HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-06-13, Page 4CANADIAN LIQUID AIR Wish to Announce the Appointment of BOYES TRANSPORT LTD. AS THE NEW DEPOT SERVING CLINTON AND-SURROUNDING DISTRICT 2.3, 24b Breads Rolls Cakes We Specialize In Home-Flavoured BREAD ROLLS CAKES PASTRY Enjoy a variety of these delicious baked goods •-w-- this weekend. Bartliffs Bakery LIMITED BAKERY and RESTAURANT 482.9727 Clinton '?ittetis Fresh SERVICES NOTICE cREOtTogs 1N Tag gnwrg ov OLP liV1lI3E4 NYISE, Tate of 01 Township of Goderich in 0, County Of f.lPron, farmer,di Ceased, All persons liaving elai against the Estate of tne Ockv named WOO cited on the• 3rd,4 of March, A.D. 1988,. are requi ed to file full particulars the of with the undersigned on before the 17th day of Ju • 19130, after Which date t assets will be distributed, regard only to the claims which the undersigned WI then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, t 25tn day of May, A.D. 1968, E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executo 22, 23, REAL, ESTATE 114111DItg5STNC4 done iii Yellr home by experienced licensed hair stylist,, Phone 482.7.147,, „ c0NCRETE WOTIK. No rob toe big, no job too small; also post hole -digging and fencing. Rog- CUSTOM WORK o044):110, rates, Contaet 414S. Maloney; Seaferth, 5274351, • OfrInfor4mw an4 general: ho: ,g1tfl) Repair, Onr Clinton Pena is .at 55 'Albert Street at Ateeieg's Store, Honk's Shoe 1191)04 71 Hamilton Bt, Goderich. Pernianent borne Sittlated ,911 Main St, in .1)eYfle41 close to stores an large set- consiSta of large living room, kitchen, 3 Pee, bath, dining room, A bedroom ,down,, 4 rooms upstairs: furnace. Ask- ing price $8,50Q, Owner will, consider all effere, Permanent home situated Q11, 14 acre of boAntifolly lOntl-aoapod property, has Hying room with natural' fireplace, mo- dern kitchen, modern bath- room, dining room, one bed- room downstairs g bedrooms upstairs, basement with gas furnace, 24b Lake front lots 80' x 390', north :of Bayfield with 00110 water system, $3„500. Fishing boat, could be eon- verted into pleasnre boat, 50' all steel hull, 100 h.p. engine, marine radio, depth sounder, nompass, This boat cap be sold with or 'without compl7te commercial fishing equipment and license. I ADAM FLOWERS Phone $0.2813, Bayfield LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE 4 Clinton NeWseHeocorcl, Thursdayo 0'.1Me 132 1668 CUSTOM WORK EXTEItIOR PAINTINC. Phene Gordon Cbarter, 482.9054, irlagemaryompislommMinamMMmINIMMEN1 CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE VOHIVIAL RENTALS FOR MEN, Book for annitner wedding now, Contact Herman's• Men's Wear phone 4n-o351, Clinton, POIJI3SgS In Pattern draating 1.4r, .eerreaPOIld- oheo. For information write to: Walt-Ann's Dressmaking and Pattern Designing Sehool, 411 Main St. Exeter Opt. 13.tfh klifu CUSTOM BACKHOE WORK Apply to George Elliott Construction 402-P531. LIYIe Montgomery (after 6 p.m) 482-7644 24 tin CUSTOM BULLDOZING ALSO ' GRAVEL FOR SALE Fine pit run for lanes Pit run fill for yarcla, etc, Delivered Lyle Montgomery." Phone Phone .482.7044 EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing material and labour, for free estimates call Mordison Bros., Lucknow, phone 528- 2906, or write Box 69, Luck- now. 24tf REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert- ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cuPboards a ,speeialty, Phone 482.7676, Ken McNairn. 52tfb We Specialize In . : . Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 BAY buggy, like ..neW,. ritlei§e On4.. White, 566•, 2726. 24b 34t(13 (REVISED. May 1, 1088) CASH RATE 3( Per Word . . Minimum '75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if :wit paid Within 10 days of the last insertion. It ipEAT ADVS. 2c, Per Word Minimum 500 DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat, Class Display. 9c per inch ' Birth: Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Ncian Tuefday DIAL 482-3443 CUSTOM BACI410E WORK BROADLOOM BEAUTIFUL bowls, candle Sticks, ete,, hand-grafted Irma walnut, mahogany and teak, Ideal for gifts or souvenirs, On display at Jack's Furniture Re, pair Shop, at the rear of 84 Albert St., Clinton. 