HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-05-30, Page 5AUCTION `$ALE
preperty and .houseaold ef
ta, in the village of Aabarn,
Saturday, 4!:10P is at at la39
the follewing:
Household effects; Pine glasa
cupboard; cherry dropleaf
le; Berlin organ; organ stool;
erry jam cupboard; Edison
inder gramophone; record
•410 and pylinder repords;
ique rocking chair; several
king chairs; combination half.
arid china cabinet; several
all tables; wicker rocking
ir; 2 kitchen plocke; mantel
ck; 4 pressed high hack
irs; numerous kitchen chairs;
all round table; sewing ma -
pe; 3 -piece bedroom sane;
; wash stand; magazine rack;
ing cabinet; coal and wood
ge; Quebec heater; picture
Ines (gold leaf); picture
ture frames and old prints;
lamps; parts of toilet sets;
hes and glassware including
cy and antique; cooking
nsils; numerous other ar-
Property; The north peat of
5 and south part of lot 6,
Donald survey in the village
Auburn with frontage_ of.
proximately 95 feet and depth
145 feet on which is situated
6 -room 11/2 -storey dwelling
th attached kitchen.
Terms: Household effects:
Property, 10% down on date
sale and balance in 30 days
th property sold subject to
serve bid.
Miss Clare Schultz,
Edward W. Elliott,
:aa Sealed tenders for roadside
praying pf weeds and brush
an the Township of Stanley will
•• be received by the undersigned
Until Menalay, June a, 4968, at
'6 p.m. Tenders to gate an hour:
ly rate. The township will sup-
ply the spray and a helper.
,Operator must have spraying
license. Tenders to be sealed
and clearly marked ' as to con-
tent. Lewest or any tender not
a'necessarily accepted.
Road Soperintepdent,
Varna, Ont,
• gab
Sealed tenders for the supply
. of brush spray will be received
'• by the undersigned until Mon-
day, June 3, 1968 at 6 p.m. for
110 gallons of 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T
leva volatile Ester, 96 ozs. in
.; equal amounts. Tenders to be
sealed and clearly marked as to
content Lowest or any tender
a not necessarily accepted.
Road Superintendent,
a • Varna, Ont.
*, •
of household effects, machin -
t ist's, blacksmith's and carpen-
ter's tools, poultry and se* mill
-s- equipment from the home of
a Alex 'Wells, in the village of
aaLondesboro, opposite the Hullett
.a. Central School, on Saturday,
a June 8th at 12:30 p.m. sharp,
! the following:
Household effects: 8 -piece oak
OTICE TO CREDITORS . dining room suite; Motorola 17-
. inch television; studio coach
the Estate ef Mary Elisabeth "acwith matching swivel chair; roll
liott, late of the Town of ri to couch; wicker arm chair;
inton in the County of Huron, % 2 rocking chairs; cabinet radio;
rried Woman, Deceased. drop head sewing machine; flat
All persons having claims top knee hole desk; 'Kenmore
ainst the Estate of the above- vacuum cleaner with attach-
med, who died on the 2nd ments; walnut console table;
y of March, 1968, are required' ',1 desk table; small parlor table;
file full particulars thereof Inaholstered platform rocking
th the undersigned on or be- 'a chair; leather rocking chair;
e the 31st day of May, 1968, ;a davenport; magazine t a b 1 e;
er which date the assets will , Axminster rug, 9 x 91/2;
distributed, having regard- tri -light table lainps; fernery
ly to the claims of which the :' stand; G. E. washing machine;
dersigned shall then have i;,electric range; refrigerator; 3 oil
tice. , apace heaters; 5 -piece set of TV
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this a tables; 2 bar chairs; 2 mantel
day of May, A.D., 1968, , ayelocks; wall clock; electric clock;
E. B MENZIES, •• weight clock; 5 -piece chrome
Clinton, Ontario, ) . breakfast suite; Annex heater;
Solicitor for the said Este% .' wall mirrors; pictures; 2 hall
20-21-2 ' trees; electric heater; Quebec
s heater; 3 -piece oak bedroom
• a, suite; 2 metal beds, springs and
the Estate of JOHN EDGAR, a mattress; 2 dressers; 3 drawer
STRONG, late of the Town' 4 chest; clothes hamper; quantity
Clinton, in the County of. of bedding and linens; scatter
uron, Deceased. a mats; dishes; silverware; glass -
All persons having claims' ware; cooking utensils; 15-gal-
gainst the Estate of the above- s Ion stone crock.
