HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-05-23, Page 5Mr. and Mrs. John Robichard, Sudbury, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine Jacqueline Marie to William James John Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hamilton, Clinton. The wedding will take place in Appleby United- Church, Burlington, on June 29, 1968. 21b ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Charles Merrill will en- tertain at a trousseau tea in honour of Sandra on Tuelday, May '28, commencing at 7 o'clock.. Friends and relatives are invited to attend; 21b / / %N. s.".404.%,"• MAYTAG KELVINATOR ELECTROHOME , ADMIRAL EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEE —3 YEARS PARTS AND LABOUR SERVICE. SALES with SERVICE BOB'S TV & APPLIANCES Stratford-271.6133 129 Ontario St., St. Marys-284.2290 127 Queen St,, "80114s TV SINCE '53" Bob Weeks, Prop. ob N.N040.0040"•004",4" "4" Planning (continued from page 1) 41 1 the factors involved, ing land use, traffic, education, recreation, services, and mull' thipal finances It is the mun. 'iciPal Mind./ It must make the final decision whether or not to accept the -recommend a.tions of the planning board. However, where a planning However, where a planning board st reeornmend• aticins to amen, especially in cases whe, e teebniCally-qua,10 Hied planning assistance is aVailable to the planning board, council has a responsibility to weigh the revommendations very carefully, To achieve a sound and ef. fective planning 'irogram, it Is essential that planningboard and municipalities co-operate in planning matters. The planning board must be kept informed of the policies and de. cisions of the Municipal comb! cils. It is also important that the board keep the miinicipalitp, ies informed of the planning pro.,' gram and its progress, The duties of planningboardp are set out in section 10 of The Planning Act. These include: . Investigating and surveying the physical, social and econ. omic conditions in the planning area; . preparing maps, drawings, texts, statistical information, and other material necessary to carry out the various studies; . holding public meetings and publishing information to- keep the general public advised and to obtain their cooperation and participation in a sound planning program; . consulting with other local boards and agencies kavingjur. isdiction within the planning area; . preparing an official plan; ▪ recommending the mun- icipal councils the implementap tion of any, feature of the official plan; . reviewing the official plan from time to time and recom. mending amendments thereto. To enable the planning board to carry out all of its duties and responsibilities effectively it is extremely important that the planning board be furnished with sufficient fund s for this purpose and to engage the tech. nically qualified planning per. sonnel necessary .for carrying out the planning Program.. While it is Usually preferable to have the services of full time planning staff available to the planning board, in ,some in- stances the planning 'program will have to be conducted with the assistance of a professional planning consultant. Where a , planning consultant is engaged, `137,e7:40-0,tr a 0.htyaot to draft and ,r,evipe,eperiodically an official plan to undertake 'h special projects as pre. ing zonina. by-laws, and to e a. in a continuing advisory function to the planning board on a retainer basis. Costs of operating the plan. Iiing board and implementing the' planning program are.normally sharei among the participating mutt ipalities. Apportionment of the costs is usually based on population, assessment, or ' a combination of both. In eel.. fain circumstances it may be possible to Obtain financial as. sistance from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation in planning work related to urban renewal. Under provisions of the Planning Act, the planning board is required to submit its estim- ate§ to the council of each mune icipality within the planning area. Once the estimates have been approved, they are binding • on all of the municipalities within the planning area. Costs of operating the the planning board, including rent for office accommodation, staff salaries, maintenance, stationary remuneration of members for attending ineetp ings and travel expenses should come from the funds allocated to the planning board. In some cases, office accommodation is provided without cost by one of the municipalities i n the planning area. The second article in com- munity planning will appear in next week's paper. 0 THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU .4.• • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / COULTES—In Wingham and CARD OF THANKS District Hospital, on Friday, May 17, Mrs. Charles R. Coultes, The family of the late Ros- 73, of Balgrave, former Mary arum L. Scotchmer wish to ex- Murray McGowan. Survivors in- przss their sincere thanks to elude a sister, Mrs. Fred (Dixon) relatives, friends and - neigh- Reid, • Clinton. Funeral service hours for floral tributes, dona- was on Monday, May 20 from tions to the Heart Fund, the S. J. Walker Funeral Home, Gideon Bibles, sympathy cards Wingham, Interment Wingham and to the ladies who provided Cemetery, lunch and the many other acts of kindness shown us during our bereavement. Special thanks to Pastor -Bruce Eaton of Bay- , field Baptist Church and the mer. Survivors.eancludelaa son WestialiMilierarHoirie, Zurich.l•- &k;Wiiyhe, of Clinton. 