HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-05-23, Page 8KILL
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Clinton blews•Record,, Thursday, May 23,
Prime Minister Trudea.0 smiles as he auto. using RCMP Censtable Robert Moffat's s"loufder
graphs a Canadian flag for a young admirer, as a writing stand.
R.R. 4, Clinton, Ont. Phone 482-9133
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'EPatoran is a registered trade mark of Ciba PRODUCTS
Dr, Robert McClure, re,
turned ,Missionary Will speak
in Mitchell unitecl Church
Thursday, May 23 at 8 A
good represootativP of church
Members are expected from
district churches to hear this
Mr. and. Mrs, Murney Twit-
shell,KiMberleY Ann, and
Jamie, London visited over the
weekend with the former's
Mather Mrs. Verna Twitchell,
who returned-home with them
for a few days' visit.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Horton
left by plane on Friday, May
17 from Toronto to spend three
weeks holiday with relatives
in England, the trip took seven
Mr, William Gibson returned
Sunday from a fifteen months
trip which included Australia,
New Zealand, Tonga, Hawaii.
He reports a beautiful climate
but Ontario does look wonder-
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Robert and Ann, leftlast Friday
morning to spend the weekend
at Restoule Lake near North
Bay, returning Monday evening.
Mr. Charles Mickle of Hamil-
ton, spent Saturday and Sunday
with the family.,
Robert E. "Bob" McKinley
would like to thank all the
peoPle at the nomination meet-
ing in 'Clinton on. Wednesday,
May 15, for again selecting him
to contest the June 25 election
in Huron riding, as your Pro-
gressive Conservative candidate.
If re-elected on June 25 he is
prepared to continue devoting
this full time to the task of rep-
resenting the people of Huron
'at .Ottawa. •
Bobinvites you to see and
"Bob"o .' Stanfield at •the
Wingharn Public School, "en
Wednesday, May 30, at 8:30 prix.,
along with Provincial Treasurer
Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, John
Loney, Marvin Howe and Elston
Cardiff. (advt.)
Grow beans without weeds
KiIIs broadleaf and grassy weeds
in soybeans, white, dry or
field beans, snap or bush beans
Get easy, effective weed control with PATORAN
apply immediately after planting beans (1 1/2 " to 2" deep).
' spray entire field or band to reduce cost by 2/3.
. micronized for easy mixing, trouble-free spraying.
No soil incorporation needed.
enters weeds through roots—gives 6 to 8 weeks control.
Ask your Green Cross Dealer
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widely used by bean growers across Canada
"Patoran is available from
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PHONE 262-2527
Jim 131,0acli, son of Mr, and
Mrs, Grant bisback .of
will receive his Vni•-
yersity of Western Ontario
TueSday, May 28 at Alumni Hall.
He will continue his studies at
Western. Jim is a graduate of
The Kippen East W. I. meeting
was, held in the Legion Hall,
Hensall, on May 15th with Mrs.
Glen n Bell and Mrs. Mildred
Bell hostesses, The new pre.
sident Mrs. Kenneth McKay pre*
sided •and read a poem on
"Mother", Secretary Mrs.
James Drummond read the min.
utes and treasurer Mrs. Vern
Alderdice gave her report show•
ing a balance of $617.6'7.
Plans were made for Exeter
Fair Exhibits at Exeter Fair,
the bus trip was scheduled for given by Councillor Oliver
June 12, the program making Jaques; and president E. R.
meeting was set for Monday Davis brought greetings from
May 20j and Mrs. McKay gave Hensall Legion Branch 468,
her report of the officers Con. Chairlady was Mrs. Evelyn Car-
ference held in Guelph. roll, Zone Commander, from
Mrs. Grant MacLean chaired Goderich.
the program, Mrs. James Chal. Guest speaker Mrs. Ethel
mers gave the motto, "The Tillae, Toronto, third vice-pre.
person who is always beefing, is sident Ontario Provincial Corn.