Wed, who died' on the 4tha', • •
itlY4,April 1968, are required.is Other listings: machinist'sa
1, •u-• -•^
file full particulars thereof a.
ith the undersigned on or be. a
ore the 31st day of May, A.D.:a,
968, after which date the assets a,
ill be distributed, having re- a
ard only to the claims of which's':
he undersigned shall then have
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, thisa
th day of May, A.D., 1968. a
Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate.. •
20-21-22 a'
ls, set of taps and dies; set
of pipe dies; bolt threading ma-
chine; blacksmith's tools, forge;
2 heavy steel anvils; rasps;
tongs; emery stones; 1/2 -inch
heavy duty drill; propane torch;
garden tractor; Ariens 3 lap.
roto tiller; Johnson reel type
power mower; garden hose; gar-
den fence; grain grinder (for
cereal); Mercury outboard motor
with tools and 2 extra props;
sawmill equipment, 2 large
saws; cant hooks; saw setting
equipment; 2 sets of heavy duty
breeching harness; 2 sets of col-
lar tops; several electric motors;
240 lb. scale; 30 lb, computer
a' Seale; grain cradle; bag holder;
logging chains; tiVe 6 ft. step
ladders; double and single bar-
rel shot guns; 22 rifle; antique
grass seeder; poultry feeders
and water fountains; quantity of
used pipe; quantity of scrap
metal; quantity of stove wood
and lumber; numerous other
that a general meeting of a
members of the Christian Re-
formed (Clinton) Credit Union.
Ltd. duly called for the pur-
pose and held .on the 4th day,.
of April 1968, a resolution was a
passed authorizing the volun-
tary dissolution of the said.s
Credit Union as of April 4, a
1968, under the provision of
section 54 of the Credit Union:
, Act, 1960, R.S.O. (Ontario),
And further take notice that,
on and after April 4, 1968, no ,
further withdrawals or pay- •
Merits on shares or deposits
may be made by any member,a
and no new loans will be made.a
Proof of any claim against the ••
said Credit Union must be filed a
with the treasurer within thir-
ty days of the date of this no-
tice, after which time the assets;
of the said Credit Union willa
be distributed among the per -as
sons entitled thereto having re- "
gait to the ctlaim of which the a NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Credit Union then has notice.
C. TREFFERS, Manag. Treas. '
22ba •
Terms: Cash.
Please Note: This is a large
sale and will start sharp on
Included in the sale are an-
tiques and primitive pieces,
Edward W. Elliott,
Alex Wells,
YOUR PIANO shoeld be tuned
and checked for moth damage;:
and other defects regularly. ad
appreciate the continued priVis:'
lege of servicing many of thea
instruments in this area. George'a
W. Cox phone 482-3870.
33tfb :i
REFILLING and c011ecting
money from NEW TYPE high'
quality cein operated dispens-,
eta in this area, No sellihg,
To qualify you must have caro
refetenceS, $606 to $2,9110 cash.,
Seven to twelve hotirs weekly
can net exeellent Moilthly inaa
come. Mote full time. For a
personal interview write CANA-
302 Ottelette Avenue, Windsor„
Ontario, Inclede hone number.
HERBERT WISE, late of the
Township of Goderich in the
County of Huron, Farmer, de-
All persons having claims
against the Estate of the above-
named who died on the 3rd day
of March, A.D. 1968, are requir-
ed to file fell particulars there-
of with the undersigned on or
before the 17th day of June,
A.D. 1968, after which date the
assets will be distributed, hay -
regard only to the claim a of
which the tindersigricd hall
then have notice.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this
25th day of May, A.D. 1968.
E. 13. MENZIES, - •
Clinton, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executor.
22, a3, 24b
CANADA'S Meat d y n aria 1c
Mutual Fund-Arnerican Grewth
1uhd-20% ineoine taX credit on
dividends. Ihvestigate before
you invest. Financial planing.
Fred (Ted) Savaugs, area rep-
reaentative, 77 John St., Sea.
forth. Phone 521-1522,
CAM OF 0 004411
aviah to thank all who alattod
Me and Peat cards illuk„ trOata
while I was a pi $*
JosePh's 110Pnita1s ,SPea
Pial thanks tar Pr, • POintYne
and nurses -on PO' flooala Alan 10
Dr, Mowatt fer his vistta and
to all kinanesa of the neigh -
boars. -ED. G. DIEHL,
We wish to thank the worn-
))ers of S. Jaines
Church for the leVelaa Silt Oa the
occasioa of our marnageaaa8013
and NANCy SMaTla, • 22p
We, the family of 'the late
Mrs. Charles R. 'Coultee wish
to convey our sincere thanks
and appreciation to reaatives,
friends and neigabouas far their
thoughtfulness and nallAy sets
of kindness shown us •dining
the many months at Ode and
recent bereavement, Special
thanks to Rev. J. Roberts, the
J. S. Walker funeral Wane, Dr.
Mclaibbon and the atisff at both
Huronview and VVisighain and
District Hospital,
I would like to thank every-
one who sent cards: oqact visited
me while I was ia Aitratford
Hospital. It was very alatleh ap-
preciated. -DON RUMANIAN.
The officers and' directors of
Huron Central Agrieultawal
ciety wish to thank the .follow-
ing businesses marl individuals
who contributed towards the
prize list of Clinten tipriaq Fair:
Township of Stanley
Township of lalecierich
Township of Tuelterpnith
Township of Haat
County of Huron
Province of Ontario
Tom Pryde & Son, Itu.ter
R. E. McKinley, M.P,
James Richardson fla Sons
Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, MLA
Thomas Leiper, Landesbora
Tuckey Beverages, ratetct
Goderich Townshipa Pnaea'AttOtt
of Agriculture •1
Lavis Contracting Co. Ltd.
Bell & Garrett, canstractits
Lee's Ladies' and Men's Wear
Harry Watkins, R.R, 1, Lendes.
T. Eaton Co. Ltd.
W. G. Riehl, Gainenter
Anstett Jewellers; Ltd.
International Stock Food
Bainton Ltd., Blyth
Canada Packers Ltd.
Merrill Television
Clayt's BA • •-
Charles House of Beauty
Hotel Clinton ' •
Newcombe's Rexall DrOg Store
Irwin's Ladies' Wear
H. F. Swan's Grocery
Martin's Dept. Store
Bank of Montreal
Chapman's Barber & Beauty
Clinton Community. Credit
Kum -In Restaurant
Pickett & •Campbell Uct.,
mavvan:s, Book- 'Stores
W. R. (Bert) Lobb
Beatty Farm Service Cenire
Lawson & Wise Insuresisae
Galbraith Radio * TV
Dr. D. B. Palmer.,
Clinton Cab .
Maey-Mee Restaurant •
Ball and Mutch Ltd, •
E. B. Menzies
Gordon Lawson, billiards;
D. A. Kay & Son sa
Clinton I.G.A.
Clinton Meat Market
Garrett's Shoes
Irene's Laudromat
Chuter Heating '& Electric
Ellwood Epp's Sport Simi
Fred Hadie, Builder's Supplies
North End Store -
Alex Inkley
The Hearn Wholesale Ltd.
Clere-Vu Auto Wreakers
Harry Williams ,
Carnation Company .