'Service was Their kindness will always be remembered. -- ILENE, MINA, from the H. A. Kebble Funeral Home, Aylmer, Interment 'Ayl- LAURENCE AND MILTON. mer Cemetery. 21p MITCHELL—In Westminster 'Hospital, London, on .Friday, May 17, Verne Jasper Mitchell, 58, of :269 SYdenharn Ste• :Ayl- To all those who remembered us in the passing of my dear sister, Mrs. Tina Johnston, God- erich, we are deeply grateful. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace and the Rev. R. U. MacLean.— DAVE and MARGUERITE KAY. 21p I wish to thank all those who sent cards, flowers, gifts and visited me while I was in hos- pital. Special thanks to nurses on secohd floor, Dr. Oakes; Dr. Newland and Rev. Mills.—MRS. ANNIE FOATE. 21p I wish to thank my relatives, neighbours and friends for flow- ers, gifts and cards sent to me while I was a patient in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and nursing staff.— MRS., CARL COX. 21b GARDNER—The family of the late Jack Gardner wish to ex- press their heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the many acts of kind- ness during their recent be- reavement. 21b On behalf of the Canadian Red Cross I would like to thank all thole who took part in the recent campaign when 269 pints of blood and over $700.00 was collected. Special thanks to the ladies who canvassed and those who worked the day of the clinic. — MARIAN ANDREWS, Chairman. 21p I would like to thank all those who visited me and sent cards ,while I was a patient in Victoria hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev, and Mrs. Morrison and the doctors and nurses at the hospital.—JOHN DOWSON. To all My friends and neigh- bours who visited me, sent flow- ers and cards while I was a patient in Clinton hospital I wish to say thank you. To doc- tors." Addison and Oakes and the nurses on first floor, a sin- cere•thanks for 'their kindness to me.—WM. BLACKER, SR: 21p • BIRTHS CUMMINGS—To Mr, and Mrs, Roger Cummings of George- town, a daughter; on Saturday, May 18. A granddaughter for Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cummings of Clinton, DELBERGUE-To Mr, and Mrs, R, Delbergtie, R,R, 3, Auburn, in Clinton Public Hospital, on May 15, a daughter, Jacqueline Lotilae, tiii*---TO Mr. and Mrs, Don Haw, Bayfield, in Clinton Public Hospital, on May 15, A son, Bradley bonald. Arthritis (continued from pagt 1) London, Regional Director of the CARS for region five, as guest speaker for the March 12 meeting of the Lions. Mr. Dolan has returned to Clinton numer• ous times to enlighten the Lions executive and individual mem- bers on formation of a branch here. The Ontario Division for the CARS supplied original equip- ment when the physio-therapy room in the basement of the Clinton hospital was first or. ganized four years ago. The Hospital Board and the Ladies Auxiliary have since added more equipment., Mrs. Flowers, wife of Dr. R. W. Flowers and a physio- therapy specialist, has been in charge. Clinton and area arthritic sufferers have been using this service at the local hospital. Lion's President Corrie said the reason for promoting a local branch was "for expansion of service facilities and a means to provide financial assistance to the Arthritis Society." The local Lions have set a tentative objective of raising approximately 15 cents per capita in Clinton, which would amount to nearly $500 per year. Money will be raised through one or more fundraisingevents each year. In other branches, September has been designated as fund raising month for the arthritis society. GET HIP!! READ THE WANT ADS SCANADA POSIES POSTAGE . .. a ,a A three colour 5 cent la. crosse stamp to be released by the Canada Post Office on the 3rd July 1968 provides re: cognition for a sport that has its roots deep in the history of . the early native people of Can. ada, Postmaster General Jean- Pierre Cote announced today. Vertical in format and having .'dimensions . of. 24 x 40 mm., the new stamp was designed by James E. Aldridge, a. native • of Toronto who makes his debut as a designer of Canadian stamps. The full issue of 24 million. stamps will be printed by the British American Bank Note Company Limited of Ottawa utilizing a combination of the steel engraVing and photo- ;:grayure; teelmiquele, Three figs es„in aet,ienseses appear as t-thet principlesign mentsg_itwo in the lower right foreground, reproduced in black by steel engraving, are clothed in present day Lacrosse attire. The third figure, printed in red, representative of early Indian, involvement, occupies, a position to the left and to the rear. Customary First Day Cover service will be provided by the Postmaster, Ottawa 2, Ontario. The game of Lacrosse