HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-05-23, Page 11P15.99V1t4P111PSgT134clt rr f A Va a ga r 0 bo • black .fe - cl d Apra 1994, the MOPS suffered a tragic. fire. Three . ... . 7 Clinton .News-Tiapp.rd, '7'huraclayi May 23, 1968 it MAKE YOUR WASH. DAY A HOLIDAY LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY MEN'S SHIRTS OUR SPECIALTY rhOlie 482.9491 HU' ON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET — CLINTON, ONT. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY WATC FOR CLINT N DISCOUNT CENTRE GRAND PENING SALE NEXT WEEK STORE HOURS: 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY — 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Life's little problems STOCK LIMN 90, 0 TION SALE — USED ,CAR INVENTORY Convertibles, Wagons, Hardtops, Sedans, Pickups and Jeep NO PRICE HIKING All Windshields Clearly Marked At Special Sale Prices. THIS IS THE SALE OF THE YEAR e.g.: 1966 CHEVROLET 4-door, 6-cylinder, automatic; clean as new. Lic. H54931. e.g.: 1964 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE Sedan, 6-cylinder, radio. Lic. H54564. Liquidation Price $1699 Liquidation Price $989 BEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN PONTIAC BUICK GODERICH OPEN EVENINGS 524-8391 wommomseesatacr Nothing trivial this week., I'm going to ask, and answer, some questions about the more profound aspects of life. If you don't like the answers, supply your own. When is a politician, during an election campaign, going to promise the populace the moon, and then remind us out loud that it is we, not some other-worldly , essence called The Government, who will have to pay for it Answer: When we find out, which may be any day now, that the moon really is made of green cheese, after all. Why are teen-agers so often so unbearable? Because, like babies, they have learned quickly that the best means of getting attention is to raise a "Stink-;,litelXy, alicr fignatiVely. What -happens miO my socks?r Every time my wife washes, I lose one sock. Never a pair; always singles. • Just checked my drawer, and I have nine single socks, no two matching. They're about as useful' as an- tlers on a rabbit. Answer: There is a little man with a bizarre taste in socks built in to these new-fangled automatic washers or dryers. It never happened with the old upright and the clothes-line. At least the dealer could tell you, before you bought the ma- chine. Solution? Buy all my socks the same color. But this would spoil my image. I've always been noted for my dashing socks: gray, light-gray, dark- gray, dark-blue or black. Where did this vile canard begin that men are babies when they are sick? They're supposed to be whining, queru- lous, demanding sympathy. This is poppycock, at least in our family. Hugh and I want only to be left alone when we're ill. It's the females who talk endlessly about how they feel, discuss every twinge, de- mand fresh tea every half-hour and complain about the slow- ness and sloppiness of the service. After three weeks of it, I know. Why do black people loot during riots? For the same rea- son white people do: partly to Kow4s4t, NovaScotia mink ran, Pliers, who shipped thein to western Canada. The cane was valued at $12,000. I suspect that Mr. and Mrs. Kowalski Were among those who in 1965, Pegged the Mullen brothers to sell thembreeding stock, of this newly discovered Strain efJet black mink. For five, Months after their first discovery, the Mullens quietly bred and experimented With their stock. It all began when they discovered two black male kit! in their herd, Just how valuable their success obtaining a pure strain proved to be, became evident when in 1965, they sold five trios, one male and two females, for $2,000 Per trio. The herd of some 200 was soon specu- latively valued at more than a million dollars by leading mink breeders. Soon after the news of the Mullens, discovery broke among mink ranchers, one of the top breeders of this continent, John Adkins, Utah, (he tops the world in prices paid for his mink pelts - $160 at the 'New York ,sale in '65) visited the Mullen ranch. He went away convinced that the Mullens had discovered and bred in quantity mink with a dominant black gene, unlike any in the world. get something for nothing; partly for the sheer hell of it. What has Pierre Elliott Tru- deau, who is older and has even less hair, got that I have- n't? Not much, really. Except a million dollars, a brilliant mind, bags of charm, no family shackles, and a couple of mil- lion females who would like to be his mother, wife or in a pinch, sister.• Why are so many draft-dodg- ers coming to Canada? First, because they don't want to de- fend the U.S. and rot or be shot 10,000 miles away in a jungle. Second, it's too hot in Mexico and they don't know the language. Why is it warm and sunny all week, cold and rainy on weekends? Because the week- endja the only time, you have a., chance! toli golf , or. fish; .that's why. Why all the fuss and admira- tion about the teen-agers marching for money on May 4th? They had a ball. Try to sponsor one into marching around behind a lawnmower, with proceeds going to the un- derprivileged of the world, and see what response you get. When are the clots in this country going to stop cutting down avenues of beautiful trees in towns and cities in order to widen roads and cre- ate speedways? Never, unless we non-clots start a holy war about it. When are governments going to get rid of that vast, strangling afterbirth of a bu- reaucracy? Answer: When there are only 300 people left in the country who are not working for the government. How many people would stop smoking if weeds went up to $2 a pack, or drinking if booze went to $12 a crock? About as many as a one-armed man with a wooden leg could count on his toes and fingers. Why is teaching school like washing dishes? There's al- ways •another stack coming along, unless you want to stop eating. Any more questions? No? Well, I guess that clears up a lot of, things that have been bothering you. loss, which was not insiired, might have been. It slowed doWn the process, for a while, of developing black mink for the indlistry, If telegraph And telephone wires Were kept hot 111 1965 by ranehers pleading for breeding stock, I wonder how the Mel. lens and their herd are keep. ing up with the demand today! Fortunately at least, it is apparent the shipping problem for transporting such delicate and valuable stock has been solved. HOLDS RECORD FOR GROWTH Municipal rivalry is a healthy state for any city to find itself in, This has happened in the west, for example, where since the end of World War Two, Edmonton has maintained its lead over Calgary as Alberta's largest city, Edmonton also is one of the most progressive in the western provinces when it comes to redevelopment. It is hard for those who have never travelled west of the Great Lakes to visualize what is happening in this foot. hill area. There is a tendency to associate Edmonton's citi. zenry with Indian tribes and. Eskimos when, actually, the city numbers among its popula... tion some of the most sophist- icated people in the country. • It wasn't too long after Donald Gordon, then president of the Canadian National Railways, presented a plan to his board of directors for the rehabilits ation of the company's real estate holdings in Montreal, that Edmonton seized the op., portunity to almost completely rebuild the heart of its down- town area. Down came dilapidated old buildings and up went the CN Tower which:houses as well AP offices, a modern new station. Titelewer looms over the 'new' city 1411 and stands rather like 8 sentinel over the entire area, of re-deVeloPMent I have legged a good Many miles on the several city blocks between the Macdenald Hotel and the CN tower en my visits in western. Canada. During my stay I haye watched this muni. cipal metamorphosis taking place with keen in City Hall and the area that has become known as Civic Centre is evidence that the nomenclature that is constanly being associated, with Edmonton as a 'swinging city' is not at all far fetched. With its wide streets, mid-city park area and cultural centres, its eager and, imaginative town planners and civic management, the spirit of Edmonton is contagious. I think I became thoroughly Mnoculated with its civic pride when I visited its Centennial Library, one of the buildings in the complex rising from the rubble of old structures. P. T. BARNUM WAS RIGHT A book could be filled with quotations attributed to P. T., Barnum, but none more true than: "There is much to be learned in a country store." A century ago around the cracker barrel, or the potbel- lied stove, there was time for talk and time to listen and much time for endless and in. tense debates on politics and local disputes about such mon- umental problems as line fences. The merchant owner was a man of substance, a leader of the community. Usually he was postmaster. Often he was a temnorary banker and a shrewd . dealer in mortgages. His store was not large, but was well and solidly built. If there was a cellar, it contained extra stocks of goods and often a spacious attic was crammed with merchandise as well., AUTHENTIC COUNTRY STORE The G. E. Barbour Company Limited, to celebrate no only Canada's ;100th, birthday last year, but. also the ,PcOppy.'§ CetiteearY, .P9Vect PeiltUrYI pld country store by barge frpm the 'banks: of the Saint 4Olta AiVer, 80 miles .upstream from, Saint.` John at Sheffield, to a Site in the city. Here thenginde. of tourists :4'04PP4..P.494K its Anthentic. merchandise -Ieet summer., The building itself is aspienl. did example .9f local architec. toreof .the Peried. Craftsmanship in wood was a high art in .New. .preaLe• wick, a seafaring province that bitilt. ships by 'the hundreds, and excellent craft with. handSoniely carved figureheads 4110..eiern Orn4niente, The 'store's stock ;and but .one or two minor bits of equipment, .are genuine, not cOunterfeit, polished and re. stored when necessary t"? as near-mint conditon as pos. sible. The remarkable and corn. plete variety is a result of tire. less. detective work of .Saint. John writer and furnitgre torian Mrs. Huia G. Hyder, who directed 'the collection and re, store tion andp erso nall y searched the attics and back shops of .the Maritimes with truly remarkable success. The .first Barbour store of 1867 was on South Wharf, .fac.., ing the Market Slip landing 'place of the United Empire • Loyalists, and directly opposite' the . company's present Saint John head officeandwareliouse. I found Mrs. Ryder an enthus- iastic and charming hostess in • the quaint old store. She told of the co-operation she had re- ceived when a leaflet was dis. tributed by the salesmen of the G. E. Barbour Company asking for suitable contributions to stock the shelves; also from those who offered their tree. sures, mostly for sale, but often • as a gift. Items offered on loan were not accepted. As an his- torical consultant and author of "The History of New Bruns. wick Furniture and Cabinet Makers," Mrs. Ryder found the eight years she spent as art curator of the New Brunswick 'Museum was invaluable train. ing for this tremendous job of collecting which she 'Undertook. :There were chuckles ,and. Often gasPe of, wenderinent .heard Within the WallS of this interesting emporium. Maybe oar grandParents are net too far removed from the day of the country store to encierSe ;the authenticity of such items as ,McDonald'. Twist; canned hare with gaudy lithographed labels; refined sug4r cane! and elay PiPes at A nickel, A piece. Inthe attachedbarber shop the ancient ,price list reads "Hair cuts 15c Shave I9 M" "Blackened eyes cured with leeches.P POMP doubts were ei:Pressed that the G, E. Parbour Corn!, ,party would continue to•provide funds for keeping the museum store open during Suture tourist seasons. Surely the city ofSaint John will realize it IS a great asset and not allow it to, be barged away to another location by a would-be purchaser in search of an unusual tsarist attraction. YEAR-ROUND USE One novel idea that has net been passed on to Ottawa is the mayor's for all-year-round use of the site. "It seems a shame that our beautiful site is only to be used for five months of the year. Thus we aim to create a winter play-ground for three months in the winter. There's no reason why a family should have to leave the city just to find clean snow. Here they will be able to ski, skate on the lagoons and canals and practise their snowshoeing." The mayor plans on three months for the winter, five for the summer and two months in between to get things ready for each. He hopes to inaugurate the new program next winter. BLACK KITP MINK HERD Maybe, the Mullen brethere, Wallace And Edael, Of NeWTiis• ket, Nova Scotia, couldn't at first believe their eyes when Hoy discoVereci "Plack gold!' among their minks. That was in 1990. But they certainly p.p.!. predate their value now, since. Continued success in breeding has established that their early discovery was net a freak of nature that would vanish with future litters. Early •in February, a val,u., able shipment of these live mink arrived in Melville, SA*. atchewan, via Canadian National Railways' Panorama. It re. ceived special handling by rail, way employees during its lengthy trip from Sydney, Nova Scotia. Unloaded from a heated ex, press car were 252 black mink of a unique Nova Scotia strain which recently created history in fur breeding circles. From Melville the animals were ship. pod by • truck to the farm of Duane and Morris Melby, at Canopus, Saskatchewan, south of Moose Jaw. Each animal had its own separate cage in the express car and personal care en route was given by Mr. and Mrs. Victor black kits perished before the fire was brought under control. The losS at then current Prices was estimated, at around the half million dollar mark. It will never be known how much the, -MEXICAN BEAN BEETLE- -LEAF HOPPERS- READ THIS OR DIE!. rOn DI-SYSTON ,Liquid Concentrate-- -'-44 ,— SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE NOW PLACED IN OUR LIQUID FERTILIZER DI-SYSTON ENTERS THE PLANT THROUGH THE ROOTS AND IS TRANSLOCATED THROUGH THE PLANT BY THE SAP SYSTEM. INSECTS FEEDING ON THE BEAN PLANT PICK UP A LETHAL DOSE OF INSECTICIDE AND ARE KILLED BEFORE DOING DAMAGE TO THE PLANT. BECAUSE THE CHEMICAL IS INSIDE THE PLANT STEM AND LEAVES, IT CANNOT WASH OFF OR WEATHER AWAY THUS GIVING UP TO SEVEN WEEKS CONTROL FROM SUCKLING INSECTS. CONTACT US OR ANY OF OUR CUSTOM PLANTER OPERATORS FOR SERVICE IN PLANTING BEANS. GLEN LAYTON, R.R. 5, CLINTON — PHONE 482-9939 CHAS. BRANDON, R.R. 4, CLINTON — PHONE 482-9275 CLARENCE LE BEAU, R.R. 5, CLINTON — PHONE 482-7468 GORDON GRIGG, CLINTON — PHONE 482-9411 CANN'S MILL LTD. EXETER — PHONE 235-1782 0' BEATTIE FURNITURE I • • it• , 1111 • •6111#1 • •. flUGE SAVINGS On All, Lines Of BRAND NAME FURNITURE BEDROOM SUITES DIM ROOM SUM - - DINETTE and CHROME SUITES FREE DRAW WITH EVERY 16.00 PURCHASE KROEHLER, BRAEMORE and SKLAR LIVING ROOM SUITES, DAVENPORTS, SPACESAVERS OUTDOOR FURNITURE - SWIVEL and PLATFORM ROCKERS - - HOSTESS and RECLINING CHAIRS .091i A 9 FT. ‘x 12 FT, HAREilitiG 501 DUPONT GRAND VALLEY CARPET - RG. $107.40 r.oa • • WOOL I Armstrong and Domipii.)n rnyl..Shet Flooring MATTRESS BOX SPRING HARDING 'C'ItRPETS Armstrong Conlon and Vinyl Asbestos Flooring (Continentals -Bunk Beds Baby Furniture .-• - • •,• _•, _•_•__ •••-• ••_.•• _ • • CLINTON ARE CELEBRATING THEIR 34th