Elm Haven Meter Hotel,
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
Blake's Welding , •
Harriston Fertilizers
Clinton Discount Centre
Clinton Commer-cial Prieten•
Ltd. .
T, B. Allen Ltd. a
Kingswell Welding
Jack Scruton Finals •
Dory's Supertest, Dory Rutledge
Clinton Electric Shop
Huron Co -Operative, Medic:it
Fairholme Dairy Ltd.,
Russell Jervis
Blue Ribbon Clonal*
Bartliff's Bakery
Aiken Brothers
Herman's Men's Wear
Lobb Shoes
McAdam Hardwate
W. N. Counter, Jeweller
Arnold Riley (Barber)
K. W. Colquhoun
Clinton Farm Centre'
Bill German
T. F. Wettlaufer' Feed' SPA
Beattie Ferniture
Corrie's Red Si White Super.,
Dr. F. M. Newland •
McPherson Bro.
Wes Holland's Sunoco .
K. C. Cooke Florist
Clinton Body & allahatot
J, W. Counter Builder's SUpplies
Egmond Farms a
Groves & Son Electric
Royal Batik of Canada
.1 & T Marphy Ltd.
McKerlie AutornotiVe
H. Lobb & Soria
Harold Wise Ltd.
Gordon Grigg Ltd.
Tom Darling
Motgah's Trailer Cottra
Paul Kerrigan (BP ,Agent)
Milt & Mabel Rtrittrant
ToWn &i Country Win. •
Bracefield Co -Cop
Dalrymple So* trucefield'
Cook trothers` CAK
W. G. Thompson & )1ons Ltd.
Ahn Peeves .
Haugh Bros., Brumfield
BoYes Farm SUpply, Selitorth •
Huron txpositor (A. V. Mae,
Leah), Seaforth
Douglas Fargehar
We Weald Iike to thank ear
..aelatiaea 'frielida ,Or .t4e.
-,44utip4igiftp, papas. :pad beat
wiahea on 'ourfartieth wedding
'allaiVeraerY. Pg4P.Y MW
I wish to thank my friends
and relativewho so kindly
sent flowers, cards and visited
me while I was in hospital.
Special thanks to Dr. Oakes,
Father Kelly arid nursea of the
first floor.--MR,S, F. EVANS.
I wish to express alY sincere
thanks to my many friends and
relatives for the flowers, gifts,
cards and treats while I was a
Patient in St. Jeseph's Hospital,
London. - MRS. ROBERT J.
PIILTLIPS, Auburn. 22b
I wish to thank my relatives
and friends for flowers, gifts,
cards and visit p while I was in
hospital. Special thanks to Dr.'
Oakes and nurses on second
floor. -MRS, BILL LEE,
I would like to thank all who
' remembered me with cards,
flowers and gifts while I was
in hospital. Special thanks to
Dr. Oakes, Dr. 'Addison and
nurses, also Rev. Wenham.-
Sgt. and Mrs. Gerald B. Lewis
wish to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Mar-
garet Mary to Garry Kenneth,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd But-
ler, The marriage will take place
June 29th at 11 a.m. in R. C.
Chapel, Canadian Forces Base,
Clinton. 22p
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Mc-
Clinchey of Clinton wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
a daughter, Sandra Lee to Mr. Ed-
ward (Ted) Bridle of Clinton.
The wedding will take place
June 29, 1968 at 2 o'clock in
Ontario Street United Church,
Clinton. 22p
NEWMAN-To Mr, and Mrs.
Rick Newman (nee Iva Glazier),
in Grace Hospital, Toronto, on
Thursday, May 23, 1968, a
• STONE - To Dr. and Mrs.
Bryan Stone (Janet MacLean)
in Sarnia General Hosital, on
Sunday, May 19, 1968, twins,
Geoffrey MacLean, 3 lbs. 12 ozs.
and Heather Louise, 3 lbs. 11
FOSTER -Barry and Barbara
(nee Ellis) Foster, of Clinton,
are happy to announce the birth
of their son, Stephen Ellis, May
26, 1a68, at Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital, Goderich.