is known to have been an organ. ized activity of Indians before Columbus 'completed his famous voyage to North America in 1492. White men, upon their arrival, renamed the pastime, then known as Baggataway, be. fore they adapted it to their own pleasure; they likened the Indians curved webbed stick to a Bishop's crozier, this in turn became "La crosse" and "Lai crosse." There is little evict,. ence that the game became on, ganized as a sport of white men much before 1840. E volution of the game through the centuries brought major changes in the size of the play- ing area and the number of per- sons involved. The early Indian version, more of a battle train. ing than sport for tribal war- riors, had tribe pitted against tribe or village against 'Village. As many as 1,000 men took part in these tests of endur. ance which are known, in some instances, to have lasted sew eral days. Goals in the prim., itive era consisted of one or two poles set in the ground anywhere from 400 yards to five miles apart. Participants in the wild melees were exhor. ted to greater fury by women of the tribes who wielded stout switches as they followed the play on the sidelines. Doctor G. W. Beers,.a Mont,. real dentist who died in 1900, is generally recognized as hay. ing first been responsible for the writing of rules in the late 1860's to govern field Lacrosse as a modern sport. A major revision of rules in 1932 led to Box Lacrosse in which teams of six players compete in in.. door arenas or enclosed out.. door boxes. An interesting aspect of the Spirt in. Canada is the dentin. uing almost exclusiVe:manufac• ture of Lacrosse sticks by Indians. An Indian C onipany ated on the St. Regis Reserve near Cornwall, OntariO, utiliz- ing methods as old as the ganid itself and manned by an Indian staff) is recognized as being responsible for the Malin. fa.chire of 97 'per cent of the worlds productiOn. Their pros duets not only supply the major part of domestic requirements but are eMpOrted to the U.S.A., England, Australia and other pcieayUnotges where the game 18 1968 DEMONSTRATOR SALE We are replacing our company demonstrators at very low mileage. These cars have new car warranty covering the balance of 24 months and 24,000 miles on the entire car and 5-year and 50,000-mile warranty on the power train. SAVE $100's on these specials: 1968 FORD CUSTOM Four-door sedan, Brittany Blue, 6-cylinder, Select Shift Cruisomatic transmission, whitewall tires, wheel covers, 2,581 miles. Serial 8W51V109174. License H51576. ONLY $2,995 1968 FORD CUSTOM , ..Four-door sedan, Sunlit Gold, 289 cu. in., 8-cylinder, Select Shift Cruisomatic transmission, radio, 3,124 miles. Series 8B51F150302. License H54278. ONLY $3,133 1968 FALCON FUTURA SPORTS COUPE Red with black top, 289 cu. in., 8-cylinder, Select Shift Cruisomatic transmission, whitewall tires, radio, black bucket seats, radio, rear window defogger, 850 miles. Serial 8B22C139065. License H54799. ONLY $3,214 1968 FORD GALAXIE 500 Two-door hardtop, Sunlit Gold with black top, 289 cu. in., 8-cylinder, Select Shift Cruisomatic, whitewall tires, power steering, radio, rear window defogger, wheel covers, 1,950 miles. Serial 8W58F138078. License H54902. ONLY $3,650 `1968 FORD F100 PICKUP Black, custom cab, ICC clearance lights, 240 cu. in., 6- cylinder, dual horns, wheel covers, whitewall tires, 3,020 miles. Serial F10ACC80424. License Y-27721. ONLY $2,563 1967 THUNDERBIRD 2-DOOR LANDAU Nightmist Blue, blue vinyl top, stereo tape and all Thunderbird power equipment, 9,500 miles. Serial 7Y82Z164040. ONLY $4,845 1,967 FORD GALAXIE 500 Two-door hardtop, Burnt Amber with parchment vinyl top, 289 cu. in., Select Shift Cruisornatic, power steering, ,fficlio','reat deck antennae, WhiteWalls,:5,200 miles. License H54170. ONLY $3,199 , — WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS — Personal Attention": Our sales people are high- ly qualified and are most anxious to assist you with the selection and arrange- ments for a New Ford or A-1 Used Car. Personal Service: Ralph Jpsling heads up our Service Team—Ralph is never satisfied until you are GODERICH MOTORS SOUTH ST. 524-7308 Ted Davies, second vice- president, of Clinton Lions Club volunteered to act as the one-, man committee responsible for transporting theeye bank con,- tainer (when required) to the eye bank of Canada in Toronto. In response to ,a,letter from fication from its first plans in for the Blind, the Lions are purchasing a thermos-type eye Container for Clinton Public Hospital. The cost will be about $35. When a person gives his eyes to the eye bank of Canada, this container must be rushed -.to the eye bank at the Banting Institute in Torento. This is the first time that Clinton area persons have had the opportunity to will their eyes to, the eye bank project, The Lions had a Lion guest from South Korea at their re- gular dinner meeting in St. Paul's Parish Hall, Tuesday evening. He was Jung Jai Hyuk, a member of the Central Lions Club of Seoul, South Korea. He has been attending the agricul- tural school at Centralia and is working