral HMO, ,Blyth on SotnrciaY., june S with intenment Myth Union cemetery,. -STECKLE Passed away in Clinton Hospital, tin Thursday, June 6, 1968, Mr, Paniel S,Steckle of Zurich, in. iris 74th yor. The funeral. service was from the Men- nonite chorrh, Zurich, on, Saturday, June 8, with inter, 'pent in Mennonite MAP, •tOr))• pADVOTtA—Passed away in Clinton. Public lioSpital on Sunday, June 9, 1908, Norman Hill Radford of (3lyth in his 72nd year, , Funeral service, was from Tasker .Funeral Home on Tuesday June 11 with interment in, Blyth Union cemetery. , I Coming Events JUNE 17--Commencing June 17, summer hours will be in ef- fect at Clinton Public Library. 24p FRIDAY, JUNE 14, COFFEE Break and• Bake Sale by ladies of First Baptist church, Clin- ton, Town Hall, 2 p.m. 24p FRIDAY, JUNE 21 — BIG Game Night, Clinton Commun- ity Centre, free inooseburger, dancing 10-1 to Ian Wilbee's orchestra. Admission $2. 24, 25b SATURDAY, JUNE 29, Ciheken Barbecue, Bayfield United church, 5-7:30 p.m, Adults $1.75, children 12 and under $1. 24, 25b MONDAY, JUNE 17, HURON- Perth Distrfict Farmer's Union to meet in auditorium of Clin- ton Community Centre at 9 p.m. Mr. Delmer Bennett, 2nd vice-president of Ontario Farmers' Union to speak on "Possibilities of ' One General Farm Organization." Ladies please bring lunch. 24b TUESDAY, JULY 2, MEET- ing of H.I.S.O.C, in cafeteria, Central Huron Secondary School, 8.30 p.m. 24b MONDAY, JUNE 17, DRIVE- In Bingo at Brownie's Driive-In Theatre. Gates open at 7. Bin- go at 7.30. Branch 140, Cana- dian Legion. 24b Must decide* (continued from page 1) accept the present offer. Wherein the Township must pay 21.5 per cent of the cost of new equipment. "We are offering a service and it's going to cost so much. money. The money has to be raised and divided evenly," Councillor Cam Proctor, said. "We need a deadline whether they accept or not . we need a definite answer so that by July 1, ,we will know where we stand. Otherwise this could go on for months" Councillor Ted MCCullough said. Three meetings have been held with the townships. The fourth would have been Monday night, but no township repre- sentatives were present. ,,Briefs (continued from pogo 1) .18,090 to construct A house; C, Livernipr§, *1,000 for eon- Struetion of Watling shed; MOnard ;and Dave Corrie, $0,09.8 for construction of a car Wash; W, V, Smith,.$000 to change a sign; and Den East- man ' $18,008 for construction of house. Connell received a letter from the Ontario General Con- tractors Association concern- ing the Pontractier reconstruc- tion I#eech and Whitehead. Streets which was given to Levis Contracting rather than Frank Van Bus sell, the lowest bidder. The letterpointed out that this incident could have a detri- mental effect on future tenders and that it defeated the purl:lase of tenders for the lowest bidder. Mayor Symons felt awarding the contract to the Lavis firm was justified since the add call- ing for tenders stated that the lowest tender would not neces- sarily be accepted, "We as a council have done the right thing", he said. Council passed a by-law providing $7,600 for .expendi. cleric John Livermore 'has. been !aUther#O41. to reqUOISt survey by the department of transport on the POPeihilitT of government .ottboitly. ,On ''traffic. lights at Clinton's•. main -inter, Livermore section. told. town council Monday he had received a letter froM the dePartmont WO on roads and streets for 1968. The, possibility of eotablieh, ing a telephone answering PPP', vice for the Police 'department is being Investigated by the clerk. This is in cerjurictien with the new radiopn order for the department. BE I( BLOOD DONOR stating the intersection-did net. warrant the Present. lights, ac. Pardin0 to a traffic cheek made a few yearS no. Subsidy on"lights is deter-. mined by traffic volume, de- termined by the departMent, If lights are necessary, the department will subsidize 90 per „peat of the cost and main- tenance. If the survey ehowP fewer cars use the intersection than deemed necessary for lights, the town must pay the total cost. Mayor Symons Pointed out there have been four accidents in the past three weeks at the intersection. The lights were. moved according to recem- rnendatioris of the last survey. "It wasn't successful, or people are getting more color blind," the mayor said. It was noted that the, survey stressed the volume of traffic required to warrant the lights rather than any element of saf., ety that might be involved, "We should ask for a survey, and if this doesn't work we will send a delegation to the department," Mayor Symons said. The police department also plans to request a survey. Federation. .(coltinyg0 ifIVO 1)9 91) j) The -OVA ..rppipsootatIvii5 trtion. • gaye the report of the :Special. c.continitteo, -PA Farm •Qr, g aniptien, presented to the On, 'tar1Oaaaenthly .on May 21. It the p4r1voo$, ob e▪ etives fuoc0000l establish-. of . inlettti structure, *co, and finances .9( the PropOmi.. One Fam ,OrpoizA- ttfl; Cfilmp#g IS ,thP name Of the this year in every mivoy,.1)4 .said.. IN MEMORIAM CARP OF THANKS loving; memory Evelyn l a,ll who passed- away one Yeaka$"4 jttne 12, 1967, >., in our book of .motnory gently tttraed today.. Ketnenthered alwayo by the . mentor)) of a ciPPl, husband, father. and. ,grandfather, John A. Snell,, who Paosed, away four yeara 4.89 Jane 1964. her Joys that he missed, in jearney„ aY he find in ,God's 'Oartien, AeSt,". Lovingly remembered and dly missed by wife and .fam- r. • 24b IIRGEON—In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother Loin Mortel Sturgeon who passed tawny five years ago, June 7 1963, day of remembrance sad to recall, ithout farewell yeu left us all. ecious, memories treasured of days when we were all together, od takes the best for reasons divine, ut Memories last till the end of time, o longer here btir lives to share, at in our hearts she is al- ways there," Lovingly remembered by n Glen, Donalda and Grand- hildren 24b •