CRAIG -TO and Mrs. W.
S. Craig, Clinton in Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital, on Wednesday, May
22, 1968, a son.
FITZGERALD - To Cpl. and
Mrs. Truesdale Fitzgerald, Clin-
ton, in Clinton Public' Hospital,
•on Monday, May 27,1968, a girl.
BUCHANAN-At St Joseph's
Hospital on Sunday, May 26,
1968, Albert Buchanan of 244
Wortley Rd., in his 62nd year.
Resting at the Wortley Rd.
Chapel of the A. Millard George
Funeral Home, Wortley Rd. at
Elmwood Ave., where funeral
service was held in the
chapel on Wednesday, May 29
at 3 p.m., with Rev. Darwell A.
Welsh of Calvary United Church
officiating. • Interment in Mt.
Pleasant Cemetery. 22b
• FOWLER - Passed away at
Huronview on Saturday, May 25,
1968, Miss Margaret (Tina) row -
ler of Colborne Township. in
her 73rd year. The funeral ser-
vice was from Stiles Funeral
Herne, Goderich, on Monday,
May 27 with interrnent in Col-
borne Township Cemetery.
away at Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don on Monday, May 27, 1968,
Mrs. James Cruickshank (the
fnriner Emma Sturgeon) in her
53rd year. The funeral service
was from )13 all Funeral Home
on Wednesday, May 29 with in-
terment in Bayfield Cemetery.
OPP Report
(continued from page 1)
A vehicle driven by Allan
Strangler, Elmwood, suffered
$75 damage when it struck a
parked vehicle on theShaek Bar
parking lot at CFB Clinton.
Thomas Westlake, R. R. 3
Bayfield, and Ogle MJIler God
ericha were invelved in a two
car aceident Wednesday on
Highway 21, three Miles south
of Goderich. Estiniated damage
to both Vehicles was $650,,
On Friday, Martha Doreeil
Smith, 4, of 8 Qitebec Roadi
CFB Clinton sustained slight
injuries when she was inVolVed
In a car.bicycle accident oh
Halifax Street, PM, GFla Clins
ton. The car Was driven by Linde.
Anne Flynn, R. R, 1, Clinton,'
A tingle car accident aai orates
lahd Block , Concessiori, Cola
berme TOwnahip, reaulted th
$150 t� a cat driven by Bruce
David WOodrolis, 18 Victerila
131vd., drB ClintOra
da A Q J 6
• • K1053
A 10 5
4, 63
West East
4 105 49
Al96111 Q8742
• Q9743 • Kaa
J2 4 10875
• 4K 87432
✓ -
• 82
• AKQ94
No one vulnerabie
South deals
The bidding:
South West North East
1 spade pass 2 N.T.* pass
4 hearts* pass 5 diam. pass
5 N.T.* pass 7 spades pass
pass pass
Opening lead is the four of
The hand shown above
came up in a duplicate and
again showed the great abi-
lity of the "Jacoby 2 No
Trump' convention to get
you to the optimum con-
tract. The bids are really
simple when playing this
system. The opening bid of
one spade is normal.
North's two N.T,* bid
shows game raise in spa-
des and asks partner to
show a singleton or void if
he has one. Four hearts*
by South shows a void in
hearts, (Three hearts would
have shown a singleton).
Five diamonds* shows first
round control (void or Ace).
South now knew there was
an excOlent play for seven
spades if North had the
Ace and Queen of spades
so he bid 5 N.T.* the grand
• slam force asking partner
to bid seven spades if he
held two of the three top
honours in the spade suit.
(If partner only holds one
of the three top honours he
must only bid 6 spades.)
North dutifully responded
seven spades which was a
laydown ; South only ha-
ving to draw trump, trump
one club in dummy and get
two diamond discards on
his club suit, and ruff a
diamond for 13 tricks and
plus 1510.
Fresh Ontario asparagus is
just appearing in the markets.
Home economists at Macdonald
Institute, University of Guelph
have these suggestions for
selecting asparagus to obtain
good quality:
1. The leaf -life scales at
the tip of the stalks should be
close, compact and not begin-
ning to spread. A spreading tip
and wilted stalk indicates along
time lapse since harvest.
2. The stalks should be green
and tender for almost the full
length of the stalks.
Preparation of asparagus for
cooking is relatively simple.
Remove the tough woody par.
tion. The stalk will snap off
easily just below the tender
part; seates 'May ltearemoved.
Wash thoroughly to remove any
sand. While asparagus can be
cooked cut in I -inch pieces,
it is often more effective on a
dinner plate when it is left
whole and served with a sauce,
The whole stalks should be
tied together in an upright po-
sition, and covered two-thirds
of the way with boiling salted
water. Smaller stalks, 1/4 inch
to 1/2 inch in diameter, will
take six to 10 minutes to cook,
while larger stalks, 3/4 to one
inch in diameter, will take eight
to 12 minutes. Cook only until
tender -crisp,
A variety of sauces can be
used, depending on the rest of
the main course. It should be
chosen for its colour, flavour
and consistency. Cheese sauce
hollandaise sauce, lemon but-
ter sauce and chopped -egg flap
ter sauce and chopped -egg
sauce are a few Ideas.
Asparagus and eggs are a
good combination for a luncheon
casserole. The colours comples
ment each other, and the
flavours blend well. Use
asparagus as soon as possible
after purchase, or store it in a
moisture -proof bag in the
refrigerator and use it within a
day or two. Try this recipe;
Asparagus and Egg Medley
a tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard •
11/2 cups milk
6 hard -cooked eggs, sliced
1 pound asparagus, cooked
and cut in halves
1/4 cup butter bread
Melt butter, blend in flour and
seasonings. Gradually add milk
and cook, stirring constantly,
until smooth and thickened,
about 10 minutes. Remove froth
Pour a layer a sauce in the
bettom of a 2 quart casserole,
arranging alternate layers tif
egg sliees and asparagus. Cover
with remaining sauce and
sprinkle with buttered crumb.
Bake at 350 F, until lightly
baowned and thorolighly heated,
about 15 minutes, This recipe
Will make six servings.
Cottage roll Is the boned and
t011ed butt end Of the perk
ahoulder Which hag been Cured
and sornetitnes smoked, When
Cured only, it IS called sweet
Pickle tell and When Coated With
alirraileal it is khownea a pea.
Coming Events
at Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30
p.m. Jackpot $57 in 57 num-
bers. tfn
FRIDAY, MAY 31, Cash
Bingo, Legion Hall, Seaforth,
8:15 p.m. 15 regular games for
$10.00; 3 - $25.00 specials;
$75.00 jackpot to go. Two door
prizes, Admission $1.00; extra
cards 250 or 7 for $1.00.
Auspices Seaforth Branch 156
Canadian Legion. Proceeds for
Welfare Work. 21tfn
In Bingo at Brownie's Drive- ,
In Theatre. Doors open at 7.
Bingo starts at 7:30. Sponsor-
ed by Branch 140, Canadian
minion ,NewOtecforfl, Thursday, May 30, 1968 I
In these day a of easy care
fabrics it is fascinating to learn
that in Canada 100 years ago,
it was necessary to equip the
kitchen of a small family with
the following pieces of wood
ware- "a wash bench, three
sizes of wash tubs, a wash
board, a skirt board, a bosom
board, a clothes stilt and a
clothes wringer."
This is another interesting
item from The Historical Can-
adian Almanac edited by Lena
Newman and published recent-
ly by McClelland and Stewart:
"In the days of the Huron tract
in the early 1800's, there were
tremendous 'washings'. Al-
though the laundress protected
her hands with bandages, often
the blood came. Women wore
as many as five white immense
ruffled skirts, which after iron-
ing were 'set' upon barrels to
make the starch take a proper
shape. Flounced muslin dresses
with fichu and bell sleeves and
men's white shirts added to
the terrors of the ironing day."
Modern textile science has
eliminated those terrors of
washings and ironings but a let
or uanadian women simply
won't believe it. They refuse to
accept easy -care fabrics for
what they are, and insist on
DANCE, Friday, June 7, Luck -
now Legion Hall, 9-1, admis-
sion $1.50 per person. Music
by Bluetones. Admittance re-
stricted to persons 21 years and
over. Lunch. 22, 23p
Saturday, June 1, BABY
SHOW, in auditorium of Clin-
ton Community Centre. Class-
es: Six months and under, 2:30
p.m..; over six months to one
year, 3 p.m. Prizes for each
class; $5, $4, $3, $2, $1, for all
additional entries. Twins up
to one year, 3:30 p.m.; $7.50, $5
for each additional entry. For
information call 482-9128.
Saturday, June 8 bake sale
and informal tea, Wesley -Wil-
lie church. Sponsored by Wo -
He -Lo Unit. 22b
treating them in the old harsh
pwoasyes. whichdefeat their Par -
Now, it takes a determianed
lantidreas to ruin guaranteed
washable fabrics but many
Canacliap women seem to be
talented in this regard, I3oiling
water, strqng bleaches, elderly
washing machines, and over-
heated dryers some ladies
seem to use them all.
Boiling clothes to get them
clean belongs to the pest.
Chlorine bleaches, if used
strong enough and often
enough will rot any fibre and
damage the fastest dyes. Blea-
ches will also turn some pure
white, man-made fibres yellqw,
te say nothing of destroying
special finisnes desigried to
lighten the hoaseavives work
"Drip dry" means jast what
it mare. Fabrics whicn have
been either chemically treated
or heat set to retain their or+.
inal shape should not be put
thrqugh a WI -ail -ger or a &ger,
The wringer puts crsases in
and the heat of the Oyer may
break down the finish. Leaving
ctolonts.hes too long in the washer
can result in a tangled mass of
frayed seams and popped but -
We don't need washaoards to
scrub clothes, we don' need to
boil, tach,sand then spend
hours ironing easy -care fabrics
to achieve a smooth, neat fin-
ish. Fabric finishes are de-
signed to make washing easy
and to give easy care and bet-
ter performance. Overheated
dryers can literally cook the
goose of some special finishes
resulting drip and droop.
One handy reference chart
.which is ideal for pinning up in
the laundry room is published
by the Canadian textile indus-
try as an aid to consumers
worried about how to handle
the variety of modern fabrics.
Entitled simply "Fibre and
Fabric Facts" this chart groups
the natural and man-made fi-
bres in "families" listing their
origins, characteristics and
recommended care. Like all
families, related fibres share
similar qualities and similar
drawbacks and these are listed
in a "tell -at -a -glance" manner.
Copies of this chart can be
obtained by writing to the
Canadian Textiles Institute,
1080 Beaver Hall Hill, Mont-
day. May 25. at SalvationAnny.
Waterloo Street, Goderich at
1:30 a -In. _
lar bingo at Huron Fish and
Game Club jackpot $65.00 in
55 numbers, 6 door prizes,
8:30 p.m. tbf
Saturday June 8 - Bayfield
Town Hall, Dance 9 p.m. Pro-
ceeds to Community Centre
fund. Admission $1. Come
and enjoy both modern and
old time dancing.
22, 23b
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Robert Stanfield, national leader of the Progressive Conservative
party, will address a rally in the
Wingham Public School
(Three blocks east of main intersection) at 8:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanfield will arrive in Wingham by helicopter to
land near High School, 3:00 - 3:30 p.m,
will escort Mr. Stanfield and visiting dignitaries through town
starting 8:00 p.m.
InHuron YOti r Procgarnedstdivaete Cisonservative