with McKinley Farms and Hatchery, Zurich. Jung was the guest of Harvey Johnston, superintendant of Huronview. Colonel E,W. Ryan, , base commander, CFB Clinton, was guest speaker at the meeting. A native of Kitchener, Col, Ryan served in all three armed services during World War II, and rejoined the air force fol- 4 lowing the war. The base commander spoke , on the integration and unifica- tion of Canada's three armed 4 services. He traced the uni- 4 fication from its first plans in • 1960 up to the present time • and spoke of what integration 4 has done to the various schools I and courses at the Clintonbase. Col. Ryan was introdhced by Lions program committee chairman Ken Flett and thanked by John S. Parker. A. "Red" Garon will re- present Clinton Lions at the initial meeting of a Huron County industrial and tourism committee in CHSS auditorium Tuesday, May 21. When reporting on the zone 3 rally at Auburn, attended by four Clinton Lions, and the 45th anniversary of Goderich Lions Club last week, which five ,local Lions attended, Pres- ident Maynard Corrie urged more Lions to attend these type of service club meeting8.' The Lions • are planning for their annual chicken 'barbecue ,,,,Tpesday„li Jime l,:/, gf which Fvice r presi,cient Ted ,-pavlesi;:is chairman. A. 'Laurie Colquhoun, chair- man of the Lions crippled children's committee, reported that $1,116 had been collected to date through the sale of Easter Seals. Donations may still be made to D.W. Cornish, treasurer of the Easter Seals Fund. This year's objective is $1,200. Winners of two special draws were John Scruton and guest Lion Jung who drew his own number. The regular draw prize was won by Mitch Mc- Adam. Clinton. New01ecorcl, Thursday, May 23, 1968 Lions to transport, eye bank container Lion Atkp..yiyhojia]$ been residing at .Daytona ,peaoh, Fiorida.or the past six ploptikS WAS WelcOnleti back te OPT), Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER -- SE4FORTI4 Phone 482-721 I Open Every Afternoon, Local Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-6642 401•••••111111 a. RED CROSS WITH YOU R THERE' !SWAYS HEI.P ............. FREEZER MONTH AT BENITY FARM SERVICE CENTRE ' THIS IS ANOTHER FIRST FOR RUSS OFFER ENDS MAY 31st During the month of May — for every purchase of a "BEATTY BARN CLEANER" — SILO UNLOADER — BUNK FEEDERS to the value of $1,500 or more, li will give you your choice of a 15, 18 or 23 cu. ft. Home Freezer absolutely FREE. There are no strings attached. This is a' genuine bonus for our customers. Retail Value $269 to $329 RUSS ARCHER, Manager FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 Rattenbury — CLINTON Phone 482.9561 "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL' DAILY CAR REN,VAL, reason- able rates. IVIcGEE'S, Goderich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb Brig, and Mrs. G. L. Morgan Smith. "Eblana", Bayfield an- nourice the engagement of their daughter, Deborah Ann, to Mr. Bayne Edward Boyes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Russell Boyes of Clinton. The wedding will take place Saturday, August 10 at Trinity .Church, Bayfield at 2 P.m. 21b , Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Huitema wish to. announce the engagernent of their daughter, Isobel to Me. Robert Grigg, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grigg, Wedding to take place on June 3, 1968, in St. Patrick's Church Kinkora, Ont. 21p Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Clifton, Brucefield, Ontario, announce the engagement of their second eldest daughter, Evelyn Grace to Kenneth J., son of M. and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, R.R. No. 4, Seaforth. The wedding will take place June 15, 1968, at 2:30 p.m., in Brucefield United Churth, Brucefield. 21 ENGAGEMENT AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF USED TRUCKS. The following County trucks will be offered for sale on WEDNES- DAY, MAY 29th, 1968, at 'Z:30 p.m. at the County Garage, Auburn, Ontario, 3-1964 Chevrolet 1/2 -ton pick- up trucks. , 1-1984 Chevrolet• economy-type van. 1-1.963 G.M.C. cab and chassis 28000 G.V,W. • 2-1964 Chevrolet, trucks, 28000 G,V.W,' each complete with dump box and hoist, one-way snow ploW and levelling, wing with all harness and controls. Terms: As is where is No license Cash or cheque 5% O.R.S.T. Auctioneer, Jack Alexander, Wingham, Ontario; J. W. Britnell, P. Eng., County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 21 PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO' should be tuned and checked for tmoth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued privi- lege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, phone 482.3370. 