7011 Apply to: L George Elliott Construction, awns S 482-983L prayed Lyle Montgenlory, (after p.m.) ERADICATE DANDELIONS CLINTON'S CELANESE CARPET CENTRE * Wall to Wall Installations or 48A-7844, AND ' FOR, THE HOLIDAY AHEAD Shop At HertralYS Men's Wear - for, a complete range of Perms- press shirts, shorts, jackets and slacks for men and boys. Herman's Men's Wear - PHONE 482-9351--,CLINTON 21tfn Area Carpets, Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. # Guaranteed Inatallations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home, `Quality you can trust' OTHER 'UNSIGHTLY WEEDS SERVICES Ih, the Estate of ..qgo4. P,AraoN, retired • ta.riner, ceased. All persons having elai agaipt the estate of the abo mentioned, late of the Towns of Goderich in the COnMy Huron, who died at .the Town of Clinton,on the 2 day of January, 1968, are quired to file proof of sa with the undersigned on or fore the 16th day of July, 19 After that date the,, Pub Trustee will proceed to dis bute the estate,, having rega only to the claims of whi he then shall have had noti DATED at Toronto this 6 day of June, 1968 2 24 tfn ELCTROLUX Canada Ltd, Bales and Service. Alvin. Riley, 524-6514, 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 18ifb Keith Lovell KIPPEN 262.5618 22tfn From BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST Hardware and Furniture Phone 482-9505 Clinton 5tfn CARPENTRY 482-7461 MOBILE home, 42' x 2 bed- rooms, excellent condition. AP- ply 21 Morgan's Trailer Court or call 482-9884. 21-2413 24b AUTOS FOR SALE For all•your carpentry needs call ' A SHEPPARD l6tfn $11,000—Good income proper- ty; 3 separate 2 bedroom apart- ments all rented, 3 baths. Property decently improved. Low down payment and mort- gage at low interest rate avail- able to the right person. $1,000—Lot 66' x 103' on North St., North, $1,500—Lot 82' x 132' on Queen Street with 2 lots would qualify for V.L.A. $8,500—Three bedroom one- storey stucco on Fulton St. Four piece bath, aluminum win- dows, oil furnace, garage, lee- cently renovated interior, own- er leaving Clinton. 1963 FALCON Futura conver- tible. Call 482-7492, John Van- derhaar. 23p GLENDALE. Mobile Home, 41' x 10'; two bedrooms; .auto- matte washer, Phone 482.9009, 20tf. 1959 Ford Galaxie, ' V8, 'auto- matic, Good transportation, 4,269. Phone 526-7254. 24p Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery . repairs, Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. tin ARTICLES FOR RENT 200 POTTED ROSES 2 ft. - 3 ft, high, full bloom, ready to plant in 8" peat pots, Beautiful colours. Come and see our display TENT trailers, kitchen shelters and camping equipment, Make your reservations early. Gordon Steepe, R.R. 2, Clinton, Phone 482-3364. ' 19-261) 1961 CORVAIR, mechanic's special, Phone 482-9917. 24p •vramen...mminr..imimmile NOTICES CANADA'S most dyne na Mutual Fund—American Gro Fund-4V, income tax credit dividends, Investigate bef you invest, Financial planni Fred (Ted) S.eauge, t..roa r resentative, 77 John St„ S forth. Phone 527-1522. 47 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT Grand Opening TENT-TRAILERS, kitchen shelt- ers and camping equipment, Make your reservations early. Gordon Steepe, R,R. 2, Clinton. 24b Phone 482-3364. - JAKE REDER R.R. 1, BAYFIELD 482.9166 , SAND, GRAVEL, TOP SOIL, EXCAVATING. Honking Bros. Phone Blyth 523-4279; Clinton, 482-7634. 15tfn Your new autorized Volkswagen dealer TWO bedroom, instil brick house, one mile north of Clin- ton, oil heated; modern con- veniences; furnished or unfurn- ished. Phone 482-9186, 24tfn EXPERIENCED painting and decorating, interior land ex- terior. 524.9287 or 524-6570. 23.4p K. W. COLQUHOUN Real Estate Broker HAL HARTLEY—Salesman PHONE 482-4747 14 Isaac St., Clinton, Ont. Boxed and Potted Plants INA'S FLOWERS 123 Erie St. — Clinton 482.9937 and ' STAFFEN'S GREENHOUSE Seaforth 527-0800 — Open, Anytime — 20-25p Special prices on all used cars and demonstrators during this grand opening. ARTICLES WANTED SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1406 24tf6 ONE child's tricycle in good condition suitable for 4 year old. Phone-482:3334. 