HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-05-30, Page 7THE "Unique" Invisible 'Zipper CAN BE BOUGHT AT IRWIN'S all lengths — all colours We also have a supply of "zipper foot" to fit your machine SEW now for summer BUTTERICK PATTERNS are in stock and beautiful fabrics are still obtainable. We with many other stores in Clinton will be Open Mondays for your Shopping Con- veniente — Closed Wednesday afternoon Only. LADIES"' WEAR and DRY GOODS tuNtam HENSALL EXETER NOTICE OF CHANGE IN STORE HOURS EFFECTIVE JUNE 3, .MOST OF CLINTON'S RETAIL STORES WILT, BE CLOSED !MONDAYS IN ACCORDANCE WITH A MOTION PASSED BY A LARGE MAJORITY AT A MERCHANT'S MEETING HELD THURSDAY, MAY 23. Clinton Retail Merchant's Committee COMMENCING JUNE '3 GROVES & SON 482-9414 "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" CLINTON, ONTARIO Res.: 482-9746 WILL BE CLOSED ALL MONDAY AND OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ask CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CHUTER PLUMBING & ELECTRIC CLINTON 46 KING ST. 482.7652 48 '?6n CLINTON modernize your home wiring and enjoy allmelectric living GINGRICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTD. CLINTON, ONTARIO HU. 2-9414 Res. HU. 2.9746 inelimminwase HAROLD WISE LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 261 RAYFIELD RD. CLINTON 482.7062 236.4351 CLINTON 517.0290 ZURICH 5249634 SEAFORTH Clinton Electric Shop u. W. CORNibti CLINTON\ Albert St. Ph.: 482-6646 PINK PLUMBING HEATING & ELECtRICAL LTD. GROVES & SON "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" LONDESBORO KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. GerryJohnson, newlyweds returned home from their honeymoon last Wednes- day. 'Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber were Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Faber, Steve and Patsy, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeWys, Varna and Mr. and Mrs. TomPenhale, Rickey and Wendy of Bayfield. Miss Barbara Dales of Lon- don visited Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cooper over last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sproul of Exeter visited for an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. .L. Me111s. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kirk, ouise and Paul visited Sun- ay with the former's parents . and Mrs. Roy Kirk at Port nley. Recent visitors with Mr. and s. Harold Jones were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Myron, Lynn and Gail of Guelph, and Mr. Tom Toner of Cooks- ville. Sunday visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ashworth of Denfield, John Sweitzer, Shipka, Don Towton, Zurich, and Mrs. Pearl Love, Varna, Mrs. Russell Consitt was ad- mitted on Wednesday to Victoria Hospital, London. Her many friends wish her a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Owen Sound spent a couple of days last week visiting, Mrs.. N. Long. Thursday they visited Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong at Staffa. Wednesday evening friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson to honour them prior to their departure to their new home in Hensall. The evening was spent in playing pro- gressive euchre. Prize winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Alex McBeath; low, Mrs. John Anderson; men's high, Hugh Hendrick; men's low, Ken Faber. An address was read by Alex McBeath and the pre- sentation of a clock made by Bert Faber. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Bill LePage, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. pe LePage of CFB Clinton, -graduates from the Royal Military College, King- ston, May 31. Miss Doris Colbeck and Mrs. Fortune of Toronto spent the holiday weekend with Miss Edith Beacom. Miss Ann Fairservice at- tended the wedding of Miss Nancy Taylor daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Taylor of Weston on Saturday. The General Meeting of the UCW will be held on June 4 at 8 p.m. 'Guest speaker will be Mrs. Boyd Taylor. The Airdrie faintly visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Airdrie of Guelph. The United Church Women of Grace Church met on Wed- nesday last at the home of Mrs. Art Bell. The meeting opened with singing of "How Sweet the name of Jesus sounds". The devotional period was con. ducted by Mrs. A Jongejan and also the Study Book chapter on "Lot's Wife". The secretary's report was given by Mrs. William Town• shend and the treasurer's re- port by Mrs. Tom Sowerby. The roll call was answered by giving a penny for every inch of your waist measurement. The annual church cleaning will be held on Tuesday May 28. A lengthy discussion on the Bake Sale to be held in God. erich on June 1st f011owed and prices etc. for articles were set. At the close of the meet. ing lunch was served by the, hostess. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. AllenBettles, Sunday June 2, will be the Sunday School Anniversary sex'. vice at 9:45 a.m. at Grdce church. The guest speaker for the occasion will be Miss Ida White, Goderich. Special music by the Sunday School is being prepared under the direction of Mrs. William Cox. Your RED CROSS so sill rauneys y s in 1411 A native son of the Lon. desboro community, Mervyn Bruce Penfound, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Penfound, R. R. 1, Londesboro was or. dained at Windsor as a minister of the United Church of Canada on May 16. Mr. Penfound attended public school at No 12 and No 10 Hallett and Goderich Town. ships, Clinton Collegiate, and Stratford Teachers' College. After teaching public school for 5 years near Granton and at Innerkip Mervyn returned to full time studies; graduating from the University of Western Ontario in 1965. At Londesboro he was li- censed to preach by Huron. Perth Presbytery on May 6; on May 8 he received his diploma in Theology and Bachelor of Divinity Degree from Emmanuel College of Victoria University. On May 19, he served his first communion at Londesboro. Along with his wife, Marilyn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George. Potter, R. R. #3, Clin. ton and daughter Calista, Mr. Penfound moves to his first pastorate at Wadena, Saskatch. ewan, at the end of June. Mrs. Myrtle Fairservice and Ann motored to Dorval, Quebec and spent last week with Mr. and" Mrs.. David 'Fairsorvice also calling on friends 'in Oshawa, The UCW of Grace Church, Porter's Hill ,met at the home of Mrs. A. Bell for their May meeting. The president, Mrs. E. Cox, opened the meeting with hymn 306 and then turned the meeting over to Mrs. A. Jongejan in charge of the devotional period consisting 'of Scripture, prayer and the Study Book on "Lot's Wife". The secretary and trea. surerh reports were read and adopted. Roll call was answered by a penny for every inch of your waist. Final plans for the bake sale were made. Meeting closed with the Mix- pah Benediction and the hostess served a lovely lunch. The Sunday School anniver. sary of Grace Church will be held this Sunday, June 2 at 9:45 a.m. Guest speaker will be Miss Ida White, Goderich, Special music isbeingprepared by the Sunday School. Twins, Yankees tied for first The Twins and Yankees re- main tied for first place in the Kinsmen Pee Wee League fol- lowing last week's action. Each team scored a one sided victory in maintaining the hold on top of the league. In the Twins - Tigers con- test, Danny Campbell, Robert Andrews, Paul Kay, and Don MacDonald each scored three runs for the Twins. Home runs for the Twins came off the bats of MacDonald and Andrews, while Brian Langille hit a four bagger and a 'triple for the Tigers. TW1NS: 0 5 6 8 - 19 TIGERS: 2 1 2 0 - 5 In Saturday's other game, the Yankees defeated the Red Sox by a score of 16 to 4. Pitcher Steve Amsing of the Yankees settled down to strike .out 10 batters and allowed only one hit after giving up four runs in the first inning. YANKEES: 9 0 0 7 0 - 16 RED SOX: 4 0 0 0 0 - 4 HENSALL At the regular meeting of Amber Rebakah Lodge mem. bers of Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, were guests for the evening. The chair was taken by Noble Grand Mrs. John Car. bett, assisted by Vice.Grand Mrs. Earl Campbell. The re- Port on the visit to Queensway Nursing Home was given by Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. An in. vitation was acceptedfrom God. erich Lodge to the Initiation ceremony June 4th. Following nominations were made; Noble Grand, Mrs, Earl Campbell; Vice.Grand Mrs. Elgin Thompson; recording sec._ retary Mrs. Leona Parke, fin- ancial secretary, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor; treasurer Mrs. Ed Corbett, trustee Mrs. Clifton. Mrs. Edna Caldwell, and Mrs. Harry Beaver, both Past DDP's spoke. Mrs. R.A. Orr conducted con. tests and Exeter entertained with musical selections, a smorgasbord luncheon was served. Thanks were expressed on behalf of the visiting lodge by Mrs. Wm, Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Van Wieren, 67 London Road, Hen. sail, celebrated their 40th wed. ding anniversary and a family dinner and "Open House" at Sham). JeanSfnilli; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.Q. Smillie of "Smiling Acres", Hensel' exchanged vows, and rings with Ronald Charles Robinsen, of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Robin* son, in Hensall United Church on Saturday May 25th, 1968, with Hey. Harold F. Currie offi. elating, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor. length gown of white Lagoda highlighted by a bateau neck- line; three quarter sleeves, and ,gently controlled sheath skirt with a semi overskirt eascads ing babk to a romantic sweep train from a bow at the waist. Delicate Chantilly lace accented the neckline, and formed medal. lions on the skirt. Her finger. tip French pure silk illusion veil was gathered at the crown by a lilaO spray headpiece accented by seed pearls, She carried an arrangement of white roses, stephanotis and ivy. Dur- ing the ceremony Miss Florence McNeil of London sang "The Lord's Prayer, and "0 Perfect Love." She was accompanied by Mrs. J. Turkheim at the organ console. Miss Margaret Smillie was her sisters:maid of honour while Misses Carolyn and Brenda Smillie were bridesmaids. The three attendants gowned alike in their floor length gown of light aqua "Rare Moments" and carrying bouquets of white sun- burst mums provided a color- ful background, Eric Lemp of Galt was groomsman. Terry Treasure, Toronto, and Brian Smillie brother of the bride were ushers. At the reception held at the church following the ceremony, the groom's mother dressed, in a rose lace ensemble, and the bride's mother wearing an aqua ensemble, were assisted by Mr. Smillie in receiving the guests. For travelling to points east the bride changed to a tailored aqua dress and matching coat with white accessories.' The couple will reside in London. PRE-NUPTIAL EVENTS Sharon was honoured on Tues. day evening, May '7th, when friends, neighbours, and re. latives gathered to give her a miscelleanous shower in the artistical decorated Fellowship Hall at Hensall United Church. An enjoyable program consist. .ing of a piano selection by Mrs. Norma Pryde, a solo by Miss Mary Goodwin, a humorous reading by Mrs. Kay Mock, and ;their home. -Mr-.;and Mrs. KIaas Van Wieren, 57 London Road, son and daughter-in-law cele. brated their 15th wedding an- niversary the same day. The senior couple came to Canada from Holland 19 years ago this month and have lived in Hensall area for 1'7 of those years. They have two daughters and three sons, all living in Canada. They were the recipients of many lovely gifts and congrat- ulatory cards. IIIIIM••1•111011•11101.M..10- a eonteat. by Mrs. een Mcs Lean added much to the even' Ing'S enjoyment. Lunch was Served by the ladies who were in eharge of arrangements.. Mrs. Ross Forrest, Mrs, Annie Blom, Mrs. Eileen McLean, Mrs. Pearl Passmore, and Mrs. Alnia Winner. A. surprise shower was ar. ranged for Sharon by her teaehs ing associates on the nursing staff of pt, Josephs' Hospital London, when she was presented with gifts of silver. Sharon's former 4.-,H club, Girls under the leadership of Mrs. I. Lovell, Mrs. A. Cald. well, Mrs. R. Chapman, and Mrs. %Bell presented• her with two beautiful "Canadian Art Creations" in ceramics. • Mrs. Clarence Smillie enter- tained at a trousseau tea at "Smiling Acres" Saturday May 18, 1968, in honour of her daughter Sharon jean whose marriage was on May 25th. For the trousseau the home was beautifully decorated with pink and white floral arrangements, tapers and streamers. In charge of the guest book was RuthWin. sor and WhilhelminaBlom„Dis. playing the trousseau in the afternoon were Misses Marg. aret Smillie, Margaret Blair, Lorette Franssens and Mary Lennon, while in the evening, Misses Margaret Elgie, Car. olyn Smillie, Elizabeth Blom, and Brenda Smillie assisted. Assisting with the tea were Mrs. Eileen McLean, Mrs. Peggy Forrest, Mrs. Annie Blom and .MrS. Alma Wirisor. The 1st Hensall Brownie Pack held their Spring Fly.Up cere. mony last Tuesday evening. The hall was very prettily decorated by the Hensall Guides, and Guide Patty Van Wieren extended a welcome to all the guests present. Brown Owl, Mrs. Robert Cook, pre. sented Wendy Dixon and Dan. een Ward with their wings and both girls "flew up" to the Guide Company. Several Proficiency badges were presented to the following Brownies by Snowy Owl Mrs. Barrie Jackson:- Barbara Cooper and Betty Beer received their collectors badge, Brenda Clement, Toymakers badge; Linda Elder, book lovers• badge; Daneen Ward, House Or. derly badge; and Christine Mc. Gregor, Athletes badge. Golden hand badges were also pre- sented to Wendy Dixon and Daneen Ward. Following the Fly-Up cere.. mony, a play was put on by sev- eral of the Brownies and games were enjoyed. A Camp fire was enjoyed by both Brownies and Guides. A very interesting skit was put on by several of the Guides. Lunch was served by Guides who were actingas host. esses for the evening in order to pass their hostess badge. Thirty pupils from grade '7 and 8 of Hensall Public School will March from St. Joseph to Hensall a distance of eleven miles one way. They will leave Clinton News-Record, St. Joseph PatgrClaY June 10 at The -144reh 14 -al)911, eared by Hensali businessinenp relatiyea and friends_ who will Pay 14 to .a dollar or More a mile, Preneede for PZfanl. Mrs. Thos Hrintnell opened the May Meeting of the Chisel- hurst United Church Women. with a Petri. An interesting chapter from the study of Japan was given by Mrs. Harold Parker. Mrs. Percy Wrightpresented the WorShiP service, prayer offered by Mrs. Earl Kinsman. A quartette composed of Thursday, May 30, 1960 7 Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. Ay •Cole! ›TrA. J. Prinhiell and Mrs. A. Rose, Sr, sang Cf OW A smiler!, A lively time was held at the slip 401409111er auction which Was held 4ter the Meetinff.,Mr$. Hrocic was auctioneer. The sale realized MO for the grotiP. Mr. and Mrs. ParrieJacksOn, David and Ann, Mr. W. S. Good. win and Mary of Peneall/ H.A. Seegmiller and Mre.Pesg. Pler, Exeter, leave. this Friday 31st by plane fOr a 3 weeks holiday With relatiVea in England. Kin executive for upcoming year The. Kinsmen Club of Clinton has announced the new executive for the coming year. Front row, left to right: Bert Clifford, treasurer; Don Hall, 2nd Vice; Dave Beattie, deputy governor of Zone B; Larry Jones, president; Steve Brown, 1st Vice. Back row: Rick Kush, registrar; r3oh Mann, past president; Gord Charters, director; Paul Ker. rigan, director; John Jordan, director; Al Finch, bulletin editor; Gary Jewitt, secretary. HENSALL ROBINSON Mt:ADAM HARDWARE A81403 CLINTON' PORTER'S HILL MONDAY CLOSING !minis WEDNESDAY BONUSES 5% DISCOUNT ON ALL CASH PURCHASES MADE WEDNESDAY