33tfl) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling •and, collecting money from NEW -TYPE high-quality coin-operated dispensers in your area. No selling, To qualify you must have car, re- ferences, $600 to $2,900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly in- come. More full time. For personal interview write CANA- PEN DISTRIBUTING LIMITED, 302 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. Include phone num- ber. 20, 21p NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES ALEXANDER JOHNSON, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Bookkeeper, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 18th March, 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of May, 1968, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice • 30th day of April. A.D. 1968. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the said Estate. 19-21 In the Estate of Mary Elisabeth Elliott, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Married Woman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be- fore the 31st day of May, 1968, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 8th day of May, A.D., 1968. E. B, MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 20.21-22 In the Estate of JOHN EDGAR ARMSTRONG, late of the Town, of Clinton, in the County of 'Huron, Deceased, All persons haying claims against the Estate of the above- named, who died On the 4th day of April, 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned On or be- fore the 31st day of May, A,D, 1968, after which date the assets Will be distributed, having, re- Ord only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notite, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this tith day of May, A.D,, 1968, E, B, MENZIES, Clint on, Ontario; Solicitor for the said Estate. 20,21.22 MARRIAGES DYKSTRA WERO.E.R, • Mr„..000 Poillo Webber announce the marriage. .ef. their daughter. Lynda. 14.orrOioo to. Mr,. Cecil Py4str4„ son of Mr, and Mrs, Tom Dykstra of Poplar Hill, .The marriage took place in Lenden on gal, 17, 1968. DEATHS INNES — In Kipling Acres Nursing Home, Toronto, on Tuesday, May 14, John Alex- ander Innes, 86, formerly of Clinton, Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. John (Dorothy) Gould, Toronto and sister, Mrs. Roy (Edan) Cantelon, Clinton. The funeral service was from Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton on Thursday, May 16, with inter- ment in Clinton Cemetery. GARDNER — At Edmonton, Alta., on Wednesday, May 15, Jack A.' Gardner, 55, formerly of Goderich. He is survived by his wife, former Mildred Mil- lion; sons Robert, Heron Bay, Ont.; Paul, Toronto; parents Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Gardner, God- erich; brother William, Camp- bellville; sister, Mrs. Cameron (Joyce) Thomson, Goderich, Funeral service was from the Lodge Funeral Home, Goderich, on Saturday, May 18. Interment in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Open house (continued from Page D of the-Senior Citizens induStrial TkeraPY of the Goderich Psychiatrics Hospital on di splay, -It consisted of a quantity of stuffed animals which had been made by the patients, Mrs. James McGill of Clin- ton showed 50 bells which have been collected from around the world. Mr. John Plumtree's display of candlesticks and bowls made from locally grown walnilt brought their creator Many eomPlimentarY eem- ments. Other items to be seen and appreciated were two af- ghans, one with cross stitching on hand crochet done by Miss Dorothy Marquis and the other of crewell embroidery done by Mrs. Viola Egmoncl. To name all the women who helped make this tea the success it was would fill the page so a general thank you goes out to everyone associated with it, including those who brought food and the behind-the-scenes kit- chen workers. MISCELLANEOUS. LET US 4EA)441, AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and ,StoileS safely secured — don't t-ke ch inces,, Expert work dope reasonably t4, your SOS: factipn, t i hil nopfAirS and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter.. tfb In the Estate of JOSEPH HER- BERT VODDEN, late of,the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, De- . ceaspd.e , ea i,Ail'r~, Persons:-:,having claims againstetlie Estate of the above- named who died on the 28th March, 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of May, after which date the assets will be distribut- ed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 30th day of April, A.D. 1968. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the said Estate. 19.21 THOMASON — Suddenly, at his residence, 120 Thames St. South, Ingersoll, on Men., May 20, 1968, ,George Thomason, be- ' ANNOUNCED loved husband of Veva Adams, dear father of Mrs. Wayne (Bon- nie) Johnstone, lt,R. 2, London and Capt. Robert Thomason, Shilo, Manitoba, in his 56th year, Funeral and committal service will be held on Thurs- day at 2 p.m, from the McBeath Funeral Home, Ingersoll. Crema- tion to follow at Woodland Crematorium, London, with in- terment in Woodland Cemetery. 21b JOHNSTON—Passed away at Alexandra .Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Monday, May 13, Mrs. Percy Johnston, Goderich, the former Tina Kay, in her 71st year. Survivors in- clude a brother, Dave Kay of Clinton, The funeral service was from Lodge Funeral Home on Thursday, May 16, with inter- ment in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich.