HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-05-30, Page 15Auburn and District MRS. WES illEADNOCK--CorresPoniko--Phons 5204595 Presentation of provincial certificates and pins to two West Huron district 4—H Club members highlighted the 4—H Achievement Day held last Saturday at the Auburn Community Hall. Above, left to right, are Jill Bennett, Port Albert, and Maryann Phalen, of Blyth. (E. Bradnockphoto) Clinton Mews-Itonaxci, Thursday, May v,.1900 7A tAFTERNIWN And EVENING PkOGRAMS Western Ontario's Largest Exhibit 'of ,Liv?stock Horses came --sheop Swine poultry BOcis Midway Fntertoinmpnt BABY SHOW WOMEN'S EXHIBITS In. Clinton's Community Park and Clinton's New Community Centre Fun For Everyone at Clinton Fair Certified SEED BEANS SANILAC — SEAWAY DON'T TAKE A CHANCE WITH YOUR CASH CROP . . . START THE CROP RIGHT WITH THE BEST SEED AVAILABLE . . . THIS SEED US CARE- FULLY SIZED FOR TROUBLE-FREE USE IN PLANT. ERS . . . CERTIFIED SEED DOESN'T COST . . IT PAYS IN BETTER STANDS, FASTER GROWTH, Also' No. 1 Registered— First Generations Seed Treated with D.C.L. Fertilizer and Bean Contracts Available Also Eptam and Patoran at attractive prices See the People with the Seed COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. Phone 262-2605,, ,Hensall ne hundred and ten girls from nine clubs in uron County 4—H clubs attended the Achieve. ent Day i n Auburn last Saturday at the Conn. unity Memorial Hall. County honours pins and . to certificates were presented to, left to right, Diane Rodges, Gussie Culbert, Donna Riley, Rosemary Eedy, Cathy McIlwain, and Mary Hallaban, (E. Bradnock photo) MAKE YOUR WASH DAY A HOLIDAY! LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY MEN'S SHIRTS OUR SPECIALTY Phone 482-9491 HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET — CLINTON, ONT. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY • NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS and CATS Prevention of Rabies The Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Depart- Invent of Agriculture in co-operation with the Huron County Health Unit will held a FREE RABIES CLINIC BLYTH RABIES CLINIC ARENA FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1968 From 9100 - 12:00 Vacdination against rabiet will he provided for dogs and cats three MOntha of age and OVer. OWners who re. quire certificates of vaccination for export Or other pOr6 poies, shotild OnsUlt their pr's. Veterinary. No Certifi. cafes will be lashed at this clinic. Help prevent human exposure to rabies; take advert. tage Of Oda Opportunity to have ';Outi"pett immunized. A Wetter Shot each year is redonirrientleck. 22, 23b GET-AVM-FROM-IT-ALL VACATIONS Start with a cash advance from GAG International. For fun-filled days, stop in or call. Motir vacation Cash is ready to travel with you. ASK GOD LOANS UP TO $ 5000 GAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORP.,- LILL CLitierON 7 I altenbury Sheet 'E. Phone 482.486 • Famous last words "I'll get in and cultivate my beans long before the weeds get too big . . as long as it doesn't rain." Don't give weeds a chatted to get Ahead of yOU, Tterlati stops annual grass and weeds this morith ., , fain or thine. Plan now to take the gamble out of weed control "next year — use Treflah„ CONTACT YOUR. SHAMROCK CHEMICALS REPRESENTATIVE Mk. CASE VAN RAAY SHAMROCK CHEMICALS LIMITED Dasliwood, Oral Hwy 135 at Wellington Road Phone 23/.3496 London, Ont. — Phone 4384652 ELANCO t}RODUC'TS 13tVISION or Eli Lilly and Company (Canada) Limited. Saattorotigh, Ontatio. ;s, John Seers and her ter Miss Lynda Andrews left plane from Malion, onFriday PnBliWaak B.Q. to VisitWith it sister, Mrs. Sam Brown, Brown and family! rends are pleased to know t Mrs, Robert Phillips re. red home from St. Joseph's pital, Londen. She and Mr. tllips were accompanied e by Mr. and Mrs. Steve ko nee (Edna Longman) of radon. r, Keith. Robinson of ronto spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs.Ross binson.• Recent guests with and Mrs. Robinson were and Mrs. Herb Best of lhi. The Auburn Explorers held 'r graduating party with a ty of games directed by the ders, Mrs. ClifforriBranton, s. Bill Stiles and Mrs. rman McClinchey. These actuating were; Wanda PIaet. r, Lynn Turner,Noreen Arm, ong, Maire Empey, Gail hnston, Absent due to illness s Trudy Machan. Mrs. Ronald Delbergue and by daughter Jacqueline uiSe arrived home last week om Clinton hospital, congratu. tions. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett f Amherstburg visitedlastSat. day with Mr. and Mrs. lam Straughan and Mrs. barles Straughan. Recent guests with Mr. and rs. JoiniSprung were Mr. Alan prung of White River, Bill and ussanne Sultan, Hamilton, and rs, Carolyn Vincent and S hawn f Galt. Mrs. VincentandShawn emained all last week. Mr. Earl Lawson of Clinton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson, We are sorry to report that Rev. R. U, MacLean, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church is a patient in Sarnia hospital. Mr. John Turner of ,Clinton was the guest speakerSuri. day. Mr. and Mrs. William Stiles were guests last Saturday at his cciusin's wedding in 'Toronto. * * Ntld The May meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute was held in the community Memorial hail with the new president; Mrs. Frank Raithby in charge. The meetingwas gpened with the- ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada with Mrs. Wil Liam J. Craig _ at the piano. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig, She also gave the financial statement, showing a good balance. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell gave a good paper on poisons and how to practise safety where they are used. She also outlined what antidotes to use if they are wallowed by children. It was agreed that the Mem. bers would support the pro- ject at the Log Cabin at the Huron County museum at God. erich. This will be voted on at the Huron County museum at the District Annual held on May 30th at Benmiller. It was de. cided to have a representative attend the Meetings of the Huronview Auxiliary on the third Monday of each month, Mrs. William J. Craig was appointed to get a paper cup dispenser and cups for the hall kitchen. Mrs, Bert Craig was asked to make tea for the Leaders at Achievement day. Delegates to theDistrictAnnual appointed were Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. Gordon H. Taylor,. Mrs, Fordyce Clark was asked to be in charge of the Pennies for Friendship ceremony. A report of the centennial park at the river was given and it was announced that picnic tables had been painted and plans have been made to make a barbecue, Mrs. •Bert Craig and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor were named a committee to inquire the cost of small pia. ques to show from whom they had been donated. A letter of thanks Will be sent to those who had painted the tables. Committees were formed to get the new cook book pub. fished. Mrs. Roy Easom, Mrs. Torrance Tabb and Mrs. Ar. Hold Craig will assist with the advertising and Mrs. Gordon Chamney, Mrs. Gordon Taylor will be in charge of the recipes. Each person is asked to submit four favorite recipes by the:. June meeting, Miss Flora Durnin of Dungannon will be the guest speaker at the June meeting and she will speak on Family Trees. The Londes." boro and Tiger Dunlop branches have been invited. A solo was sung by Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell gave the card report. The collection was taken by Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs, Gordon Chamney, Mrs. Kirkconnell introduced the guest speaker of the after- noon, Mrs. Ralph D. Munro. She gave a detailed history of the Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland, telling of their first settlers, their industries and their tourist attractions. Mrs. Kirkconnell thanked her and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Frank'Raithby reported on the Officers' Conference she recently attended in Guelph. Lunch was served by Mrs. An- drew Kirkconnell, Mrs. Will- iam Stra.ughan and Mrs. Sam Daer. Mrs. Gordon Taylor re. ceived the gift for holding the lucky cup. * * * One hundred and ten girls from nine clubs in Huron County for the spring 4—H project, The Club Girl Entertains attended the Achievement Day in Auburn last Saturday at the Community Memorial hail, The day's pro- gram' was in charge of Miss Sharon Carroll, home econ. omist for the County. She was assisted by Mrs. H. S. Ritchie, St. Pauls and Mrs. Bill Pat. terson of S eaforth, After registering, Miss Car. roll welcomed all the leaders and girls and the president of each club introduced their leaders andmagiiteAthem with; their, badges.".Thoseareceiving- their badges were. Mrs. Ivan Rivett and Mrs. Bill Black Dungannon, Mrs. Jack McNichol and Mrs, Larry Bradley, Morris, Mrs. Arnold Young'and Mrs. Elmer Robertson, Tiger Dunlop, Mrs. Wesley Bradnock and Mrs. Frank Raithby, Au. burn, Mrs. Luella McGowan and Mrs. Gordon Mason, Blyth, Mrs. Harry S nell and Mrs. Elgin Josling, Londesboro 1, Mrs. Keith Allen and Mrs. DonBuch. anan, Londesboro 2, Mrs. Stanley Mcllwain and Mrs. Will. lam Porter, Goderich and Mrs. Eldon Yeo and Mrs. Frank Yeo of Holmesville. The morning's program. con- sisted of judging dining room bouquets and sandwiches for afternoon tea. A film was shown on flower arranging and the activity was an etiquette quiz. The afternoon's program con. sisted of skits, demonstrations and exhibits, The Blyth club set up' an' exhibit-Sandwiches for Afternoon Tea, and the corn. mentator was Joan Campbell. The Holmesville club with their exhibit, Tables Centres for dia. ferent occasions, was corn. mented on by Nancy Ginn, A Table Set for Two was set up by the Dungannon Club and com. mented on by Cathy' Culbert. Sandwiches for Afternoon Tea set by Londesboro. It was corn. mented on by Shirley Watkins. The Goderich club set up the exhibit, Table set for TWo and the commentator was Rhea Hamilton. A demonstration on packing a weekend bag was given by all members of the Londesboro 2 club, Flower Arrangements were done by members of the Auburn club, Jill Bennett, Sheron Collins, Marie Plunkett and Gail Seers. Tiger Dunlop club gaveaal:demonstration' on, Tipft"N Sk'qrerla Witifthe follOW leg takiiig 'the parts. JoAnne Policia , Shelly McPhee, Cathy Young, Barbara Fisher, Brenda Moore, Karen Taylor, Linda Hunter, Sandra Hunter, Bonnie Johnston, Sandra Scott, Ruth. Anne Robertson and Marjorie Taylor. All members of the Morris club demonstrated how to pack a weekend bag. The highlight of the after. noon's program was the pre. sentation of Provincial. Honours to Jill Bennett of Port Albert and Maryann Phalen of Blyth. The president of the West Huron district, Mrs. Wilfred Col- dough of Clinton made the pre. sentation of the certificate and pin to the two .girls who had completed 12 projects. County honours pins and certificates were.. presented to Margaret , Hallahan, Blyth, Gussie Culbert R. R. 1, Dungannon, Rosemary Eedy, Dungannon, Cathy Mc. Ilwain, R. R. 2, Goderich, Diane Rodges, R.R. 1, Goderich and Donna Riley, R.R. 1, Londes: boro, Certificates of Achievement and 4—H spoons were given 'out and the afternoon's pro. gram was closed with the 4—H pledge.