HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-05-30, Page 16in Montreal
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One of the dirtiest words in
THE English language is
"housewife." How would You
feel if the census-taker or the
election pollsters dropped
around, asked your occupation,
and you had to reply with that
demeaning, degrading epithet?
The very word suggests
some kind of sub-woman Mar-
ried to a house. And, as a lot
of women will tell you, that's
about the size of it;
Once a woman was proud of
the title. It meant Woman of
the House (or Mistress of the
House if you weren't married).
It gave her a status. She was
respected by her family, her
neighbors, and, most impor,
tant, herself.
Today it has many connota-
tions, most of them uncompli-
mentary. It means drudge,
dope, sucker, parasite; it
means nagging, futility, rest-
lessness, exlessness, depend-
ing on who is calling the hot.
Take a look at your average
housewife on a TV commercial.
She is portrayed as being so
dumb it makes you wince, as
she raves over some cruddy
soap or new instant coffee.
And in the TV family series
shows, she's even more sicken.
ing. All sweetness and light,
with the knowing look, the coy
smile, and just the right word
at the right time, to solve the
family crisis, She is shown as a
materialistic manipulator of
her half-witted husband,
Real housewives aren't like
this at all. Within practically
every one of them lies a caged
tigress, flaming passion, an
artistic soul, bludgeoned to
near-death by dishes and
drudgery and husbands who
love their cars more than her,
and kids who treat her like a
After 2U years of being
mauled by family and house,
the "housewife" realizes she's'
been had, But it's usually too
late. She is physically popped,
mentally rusty, 30 pounds .ov-
erweight and realizes with a
deep shock that she may have
100 skills in the house, but
not one that is being sought in
the want ads.
This r ude awakening can
lead to all sorts of things: the
gin bottle; the tranquillizer;
growing obesity; and in some
cases, a revolution that cuts all
her adhesions and puts her
into the world as a woman,
something she hasn't had time
to think about for 20 years.
And it.s all so unnecessary.
Why should an intelligent
woman, who has something to
W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd.
R.R. 4, Clinton, Ont.
Phone 482-9133
Phone 527.1910
by Bill Smiley
A dirty word
Phone 262-2527
22, 23
Official Plan, sets guidelines for future.
community development
This is the second of a two
part series to inform the pub.
lic of the different aspects of
County Planning.
One duty of planning boards
is to prepare an official plan
for a community. The purpose
an official plans is to provide
a formally adopted set of pole
idles and standards as guidlines
for the future development of
the community. Official plans
do not directly regulate the use
of private land, but in almost
all cases zoning by-la.ws are
necessary to implement the
policies established by official
plans. Official plans co-ordinate
the policies and activities of
various local authorities- mun-
icipal councils, school boards,
utility commissions, and, in
the case of joint planning
boards, the council, boards and
commissions of the municipal-
contribute to society, be shack-
led to a house and family for
two decades, doing work she
hates, when it could be done as
well or better by someone who
enjoys it?
There are thousands of
young women in this country
who have no pretensiojs, or
even interest, in intellectual or
business careers. Yet they have
all the. things thousands of
housewives and mothers don't:
placid temperaments; a pleas-
ure in simple tasks, well done;
a good way with ' children;
warm hands and kind hearts.
Why aren't they looking af-
ter homes and children, while
women who have an urge to
create and compete and do
things are released to have a
whack at them?
It's because "domestic help"
has a certain social stigma at-
tached to it. It needn.t have.
We don't need or want "slav-
eys" any more. But we do need
young women who could be
trained as h ousekeepers,
placed in jobs, and given de-
cent wages.
They could be trained as rig-
idly as nurses, but wouldn't
need the educational stand-
ards, nor the length of time.- to
qualify. White smocks and
shoes, a professional organiza-
tion, good training and wages,
and many a girl who is sweat-
ing in a factory would leap at
the job. And there'd be no
shortage of jobs,
Objections? The kids would
miss mother love, you say. Bal-
oney. More kids are ruied by
neurotic, frustrated mothers
than ever would be by a kind,
judicious girl who came in ev-
ery day.
The family closeness would
be broken? Nonsense. Families
are so close now t hat they're
smothering each other.
Finally, the payment of such
a new vocation should be tax
deductible for women who
want to, or have to work.
If I were ten years younger,
I'd organize a training school
and placement service, call
them "The Girls in White" and
make a fortune.
Ries Included in the planning
Some of the reasons for
having an official plan are:
Gorribining a joint approach
for common planning problems
by carrying out studios for the
entire area, makingprojections
for future growth, deciding
where development should
occur, and how much develop!
ment should be permitted;
* Establishing a regional ser.
ViceS Program to include water,
sewers, treatment facilities
where these services are re-
quired, This will determine
where main trunks should be
located. The regional services
program might also include a
regional parks system.
* Establishing a regional
major roads system to deter-
mine where new roads should
be located and which existing
roads should be widened or
Development policies for the
area covered by the official
plan would be included in the
text of the plan. These policies
would include statements as
to the basis on which develop•
ment would be permitted. For
example, it might be decided
that urban development should
only occur in those areas where
municipal services already
exist or would be provided in
the near future. The formula
to be followed in granting con.
sents to the creation of new
lots in rural areas would also
be included in the text.
It is possible for subsidiary
planning areas, provided these
fit into the framework of the
joint official plan.
As an official plan is a pro.
jection of anticipated growth
and planning needs for about
15 years in the future, and as
it is impossible to predict ac•
curately what the actual needs of
the community will be over such
a period, unforseen circum-,
stances will arise which will
necessitate amendments to the
plan from time to time. It is
therefore essential that the
official plan be reviewed con-
stantly and adapted to meet the
changing need of the area.
An official plan does not be-
come "official" until it has been
recommended by the planning
board, adopted by the municipal
council, and approved by the
Minister of Municipal Affairs-
or by the Ontario Municipal
Board, under certain crcum-
stances. In the case of a joint
planning board, any other mun•
icipality in the planning area
may adopt the official plan if the
designated municipality fails to
do so within 90 days of the
plan having been recommended •
by the planning board. Before
the Minister approves a pro.
posed official plan, he must
refer it to the council of
every municipality in the
planning area that he
considers to be affected by the
Amendments may be pre•
pared, recommended, adopted,
and approved in the same man.
ner as official plans but a mun-
icipal council may initiate an
amendment • even though the
planning board has not endorsed
•W,here an official plan has
been approved, this will mean
* No public work may be
carried out unless it conforms
to *thlie oofbliV-etlalaWil maylan; bP passed
that do not conform to the of-
fioial Plan;
* Plans of subdivision will
not be approved if they are not
in conformity with the plan;
* Committees of adjustment
must have regard to the pro.
visions of the official plan when
granting a mirror variance
from a zoning by-law or when
deciding whether or not to grant
a consent to the conveyance of
land, or other provisions under
section 26 for The Planning Act.
Having an official plan in
force will provide an overall
concept for the planning area
and a frame of reference for
decisions affecting the physical
environment. It also makes for a
desirable degree of continuity
in the policies and practices
that affect the municipality and
the individuals in the come
munity in respect of land use,
sales, services.
Zoning by-laws are prepared
for individual municipalities.
The by•laws are passed by local
councils under section 30 of
The Planning Act and must be
approved by the Ontario Mun.
icipal Board before they are
effective. They cannot be passed
by planning boards. An effective
fzooinioinwginoby•law will achieve the
* implement the official plan;
* control private use of land;
* define zones for various
types of uses, such as residen.
tial, industrial, commercial;
* establish the type of uses
that may be permitted in each
* sot standards- that is, min.
imum lot size, frontage, height
of building;
* reduce the municipality's
cost of providing a given level
localg• ive residents a sense
of security in the enjoyment of
their property.
Where a municipality has
passed a zoning by-law cover-
ing all or part of the munici.
pality, the council may establish
a committee of adjustment. The
committee has two main fa no.
to perform — it can
grant minor variances from the
provisions of the zoning by.
law and it can give consents
to land transactions in areas
of subdivision control,
Before it can become legally
operative, the committee of ad.
justment must adopt rules of
procedure and have them
approved by the Minister.
Committees of adjustment
must be composed of not less
than three persons. With cer.
ialn exceptions, any person is
eligible for membership on the
committee. The exceptions are:
a member of the municipal
council; an employee of the
municipality; an employee of the
local board of the municipality.
Land to be subdivided, or
expected to be subdivided,
should be covered by sub•
division control. This is done
by the local municipal council
passing a by-law under section
26 of The Planning Act. With
certain exceptions, the subdiv-
ision of land will then take
place by way of reglatered Plan
of subdivision, The exceptioos
4' the grantor does not retain
any land abutting the land to be
sold or mortgaged;
* the land is being acquired
or disposed of by the Federg
Government, the Provincial
Government, or by a municipal.
ity or council;
'1` the concept of the committee
of adjustment or of the mi4ster
is obtained;
* pipe line rights-of-Way are
In some areas, there may be
old registered plans of sub.
division in existence that
would not meet the higher stand.
ards imposed today. If such a
plan 'has beea registered for
eight years or more, the council
may deem it not to be a reg.
istered plan for the purpose
of section 26 (1) of ThePlanning
Act. This means a new plan of
subdivision must be registered
if any part of the land is to be
subdivided • subject to the-ex.
eeptions above.
Plans of subdivision intended
for registration are not ap-
proved unless the area and
dimensions of the individual lots
meet the requirements of the
municipality's by-laws or other-
wise conform to accepted stand.
ards. However, substandard
parcels may result if the sub-
divider sells only parts of the
lots laid out on the plan. T
guard against this, provisio
has been made for local mun
icipal councils to impose part.
lot control on the land containe
within registered plans and
again with certain exceptions
no person shall convey a par
of any lot or block of Ian
in the area covered. The e
captions to this provision ar
set out in section 26 (3) of Th
Planning Act and are simila
to those set out above with r
lation to subdivision contro
A registered plan if subdivi
sion is the most satisfactor
method of subdividing land
under most circumstances
Most subdividers will discus
their plans with the council o
the planning board before th
plans are submitted to the M•
ister for approval. Where
official plan is in force, th
plan of subdivision must b
related to it. -
A plan of subdivision require
the Minister's approval. Sectio
28 of The Planning Act set
out the requirements to be me
in submitting an application fo
the Minister's approval, Whe
an application is subinitted, i
is examined by the staff of the
Community Planning Branch
and a preliminary assessment
is made. The Branch consults
various public agencies, makes
a site visit, where necessary,
and circulates a questionnaire
to all interested agencies, in•
eluding the planning board, and
municipal council. The decision
as to whether or not to
recommend approval of the plan
of subdivision is based on an ap-
praisal of the plan and the com.
ments received from the var-
ious agencies consulted.
Section 28 of The Planning
Act provides that the Minister
may impose certain conditions
to the approval of a plan of sub-
division. The conditions im-
posed upon the subdivider may
include such matters as the pro-
vision of roads, road widening,
installation of services, and
the conveyence of five per cent
of the land in the plan for public
open space. In some cases, a
change in design may be ne-
If the plan of subdivision
appears to be satisfactory and
no adverse comments are re.
ceived, the Minister will give
draft approval to the plan and
set the conditions that are to
be imposed.
Before the final approval is
given to the plan, the municipal
council must furnish the Depart.
ment with a letter of clearance
stating that all of the conditions
have been met. The official plan
is then examined carefully with
the plan of subdivision that was
given draft approval and, if
everything is satisfactory, the
plan of subdivision will be given
final approval by the Minister.
The municipal council is then
advised that the plan has been
approved and released for reg-
N. • • %%%%%%
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