likely to get himself into a mand spoke on Legion Auxiliary
stew." The roll call was to work. Mrs, Evelyn Carroll,
bring something with which to Goderich, was re-elected Zone
make music, so music was made Commander of Zone CI. Reports
with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot at of Zone Commander was pre.
the piano, and the members sented by Mrs. Carroll, Zone
following along with mouth sports officer, Mrs. Annie Sal.
organs, guitars, bells, etc. lows, Sea.forth. Minutes of 1967
The 4-H Club girls enter• Rally by Mrs. W. H. Bell.
tained with Miss Diane McKay Presentations were made to
summarizing the last club, Mrs. Ethel Tithe, Mrs. Evelyn
"The Club Girl Entertains", Carroll, Mrs. Sallows , Mrs.
Miss Donna Whitehouse showed W. H. Bell, Mrs. Garnet Allan.
proper and improper floral ar. Prize winners in various draws
rangements, Miss Karen Sal'. were Mrs. R. Vanstone,Mrs.
aras correct table setting, Miss Bill Smale, Mrs. HarolCamp.
Darlene McKay Table Tips, bell, Hensall, Mrs. RehaJones,
Miss Barbara Gemmell proper Clinton. Mrs. Peggy Coomes.
and improper sandwiches, for Seaforth, Michael Bourne, Exe.
tea, Miss Ann Kleinhaar gave ter.
a reading. Entertainment was provided
The ladies were then given by Grant and Kenneth Jones of
the questions which the girls Kippen, with vocal selections
had to answer on "Achieve. with guitar accompaniment.
ment Day". Lunch was served by Hensall
Auxiliary. A skit "Packing a weekend
bag" was given and was in.
troduced by Miss Donna White.
LONDESBORO house, the cast included Misses
Diane McKay, Maureen Con.
nelly, Joanne Stoll, Lynn Aid.
The Berean Unit of the UCW erdice, Marilyn Durst, and Bar.
was held at the home of Mrs. bara Gemmell.
Earl Gaunt. The President
Mrs. Jarries Drummond gave opened with a poem and a hymn a reading. Club leaders Mrs. was read in unison. Mrs. Elsie Robert Gemmell and Mrs. Ken
Shaddick read the scripture McKay were presented with
passage, prayer followed. Mrs. gifts in recognition of their
Marian Hunking gave a devo- work with the girls club and the
tional reading on humility and two Provincial Honour winners
Mrs. Livingstone read the Miss Donna Whitehouse and
chapter from the Study Book. Miss Ann Kleinhaar were also
A social half hour was enjoyed
,;presented with. gifts from Kip-
at the close. pen East. Mrs.Robert Bell gave
Rev. Mervyn Penfound con-
courtesy remarks. Lunch was ducted the communion service served by the hostesses and
on Sunday morning. The good committee in charge. wishes of the community is
Hensall Arena Auditorium
extended to him and continu- was the setting Wednesday, May
ing interest as he and his family 15 for the Ladies Auxiliary to
take up their work in Manitoba the Royal. Canadian Legion zone
Conference. CI Rally attended by 135 aux.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott iliary members representing
of Niagara , Falls visited with Exeter, Clinton., Goderich,
his mother and sister over Wingham, S eaforth, Kincardine,
the weekend at the Broadfoot Blyth, Hensall, Brussels, Rip.
home. ley, Lucknow, Howick.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mc-
Prior to the meeting a color.
Kinley of Burlington are at ful parade headed by Exeter
present visiting with the latter' s Legion Pipe Band marched to
sister, Mrs. Skinunins. the Cenotaph where Rev A.C.
Mrs, Harvey Hunking spent Blackwell of Zurich gave the
the weekend with Harvey at Invocation, and a wreath placed
Westminster Hospital. by Mrs. Ethel Tilbe, Toronto,
Mrs. Charles Govier of Port and Mrs. Mary Taylor, Hensall.
Colborne spent last week with At the Arena Mrs. GarnetAllan
Mr. Will Govier and Mrs. Web- president, gave words of wel.
ster. come, a civic welcome was
I would like to take this opportunity to thank
all our customers in Clinton and district for their
valued patronage during the past 91/2 years.
The business has been purchased by RAY and
SHIRLEY GILDERS and in wishing them success
may I ask your continued support in their
endeavours to offer the best in service and
fopd values,
A pretty wedding was solern..'
nized in Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Hensall, Sat, 'May '11th
at 2-30 p.m. when La,dina Louise
Latour, Exeter, exchanged mar-
riage vows with GeraldWilliam
John Volland, in a ceremony
performed by Rev, J. C. Boyne.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latour,
Exeter, and the grooni's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Volland, Hensall,
Yellow potted mums and
green candles in candelabra
formed the floral background.
Mrs. Beatrice Hess of Zurich
played traditional wedding
music and accompanied the
soloist Mrs. Robert Hoffman,
,Dashwood, who sang"Because"
and the Wedding Prayer".
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor
length gown of white lagoda
styled on princess lines with lily'
point sleeves, empire waist and
neckline trimmed with seed
pearls. A chapel train fell from
a bow trimmed in lace at the
shoulders. A headpiece of two
tiers of daisies held her four
tiered scalloped veil with seed
pearls in each scallop. She car.
ried a cascade of yellow roses.
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Lorraine Heywood, R. R. 3,
Exeter, sister of thebride wear.
ing a floor length gown of nile
green bonded crepe styled with
empire waist and bell sleeves.
She wore a matching rosette
- Latour
headpiece with cocktail veil an
carried daisies with gre
Velvet ribbon. Bridesmaid
were Mrs, Peggy Volland, He
sail,Miss Joan Heywood
Exeter, Miss Donna Button
London. They were gowned sim
ilarly to the matron of honor
Flower girl was Janice Hey
wood, niece of the bride wear
ing a floor length gown of whit
brocaded cotton with cummer
bund of green. She carried
basket of daisies and yellow
roses with green velvet ribbons
Todd Heywood, nephew of th
bride was ring bearer, wearin
a tuxedo with bow tie,
Tom Dalrymple, Hensall wa
best man, and Donald Volland
brother of the groom, Gle
Latour, brother of the brie, an
Bill Taylor ushered guests.
reception was held in the churc
parlors where the bride'
mother received guests wearin
a matching dress and coat
hot pink with navy accessorie
and corsage of carnations an
pink sweetheart roses.' Th
groom's mother assisted in
turquoise lace dress with whit
accessories and corsage of pi
sweetheart roses.
For travelling to Niagar
Falls and points south thebrid
changed to a two piece matchin
coat dress of rose lace wit
pink and white accessories an
pink sweetheart rose corsage
The couple will reside in He
. „ .
),VaS••tet'ilp '6nd
a float' at' the Spring Fed
tries were received for th
Field Day to be held at Se
After the meeting was a
journed, lunch was served an
the recreation committee le
, in games and contests.
W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd.
The-Clinton• Junior -Farmers
and Junior Instituteibeld their
May meeting in the form of a
joint meeting in the Board room
of the Agriculture Office. John
Black was in the chair.
Thirty members answered
the roll by telling if they were
going to attend the showing of
the play last Friday evening
in Blyth.
Guest speakers for the even•
ing were Jamieson Ribey and
Donald young, two members of
the leadership committee. They
spoke on how meetings should
run and how to improve the
program. They also told about
the duties of president, vice.
president, secretary, treasurer
and press reporterr Susan Mit.
chell thanked them for their
instruction on a well run meet.
Highlight of the evening was
the choosing of a King and
Queen to compete with other
clubs in the county. By ballot,
Bob McNeill was chosen King
and Miss Barbara Watkins was
chosen the Queen. The Queen
and King to represent the County
will be chosen at adanceheld
around May 25th.
A committee to arrange and
Junior Farmers choose
king and queen
Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
372 Ilay St 3$ Dunlop St., 73 Miisissogo L
'Toronto Barrie Orillio