24b THREE - Bedroom dwelling, available July 1. Apply H. C, Lawson, 482-9644. 24tfn ELECTRICAL, plumbing and carpentry work. New installa- tions and repairs, H. J. Steffen, 123 Erie St., Clinton, 482-9937. tfn IN MEMORIAM at Don Taylor Motors Limited Main Street — Exeter formerly Hunter-Duvar DIAL 235-1100 2tfb TAYLOR—In loving memory husband, father and gra father, Harvey Taylor, passed away one year a June 16, 1967. He would not wish far sorro Nor would he wish for tears, But just to be remembered By us throughout the years. —Lovingly remembered the family. 2 ONE bedroom apartment down- stairs. C. VanDamme, 482- 6685. 23tfn WANTED ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN We have clients waiting for farm and cottage properties. Listing Invited. BRUNO LAPAINE Phone 524-8957 J. I. RAPSON—Phone 524.3559 Salesmen for ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Goderich Phone 524.9662 JACK'S Furniture Repair — Furniture repaired, also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695: 40tfb CASH in on buried treasure. We buy old gold and estate jewel. lery, N. T. Ormandy Jewellery, 94 The Square, .Goderich. Fitf ONE bedroom apartment, furn- • ished and heated, available July 1st, 1968. John Wise,.100 Raglan street. Phone 482-7265 or 482-9644. 23tfn Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.1VI., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals, Boarding PHONE 524-8573 Goderich, Ontario HOOVER Spin-dry washer, apart ment size, 11/2 years old. Phone 482-7756. 24p 4•41.41, ••••/..111Inal. ••••N. UPRIGHT piano and bench; small solid walnut hutch; double bed, complete; cedar chest. Bayfield 565-2609. 24b AMMO., AVAILABLE July 1, 2 bed-, room, self-contained apart- ment, 88 Albert street, Apply Clinton Electric 482-6646. 23tfn HELP WANTED FEMALE CUSTOM bulldozing. Chas. Bruinsma, Bayfield. Phone 565-2846. 22tfn LOST AND FOUND 9tfh LOST DOG—lost May 25, legs black and white, female, re- sembles collie, filiendly with children, Answers to name • Goki. Reward. Paul PAYNE, Bayfield, 565-2750. 24 BUY THE BEST International Baler Twine 10,000 McCormick Twine. .• • CUSTOM - McCarmiili Twine.: —$6.45. VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. AVON CALLING Would you like to know how to become an Avon repre-senta- tive? For information mail coupon to Mrs. M. Millson, 1'7 Haivkesbury Ave., London. My Name Address Phone STAFFEN ELECTRIC--Electri- cal a n d plumbing service. domestic and commercial wir- lag. 123 Erie St., Clinton. Phone ,482-993,7- r,.: SUMMER cottage, lakefront, all conveniences, furnished. One mile north of Hayfield golf course. Available-i]by- week, or month. Phone 482-3393:4 22tfn BUILDING 'CONSTRUCTION:, Renovations & Repai • ROOFING • Asphalt and Metal PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING PIANO TUNING TWO-bedroom, heated apart- ment, one block from intersec- tion, Highway 8, Ceriel Van Damme, 482-6685. 20tfn MISCELLANEOUS • I me...m.lo YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued privi- lege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 33tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satis- faction.'Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. tfb FOR SALE FOR SALE 23, 4, 5,-6b LARGE 5-roomed, • self-con- contained apartment, bath. Available May 1st. Phone 482- 3475 before 5:30 p.m. tfn (formerly John Bach) SEAFORTH 527-0120 tab ONE Hereford bull well bred, good breeder, 14 months' old. Phone 482-9808, John W. Smith, R. R. Clinton. 24, 25b DAY shelled corn. 262-5031. 24p GIRL to assist in beauty shop and light housework. Apply Bayfield Beauty Shoppe, 565- 2801. 24b Mullion Martin HAY for sale, by acre or bale. George Wraith, RM. 1, Goderich, 524-6511 or 524-7002. 23-4 1961 MOBILE home General 47 x 10 excellent condition. Also 2 new Carsair travel trail-, ers 17' 10" and 20'. Fully equipped. Morgan's Trailer Court, 482-7066. .24b DRIED shell corn for sale. Can deliver. Haugh Bros., Bruce- field, 527-0927. 23, 24 ACCOMMODATION WANTED PHONE 262-5454 Seasonal. Employment Opportunity DAILY CAR RENTAL, reason- able rates. McGEE'S, Goderich. Phone 524.8391. 3tfb REAL ESTATE 50 PIGS, 6 to 8 weeks old. 524-9847, u 24b FOR SALE OR RENT COMFORTABLE three-bedroom house, 1 floor recently modern- ized, centrally located. Apply 105 Rattenbury St. West, Phone 482-9587. 18tfn TEACHER requires 2-bedroom apartment or small house by August 1. Phone Milverton 595- 8507 collect or write Box 363, Milverton. 23.4b HOG FEEDERS, additional dis- count on Pttrina pig "starting" rations offered for a limited time. Inquire at Clinton Farm Centre, 482-9333: N. W. Durst. TENT, Woods, High Walled, floored, 9' x 12' x 7'. Good condition. See after 5. 482- 7063. , 24p CHAIN SAWS — McCulloch, Homelite, sales, service and rentals. J. W. Peck Auto Elec- tric, •54 King St., Clinton, 482- 3851. tin USED Fdigidaire refrigerator and electric range. both in ex- cellent condition. Moving, must sell. Apply Mr. Moffitt. Can be seen any time, Bruce- field (above Bank of Montreal). 24b GENERAL STORE, LONG ES- tablished prosperous business, $4,000 down plus stock at in- voice, easy terms arranged on balance. To see this properi- ty contact:—P. B. DORAN Au- BURN, 526-7226. 24tfn Men and women to work day or night shift, approximately June 24th to November 15th. Excel- lent wages, with a wide variety of work available. ARTICLES FOR SALE STARTED Arbor Acre Capons, 3.4 weeks old. Available April, May and June., G, L. Martin, RR, 3, Lucknow. Phone 395- 52'73. 12tfn NOW AVAILABLE at Anstett JeWellers Limited — Portable Typewriters and Adding Ma- chines, $5 down, $5 a month. 15 tfn FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pres'sure systems and farm line needs PHONE 482-9561 FARROWING crates, with or without 'mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensall. Phone 262.5282. tf For further information call CURTAINS - Draperies - Win- dow Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drap- ery Pull Rods. Ready Made Draperies. F r.e e Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS. FOR SALE OR RENT—house in Brucefield. Apply to Mor- ris Sillery, 482-3368. 24tfn TRAILER for sale 41' x 10' Pyramid, excellent condition. Apply Trailer No. 1, Mrs. Beck- er, Morgan's Trailer Court, Clinton, 22, 23b 235-2445 Canadian Canners Ltd. EXETER, ONT. CONCRETE SILOS — Farmers place your order now for erec- tion of a silo in time for this year's crop, Wes. Hugill and Son, Zurich, Ontario. Phone 236- 4928. 19tfn GIVE HIM GIFTS HE CAN WEAR 17 Rattehbury Street CLINTON "We Service what we sell" tfn SEE CLINTON FEED MILL "Proudly Canadian" Ask for the Personnel Depart- ment. Common sense gifts that will please, that -he needs and appreciates For Shur-Gain Animal Health Products PEN STREP -- DIAL bOSER INJECTABLE IRON Vit. A.D.E. and Sulphamethazine also locide 14 — Antigerm SO For Broiler Growers 22, 23h Look for display ad in this Issue LIVESTOCK 23-4.5 33 PIGS for sale. Phone 482- 9847. , 24p EMPLOYMENT WANTED INTERNATIONAL HARVES- TER 45 baler and 32 ft. bale elevator. Call 482-3252.- 24p CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM spraying of corn, grain or henna.- Call 482-9250. 25, 246 SERVICES SPORT SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS TEE-SHIRTS WALKING SHORTS SLACKS, SOCKS TIES, BELTS, JEWELLERY ETC. GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned, Gordon Grigg, Phone 482-9411, 39tfb CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basements Dug Fence Bottoms LAND CLEARING CLARK BALL 482.9816 23, 24p AUCTIONEER, and Appraiser' Licensed and capable in selling all types of :Metier: sales. Bruce R4101'401, Brucefield, Phone 482 5384. Clinton Community Auction Sale* EVERY FRIDAY EVENING CLINTON CAB Out of Town Trips 482-7011 Gardens Worked—Weed Cutting Call George McGee DEAD STOCK at 7:30 p.m. .Pickett.& Cativb611 Ltd. tfb WATCI-I. REPAIR is a job for experts. bur work assures your satiafaction, Cbunter's Jewel. lery, heron County's Most tStabliShed Jewellery Store, 1th MARLATT BROS.. Plate Phone Protriptty ' 133 BRUSSELS LICENSE 300065 17t tri GOtnirrunefit Inspected Scalii Cattle Sold by Weight TERMSt' ASlal JOE COltr,Y, Sates Manager MEN'S WEAR OLIMON PHONE 4824432 MAIN CORNER